984 resultados para kidney dysfunction


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Chronic kidney disease is now regarded as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The impact of occupational or non-occupational physical activity (PA) on moderate decreases of renal function is uncertain.


We aimed to identify the potential association of PA (occupational and leisure-time) on early decline of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and to determine the potential mediating effect of PA on the relationship between eGFR and heart disease.


From the PRIME study analyses were conducted in 1058 employed men. Energy expended during leisure, work and commuting was calculated. Linear regression analyses were used to determine the link between types of PA and moderate decrements of eGFR determined with the KDIGO guideline at the baseline assessment. Cox proportional hazards analyses were used to explore the potential effect of PA on the relationship between eGFR and heart disease, ascertained during follow-up over 10 years.


For these employed men, and after adjustment for known confounders of GFR change, more time spent sitting at work was associated with increased risk of moderate decline in kidney function, while carrying objects or being active at work was associated with decreased risk. In contrast, no significant link with leisure PA was apparent. No potential mediating effect of occupational PA was found for the relationship between eGFR and coronary heart disease.


Occupational PA (potential modifiable factors) could provide a dual role on early impairment of renal function, without influence on the relationship between early decrease of e-GFR and CHD risk.


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Objective - Kidney dysfunction is a common complication after cardiac surgery. It occurs in 7 to 31% of the patients. The lowest haematocrit after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (LHCT) has been identified as a risk factor for kidney dysfunction after cardiac surgery. The aim of this study is to determine whether different levels of haematocrit during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery are related to kidney dysfunction.Methods and results-A prospective study was conducted on consecutive adult patients undergoing myocardial revascularization. Preoperative renal function was assessed by baseline serum creatinine level (CrPre). Peak postoperative creatinine (CrPost) was defined as the highest daily in-hospital postoperative value. Peak fractional change in creatinine (% Delta Cr) was defined as the difference between the CrPre and CrePost represented as a percentage of the preoperative value. The LHTC was defined as the lowest recorded haematocrit prior to weaning from the initial pump run. A category variable was created for haematocrit based on the distribution of values. The category variable had the following cut-off points: less than 23%, 23.1 to 28% and greater than 28.1 %. Lowest haematocrit (26.62 +/- 4.15%), CPB (74.71 +/- 24.90 min), CrPre (1.23 +/- 0.37 mg/dl) and highest CrPost (1.52 +/- 0.47 mg/dl) data varied in near-normal fashion. Statistical significance has been observed in the < 23% lowest haematocrit group (CrIPOD and Cr5POD; P = 0.006) and the 23.1 28% lowest haematocrit level group (CrPre and Cr2POD; P = 0.047). CrPre and Cr5POD did not differ between groups (P > 0.05). The multiple linear regression model confirmed that the determinants for higher %Delta Cr were age, body surface area and preoperative serum creatinine level.Conclusion - The LHTC was not identified as a risk factor for kidney dysfunction after myocardial revascularization.


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OBJETIVO: A disfunção renal é uma complicação importante no cenário de pós-operatório de cirurgia cardiovascular. Como fatores de risco conhecidos no intraoperatório para o seu desenvolvimento destacam-se a circulação extracorpórea, a hemodiluição, drogas antifibrinolíticos e a transfusão sanguínea. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os fatores de risco na transfusão de sangue e derivados para o desenvolvimento de disfunção renal em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardiovascular. MÉTODOS: Noventa e sete pacientes foram estudados e 84 foram analisados. A amostra foi estratificada em dois grupos, sendo que o incremento de 30% na creatinina sérica no pós-operatório foi considerado para o grupo com disfunção renal (n = 9; 10,71%). O grupo não disfunção renal foi caracterizado pela creatinina sérica, que permaneceu inferior a aumento de 30% no pós-operatório (n = 75; 89,28%). RESULTADOS: Foi observado que a transfusão de plasma fresco congelado no grupo não disfunção renal foi de 2,05 ± 0,78 unidades e 3,80 ± 2,16 unidades no grupo disfunção renal com P= 0,032. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível associar, nesta série de pacientes, que a transfusão de plasma fresco congelado foi um fator de risco para disfunção renal pós-operatório de cirurgia cardiovascular.


