14 resultados para keratocytes
PURPOSE: To determine whether bovine corneal endothelial (BCE) cells and keratocytes express the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) after exposure to cytokines and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and to study the regulation of NOS by growth factors. METHODS: Cultures of bovine corneal endothelial cells and keratocytes were exposed to increasing concentrations of LPS, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). At selected intervals after exposure, nitrite levels in the supernatants were evaluated by the Griess reaction. Total RNA was extracted from the cell cultures, and messenger RNA levels for inducible NOS (NOS-2) were measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). RESULTS: Exposure of BCE cells and keratocytes to LPS and IFN-gamma resulted in an increase of nitrite levels that was potentiate by the addition of TNF-alpha. Analysis by RT-PCR demonstrated that nitrite release was correlated to the expression of NOS-2 messenger RNA in BCE cells and keratocytes. Stereoselective inhibitors of NOS and cycloheximide inhibited LPS-IFN-gamma-induced nitrite release in both cells, whereas transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) slightly potentiated it. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) inhibited LPS-IFN-gamma-induced nitrite release and NOS-2 messenger RNA accumulation in keratocytes but not in BCE cells. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that in vitro activation of keratocytes and BCE cells by LPS and cytokines induces NOS-2 expression and release of large amounts of NO. The high amounts of NO could be involved in inflammatory corneal diseases in vivo.
We have investigated the use of a laminin coated compressed collagen gel containing corneal fibroblasts (keratocytes) as a novel scaffold to support the growth of corneal limbal epithelial stem cells. The growth of limbal epithelial cells was compared between compressed collagen gel and a clinically proven conventional substrate, denuded amniotic membrane. Following compression of the collagen gel, encapsulated keratocytes remained viable and scanning electron microscopy showed that fibres within the compressed gel were dense, homogeneous and similar in structure to those within denuded amniotic membrane. Limbal epithelial cells were successfully expanded upon the compressed collagen resulting in stratified layers of cells containing desmosome and hemidesmosome structures. The resulting corneal constructs of both the groups shared a high degree of transparency, cell morphology and cell stratification. Similar protein expression profiles for cytokeratin 3 and cytokeratin 14 and no significant difference in cytokeratin 12 mRNA expression levels by real time PCR were also observed. This study provides the first line of evidence that a laminin coated compressed collagen gel containing keratocytes can adequately support limbal epithelial cell expansion, stratification and differentiation to a degree that is comparable to the leading conventional scaffold, denuded amniotic membrane.
Purpose: Retinoic acid (RA) is a metabolite of vitamin A that plays a fundamental role in the development and function of the human eye. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of RA on the phenotype of corneal stromal keratocytes maintained in vitro for extended periods under serum-free conditions. Methods: Keratocytes isolated from human corneas were cultured up to 21 days in serum-free media supplemented with RA or DMSO vehicle. The effects of RA and of its removal after treatment on cell proliferation and morphology were evaluated. In addition, the expression of keratocyte markers was quantified at the transcriptional and protein levels by quantitative PCR and immunoblotting or ELISA, respectively. Furthermore, the effects of RA on keratocyte migration were tested using scratch assays. Results: Keratocytes cultured with RA up to 10×10-6 M showed enhanced proliferation and stratification, and reduced mobility. RA also promoted the expression of keratocyte-characteristic proteoglycans such as keratocan, lumican, and decorin, and increased the amounts of collagen type-I in culture while significantly reducing the expression of matrix metalloproteases 1, 3, and 9. RA effects were reversible, and cell phenotype reverted to that of control after removal of RA from media. Conclusions: RA was shown to control the phenotype of human corneal keratocytes cultured in vitro by regulating cell behaviour and extracellular matrix composition. These findings contribute to our understanding of corneal stromal biology in health and disease, and may prove useful in optimizing keratocyte cultures for applications in tissue engineering, cell biology, and medicine.
