9 resultados para lactotrophs


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of antidopaminergic agents on the somatotrophs in the presence of hyperprolactinemia. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups: a control group and five groups chronically treated (60 days) with haloperidol, fluphenazine, sulpiride, metoclopramide or estrogen. Somatotrophs and lactotrophs were identified by immunohistochemistry and the data are reported as percent of total anterior pituitary cells counted. The drugs significantly increased the percentage of lactotrophs: control (mean ± SD) 21.3 ± 4.4, haloperidol 27.8 ± 2.2, fluphenazine 34.5 ± 3.6, sulpiride 32.7 ± 3.5, metoclopramide 33.4 ± 5.5 and estrogen 42.4 ± 2.8. A significant reduction in somatotrophs was observed in animals treated with haloperidol (23.1 ± 3.0), fluphenazine (22.1 ± 1.1) and metoclopramide (24.2 ± 3.0) compared to control (27.3 ± 3.8), whereas no difference was observed in the groups treated with sulpiride (25.0 ± 2.2) and estrogen (27.1 ± 2.8). In the groups in which a reduction occurred, this may have simply been due to dilution, secondary to lactotroph hyperplasia. In view of the duplication of the percentage of prolactin-secreting cells, when estrogen was applied, the absence of a reduction in the percent of somatotrophs suggests a replication effect on this cell population. These data provide additional information about the direct or indirect effect of drugs which, in addition to interfering with the dopaminergic system, may act on other pituitary cells as well as on the lactotrophs.


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The neurotensin (NT) produced in the hypothalamus and in pituitary gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs participates in neuroendocrine regulation. Recently, the involvement of this peptide in normal and neoplastic cell proliferation has been postulated. In the present study, we evaluated the expression of NT and its receptors (NTR1, 2 and 3) in a series of 50 pituitary adenomas [11 growth hormone (GH)-, eight prolactin (PRL)-, four adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)- and 27 nonfunctioning adenomas]. NT mRNA expression was significantly higher in functioning compared to nonfunctioning adenomas and with normal pituitary. Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas showed lower expression of NT mRNA than normal pituitary. In the immunohistochemical study of functioning adenomas, NT was colocalised with GH, PRL and ACTH secreting cells. In nonfunctioning adenomas, the NT immunoreactivity intensity was variable among the samples. NTR3 mRNA expression was observed in all examined samples and was higher in the adenomas, both functioning and nonfunctioning, compared to normal pituitary. By contrast, NTR1 and NTR2 mRNA were not detected in either pituitary adenomas or normal tissue. The higher expression of NTR3, as well as the expression of NT by tumoural corticotrophs, lactotrophs and somatotrophs, which are cells types that do not express this peptide in the normal pituitary, suggests that NT autocrine and/or paracrine stimulation mediated by NTR3 may be a mechanism associated with the tumourigenesis of functioning adenomas.


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El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo estudiar, a nivel celular y molecular, los mecanismos inmuno-endócrinos que participan en la proliferación de células lactotropas normales y tumorales frente a procesos inflamatorios inducidos experimentalmente. Una particular atención se pondrá al evaluar la contribución de IL-6 como citoquina intrahipofisaria durante el desarrollo tumoral y su rol como señal paracrina/autocrina en la senescencia hipofisaria. Debido a que agentes inflamatorios y anti-inflamatorios pueden inducir alteraciones en el crecimiento y la función hipofisaria, no se descartaría que, en el curso de una inflamación, como la inducida por el lipopolisacárido bacteriano LPS, puedan ocurrir modificaciones en el índice proliferativo de las células lactotropas y/o en la secreción de su producto hormonal, la prolactina. Dado el auge en las investigaciones referidas al campo de la modulación inmuno-endócrina, es que planteamos investigar la participación de TLR4, componente crucial del complejo proteico que inicia la señal LPS, en hipófisis normales y tumorales inducidas por estrógeno así como también en la línea celular somatolactotrópica GH3B6. Dentro de las vías de transducción de señales involucradas se determinará la participación de MAPK-ERK1/2 y de PI3K asi como la contribución de NF-kB en la regulación del crecimiento celular inducido por IL-6/LPS mediante el uso de inhibidores específicos. La microscopía electrónica y confocal, resultarán de fundamental importancia para valorar los procesos de translocación nuclear de NF-kB como así también para definir la localización ultraestructural de los mediadores mencionados. Además, se valorará el mecanismo de senescencia celular hipofisaria mediante parámetros morfológicos, bioquímicos y ultraestructurales durante el desarrollo de prolactinomas inducidos experimentalmente. Finalmente dilucidar las posibles vías de transducción de señales que se desencadenan frente a estímulos inflamatorios/proliferativos podría explicar algunos aspectos moleculares sobre la función de control del ciclo celular y las limitaciones de crecimiento en adenomas hipofisarios que subyacen en la falta de progresión de estos tumores a la malignidad. The aim of the present project is to study the immuno-endocrine mechanisms involved in the proliferation of normal and tumoral lactotrophs experimentally induced by inflammatory factors. Also, the contribution of IL-6 as a paracrine / autocrine signal in the pituitary senescence will be assessed along tumor development induced by estrogen treatment. Considering that both, inflammatory and anti-inflammatory agents can modify the pituitary function, it is possible that in the course of inflammation, as induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide LPS, some alteration may occur in the proliferative index of lactotrophs and / or in the PRL secretion. Our main objective is to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved by the activation of TLR4, a crucial component of the protein complex initiated by LPS, in normal and pathological pituitaries induced by estrogen as well as in the GH3B6 cell line. The participation of MAPK-ERK1 / 2 and PI3K signaling pathway and the contribution of NF-kB in the proliferative responses triggered by IL-6/LPS will be analyzed by using specific inhibitors. Confocal microscopy analysis is essential to assess the process of nuclear translocation of NF-kB as well as the use of electron microscopy to define the ultrastructural localization of the above mentioned mediators. In addition, the mechanisms of pituitary cell senescence will be evaluated through morphological, biochemical and ultrastructural approaches during the development of experimental prolactinomas. Finally, the elucidation of possible signal transduction pathways which are triggered by inflammatory / proliferative stimuli, would explain some molecular aspects of cell cycle control and limitations in pituitary tumor growth that underlie the lack of progress in these pituitary tumors to malignancy.


