998 resultados para k-Anonymity


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Recently, several anonymization algorithms have appeared for privacy preservation on graphs. Some of them are based on random-ization techniques and on k-anonymity concepts. We can use both of them to obtain an anonymized graph with a given k-anonymity value. In this paper we compare algorithms based on both techniques in orderto obtain an anonymized graph with a desired k-anonymity value. We want to analyze the complexity of these methods to generate anonymized graphs and the quality of the resulting graphs.


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Recently, several anonymization algorithms have appeared for privacy preservation on graphs. Some of them are based on random-ization techniques and on k-anonymity concepts. We can use both of them to obtain an anonymized graph with a given k-anonymity value. In this paper we compare algorithms based on both techniques in orderto obtain an anonymized graph with a desired k-anonymity value. We want to analyze the complexity of these methods to generate anonymized graphs and the quality of the resulting graphs.


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The popularity of online social media platforms provides an unprecedented opportunity to study real-world complex networks of interactions. However, releasing this data to researchers and the public comes at the cost of potentially exposing private and sensitive user information. It has been shown that a naive anonymization of a network by removing the identity of the nodes is not sufficient to preserve users’ privacy. In order to deal with malicious attacks, k -anonymity solutions have been proposed to partially obfuscate topological information that can be used to infer nodes’ identity. In this paper, we study the problem of ensuring k anonymity in time-varying graphs, i.e., graphs with a structure that changes over time, and multi-layer graphs, i.e., graphs with multiple types of links. More specifically, we examine the case in which the attacker has access to the degree of the nodes. The goal is to generate a new graph where, given the degree of a node in each (temporal) layer of the graph, such a node remains indistinguishable from other k-1 nodes in the graph. In order to achieve this, we find the optimal partitioning of the graph nodes such that the cost of anonymizing the degree information within each group is minimum. We show that this reduces to a special case of a Generalized Assignment Problem, and we propose a simple yet effective algorithm to solve it. Finally, we introduce an iterated linear programming approach to enforce the realizability of the anonymized degree sequences. The efficacy of the method is assessed through an extensive set of experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs.


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Utilizzando un servizio basato sulla posizione milioni di utenti acconsentono ogni giorno all'utilizzo e alla memorizzazione, da parte delle aziende fornitrici, dei propri dati personali. La legislazione attuale consente agli utilizzatori di questi servizi un discreto grado di protezione attraverso l'anonimizzazione dei dati. Esistono tuttavia situazioni in cui queste informazioni sono a rischio: se un malintenzionato dovesse penetrare con successo nel server in cui questi dati sono memorizzati potrebbe comunque essere in grado di accedere ai dati sensibili di un utente. Attraverso alcune tecniche, infatti, è possibile risalire a chi sono riferite le informazioni attraverso dei quasi-identifier. La soluzione può essere di approssimare i dati sulla posizione di un utente in modo da non offrire una visione troppo precisa a un possibile avversario nel caso in cui esso riesca a recuperarli. Allo scopo di comprendere i parametri con cui offuscare l'utente è stato scritto uno script in grado di simulare l'attività di diversi utenti circolanti per la città di New York. Questi ultimi simuleranno delle richieste ad un ipotetico servizio basato sulla posizione ad intervalli regolari. Queste richieste simulano il refresh automatico che uno smartphone compie. Attraverso i dati di queste ultime sarà possibile capire quali utenti si trovino in prossimità l'uno dell'altro, in modo da confondere le reciproche informazioni. Questo sistema fa sì che un avversario veda ridotte le sue possibilità di risalire ai dati relativi all'utente. Al ridursi dell'intervallo di esecuzione delle query si avrà un percorso più definito che però comporterà una maggiore quantità di dati recuperati. All'aumentare del raggio si avrà una maggiore incertezza nella posizione che ridurrà però il valore che i dati portano per un fornitore di servizi. Bilanciare quindi il valore economico dei dati e la protezione a cui è sottoposto un utente è fondamentale per comprendere i valori di offuscamento utilizzabili.


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Os sites de comunidades têm atraído grande número de pessoas. Elas passam a se relacionar à distância, utilizando para isso recursos como envio de recados e mensagens e trocam informações sobre si através da auto-descrição (perfil) e do uso de imagens, ambos abertos ao público. A experiência de possuir uma página pessoal neste tipo de ambiente e se relacionar com pessoas através dela se constitui o objeto desta pesquisa a qual foi realizada com base na metodologia qualitativa. Foram entrevistados 16 usuários da rede de relacionamentos UOL K, pertencente ao UOL (Universo OnLine), considerado o principal portal de conteúdo e provedor pago de acesso à Internet do Brasil. A análise dos resultados destacou os seguintes aspectos: o site possibilita tanto fazer novos contatos quanto manter contatos feitos anteriormente, há uma tendência a fazer novos contatos, a língua escrita é utilizada tanto para se comunicar como para refletir acerca de si mesmo, o anonimato é favorecido pela comunicação à distância e causa receio de se decepcionar com o outro, as experiências são vistas como reais mesmo ocorrendo num ambiente virtual, “estar online” pode ser prazeroso e não significa desprender-se do mundo offline, a afiliação às comunidades é freqüente e tem como base objetivos comuns, o uso da foto é, graças aos recursos do site, um elo entre a comunicação sincrônica (bate-papo) e a comunicação assincrônica (UOL K), há uma ênfase na sexualidade e, por fim, os usuários se vêem na necessidade constante de rever e relativizar conceitos como próximo e distante, público e privado, estar ou não online. Conclui-se que, mesmo não tendo o hábito de marcar encontros face a face, os usuários são capazes de se relacionar virtualmente de forma genuína, trocar afetos, formar vínculos e manter uma vida online na qual o comunicar-se encontra seu sentido em si mesmo, podendo não haver outro objetivo a não ser o de estar em contato.