Forces generated by goldfish keratocytes and Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts have been measured with nanonewton precision and submicrometer spatial resolution. Differential interference contrast microscopy was used to visualize deformations produced by traction forces in elastic substrata, and interference reflection microscopy revealed sites of cell-substratum adhesions. Force ranged from a few nanonewtons at submicrometer spots under the lamellipodium to several hundred nanonewtons under the cell body. As cells moved forward, centripetal forces were applied by lamellipodia at sites that remained stationary on the substratum. Force increased and abruptly became lateral at the boundary of the lamellipodium and the cell body. When the cell retracted at its posterior margin, cell-substratum contact area decreased more rapidly than force, so that stress (force divided by area) increased as the cell pulled away. An increase in lateral force was associated with widening of the cell body. These mechanical data suggest an integrated, two-phase mechanism of cell motility: (1) low forces in the lamellipodium are applied in the direction of cortical flow and cause the cell body to be pulled forward; and (2) a component of force at the flanks pulls the rear margins forward toward the advancing cell body, whereas a large lateral component contributes to detachment of adhesions without greatly perturbing forward movement.
The corneal structure of three deep-sea species of teleosts (Gadiformes, Teleostei) from different depths (250-4000 m) and photic zones are examined at the level of the light and electron microscopes. Each species shows a similar but complex arrangement of layers with a cornea split into dermal and scleral components. The dermal cornea comprises an epithelium overlying a basement membrane and a dermal stroma with sutures and occasional keratocytes. Nezumia aequalis is the only species to possess a Bowman's layer, although it is not well-developed. The scleral cornea is separated from the dermal cornea by a mucoid layer and, in contrast to shallow-water species, is divided into three main layers; an anterior scleral stroma, a middle or iridescent layer and a posterior scleral stroma. The iridescent layer of collagen and intercalated cells or cellular processes is bounded by a layer of cells and the posterior scleral stroma overlies a Descemet's membrane and an endothelium. In the relatively shallow-water Microgadus proximus, the keratocytes of the dermal stroma, the cells of the iridescent layer and the endothelial cells all contain aligned endoplasmic reticulum, which may elicit an iridescent reflex. No alignment of the endoplasmic reticulum was found in N. aequalis or Coryphanoides (Nematonurus) armatus. The relative differences between shallow-water and deep-sea corneas are discussed in relation to the constraints of light, depth and temperature.
Animal studies in mice, rats, rabbits, pigs and hens demonstrated that anterior keratocytes undergo programmed cell death or apoptosis after corneal epithelial injury. Many other wound healing changes subsequently follow the keratocyte apoptosis response. This study evaluated early keratocyte apoptosis after corneal epithelial scrape injury in human eyes scheduled for enucleation for malignancy. Two eyes had corneal epithelial scrape 1 h prior to the enucleation and another eye served as a control and had no corneal scrape prior to enucleation. One additional eye was enucleated, washed with balanced salt solution, and then had the corneal epithelium scraped 1 h prior to processing for analysis. Apoptosis was identified by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Anterior keratocyte apoptosis was detected in the three corneas that had epithelial scrape injury, but not in the control unwounded cornea. This study confirmed that keratocyte apoptosis is also an early response to corneal epithelial injury in humans and showed that tears are not essential for keratocyte apoptosis to occur in response to epithelial injury. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE: To investigate the combined effects of ethanol and mitomycin C (MMC) application on the corneal stroma of rabbits that underwent photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). METHODS: Twenty-four rabbits (24 eyes) underwent PRK to correct -9.00 diopters of myopia. Twelve eyes had ethanol application before removing the epithelium and 12 eyes had the epithelium manually removed without ethanol, Eyes in both groups had topical MMC 0.02% application for 12 seconds immediately after excimer laser ablation. Twelve rabbits were sacrificed at two time points-4 hours and 4 weeks after surgery-and immunohistochemistry was performed with TUNEL assay, alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), and DAPI. RESULTS: More TUNEL-positive cells were observed in the ethanol-treated group compared to the mechanical debridement group at 4 hours after surgery (P<.01). No significant difference in alpha-SMA-positive cells was detected, between the two groups at 4 weeks after sugery. However, decreased keratocyte density in the anterior stroma was more pronounced in the ethanol-treated group compared to the mechanical debridement (P<.02). CONCLUSIONS: Ethanol application for epithelial removal during PRK seems to produce a synergistic effect with MMC, resulting in fewer keratocytes in the anterior stroma of rabbit corneas treated with MMC and ethanol than in corneas treated with MMC alone after PRK.