964 resultados para knee ligament


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This study investigated the oblique ligament mechanical contribution to the medial collateral ligament of the canine elbow joint. Fifteen dogs were used for the study of the failure load, displacement, and energy absorption of the medial collateral and oblique ligaments of the canine elbow joint, associate and separately in the joint. Medial collateral ligament failure load and energy absorption were significantly higher in relation to the isolated oblique ligament. When the ligaments were associated in the joint, they presented an increment in failure load, displacement and energy absorption in relation to the ligaments analyzed separately. It was concluded, therefore, that the oblique ligament could have an important paper in the stability of the canine elbow joint, as it favors the medial collateral ligament resistance to the tensile load, one of the main stabilizer of the elbow joint.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite recent increases in the volume of research in professional rugby union, there is little consensus on the epidemiology of injury in adolescent players. We undertook a systematic review to determine the incidence, severity, and nature of injury in adolescent rugby union players.

DATA SOURCES: In April 2009, we performed a computerized literature search on PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (via Ovid). Population-specific and patient-specific search terms were combined in the form of MEDLINE subject headings and key words (wound$ and injur$, rugby, adolescent$). These were supplemented with related-citation searches on PubMed and bibliographic tracking of primary and review articles.

STUDY SELECTION: Prospective epidemiologic studies in adolescent rugby union players.

DATA SYNTHESIS: A total of 15 studies were included, and the data were analyzed descriptively. Two independent reviewers extracted key study characteristics regarding the incidence, severity, and nature of injuries and the methodologic design.

CONCLUSIONS: Wide variations existed in the injury definitions and data collection procedures. The incidence of injury necessitating medical attention varied with the definition, from 27.5 to 129.8 injuries per 1000 match hours. The incidence of time-loss injury (>7 days) ranged from 0.96 to 1.6 per 1000 playing hours and from 11.4/1000 match hours (>1 day) to 12-22/1000 match hours (missed games). The highest incidence of concussion was 3.3/1000 playing hours. No catastrophic injuries were reported. The head and neck, upper limb, and lower limb were all common sites of injury, and trends were noted toward greater time loss due to upper limb fractures or dislocations and knee ligament injuries. Increasing age, the early part of the playing season, and the tackle situation were most closely associated with injury. Future injury-surveillance studies in rugby union must follow consensus guidelines to facilitate interstudy comparisons and provide further clarification as to where injury-prevention strategies should be focused.


