987 resultados para labor market models
Firms select not only how many, but also which workers to hire. Yet, in standardsearch models of the labor market, all workers have the same probability of being hired.We argue that selective hiring crucially affects welfare analysis. Our model is isomorphicto a search model under random hiring but allows for selective hiring. With selectivehiring, the positive predictions of the model change very little, but the welfare costsof unemployment are much larger because unemployment risk is distributed unequallyacross workers. As a result, optimal unemployment insurance may be higher and welfareis lower if hiring is selective.
This dissertation consists of three self-contained papers that are related to two main topics. In particular, the first and third studies focus on labor market modeling, whereas the second essay presents a dynamic international trade setup.rnrnIn Chapter "Expenses on Labor Market Reforms during Transitional Dynamics", we investigate the arising costs of a potential labor market reform from a government point of view. To analyze various effects of unemployment benefits system changes, this chapter develops a dynamic model with heterogeneous employed and unemployed workers.rn rnIn Chapter "Endogenous Markup Distributions", we study how markup distributions adjust when a closed economy opens up. In order to perform this analysis, we first present a closed-economy general-equilibrium industry dynamics model, where firms enter and exit markets, and then extend our analysis to the open-economy case.rn rnIn Chapter "Unemployment in the OECD - Pure Chance or Institutions?", we examine effects of aggregate shocks on the distribution of the unemployment rates in OECD member countries.rn rnIn all three chapters we model systems that behave randomly and operate on stochastic processes. We therefore exploit stochastic calculus that establishes clear methodological links between the chapters.
We examine the impact of real oil price shocks on labor market flows in the U.S. We first use smooth transition regression (STR) models to investigate to what extent oil prices can be considered as a driving force of labor market fluctuations. Then we develop and calibrate a modified version of Pissarides' (2000) model with energy costs, which we simulate in response to shocks mimicking the behavior of the actual oil price shocks. We find that (i) these shocks are an important driving force of job market flows; (ii) the job finding probability is the main transmission mechanism of such shocks; and (iii) they bring a new amplification mechanism for the volatility and should thus be seen as complementary of labor productivity shocks. Overall we conclude that shocks in oil prices cannot be neglected in explaining cyclical labor adjustments in the U.S.
We use panel data from the U. S. Health and Retirement Study, 1992-2002, to estimate the effect of self-assessed health limitations on the active labor market participation of older men. Self-assessments of health are likely to be endogenous to labor supply due to justification bias and individual-specific heterogeneity in subjective evaluations. We address both concerns. We propose a semiparametric binary choice procedure that incorporates nonadditive correlated individual-specific effects. Our estimation strategy identifies and estimates the average partial effects of health and functioning on labor market participation. The results indicate that poor health plays a major role in labor market exit decisions.
While papers such as Akerlof and Yellen (1990) and Rabin (1993) argue that psychological considerations such as fairness and reciprocity are important in individual decision-making, there is little explicit empirical evidence of reciprocal altruism in economic environments. This paper tests whether attribution of volition in choosing a wage has a significant effect on subsequent costly effort provision. An experiment was conducted in which subjects are first randomly divided into groups of employers and employees. Wages were selected and employees asked to choose an effort level, where increased effort is costly to the employee, but highly beneficial to the employer. The wage-determination process was common knowledge and wages were chosen either by the employer or by an external process. There is evidence for both distributional concerns and reciprocal altruism. The slope of the effort/wage profile is clearly positive in all cases, but is significantly higher when wages are chosen by the employer, offering support for the hypothesis of reciprocity. There are implications for models of utility and a critique of some current models is presented.
Existing models of equilibrium unemployment with endogenous labor market participation are complex, generate procyclical unemployment rates and cannot match unemployment variability relative to GDP. We embed endogenous participation in a simple, tractable job market matching model, show analytically how variations in the participation rate are driven by the cross-sectional density of home productivity near the participation threshold, andhow this density translates into an extensive-margin labor supply elasticity. A calibration of the model to macro data not only matches employment and participation variabilities but also generates strongly countercyclical unemployment rates. With some wage rigidity the model also matches unemployment variations well. Furthermore, the labor supply elasticity implied by our calibration is consistent with microeconometric evidence for the US.