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The dopamine antagonist [3H]-domperidone-[3H]-DOM-bound to a single class of high-affinity (Kd = 1.24 +/- 0.14 nM) and saturable receptors on dispersed bovine anterior pituitary (AP) cells. The binding of [3H]-DOM was stereoselective and reversible with agonists and antagonists. Dopamine competitions for [3H]-DOM binding modeled best for a single site consistent with an interaction with a homogeneous population of receptors. The mean number of specific binding sites labeled by [3H]-DOM was 53,000 per cell in dispersed AP cells consisting of 42% lactotrophs. Dispersed bovine AP cells attached to extracellular matrix within 3 h, and prolactin secretion from these cells was effectively inhibited by dopamine. Several observations suggested that [3H]-DOM-labeled receptors on dispersed bovine AP cells were restricted to the outer plasma membrane and not internalized. These included (1) the rapid and complete dissociation of specific [3H]-DOM binding; (2) the ability of treatment with acid or proteolytic enzymes to entirely remove specifically bound [3H]-DOM, and (3) the lack of effect of metabolic inhibitors on specific [3H]-DOM binding.


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Undernutrition elicited by a low-protein diet determines a marked reduction of hypophyseal activity and affects the function of the respective target organs. The objective of the present investigation was to study the ultrastructural and quantitative immunohistochemical changes of the different pituitary cell populations in undernourished monkeys that had been previously shown to have significant changes in craniofacial growth. Twenty Saimiri sciureus boliviensis monkeys of both sexes were used. The animals were born in captivity and were separated into two groups at one year of age, i.e., control and undernourished animals. The monkeys were fed ad libitum a 20% (control group) and a 10% (experimental group) protein diet for two years. Pituitaries were processed for light and electron microscopy. The former was immunolabeled with anti-GH, -PRL, -LH, -FSH, -ACTH, and -TSH sera. Volume density and cell density were measured using an image analyzer. Quantitative immunohistochemistry revealed a decrease in these parameters with regard to somatotrophs, lactotrophs, gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs from undernourished animals compared to control ones. In these populations, the ultrastructural study showed changes suggesting compensatory hyperfunction. On the contrary, no significant changes were found in the morphometric parameters or the ultrastructure of the corticotroph population. We conclude that in undernourished monkeys the somatotroph, lactotroph, gonadotroph, and thyrotroph cell populations showed quantitative immunohistochemical changes that can be correlated with ultrastructural findings.


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Liver cirrhosis, a highly prevalent chronic disease, is frequently associated with endocrine dysfunctions, notably in the gonadal axis. We evaluated lactotroph population by immunohistochemistry, gonadotropins and prolactin by immunoradiometric assay and testosterone and estradiol by radioimmunoassay in adult male Wistar rats with cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride. No significant difference in mean ± SEM percentages of lactotrophs was found between cirrhotic animals and controls (N = 12, mean 18.95 ± 1.29%). Although there was no significant difference between groups in mean serum levels of prolactin (control: 19.2 ± 4 ng/mL), luteinizing hormone (control: 1.58 ± 0.43 ng/mL), follicle-stimulating hormone (control: 19.11 ± 2.28 ng/mL), estradiol (control: 14.65 ± 3.22 pg/mL), and total testosterone (control: 138.41 ± 20.07 ng/dL), 5 of the cirrhotic animals presented a hormonal profile consistent with hypogonadism, all of them pointing to a central origin of this dysfunction. Four of these animals presented high levels of estradiol and/or prolactin, with a significant correlation between these two hormones in both groups (r = 0.54; P = 0.013). It was possible to detect the presence of central hypogonadism in this model of cirrhotic animals. The hyperestrogenemia and hyperprolactinemia found in some hypogonadal animals suggest a role in the genesis of hypogonadism, and in the present study they were not associated with lactotroph hyperplasia.