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La luxation du genou, bien que très rare, demeure une blessure dévastatrice car elle entraîne de multiples complications en raison de la nature complexe du traumatisme associé à cette lésion. La luxation peut résulter d'un traumatisme à haute ou basse énergie. Les blessures sévères aux ligaments et aux structures associées donnent à la luxation du genou un potentiel élevé d'atteinte fonctionnelle. Le traitement conservateur, qui était considéré comme acceptable auparavant, est maintenant réservé à un très faible pourcentage de patients. La reconstruction chirurgicale est maintenant préconisée dans la plupart des cas, mais de nombreuses options existent et le traitement chirurgical optimal à préconiser reste controversé. Certains chirurgiens recommandent la reconstruction complète de tous les ligaments endommagés le plus tôt possible, tandis que d'autres, craignant l’établissement d’arthrofibrose, limitent l'intervention chirurgicale immédiate à la reconstruction du ligament croisé postérieur et de l'angle postéro-externe. En raison des multiples structures endommagées lors d’une luxation du genou, les chirurgiens utilisent couramment la combinaison des autogreffes et des allogreffes pour compléter la reconstruction ligamentaire. Les complications associées au prélèvement de la greffe, l'allongement de la greffe, l’affaiblissement précoce du greffon ainsi que les risques de transmission de maladies ont poussé les chirurgiens à rechercher différentes options d’intervention. L'utilisation de matériaux synthétiques pour le remplacement du ligament lésé a été proposée dans les années ´80. Après une première vague d'enthousiasme, les résultats décevants à long terme et les taux élevés d'échec ont diminué sa popularité. Depuis lors, une nouvelle génération de ligaments artificiels a vu le jour et parmi eux, le Ligament Advanced Reinforced System (LARS) a montré des résultats prometteurs. Il a été utilisé récemment dans les reconstructions isolées du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament croisé postérieur pour lesquelles il a montré de bons résultats à court et moyen termes. Le but de cette étude rétrospective était d'évaluer la fonction et la stabilité du genou après la luxation aiguë suivant la reconstruction des ligaments croisés avec le ligament artificiel de type LARS. Cette étude a évalué 71 patients présentant une luxation du genou et qui ont subi une chirurgie de reconstruction du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament croisé postérieur à l'aide du ligament LARS. Suite à la chirurgie le même protocole intensif de réadaptation a été suivi pour tous les patients, où la mise en charge progressive était permise après une période d’environ 6 semaines pendant laquelle la force musculaire et la stabilité dynamique se rétablissaient. Les outils d’évaluation utilisés étaient le score Lysholm, le formulaire de «l’International Knee Documentation Committee», le «Short Form-36», les tests cliniques de stabilité du genou, l'amplitude de mouvement articulaire à l’aide d’un goniomètre et la radiographie en stress Telos à 30° et 90° de flexion du genou. Le même protocole d’évaluation a été appliqué au genou controlatéral pour des fins de comparaison. Les résultats subjectifs et objectifs de cette étude sont satisfaisants et suggèrent que la réparation et la reconstruction combinées avec ligaments LARS est une alternative valable pour le traitement des luxations aiguës du genou. Ces résultats démontrent que ces interventions produisent des effets durables en termes d’amélioration de la fonction et révèlent la durabilité à long terme des ligaments artificiels LARS. Les patients sont à la fois plus autonomes et plus satisfaits avec le temps, même si la luxation du genou est considérée comme une catastrophe au moment où elle se produit. Des études prospectives randomisées sont maintenant nécessaires afin de comparer la sélection de la greffe et le délai de reconstruction chirurgicale.


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Purpose: To evaluate the evolution of clinical and functional outcomes of symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus treated arthroscopically over time and to investigate the relationship between associated intra-articular findings and outcomes. Methods: Of all patients treated arthroscopically between 1995 and 2010, patients treated for symptomatic discoid meniscus were identified in the hospital charts. Baseline data (demographics, previous trauma of ipsilateral knee, and associated intra-articular findings) and medium term outcome data from clinical follow-up examinations (pain, locking, snapping and instability of the operated knee) were extracted from clinical records. Telephone interviews were conducted at long term in 28 patients (31 knees). Interviews comprised clinical outcomes as well as functional outcomes as assessed by the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Evaluation Form (IKDC). Results: All patients underwent arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. The mean follow-up time for data extracted from clinical records was 11 months (SD ± 12). A significant improvement was found for pain in 77% (p<0.001), locking in 13%, (p=0.045) and snapping in 39 % (p<0.005). The mean follow-up time of the telephone interview was 60 months (SD ± 43). Improvement from baseline was generally less after five years than after one year and functional outcomes of the IKDC indicated an abnormal function after surgery (IKDC mean= 84.5, SD ± 20). In some patients, 5 year-outcomes were even worse than their preoperative condition. Nonetheless, 74% of patients perceived their knee function as improved. Furthermore, better results were seen in patients without any associated intra-articular findings. Conclusions: Arthroscopical partial meniscectomy is an effective intervention to relieve symptoms in patients with discoid meniscus in the medium-term; however, results trend to deteriorate over time. A trend towards better outcome for patients with no associated intra-articular findings was observed.


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During knee ligament reconstruction, the tendon graft is tensioned to prevent the occurrence of excessive graft elongation during the postoperative period. Tensioning may be achieved by applying a cyclic or static load to the graft during fixation. Although this procedure is part of the surgery, there is no consensus in international literature regarding ideal tension levels to be used in this procedure. This study was conducted on 10 tendons of the human gracilis muscle and 10 tendons of semitendinosus muscle removed from five male cadavers whose mean age was 20.8 years. These tendons underwent 10 in vitro strain cycles at three levels of deformation (2.5, 3, and 4%) and the value of the deforming load used for each cycle was recorded. The statistical analysis demonstrated that in order to attain the same level of deformation during the 10 cycles there was a reduction in the value of strain applied to the graft, observed at the three levels of deformation. It was concluded that the semitendinosus tendon presents a more uniform mechanical behavior and that there is a need for new graft tensioning protocols that consider the force associated with deformation.