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether myofibroblasts or other cells in the stroma in the cornea produce interleukin (IL)-1 alpha or IL-1 beta that could modulate myofibroblast viability in corneas with haze after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Twenty-four female rabbits had haze-generating PRK for 9 diopters of myopia and were sacrificed at 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks after surgery. Corneal rims were removed, frozen in OCT at -80 degrees C, and analyzed by immunocytochemistry using primary antibodies to IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta and alpha smooth muscle actin (SMA). Double immunostaining was performed for the co-localization of SMA with IL-1 alpha or IL-1 beta. Central dense haze and peripheral slight haze regions of each cornea were analyzed. SMA+ cells that expressed IL-1 alpha protein were detected in both regions of the corneas at most time points following PRK. However, in the haze region at the 1,3 and 4 week time points, significantly more (p < 0.01) SMA cells did not express IL-1 alpha. Also, in the haze region at all three time points, significantly more (p < 0.01) SMA- cells than SMA+ cells expressed interleukin-1 alpha protein. IL-1 beta expression patterns in SMA+ and SMA- stromal cells was similar to that of IL-1 alpha after PRK. Previous studies have demonstrated that IL-1 alpha or IL-1 beta triggers myofibroblast apoptosis in vitro, depending on the available concentration of apoptosis-suppressive TGFO. This study demonstrates that SMA- cells such as corneal fibroblasts, keratocytes, or inflammatory cells may produce IL-1 alpha and/or IL-1 beta that could act in paracrine fashion to regulate myofibroblast apoptosis-especially in the region where there is haze in the cornea after PRK was performed and SMA+ myofibroblasts are present at higher density. However, some SMA+ myofibroblasts themselves produce IL-1 alpha and/or IL-1 beta, suggesting that myofibroblast viability could also be regulated via autocrine mechanisms. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether bone marrow-derived cells can differentiate into myofibroblasts, as defined by alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression, that arise in the corneal stroma after irregular phototherapeutic keratectomy and whose presence within the cornea is associated with corneal stromal haze. C578L/6J-GFP chimeric mice were generated through bone marrow transplantation from donor mice that expressed enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a high proportion of their bone marrow-derived cells. Twenty-four GFP chimeric mice underwent haze-generating corneal epithelial scrape followed by irregular phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) with an excimer laser in one eye. Mice were euthanized at 2 weeks or 4 weeks after PTK and the treated and control contralateral eyes were removed and cryo-preserved for sectioning for immunocytochemistry. Double immunocytochemistry for GFP and myofibroblast marker alpha-smooth muscle actin (SMA) were performed and the number of SMA+GFP+, SMA+GFP, SMA-GFP+ and SMA GFP cells, as well as the number of DAPI+ cell nuclei, per 400x field of stroma was determined in the central, mid-peripheral and peri-limbal cornea. In this mouse model, there were no SMA+ cells and only a few GFP+ cells detected in unwounded control corneas. No SMA+ cells were detected in the stroma at two weeks after irregular PTK, even though there were numerous GFP+ cells present. At 4 weeks after irregular PTK, all corneas developed mild to moderately severe corneal haze. In each of the three regions of the corneas examined, there were on average more than 9x more SMA+GFP+ than SMA+GFP myofibroblasts. This difference was significant (p < 0.01). There were significantly more (p < 0.01) SMA GFP+ cells, which likely include inflammatory cells, than SMA+GFP+ or SMA+GFP cells, although SMA GFP cells represent the largest population of cells in the corneas. In this mouse model, the majority of myofibroblasts developed from bone marrow-derived cells. It is possible that all myofibroblasts in these animals developed from bone marrow-derived cells since mouse chimeras produced using this method had only 60-95% of bone marrow-derived cells that were GFP+ and it is not possible to achieve 100% chimerization. This model, therefore, cannot exclude the possibility of myofibroblasts also developed from keratocytes and/or corneal fibroblasts. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Interleukin (IL)-1 alpha and beta are important modulators of many functions of corneal epithelial and stromal cells that occur following injury to the cornea, including the influx of bone marrow-derived inflammatory cells into the stroma attracted by chemokines released from the stroma and epithelium. In this study, we examined the effect of topical soluble IL-1 receptor antagonist on bone marrow-derived cell influx following corneal epithelial scrape injury in a mouse model. C57BL/6 mice underwent corneal epithelial scrape followed by application of IL-1 receptor antagonist (Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA) at a concentration of 20 mg/ml or vehicle for 24 h prior to immunocytochemical detection of marker CD11b-positive cells into the stroma. In two experiments, topical IL-1 receptor antagonist had a marked effect in blocking cell influx. For example, in experiment 1, topical IL-1 receptor antagonist markedly reduced detectible CD11b-positive cells into the corneal stroma at 24 It after epithelial injury compared with the vehicle control (3.5 +/- 0.5 (standard error of the mean) cells/400x field and 13.9 +/- 1.2 cells/400x field, respectively, p < 0.01). A second experiment with a different observer performing cell counting had the same result. Thus, the data demonstrate conclusively that topical IL-1 receptor antagonist markedly down-regulates CD-11b-positive monocytic cell appearance in the corneal stroma. Topical IL-1 receptor antagonist could be an effective adjuvant for clinical treatment of corneal conditions in which unwanted inflammation has a role in the pathophysiology of the disorder. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE: To report on clinical corneal topography, histopathologic analysis, and fine structure findings in failed grafts after penetrating keratoplasty (PK) for keratoconus (KC). DESIGN: Retrospective, consecutive, interventional case series with histologic and clinical correlation. PARTICIPANTS: Twelve corneal buttons were obtained from consecutive patients undergoing repeated PK 10 to 28 years after the initial PK for KC. The indication for regrafting was endothelial deficiency in seven cases, irreversible immune graft rejection in two cases, and corneal ectasia in three cases. METHODS: Removed corneal buttons were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. A potential correlation between the clinical and videokeratoscopic findings and the microscopic structural observations was analyzed. RESULTS: Preoperative simulated keratometry measured by TMS-1 (Tomey, New York, NY) or EyeSys CAS (EyeSys Technology, Houston, TX) ranged from 49.8 to 66.1 diopters. A pattern compatible with KC characteristics was observed in all cases. Fine structure analysis revealed Bowman's layer disruption or folds and stromal deposits in all corneal buttons. However, central corneal thinning was not present in any of the removed buttons. CONCLUSIONS: Structure changes compatible with the diagnosis of KC were observed in all donor buttons many years after PK on KC recipients. Recurrence of the KC characteristics may result from graft repopulation by recipients' keratocytes, aging of the grafted tissue, or both.
We investigated a new procedure for gene transfer into the stroma of pig cornea for the delivery of therapeutic factors. A delimited space was created at 110 mum depth with a LDV femtosecond laser in pig corneas, and a HIV1-derived lentiviral vector expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) (LV-CMV-GFP) was injected into the pocket. Corneas were subsequently dissected and kept in culture as explants. After 5 days, histological analysis of the explants revealed that the corneal pockets had closed and that the gene transfer procedure was efficient over the whole pocket area. Almost all the keratocytes were transduced in this area. Vector diffusion at right angles to the pocket's plane encompasses four (endothelium side) to 10 (epithelium side) layers of keratocytes. After 21 days, the level of transduction was similar to the results obtained after 5 days. The femtosecond laser technique allows a reliable injection and diffusion of lentiviral vectors to efficiently transduce stromal cells in a delimited area. Showing the efficacy of this procedure in vivo could represent an important step toward treatment or prevention of recurrent angiogenesis of the corneal stroma.
Aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 (ALDH3) constitutes 20–40% of the total water-soluble proteins in the mammalian cornea. Here, we show by Northern blot analysis that ALDH3 expression in the mouse is at least 500-fold higher in the cornea than in any other tissue examined, with very low levels of expression detected in the stomach, urinary bladder, ocular lens, and lung. Histochemical localization reveals that this exceptional level of expression in the mouse cornea occurs in the anterior epithelial cells and that little ALDH3 is present in the keratocytes or corneal endothelial cells. A 13-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment containing >12 kbp of the 5′ flanking sequence, the 40-bp untranslated first exon, and 29 bp of intron 1 directed cat reporter gene expression to tissues that express the endogenous ALDH3 gene, except that transgene promoter activity was higher in the stomach and bladder than in the cornea. By contrast, when driven by a 4.4-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment [1,050-bp 5′ flanking region, exon 1, intron 1 (3.4 kbp), and 7 bp of exon 2] expression of the cat reporter gene was confined to the corneal epithelial cells, except for very low levels in the liver, effectively reproducing the corneal expression pattern of the endogenous ALDH3 gene. These results indicate that tissue-specific expression of ALDH3 is determined by positive and negative elements in the 5′ flanking region of the gene and suggests putative silencers located in intron 1. We demonstrate regulatory sequences capable of directing cornea-specific gene expression, affording the opportunity for genetic engineering in this transparent tissue.
Le stress oxydatif peut provenir de sources exogènes comme les UVA ou de sources endogènes comme la chaîne respiratoire (OXPHOS). L’oxydation des composants cellulaires a été associée avec la dégénération, des phénotypes de vieillissement et des pertes de fonctionnalités des tissus. Les UVA sont les plus efficaces des rayons UV à induire de l’oxydation, tel que démontré par la formation de dommages oxydatifs à l’ADN et par l’apparition de délétions mitochondriales qui en résultent. La délétion mitochondriale de 4977 pb (ADNmtCD4977), la plus commune, et celle de 3895 pb (ADNmt3895) sont deux délétions reliées au photovieillissement cutané et à l’exposition au stress oxydant. Le phénomène de vieillissement dans la peau est bien documenté et se traduit par une dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire, une perte d’élasticité et la formation de rides. Toutefois, peu d’études portent sur la cornée humaine alors qu’elle est un tissu exposé directement aux rayonnements UV au même titre que la peau. Nous avons donc tenté mieux comprendre l’effet de l’oxydation exogène et endogène sur cette structure. L’analyse de la localisation des délétions ADNmtCD4977 et ADNmtCD4977 dans l’oeil humain a permis de révéler qu’elles se concentrent principalement dans le stroma cornéen et s’accumule avec l’âge. Le stroma cornéen est la couche cellulaire qui confère la transparence et la rigidité à la cornée humaine. Ces résultats nous ont suggéré une implication des UVA dans le photovieillissement de la cornée. Nous avons donc entrepris de vérifier les changements liés à l’exposition aux UVA dans le stroma cornéen puisque les UVA sont connus pour causer des altérations à la matrice extracellulaire (ECM) au niveau cutané. Nous avons donc créé un modèle de photovieillisement par une exposition chronique aux UVA sur des kératocytes avec lesquels nous avons fait sécréter une ECM. Nos résultats nous ont démontré qu’une exposition chronique aux UVA cause des altérations à l’ECM cornéen semblable à des phénotypes de photvieillissement. En effet, nous avons dénoté des changements transcriptomiques et protéomiques pour certains collagènes et protéoglycans. Une atteinte aux collagènes par le vieillissement cornéen se traduit entre autres par une rigidification, une opacification et un changement dans son pouvoir réfractif qui mène à une perte de la vision. Par ailleurs, notre avons également investigué l’implication du stress oxydatif dans la dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD), une maladie dégénérative de l’endothélium cornéen, qui mène à une perte de vision et est une cause principale de greffe cornéenne. L’étiologie de la maladie est encore inconnue, mais le stress oxydatif est soupçonné de jouer un rôle important dans la pathogenèse. Nos résultats ont amené de nouvelles évidences de l’implication de l’oxydation dans la maladie par l’augmentation de la quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et un raccourcissement des télomères dans des explants de cornées pathologiques. Nos résultats nous ont également démontré que la mise en culture de cellules FECD permettait la sélection de cellules fonctionnelles et comparables à des cellules saines en termes de quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et de son intégrité, de sensibilité à l’oxydation et de longueur télomérique. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent ainsi la possibilité d’employer les cellules FECD fonctionnelles sélectionnées pour utilisation en génie tissulaire afin de créer des cornées autologues pour pallier aux manques de greffes cornéennes. Enfin, nos résultats apportent de nouvelles évidences quant à l’implication du stress oxydatif dans le photovieillissement cornéen et dans l’étiologie de la FECD.