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In the general population, HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) is associated with reduced cardiovascular events. However, recent experimental data suggest that the vascular effects of HDL can be heterogeneous. We examined the association of HDL-C with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health study comprising 3307 patients undergoing coronary angiography. Patients were followed for a median of 9.9 years. Estimated GFR (eGFR) was calculated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration eGFR creatinine-cystatin C (eGFRcreat-cys) equation. The effect of increasing HDL-C serum levels was assessed using Cox proportional hazard models. In participants with normal kidney function (eGFR>90 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)), higher HDL-C was associated with reduced risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and coronary artery disease severity (hazard ratio [HR], 0.51, 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.26-0.92 [P=0.03]; HR, 0.30, 95% CI, 0.13-0.73 [P=0.01]). Conversely, in patients with mild (eGFR=60-89 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)) and more advanced reduced kidney function (eGFR<60 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)), higher HDL-C did not associate with lower risk for mortality (eGFR=60-89 ml/min per 1.73 m(2): HR, 0.68, 95% CI, 0.45-1.04 [P=0.07]; HR, 0.84, 95% CI, 0.50-1.40 [P=0.50]; eGFR<60 ml/min per 1.73 m(2): HR, 1.18, 95% CI, 0.60-1.81 [P=0.88]; HR, 0.82, 95% CI, 0.40-1.69 [P=0.60]). Moreover, Cox regression analyses revealed interaction between HDL-C and eGFR in predicting all-cause and cardiovascular mortality (P=0.04 and P=0.02, respectively). We confirmed a lack of association between higher HDL-C and lower mortality in an independent cohort of patients with definite CKD (P=0.63). In summary, higher HDL-C levels did not associate with reduced mortality risk and coronary artery disease severity in patients with reduced kidney function. Indeed, abnormal HDL function might confound the outcome of HDL-targeted therapies in these patients.


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Cadmium (Cd) is a metal toxin of continuing worldwide concern. Daily intake of Cd, albeit in small quantities, is associated with a number of adverse health effects which are attributable to distinct pathological changes in a variety of tissues and organs. In the present review, we focus on its renal tubular effects in people who have been exposed environmentally to Cd at levels below the provisional tolerable intake level set for the toxin. We highlight the data linking such low-level Cd intake with tubular injury, altered abundance of cytochromes P450 (CYPs) in the kidney and an expression of a hypertensive phenotype. We provide updated knowledge on renal and vascular effects of the eicosanoids 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) and eicosatrienoic acids (EETs), which are biologically active metabolites from arachidonate metabolism mediated by certain CYPs in the kidney. We note the ability of Cd to elicit oxidative stress and to alter metal homeostasis notably of zinc which may lead to augmentation of the defense mechanisms involving induction of the antioxidant enzyme heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and the metal binding protein metallothionein (MT) in the kidney. We hypothesize that renal Cd accumulation triggers the host responses mediated by HO-I and MT in an attempt to protect the kidney against injurious oxidative stress and to resist a rise in blood pressure levels. This hypothesis predicts that individuals with less active HO-1 (caused by the HO-1 genetic polymorphisms) are more likely to have renal injury and express a hypertensive phenotype following chronic ingestion of low-level Cd, compared with those having more active HO-1. Future analytical and molecular epidemiologic research should pave the way to the utility of induction of heme oxygenases together with dietary antioxidants in reducing the risk of kidney injury and hypertension in susceptible people.