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Ultrastructural evaluation of the collagen of the mongrel dog medial collateral ligament associated to the oblique ligament after strain. The present work aimed to observe the disposition of the collagen fibres of the medial collateral ligament of the elbow joint of the dog, when associated to the oblique ligament. Thus, 18 articulations were used, divided in three groups. A group had the medial collateral ligament collected and not stretched, other group had the collateral medial ligament stretched separately and the other group had both ligaments (medial collateral and oblique) stretched associately. The medial collateral ligament examined by scanning electron microscopy presented a wavy and reticular pattern of the collagen fibres when not submitted to strain, which was not totally destroyed when it was associated to the oblique ligament. When stretched separately, the medial collateral ligament after strain totally loses the reticular pattern, demonstrating the waste of the fibres to resist to the tension.


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Introducción: El incremento de pacientes sintomáticos de rodilla y la osteoartrosis en jóvenes con limitadas posibilidades terapéuticas después de una meniscectomía, genera la búsqueda de alternativas terapéuticas. A pesar que es poco utilizado en Colombia, el trasplante meniscal es una propuesta para el manejo sintomático. Según cifras norteamericanas, se practican entre 700.000 a 1.500.000 artroscopias de rodilla anualmente, el 50% termina en meniscectomía y de este un 40% persisten sintomáticos. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, con el objetivo de evaluar dolor (Escala Visual Análoga-EVA) y funcionalidad (Escala de Tegner y Lysholm) en los pacientes a quienes se les realizó trasplante meniscal o meniscectomía por segunda vez, entre los años 2007 a 2015. Resultados: A partir de los 6 meses la EVA mostró una tendencia a la mejoría en el grupo de trasplante meniscal, pasando de Moderado a Leve (p: <0.000). La Escala de Tegner y Lysholm cambió de Pobre a Bueno en el grupo de segunda meniscectomía (p= 0.008) y de Bueno a Excelente en el grupo trasplantado (p=0.225). La calificación promedio de la EVA en el grupo de trasplante presentó mejoría (p=<0.000), a diferencia del grupo de segunda meniscectomía (p=0.591). La escala de Tegner y Lysholm, mostró significancia estadística con tendencia a la mejoría en el grupo de segunda meniscectomía. Discusión: Los resultados muestran que con trasplante meniscal hay mejoría del dolor y la funcionalidad versus un segunda meniscectomía. Para fortalecer la evidencia de este tratamiento son necesarios estudios prospectivos complementarios.


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BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is associated with a high incidence of second tears (graft tears and contralateral ACL tears). These secondary tears have been attributed to asymmetrical lower extremity mechanics. Knee bracing is one potential intervention that can be used during rehabilitation that has the potential to normalize lower extremity asymmetry; however, little is known about the effect of bracing on movement asymmetry in patients following ACL reconstruction. HYPOTHESIS: Wearing a knee brace would increase knee joint flexion and joint symmetry. It was also expected that the joint mechanics would become more symmetrical in the braced condition. OBJECTIVE: To examine how knee bracing affects knee joint function and symmetry over the course of rehabilitation in patients 6 months following ACL reconstruction. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 3. METHODS: Twenty-three adolescent patients rehabilitating from ACL reconstruction surgery were recruited for the study. The subjects all underwent a motion analysis assessment during a stop-jump activity with and without a functional knee brace on the surgical side that resisted extension for 6 months following the ACL reconstruction surgery. Statistical analysis utilized a 2 × 2 (limb × brace) analysis of variance with a significant alpha level of 0.05. RESULTS: Subjects had increased knee flexion on the surgical side when they were braced. The brace condition increased knee flexion velocity, decreased the initial knee flexion angle, and increased the ground reaction force and knee extension moment on both limbs. Side-to-side asymmetry was present across conditions for the vertical ground reaction force and knee extension moment. CONCLUSION: Wearing a knee brace appears to increase lower extremity compliance and promotes normalized loading on the surgical side. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Knee extension constraint bracing in postoperative ACL patients may improve symmetry of lower extremity mechanics, which is potentially beneficial in progressing rehabilitation and reducing the incidence of second ACL tears.


