1000 resultados para laboratory colonies
The termite Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann 1896) ( Rhinotermitidae: Coptotermitinae) is an exotic species in Brazil and information concerning its reproductive developmental biology is scarce. We induced the formation of neotenics in laboratory colonies through orphaning experiments. Orphaning experiments were conducted in three-year old colonies of C. gestroi kept under laboratory conditions. After three months, eight nymphoid neotenics were observed in one colony after queen removal. Histological analysis showed that these neotenics were non-functional. The results suggest that these individuals may have arisen from the first nymphal instar (N1) or from an early N1 instar after one or two larval moults. Neotenics also were recorded on two incipient colonies of C. gestroi that lost the queen naturally.
Foi observada, pela primeira vez no Brasil, a produção de centenas de formas aladas em formigueiros de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, mantidos em laboratório. Larvas de último instar de machos foram encontradas em 5 de agosto de 2000 em um formigueiro com quase seis anos de fundação, contendo aproximadamente 110 L de esponja de fungo distribuída em 21 panelas. Entre 30 e 40 dias mais tarde apareceram larvas de fêmeas aladas. Os adultos sexuados apresentaram tamanhos compatíveis com os encontrados em formigueiros de campo. Foram observadas duas aparentes tentativas frustradas de revoada na última semana de outubro, após o que começaram a aparecer machos e fêmeas mortos no lixo do formigueiro.
Colonies of Monomorium floricola (Jerdon) in laboratory conditions showed gynandromorphic and ergatandromorphic specimens, the former with nine different combinations of male and female tissues and the latter with 6 different combinations. Their development from egg to adult was around 74.6 days for gynandromorphs, and 87.5 days for ergantandromorphs.
A morphometric study was performed on the sexual forms of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus in colonies kept under laboratory conditions. The males studied were obtained from queenright and queenless colonies, i.e. they were produced by either the queen or the workers. Cluster analysis revealed a wide distribution in the size of the sexual forms produced in queenless colonies compared with queenright colonies, and that some of the worker-produced males were significantly smaller than those produced in queenright colonies. However, we found no indication that the males produced in queenless colonies are unable to mate, as smaller and larger males had identical genitalia that varied only in size, and therefore probably represent an alternative route of reproduction in this species. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens that were fed daily with leaves of Canavalia ensiformis showed a high ant mortality, and a significant decrease in fungal garden volume, with complete depletion of nests after 11 weeks of treatment.
An investigation of behavioural patterns that form a basis for termite control in the Australasian region was undertaken using laboratory colonies of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes santonensis (Feytaud). The study attempted to build a picture of the behavioural elements of individuals in a colony and based on this, trophallaxis, aggression and cannibalism were investigated in detail. Preliminary study of food transmission showed that 'workers' played a major role in the distribution of food. It was found, that among factors responsible for release of trophallactic behaviour the presence of 'right odour' between participants was important. It also appeared that the role taken by individuals depended on whether they were hungry or fully fed. Antennal palpation was shown by donors and acceptors alike and this seemed to be excitatory in function. Introduction of aliens into nests elicited aggression and these aliens were often killed. Factors eliciting aggression were investigated and colony odour was found to be important. Further investigations revealed that development of colony odour was governed by genetical and environmental mechanisms. Termite response to injury and death was also governed by odour. In the case of injury either the fresh haemolymph from the wound or some component of the haemolymph evoked cannibalism. Necrophagic behaviour was found to be released by fatty acids found in the corpses. Finally, the response of colonies to nestmates carrying arsenic trioxide was investigated. It was found that living and freshly dead arsenic-carrying nestmates were treated like normal nestmates, resulting in high initial mortality. However, poisoned cadavers soon became repellant and were buried thus preventing further spread of the poison to the rest of the colony. This suggested that complete control of subterranean termites by arsenic trioxide is unlikely to be fully effective, especially in those species which are capable of developing secondary reproductives from survivors and thus rebuilding the community.