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The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of copper (Cu) intake on lipid profile, oxidative stress and tissue damage in normal and in diabetic condition. Since diabetes mellitus is a situation of high-risk susceptibility to toxic compounds, we examined potential early markers of Cu excess in diabetic animals. Male Wistar rats, at 60-days-old were divided into six groups of eight rats each. The control(C) received saline from gastric tube, the no-diabetic(Cu-10), treated with 10 mg/kg of Cu(Cu(++)-CuSO(4), gastric tube), no-diabetic with Cu-60mg/kg(Cu-60), diabetic(D), diabetic low-Cu(DCu-10) and diabetic high-Cu(DCu-60). Diabetes was induced by an ip injection of streptozotocin (60mg/kg). After 30 days of treatments, no changes we're observed in serum lactate dehydrogenase, alanine transaminase and alkaline phosphatase; indicating no adverse effects on cardiac and hepatic tissues. D-rats had glucose intolerance and dyslipidemic profile. Cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were higher in Cu-60 and DCu-60 than in C, Cu-10 and D and DCu-10 groups respectively. Cu-60 rats had higher lipid hydroperoxide (HP) and lower superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) serum activities than C and Cu-10 rats. LH was increased and GSH-Px was decreased, while no alterations were observed in SOD and catalase in serum of DCu-60 animals. DCu-60 rats had increased urinary glucose, creatinine and albumin. In conclusion, Cu intake at high concentration induced adverse effects on lipid profile, associated with oxidative stress and diminished activities of antioxidant enzymes. Diabetic animals were more susceptible to copper toxicity. High Cu intake induced dyslipidemic profile, oxidative stress and kidney dysfunction in diabetic condition. Copper renal toxicity was associated with oxidative stress and reduction at least, one of the antioxidant enzymes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Suolistopatogeeniset Escherichia coli -bakteerit eli ripulikolit aiheuttavat ihmisellä suolistoinfektioita. Kuten normaalimikrobiston E. coli -bakteerit, ne esiintyvät ihmisen lisäksi muiden nisäkkäiden, etenkin märehtijöiden, ja lintujen suolistossa. Lisäksi ne voivat esiintyä maaperässä ja vesistöissä. Ihminen voi saada tartunnan eläinperäisten elintarvikkeiden välityksellä tai juomalla eläinten tai ihmisen ulosteilla saastunutta vettä. Ripulikolit voidaan jakaa ainakin viiteen ryhmään perustuen niiden erilaisiin virulenssiominaisuuksiin: enteropatogeeninen E. coli (EPEC), enterotoksigeeninen E. coli (ETEC), enterohemorraaginen E. coli (EHEC), enteroinvasiivinen E. coli (EIEC) ja enteroaggregatiivinen E. coli (EAEC). EPEC aiheuttaa etenkin kehitysmaissa pikkulapsille ripulia. ETEC aiheuttaa turistiripulia ja vastasyntyneiden ripulia kehitysmaissa. EHEC aiheuttaa ripulia tai veriripulia, joka voi varsinkin pienillä lapsilla johtaa hemolyyttis-ureemiseen oireyhtymään (HUS) ja munuaisten vaurioitumiseen. EIEC aiheuttaa Shigellan kaltaista ripulia, joka voi olla veristä. EAEC on yhdistetty lähinnä pitkittyneisiin ripuleihin. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suolistopatogeenisten E. coli -bakteerien esiintyvyyttä Burkina Fasossa, josta ei ole saatavilla aikaisempaa tietoa ripulikolien esiintymisestä ihmisissä ja elintarvikkeissa. Ulostenäytteitä otettiin ripulia sairastavilta alle viisivuotiailta lapsilta maaseudulta kahdesta kylästä, Boromosta ja Gourcysta, ja maan pääkaupungista Ouagadougousta (110 näytettä). Lihanäytteitä (kanaa, nautaa, lammasta ja naudan suolta, jota käytetään ihmisravinnoksi) otettiin Ouagadougoun toreilla myytävistä kypsentämättömistä lihoista (120 näytettä). Näytteistä saadut bakteerisekaviljelmät tutkittiin monialukkeisella PCR-menetelmällä, joka tunnistaa viiden ripulikoliryhmän virulenssigeenejä. Lisäksi lihanäytteistä eristettiin 20 EHEC-kantaa shigatoksiinin stx-geenin havaitsemiseen perustuvalla pesäkehybridisaatiolla ja PCR-seulonnalla, ja karakterisoitiin mahdollisten virulenssiominaisuuksien selvittämiseksi. Tutkimus osoitti, että ripulikolien aiheuttamat suolistoinfektiot ovat yleisiä ripulia sairastavilla pikkulapsilla Burkina Fasossa. Ulostenäytteistä 59 % oli positiivisia. Useimmiten lapsilla esiintyi EAEC- (32 %) ETEC- (31 %) ja EPEC-patoryhmiä (20 %). EIEC- (2 %) ja EHEC-patoryhmiä (1 %) esiintyi vähän. Myös useamman patoryhmän sekainfektiot olivat yleisiä (24 %). Eri paikkakuntien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja ripulikolien esiintymisessä. Gourcyssa ripulikoleja esiintyi useammin kuin Ouagadougoussa ja Boromossa. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että Ouagadougoun toreilla myytävissä lihoissa on paljon ripulikoleja. Lihanäytteistä 43 % oli positiivisia. Yleisimmin lihoissa esiintyi EHEC (28 %), EPEC (20 %), ETEC (8 %) ja EAEC (5 %). EIEC-ryhmää ei havaittu lihoissa. Myös useamman patoryhmän sekakontaminaatioita löytyi (17 %) lihoista. Ripulikolien esiintyvyydessä eri lihojen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja, kun tarkasteltiin kaikkia patoryhmiä yhdessä. Eri patoryhmien esiintyvyyttä tarkasteltaessa EHEC-patoryhmää ei esiintynyt ollenkaan kanassa ja ero oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä muihin lihoihin verrattuna. Lihoista eristetyt 20 EHEC-kantaa kuuluivat 14 eri serotyyppiin, joista osa on aikaisemmin eristetty suolistoinfektioihin ja HUSoireyhtymään sairastuneilta ihmisiltä. Kaikki kannat olivat stx1-positiivisia ja puolella oli lisäksi stx2-geeni, jota pidetään shigatoksiinin virulentimpana muotona. Kahdelta EHEC-kannalta löytyi myös ETECpatoryhmän lämpöstabiilin enterotoksiini Ia:n geeni eli kannat olivat kahden patoryhmän välimuotoa ja osoitus geenien siirtymisestä eri patoryhmien välillä. Vaikka nuorimmat näytteen antaneet lapsipotilaat tuskin söivät lihaa, sen voidaan ajatella silti olevan edustava näyte lasten elinympäristöstä, sillä lasten ruoka valmistetaan usein samoissa oloissa, joissa raakaa lihaa käsitellään. Saastunut liha voi siten olla pikkulasten ripulikoli-infektioiden aiheuttaja.