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Asymmetries in sagittal plane knee kinetics have been identified as a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) re-injury. Clinical tools are needed to identify the asymmetries. This study examined the relationships between knee kinetic asymmetries and ground reaction force (GRF) asymmetries during athletic tasks in adolescent patients following ACL reconstruction (ACL-R). Kinematic and GRF data were collected during a stop-jump task and a side-cutting task for 23 patients. Asymmetry indices between the surgical and non-surgical limbs were calculated for GRF and knee kinetic variables. For the stop-jump task, knee kinetics asymmetry indices were correlated with all GRF asymmetry indices (P < 0.05), except for loading rate. Vertical GRF impulse asymmetry index predicted peak knee moment, average knee moment, and knee work (R(2)  ≥ 0.78, P < 0.01) asymmetry indices. For the side-cutting tasks, knee kinetic asymmetry indices were correlated with the peak propulsion vertical GRF and vertical GRF impulse asymmetry indices (P < 0.05). Vertical GRF impulse asymmetry index predicted peak knee moment, average knee moment, and knee work (R(2)  ≥ 0.55, P < 0.01) asymmetry indices. The vertical GRF asymmetries may be a viable surrogate for knee kinetic asymmetries and therefore may assist in optimizing rehabilitation outcomes and minimizing re-injury rates.


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Intensive scheduling in sports requires athletes to resume physical activity shortly after injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate early isokinetic muscle strength and knee function on bone-patellar tendon-bone (BPTB) ACL reconstruction with double femoral pin fixation or interference screw technique. A prospective study was conducted from 2008 to 2009, with 48 athletes who received femoral BPTB fixation with interference screw (n = 26) or double pin (n = 22). Clinical (IKDC objective score and hop test) and isokinetic muscle strength (peak torque (PT), PT/body weight and flexion/extension rate (F/E) in 60 and 240A degrees/s) were analyzed at 6 months of follow-up. Analysis at baseline showed no differences between groups before surgery related to age, gender, associated injury, Tegner or Lysholm score; thus showing that groups were similar. During follow-up, however, there were significant differences between the two groups in some of the isokinetic muscle strength: PT/BW 60A degrees/s (Double Pin = 200% +/- A 13% vs. Interference Screw = 253% +/- A 16%*, *P = 0.01); F/E 60A degrees/s (Double Pin = 89% +/- A 29%* vs. Interference Screw = 74% +/- A 12%, *P = 0.04). No statistical differences between groups were observed on IKDC objective score, hop test and complications. The significant muscle strength outcome of the interference screw group found in this study gives initial evidence that this fixation technique is useful for athletes that may need accelerated rehabilitation. Early return to sports ability signaled by isokinetic muscle strength is of clinical relevance as it is one of the main goals for athletes' rehabilitation. III.


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The relative advantages of cruciate retaining or cruciate resecting total knee replacement are still controversial. If the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is preserved, it should be properly balanced. In a previous study, it was demonstrated that increasing the flexion gap leads to an anterior translation of the tibia relative to the femur. Based on these results, we hypothesized that cutting the PCL increases the flexion gap and lessens anterior tibial translation.