We estimate the effect of immigrant flows on native employment in WesternEurope, and then ask whether the employment consequences of immigrationvary with institutions that affect labor market flexibility. Reducedflexibility may protect natives from immigrant competition in the nearterm, but our theoretical framework suggests that reduced flexibility islikely to increase the negative impact of immigration on equilibriumemployment. In models without interactions, OLS estimates for a panel ofEuropean countries in the 1980s and 1990s show small, mostly negativeimmigration effects. To reduce bias from the possible endogeneity ofimmigration flows, we use the fact that many immigrants arriving after1991 were refugees from the Balkan wars. An IV strategy based onvariation in the number of immigrants from former Yugoslavia generateslarger though mostly insignificant negative estimates. We then estimatemodels allowing interactions between the employment response toimmigration and institutional characteristics including business entrycosts. These results, limited to the sample of native men, generallysuggest that reduced flexibility increases the negative impact ofimmigration. Many of the estimated interaction terms are significant,and imply a significant negative effect on employment in countrieswith restrictive institutions.
The matching function -a key building block in models of labor market frictions- impliesthat the job finding rate depends only on labor market tightness. We estimate such amatching function and find that the relation, although remarkably stable over 1967-2007,broke down spectacularly after 2007. We argue that labor market heterogeneities are notfully captured by the standard matching function, but that a generalized matching functionthat explicitly takes into account worker heterogeneity and market segmentation is fullyconsistent with the behavior of the job finding rate. The standard matching function canbreak down when, as in the Great Recession, the average characteristics of the unemployedchange too much, or when dispersion in labor market conditions -the extent to which somelabor markets fare worse than others- increases too much.
Regionale Arbeitsmärkte unterscheiden sich erheblich hinsichtlich wesentlicher Kennzahlen wie der Arbeitslosenquote, des Lohnniveaus oder der Beschäftigungsentwicklung. Wegen ihrer Persistenz sind diese Unterschiede von hoher Relevanz für die Politik. Die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Literatur liefert bereits theoretische Modelle für die Analyse regionaler Arbeitsmärkte. In der Regel sind diese Modelle aber nicht dazu geeignet, regionale Arbeitsmarktunterschiede endogen zu erklären. Das bedeutet, dass sich die Unterschiede regionaler Arbeitsmärkte in der Regel nicht aus den Modellzusammenhängen selbst ergeben, sondern „von außen“ eingebracht werden müssen. Die empirische Literatur liefert Hinweise, dass die Unterschiede zwischen regionalen Arbeitsmärkten auf die Höhe der regionalen Arbeitsnachfrage zurückzuführen sind. Die Arbeitsnachfrage wiederum leitet sich aus den Gütermärkten ab: Es hängt von der Entwicklung der regionalen Gütermärkte ab, wie viele Arbeitskräfte benötigt werden. Daraus folgt, dass die Ursachen für Unterschiede regionaler Arbeitsmärkte in den Unterschieden zwischen den regionalen Gütermärkten zu suchen sind. Letztere werden durch die Literatur zur Neuen Ökonomischen Geographie (NÖG) untersucht. Die Literatur zur NÖG erklärt Unterschiede regionaler Gütermärkte, indem sie zentripetale und zentrifugale Kräfte gegenüberstellt. Zentripetale Kräfte sind solche, welche hin zur Agglomeration ökonomischer Aktivität wirken. Im Zentrum dieser Diskussion steht vor allem das Marktpotenzial: Unternehmen siedeln sich bevorzugt an solchen Standorten an, welche nahe an großen Märkten liegen. Erwerbspersonen wiederum bevorzugen solche Regionen, welche ihnen entsprechende Erwerbsaussichten bieten. Beides zusammen bildet einen sich selbst verstärkenden Prozess, der zur Agglomeration ökonomischer Aktivität führt. Dem stehen jedoch zentrifugale Kräfte gegenüber, welche eine gleichmäßigere Verteilung ökonomischer Aktivität bewirken. Diese entstehen beispielsweise durch immobile Produktionsfaktoren oder Ballungskosten wie etwa Umweltverschmutzung, Staus oder hohe Mietpreise. Sind die zentripetalen Kräfte hinreichend stark, so bilden sich Zentren heraus, in denen sich die ökonomische Aktivität konzentriert, während die Peripherie ausdünnt. In welchem Ausmaß dies geschieht, hängt von dem Verhältnis beider Kräfte ab. Üblicherweise konzentriert sich die Literatur zur NÖG auf Unterschiede zwischen regionalen Gütermärkten und geht von der Annahme perfekter Arbeitsmärkte ohne Arbeitslosigkeit aus. Die Entstehung und Persistenz regionaler Arbeitsmarktunterschiede kann die NÖG daher üblicherweise nicht erklären. An dieser Stelle setzt die Dissertation an. Sie erweitert die NÖG um Friktionen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, um