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We examined changes in the array of antennal sensilla of three species of Triatominae (Triatoma infestans, Rhodnius prolixus, and R. pallescens) following their establishment for different periods in laboratory culture. In each case, the laboratory colonies were compared with conspecific samples taken directly from the field, by quantitative analysis of the sensilla arrays on the three distal segments of the antenna in terms of the densities of three types of chemoreceptors (basiconics and thick and thin walled trichoids) and one type of mechanoreceptor (bristles). Sensilla densities were compared by ANOVA or non-parametric tests, and by multivariate discriminant analysis. Strains of the same species reared in different laboratories showed significant differences in their sensilla arrays, especially when compared to field-collected material from the same geographic origin. A Bolivian strain of T. infestans reared in the laboratory for 15 years and fed at monthly intervals, showed greatest differences from its conspecific wild forms, especially in terms of reductions in the number of chemoreceptors. By contrast, an Argentine strain of T. infestans reared for 25 years in the laboratory and fed weekly, showed a relative increase in the density of mechanoreceptors. A Colombian strain of R. prolixus reared for 20 years and fed weekly or fortnightly, showed only modest differences in the sensilla array when compared to its wild populations from the same area. However, a Colombian strain of R. pallescens reared for 12 years and fed fortnightly, did show highly significant reductions in one form of chemoreceptor compared to its conspecific wild populations. For all populations, multivariate analysis clearly discriminated between laboratory and field collected specimens, suggesting that artificial rearing can lead to modifications in the sensory array. This not only supports the idea of morphological plasticity in these species, but also suggests caution in the use of long-established laboratory material for experimental studies designed to extrapolate the natural behaviour and physiology of these species.
Previous studies have reported genetic differences between wild-caught sylvatic, domestic and laboratory pop-ulations of several Triatominae species. The differences between sylvatic and laboratory colonies parallel are similar to the differences observed between sylvatic and domestic populations. Laboratory colonies are frequently used as references for field populations, but the consequences of founder events on the genetic makeup of laboratory or domestic populations are rarely quantified. Our goal was to quantify the genetic change in Rhodnius pallescens populations artificially submitted to founder effects via laboratory colonization. We compared the genetic makeup of two sylvatic populations and their laboratory descendants using a panel of 10 microsatellite markers. Both sylvatic populations were initially collected from palm trees, but the colonies differed in the number of founder insects and amount of time kept in the laboratory. We evaluated allelic polymorphism, differences between expected and observed heterozygosity, estimates of population differentiation (Fst) and inbreeding (Fis, Fit) and cluster analyses based on Nei's distances. We found a unique genetic structure for each sample population, with significant differentiation between the field insects and each of the laboratory generations. These analyses showed strong founder effects and showed that genetic drift had led to a genetic equilibrium over several generations of isolation. Our results suggest that laboratory colonies of R. pallescens have a different genetic structure than their wild relatives and similar processes likely affect other Triatominae laboratory stocks.
Toxic baits are the most used control method for leaf-cutting ants due to their high effectiveness and because they are considered the safest for humans. Taking into account that the importance of leaf-cutting ants as pests, knowing the process by which dispersal and worker contamination is achieved becomes essential to understand several aspects about the functioning of a bait-borne AI (active ingredient) used in toxic baits. It has been established that an effective toxic bait should have a delayed- action AI, but its dispersion among the different sizes of workers is unknown. Workers of different sizes are involved in quite different tasks such foraging, cultivation of symbiotic macrofungus or control of deleterious microfungi. Therefore, we prepared a toxic bait containing the delayed-action AI sulfluramid and a dye (Rhodamine B) as an AI tracer in order to study dispersal and contamination in colonies, evaluated at different periods and in relation to different workers' sizes. Both field and laboratory colonies were evaluated. The great level of contamination, about 50% at 24 hours, in all sizes of workers demonstrates that worker contact with toxic bait is intense within this period. The distribution in field and laboratory colonies was similar. This contamination pattern is probably enough to cause the colony to die because of contamination of smaller workers, leading to the loss of control of the aggressive microfungi, which can quickly overgrow the symbiotic fungus culture. The dispersal dynamics of AI in leaf-cutting ant workers is important for investigations on the mode of action of this insecticide in the colony, and as a reference in future studies, such as those attempting to reduce the concentration of AIs in baits to reduce their environmental impact, or for facilitation of new AI screening.