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Pituitary tissue is rarely to be found among the constituents of ovarian teratomas (dermoid cysts). In some exceptional cases, however, such ectopic pituitary anlagen may even give rise to secondary organ-specific pathologies. Akin to those of the pituitary in its natural location, these tend to be adenomas. We describe a unique example of lymphocytic hypophysitis incidentally encountered in a mature left ovarian teratoma from a 30-year-old woman in the 19th week of pregnancy. Amidst various fully differentiated derivatives of all three embryonic layers, the cyst wall also included a miniature replica of the anterior pituitary lobe 0.5 cm in diameter. While a full set of adenohypophyseal hormone-producing cell types could be identified, there was characteristic pregnancy-related hyperplasia of lactotrophs. This was further overlaid by prominent mononuclear inflammation, including infiltration by T lymphocytes, follicular aggregates of B cells, and attendant destruction of parenchyma. There was no significant inflammatory reaction elsewhere. Discounting the non-standard location, the ensemble of the clinical setting and histology were felt to be indistinguishable from the classical paradigm of lymphocytic hypophysitis complicating pregnancy. To date, lymphocytic thyroiditis is the sole form of organ-specific inflammatory process within an ovarian teratoma on record. By analogy, we hypothesize that this ectopic manifestation of immune-mediated inflammation of pituitary parenchyma may possibly be read as a preclinical sentinel lesion of lymphocytic hypophysitis.


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Adenosine has been identified in the anterior pituitary gland and is secreted from cultured folliculostellate (FS) cells. To determine whether adenosine controls the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones in vitro, adenosine was incubated with anterior pituitaries. It stimulated prolactin (PRL) release at the lowest concentration used (10−10 M); the stimulation peaked at 10−8 M with a threefold increase in release and declined to minimal stimulation at 10−4 and 10−3 M. Follicle-stimulating hormone release was maximally inhibited at 10−8 M, whereas luteinizing hormone release was not significantly inhibited. Two selective A1 adenosine receptor antagonists (10−7 or 10−5 M) had no effect on basal PRL release, but either antagonist completely blocked the response to the most effective concentration of adenosine (10−8 M). In contrast, a highly specific A2 receptor antagonist (10−7 or 10−5 M) had no effect on basal PRL release or the stimulation of PRL release induced by adenosine (10−8 M). We conclude that adenosine acts to stimulate PRL release in vitro by activating A1 receptors. Since the A1 receptors decrease intracellular-free calcium, this would decrease the activation of nitric oxide synthase in the FS cells, resulting in decreased release of nitric oxide (NO). NO inhibits PRL release by activating guanylate cyclase that synthesizes cGMP from GTP; cGMP concentrations increase in the lactotrophs leading to inhibition of PRL release. In the case of adenosine, NO release from the FS cells decreases, resulting in decreased concentrations of NO in the lactotrophs, consequent decreased cGMP formation, and resultant increased PRL release.


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The neuropeptide galanin is predominantly expressed by the lactotrophs (the prolactin secreting cell type) in the rodent anterior pituitary and in the median eminence and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Prolactin and galanin colocalize in the same secretory granule, the expression of both proteins is extremely sensitive to the estrogen status of the animal. The administration of estradiol-17β induces pituitary hyperplasia followed by adenoma formation and causes a 3,000-fold increase in the galanin mRNA content of the lactotroph. To further study the role of galanin in prolactin release and lactotroph growth we now report the generation of mice carrying a loss-of-function mutation of the endogenous galanin gene. There is no evidence of embryonic lethality and the mutant mice grow normally. The specific endocrine abnormalities identified to date, relate to the expression of prolactin. Pituitary prolactin message levels and protein content of adult female mutant mice are reduced by 30–40% compared with wild-type controls. Mutant females fail to lactate and pups die of starvation/dehydration unless fostered onto wild-type mothers. Prolactin secretion in mutant females is markedly reduced at 7 days postpartum compared with wild-type controls with an associated failure in mammary gland maturation. There is an almost complete abrogation of the proliferative response of the lactotroph to high doses of estrogen, with a failure to up-regulate prolactin release, STAT5 expression or to increase pituitary cell number. These data further support the hypothesis that galanin acts as a paracrine regulator of prolactin expression and as a growth factor to the lactotroph.