die Entstehung und Persistenz regionaler Arbeitsmarktunterschiede zu erklären. Sie greift dazu auf eine empirische Regelmäßigkeit zurück: Zahlreiche Studien belegen einen negativen Zusammenhang zwischen Lohn und Arbeitslosigkeit. In Regionen, in denen die Arbeitslosigkeit hoch ist, ist das Lohnniveau gering und umgekehrt. Dieser Zusammenhang wird als Lohnkurve bezeichnet. Auf regionaler Ebene lässt sich die Lohnkurve mithilfe der Effizienzlohntheorie erklären, die als theoretische Grundlage in der Dissertation Anwendung findet. Konzentriert sich nun die ökonomische Aktivität aufgrund der zentripetalen Kräfte in einer Region, so ist in diesem Zentrum die Arbeitsnachfrage höher. Damit befindet sich das Zentrum auf einer günstigen Position der Lohnkurve mit geringer Arbeitslosigkeit und hohem Lohnniveau. Umgekehrt findet sich die Peripherie auf einer ungünstigen Position mit hoher Arbeitslosigkeit und geringem Lohnniveau wieder. Allerdings kann sich die Lohnkurve in Abhängigkeit des Agglomerationsgrades verschieben. Das komplexe Zusammenspiel der endogenen Agglomeration mit den Arbeitsmarktfriktionen kann dann unterschiedliche Muster regionaler Arbeitsmarktdisparitäten hervorrufen. Die Dissertation zeigt auf, wie im Zusammenspiel der NÖG mit Effizienzlöhnen regionale Arbeitsmarktdisparitäten hervorgerufen werden. Es werden theoretische Modelle formuliert, die diese Interaktionen erklären und welche die bestehende Literatur durch spezifische Beiträge erweitern. Darüber hinaus werden die zentralen Argumente der Theorie einem empirischen Test unterworfen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass das zentrale Argument – der positive Effekt des Marktpotentials auf die Arbeitsnachfrage – relevant ist. Außerdem werden Politikimplikationen abgeleitet und der weitere Forschungsbedarf aufgezeigt.
The purpose of this paper is to make quantitative and qualitative analysis of foreign citizens who may participate on the Swedish labor market (in text refers to as ‘immigrants’). This research covers the period 1973-2005 and gives prediction figures of immigrant population, age and gender structure, and education attainment in 2010. To cope with data regarding immigrants from different countries, the population was divided into six groups. The main chapter is divided into two parts. The first part specifies division of immigrants into groups by country of origin according to geographical, ethnical, economical and historical criteria. Brief characteristics and geographic position, dynamic and structure description were given for each group; historical review explain rapid changes in immigrant population. Statistical models for description and estimation future population were given. The second part specifies education and qualification level of the immigrants according to international and Swedish standards. Models for estimating age and gender structure, level of education and professional orientation of immigrants in different groups are given. Inferences were made regarding ethnic, gender and education structure of immigrants; the distribution of immigrants among Swedish counties is given. Discussion part presents the results of the research, gives perspectives for the future brief evaluation of the role of immigrants on the Swedish labor market.
The objective of this study was to estimate the spatial distribution of work accident risk in the informal work market in the urban zone of an industrialized city in southeast Brazil and to examine concomitant effects of age, gender, and type of occupation after controlling for spatial risk variation. The basic methodology adopted was that of a population-based case-control study with particular interest focused on the spatial location of work. Cases were all casual workers in the city suffering work accidents during a one-year period; controls were selected from the source population of casual laborers by systematic random sampling of urban homes. The spatial distribution of work accidents was estimated via a semiparametric generalized additive model with a nonparametric bidimensional spline of the geographical coordinates of cases and controls as the nonlinear spatial component, and including age, gender, and occupation as linear predictive variables in the parametric component. We analyzed 1,918 cases and 2,245 controls between 1/11/2003 and 31/10/2004 in Piracicaba, Brazil. Areas of significantly high and low accident risk were identified in relation to mean risk in the study region (p < 0.01). Work accident risk for informal workers varied significantly in the study area. Significant age, gender, and occupational group effects on accident risk were identified after correcting for this spatial variation. A good understanding of high-risk groups and high-risk regions underpins the formulation of hypotheses concerning accident causality and the development of effective public accident prevention policies.