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The planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) are the attractive candidates for bio-control of plankton communities to eliminate odorous populations of cyanobacteria. However, few studies focused on the health of such fishes in natural water body with vigorous toxic blooms. Blood parameters are useful and sensitive for diagnosis of diseases and monitoring of the physiological status of fish exposed to toxicants. To evaluate the impact of toxic cyanobacterial blooms on the planktivorous fish, 12 serum chemistry variables were investigated in silver carp and bighead carp for 9 months, in a large net cage in Meiliang Bay, a hypereutrophic region of Lake Taihu. The results confirmed adverse effects of cyanobacterial blooms on two phytoplanktivorous fish, which mainly characterized with potential toxicogenomic effects and metabolism disorders in liver, and kidney dysfunction. In addition, cholestasis was intensively implied by distinct elevation of all four related biomarkers (ALP, GGT, DBIL, TBIL) in bighead carp. The combination of LDH, AST activities and DBIL, URIC contents for silver carp, and the combination of ALT. ALP activities and TBIL, DBIL. URIC concentrations for bighead carps were found to most strongly indicate toxic effects from cyanobacterial blooms in such fishes by a multivariate discriminant analysis. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção normal (ICFEN) é uma síndrome complexa que vem sendo largamente estudada, desde a última década. É causada por disfunção ventricular diastólica evidenciada por métodos complementares, como estudo hemodinâmico ou ecocardiograma, na presença de fração de ejeção preservada. Acomete preferencialmente indivíduos mais idosos e com comorbidades, como hipertensão arterial sistêmica, insuficiência coronariana e obesidade. Os mecanismos fisiopatológicos são complexos e multifatoriais, envolvendo a rigidez passiva do miocárdio, a geometria ventricular, a força de contenção do pericárdio e a interação entre os ventrículos. Os objetivos principais do tratamento são reduzir a congestão venosa pulmonar, a frequência cardíaca e controlar as comorbidades. Ainda não há evidências fortes de que o uso de medicações específicas, como inibidores de enzima de conversão ou betabloqueadores, interfiram na mortalidade. Os fatores de pior prognóstico incluem a idade avançada, presença de disfunção renal, diabete, classe funcional III e IV (NYHA) e estágio avançado de disfunção diastólica, com padrão restritivo ao enchimento ventricular. Outro aspecto que vem ganhando espaço na literatura é o questionamento do papel da disfunção sistólica nos quadros de ICFEN. Todos esses aspectos são abordados detalhadamente na presente revisão.