The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), is a known vector of dengue in South America and Southeast Asia. It is naturally superinfected with two strains of Wolbachia endosymbiont that are able to induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). In this paper, we report the strength of CI expression in crosses involving field-caught males. CI expression was found to be very strong in all crosses between field males and laboratory-reared uninfected or wAlbA infected young females. In addition, crossing experiments with laboratory colonies showed that aged super- infected males could express strong CI when mated with young uninfected or wAlbA infected females. These results provide additional evidence that the CI properties of Wolbachia infecting Aedes albopictus are well suited for applied strategies that seek to utilise Wolbachia for host population modification.
Wood-dwelling termites are characterized by an extremely high and unique developmental flexibility that allows workers, which are immatures, to explore all caste options. The endocrine signatures underlying this flexibility are only vaguely understood. We determined juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroid hemolymph titers during postembryonic development and in terminal instars of the drywood termite Cryptotermes secundus using field and laboratory colonies. Postembryonic development is characterized by a drop in JH titers at the transition from larval (individuals without wing buds) to nymphal (individuals with wing buds) instars. JH titers were low in winged sexuals and reproducing primary reproductives (< 200 pg/mu l) but were by an order of magnitude higher in neotenic replacement reproductives. The unique regressive molts of termites seem to be characterized by elevated JH titers, compared with progressive or stationary molts. Ecdysteroid titers were generally low in nymphal instars and in primary reproductives (< 50 pg/mu l). It was only during the third and fourth nymphal instars and in winged sexuals where some individuals showed elevated ecdysteroid titers. These results are the most comprehensive endocrinological data set available for any lower termite, with the potential to serve as baseline for understanding the extreme developmental flexibility underlying the evolution of social life in termites.
Australian mosquitoes were evaluated for their ability to become infected with and transmit a Torres Strait strain of Japanese encephalitis virus. Mosquitoes, which were obtained from either laboratory colonies and collected using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention light traps baited with CO2 and octenol or reared from larvae, were infected by feeding on a blood/sucrose solution containing 10(4.5+/-0.1) porcine stable-equine kidney (PS-EK) tissue culture infectious dose(50)/ mosquito of the TS3306 virus strain. After 14 d, infection and transmission rates of 100% and 81%, respectively, were obtained for a southeast Queensland strain of Culex annulirostris Skuse, and 93% and 61%, respectively, for a far north Queensland strain. After 13 or more days, infection and transmission rates of > 90% and greater than or equal to 50%, respectively, were obtained for southeast Queensland strains of Culex sitiens Wiedemann and Culex quinquefasciatus Say, and a far north Queensland strain of Culex gelidus Theobald. Although infection rates were > 55%, only 17% of Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse) and no Cx. quinquefasciatus, collected from far north Queensland, transmitted virus. North Queensland strains of Aedes aegypti L., Ochlerotatus kochi (Donitz), and Verrallina funerea (Theobald) were relatively refractory to infection. Vertical transmission was not detected among 673 F, progeny of Oc. vigilax. Results of the current vector competence study, coupled with high field isolation rates, host feeding patterns and widespread distribution, confirm the status of Cx. annulirostris as the major vector of Japanese encephalitis virus in northern Australia. The relative roles of other species in potential Japanese encephalitis virus transmission cycles in northern Australia are discussed.
Compatibility between Schistosoma mansoni and Biomphalaria straminea when exposed to the parasite on the first four months of age was assessed for five parasitological aspects: indices of infection and mortality, duration of precercarial and cercarial periods, and rate of cercarial emission. Infections were made on molluscs from laboratory colonies, at the following ages: 8, 13, 18, 21, 53, 83 and 114 days. Two B. straminea colonies were used (Camorim, PE and Picos, PI), and one B. glabrata colony (Ressaca, MG) was used as control. The main results are as follows: (I) infection was significantly associated with mollusc age, being proportionally higher in sexually immature than in mature molluscs for the three colonies; (II) for B. straminea from Camorim, mortality did not differ significantly between infected and non-infected snails; for B. straminea from Picos significantly more deaths occurred among infected than among non-infected snails, while the opposite was observed for B. glabrata from Ressaca; (III) for the three colonies, the precercarial period was significantly shorter for immature molluscs than for mature ones; (IV) the duration of the cercarial period was extremely variable for the three colonies; (V) sexual maturity did not influence cercarial emission for the three colonies.