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Functional stability of the knee is dependent on an intact ligamentous system and the timely and efficient contraction of supporting musculature. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between muscle strength and functional stability in 31 patients pre- and post-operatively, following a unilateral anterior cruciate ligament rupture. All subjects underwent reconstructive surgery using semitendonosis and gracilis tendons. Isokinetic strength assessment of quadriceps and hamstring muscles was performed at a rate of movement of 60% and 120degrees/s. Functional stability was determined by performance during five functional stability tests that included the shuttle run, side step, carioca, single and triple hop tests. Pearson's correlation coefficient statistics were applied to pre-operative and post-operative data respectively. These analyses demonstrated a significant positive correlation between quadriceps strength indices at both testing speeds and the two hop tests pre-operatively (p's < 0.007) and between quadriceps strength indices at both speeds and all five functional tests post-operatively (p's < 0.01). Assessed using Steiger's formula, there was a significant increase in the correlation between quadriceps strength indices and three functional tests post-operatively compared to pre-operatively (p < 0.05). No significant correlation between hamstring strength indices and functional scores existed pre- or post-operatively. This study has shown a significant correlation exists between quadriceps strength indices and functional stability both before and after surgery, this relationship does not reach significance between hamstring strength indices and functional stability. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The relationship between coronal knee laxity and the restraining properties of the collateral ligaments remains unknown. This study investigated correlations between the structural properties of the collateral ligaments and stress angles used in computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty (TKA), measured with an optically based navigation system. Ten fresh-frozen cadaveric knees (mean age: 81 ± 11 years) were dissected to leave the menisci, cruciate ligaments, posterior joint capsule and collateral ligaments. The resected femur and tibia were rigidly secured within a test system which permitted kinematic registration of the knee using a commercially available image-free navigation system. Frontal plane knee alignment and varus-valgus stress angles were acquired. The force applied during varus-valgus testing was quantified. Medial and lateral bone-collateral ligament-bone specimens were then prepared, mounted within a uni-axial materials testing machine, and extended to failure. Force and displacement data were used to calculate the principal structural properties of the ligaments. The mean varus laxity was 4 ± 1° and the mean valgus laxity was 4 ± 2°. The corresponding mean manual force applied was 10 ± 3 N and 11 ± 4 N, respectively. While measures of knee laxity were independent of the ultimate tensile strength and stiffness of the collateral ligaments, there was a significant correlation between the force applied during stress testing and the instantaneous stiffness of the medial (r = 0.91, p = 0.001) and lateral (r = 0.68, p = 0.04) collateral ligaments. These findings suggest that clinicians may perceive a rate of change of ligament stiffness as the end-point during assessment of collateral knee laxity.


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Hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) are the most prevalent injury in a number of sports, and while anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are less common, they are far more severe and have long-term implications, such as an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis later in life. Given the high incidence and severity of these injuries, they are key targets of injury preventive programs in elite sport. Evidence has shown that a previous severe knee injury (including ACL injury) increases the risk of HSI; however, whether the functional deficits that occur after HSI result in an increased risk of ACL injury has yet to be considered. In this clinical commentary, we present evidence that suggests that the link between previous HSI and increased risk of ACL injury requires further investigation by drawing parallels between deficits in hamstring function after HSI and in women athletes, who are more prone to ACL injury than men athletes. Comparisons between the neuromuscular function of the male and female hamstring has shown that women display lower hamstring-to-quadriceps strength ratios during isokinetic knee flexion and extension, increased activation of the quadriceps compared with the hamstrings during a stop-jump landing task, a greater time required to reach maximal isokinetic hamstring torque, and lower integrated myoelectrical hamstring activity during a sidestep cutting maneuver. Somewhat similarly, in athletes with a history of HSI, the previously injured limb, compared with the uninjured limb, displays lower eccentric knee flexor strength, a lower hamstrings-to-quadriceps strength ratio, lower voluntary myoelectrical activity during maximal knee flexor eccentric contraction, a lower knee flexor eccentric rate of torque development, and lower voluntary myoelectrical activity during the initial portion of eccentric contraction. Given that the medial and lateral hamstrings have different actions at the knee joint in the coronal plane, which hamstring head is previously injured might also be expected to influence the likelihood of future ACL. Whether the deficits in function after HSI, as seen in laboratory-based studies, translate to deficits in hamstring function during typical injurious tasks for ACL injury has yet to be determined but should be a consideration for future work.