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OBJETIVO: A insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) no pósoperatório (PO) de cirurgia cardíaca é complicação grave. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o tempo de circulação extracorpórea (CEC) como fator de risco para IRA. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 116 pacientes de um único centro, submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca com CEC. Foram avaliados os dados demográficos, características clínicas, variáveis intra e pós-operatórias. A creatinina sérica e o clearance de creatinina foram avaliados até o 5ºPO. IRA foi definida como necessidade de diálise. Os pacientes foram estratificados em dois grupos: grupo CEC< 70 min e grupo CEC> 90min. RESULTADOS: O aumento médio da creatinina sérica no PO foi 0,18+0,41 no grupo CEC<70min e 0,42+0,44 no grupo CEC>90min (p=0,005). Diálise foi necessária em 1,3% dos pacientes do grupo CEC<70min, e em 12,5% do grupo CEC> 90min (p=0,018). O risco relativo para diálise foi 1,12 (IC 95%, 1,00-1,20) para CEC>90min. Não houve diferença para mortalidade (5,2 versus 7,5%, p=0,631). CONSLUSÃO: O desenvolvimento de IRA no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca foi observado em pacientes com tempo de CEC superior a 90 minutos, embora o clearance de creatinina não tenha demonstrado alteração entre os grupos.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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BACKGROUND.: Urine is a potentially rich source of biomarkers for monitoring kidney dysfunction. In this study, we have investigated the potential of soluble human leukocyte antigen (sHLA)-DR in the urine for noninvasive monitoring of renal transplant patients. METHODS.: Urinary soluble HLA-DR levels were measured by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 103 patients with renal diseases or after renal transplantation. sHLA-DR in urine was characterized by Western blotting and mass spectrometry. RESULTS.: Acute graft rejection was associated with a significantly elevated level of urinary sHLA-DR (P<0.0001), compared with recipients with stable graft function or healthy individuals. A receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed the area under the curve to be 0.88 (P<0.001). At a selected threshold, the sensitivity was 80% and specificity was 98% for detection of acute renal transplant rejection. sHLA-DR was not exosomally associated and was of lower molecular weight compared with the HLA-DR expressed as heterodimer on the plasma membrane of antigen-presenting cells. CONCLUSIONS.: sHLA-DR excreted into urine is a promising indicator of renal transplant rejection.


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(E)-β-caryophyllene (BCP) is a natural sesquiterpene found in many essential oils of spice (best known for contributing to the spiciness of black pepper) and food plants with recognized anti-inflammatory properties. Recently it was shown that BCP is a natural agonist of endogenous cannabinoid 2 (CB(2)) receptors, which are expressed in immune cells and mediate anti-inflammatory effects. In this study we aimed to test the effects of BCP in a clinically relevant murine model of nephropathy (induced by the widely used antineoplastic drug cisplatin) in which the tubular injury is largely dependent on inflammation and oxidative/nitrative stress. β-caryophyllene dose-dependently ameliorated cisplatin-induced kidney dysfunction, morphological damage, and renal inflammatory response (chemokines MCP-1 and MIP-2, cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β, adhesion molecule ICAM-1, and neutrophil and macrophage infiltration). It also markedly mitigated oxidative/nitrative stress (NOX-2 and NOX-4 expression, 4-HNE and 3-NT content) and cell death. The protective effects of BCP against biochemical and histological markers of nephropathy were absent in CB(2) knockout mice. Thus, BCP may be an excellent therapeutic agent to prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity through a CB(2) receptor-dependent pathway. Given the excellent safety profile of BCP in humans it has tremendous therapeutic potential in a multitude of diseases associated with inflammation and oxidative stress.