We utilize Thailand's the financial crisis in 1997 as a natural experiment which exogenously shifts labor demand. Convincing evidence from the Thailand Labor Force Survey support the hypothesis that both employment opportunities and wages shrunk for new entrants after the crisis. We find that workers who entered before the crisis experienced job losses and wage losses. But these losses were smaller than those of new entrants after the crisis. We also find that new entrants after the crisis experienced a 10% reduction in the overtime wages compared to new entrants before the crisis.
This dissertation consists of three separate essays on job search and labor market dynamics. In the first essay, “The Impact of Labor Market Conditions on Job Creation: Evidence from Firm Level Data”, I study how much changes in labor market conditions reduce employment fluctuations over the business cycle. Changes in labor market conditions make hiring more expensive during expansions and cheaper during recessions, creating counter-cyclical incentives for job creation. I estimate firm level elasticities of labor demand with respect to changes in labor market conditions, considering two margins: changes in labor market tightness and changes in wages. Using employer-employee matched data from Brazil, I find that all firms are more sensitive to changes in wages rather than labor market tightness, and there is substantial heterogeneity in labor demand elasticity across regions. Based on these results, I demonstrate that changes in labor market conditions reduce the variance of employment growth over the business cycle by 20% in a median region, and this effect is equally driven by changes along each margin. Moreover, I show that the magnitude of the effect of labor market conditions on employment growth can be significantly affected by economic policy. In particular, I document that the rapid growth of the national minimum wages in Brazil in 1997-2010 amplified the impact of the change in labor market conditions during local expansions and diminished this impact during local recessions.
In the second essay, “A Framework for Estimating Persistence of Local Labor
Demand Shocks”, I propose a decomposition which allows me to study the persistence of local labor demand shocks. Persistence of labor demand shocks varies across industries, and the incidence of shocks in a region depends on the regional industrial composition. As a result, less diverse regions are more likely to experience deeper shocks, but not necessarily more long lasting shocks. Building on this idea, I propose a decomposition of local labor demand shocks into idiosyncratic location shocks and nationwide industry shocks and estimate the variance and the persistence of these shocks using the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) in 1990-2013.
In the third essay, “Conditional Choice Probability Estimation of Continuous- Time Job Search Models”, co-authored with Peter Arcidiacono and Arnaud Maurel, we propose a novel, computationally feasible method of estimating non-stationary job search models. Non-stationary job search models arise in many applications, where policy change can be anticipated by the workers. The most prominent example of such policy is the expiration of unemployment benefits. However, estimating these models still poses a considerable computational challenge, because of the need to solve a differential equation numerically at each step of the optimization routine. We overcome this challenge by adopting conditional choice probability methods, widely used in dynamic discrete choice literature, to job search models and show how the hazard rate out of unemployment and the distribution of the accepted wages, which can be estimated in many datasets, can be used to infer the value of unemployment. We demonstrate how to apply our method by analyzing the effect of the unemployment benefit expiration on duration of unemployment using the data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) in 1996-2007.
The objective of this study was to estimate the spatial distribution of work accident risk in the informal work market in the urban zone of an industrialized city in southeast Brazil and to examine concomitant effects of age, gender, and type of occupation after controlling for spatial risk variation. The basic methodology adopted was that of a population-based case-control study with particular interest focused on the spatial location of work. Cases were all casual workers in the city suffering work accidents during a one-year period; controls were selected from the source population of casual laborers by systematic random sampling of urban homes. The spatial distribution of work accidents was estimated via a semiparametric generalized additive model with a nonparametric bidimensional spline of the geographical coordinates of cases and controls as the nonlinear spatial component, and including age, gender, and occupation as linear predictive variables in the parametric component. We analyzed 1,918 cases and 2,245 controls between 1/11/2003 and 31/10/2004 in Piracicaba, Brazil. Areas of significantly high and low accident risk were identified in relation to mean risk in the study region (p < 0.01). Work accident risk for informal workers varied significantly in the study area. Significant age, gender, and occupational group effects on accident risk were identified after correcting for this spatial variation. A good understanding of high-risk groups and high-risk regions underpins the formulation of hypotheses concerning accident causality and the development of effective public accident prevention policies.
Using survey data for Tongan and Samoan migrants in Sydney the effects of visa restrictions on labor market performance of migrants are assessed. Univariate analysis suggests a positive association between unemployment and the unrestricted entry of Samoan step-migrants from New Zealand. A probit model of the determinants of unemployment is estimated with controls for human capital and demographic variables. While human capital endowments are important, visa restrictions do not have a significant effect on either group's employability. Implications for policy are discussed highlighting the complementarities between host country immigration policies and foreign aid programs.