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Pancreatic β-cells are highly sensitive to suboptimal or excess nutrients, as occurs in protein-malnutrition and obesity. Taurine (Tau) improves insulin secretion in response to nutrients and depolarizing agents. Here, we assessed the expression and function of Cav and KATP channels in islets from malnourished mice fed on a high-fat diet (HFD) and supplemented with Tau. Weaned mice received a normal (C) or a low-protein diet (R) for 6 weeks. Half of each group were fed a HFD for 8 weeks without (CH, RH) or with 5% Tau since weaning (CHT, RHT). Isolated islets from R mice showed lower insulin release with glucose and depolarizing stimuli. In CH islets, insulin secretion was increased and this was associated with enhanced KATP inhibition and Cav activity. RH islets secreted less insulin at high K(+) concentration and showed enhanced KATP activity. Tau supplementation normalized K(+)-induced secretion and enhanced glucose-induced Ca(2+) influx in RHT islets. R islets presented lower Ca(2+) influx in response to tolbutamide, and higher protein content and activity of the Kir6.2 subunit of the KATP. Tau increased the protein content of the α1.2 subunit of the Cav channels and the SNARE proteins SNAP-25 and Synt-1 in CHT islets, whereas in RHT, Kir6.2 and Synt-1 proteins were increased. In conclusion, impaired islet function in R islets is related to higher content and activity of the KATP channels. Tau treatment enhanced RHT islet secretory capacity by improving the protein expression and inhibition of the KATP channels and enhancing Synt-1 islet content.


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Dipyrone (metamizole) is an analgesic pro-drug used to control moderate pain. It is metabolized in two major bioactive metabolites: 4-methylaminoantipyrine (4-MAA) and 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AA). The aim of this study was to investigate the participation of peripheral CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors activation in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA. PGE2 (100ng/50µL/paw) was locally administered in the hindpaw of male Wistar rats, and the mechanical nociceptive threshold was quantified by electronic von Frey test, before and 3h after its injection. Dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA was administered 30min before the von Frey test. The selective CB1 receptor antagonist AM251, CB2 receptor antagonist AM630, cGMP inhibitor ODQ or KATP channel blocker glibenclamide were administered 30min before dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA. The antisense-ODN against CB1 receptor expression was intrathecally administered once a day during four consecutive days. PGE2-induced mechanical hyperalgesia was inhibited by dipyrone, 4-MAA, and 4-AA in a dose-response manner. AM251 or ODN anti-sense against neuronal CB1 receptor, but not AM630, reversed the anti-hyperalgesic effect mediated by 4-AA, but not by dipyrone or 4-MAA. On the other hand, the anti-hyperalgesic effect of dipyrone or 4-MAA was reversed by glibenclamide or ODQ. These results suggest that the activation of neuronal CB1, but not CB2 receptor, in peripheral tissue is involved in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of 4-aminoantipyrine. In addition, 4-methylaminoantipyrine mediates the anti-hyperalgesic effect by cGMP activation and KATP opening.


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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a fast, low-cost, nondestructive, and truly multielement analytical technique. The objectives of this study are to quantify the amount of Na(+) and K(+) in samples of table salt (refined, marine, and light) and to compare three different methodologies of quantification using XRF. A fundamental parameter method revealed difficulties in quantifying accurately lighter elements (Z < 22). A univariate methodology based on peak area calibration is an attractive alternative, even though additional steps of data manipulation might consume some time. Quantifications were performed with good correlations for both Na (r = 0.974) and K (r = 0.992). A partial least-squares (PLS) regression method with five latent variables was very fast. Na(+) quantifications provided calibration errors lower than 16% and a correlation of 0.995. Of great concern was the observation of high Na(+) levels in low-sodium salts. The presented application may be performed in a fast and multielement fashion, in accordance with Green Chemistry specifications.


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Transport properties and magnetization measurements of the K(x)MoO(2-delta) (0 <= x <= 0.25) compound are reported. The compound crystallizes in the oxygen deficient MoO(2) monoclinic structure with potassium atoms occupying interstitial positions. An unconventional metallic behavior with power-law temperature dependence is related to a magnetic ordering. Superconducting transition with small volume fraction is also observed near 7 K for a sample with low potassium composition.


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Large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (BK) play a fundamental role in modulating membrane potential in many cell types. The gating of BK channels and its modulation by Ca(2+) and voltage has been the subject of intensive research over almost three decades, yielding several of the most complicated kinetic mechanisms ever proposed. A large number of open and closed states disposed, respectively, in two planes, named tiers, characterize these mechanisms. Transitions between states in the same plane are cooperative and modulated by Ca(2+). Transitions across planes are highly concerted and voltage-dependent. Here we reexamine the validity of the two-tiered hypothesis by restricting attention to the modulation by Ca(2+). Large single channel data sets at five Ca(2+) concentrations were simultaneously analyzed from a Bayesian perspective by using hidden Markov models and Markov-chain Monte Carlo stochastic integration techniques. Our results support a dramatic reduction in model complexity, favoring a simple mechanism derived from the Monod-Wyman-Changeux allosteric model for homotetramers, able to explain the Ca(2+) modulation of the gating process. This model differs from the standard Monod-Wyman-Changeux scheme in that one distinguishes when two Ca(2+) ions are bound to adjacent or diagonal subunits of the tetramer.


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We present the first spin alignment measurements for the K*(0)(892) and phi(1020) vector mesons produced at midrapidity with transverse momenta up to 5 GeV/c at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at RHIC. The diagonal spin-density matrix elements with respect to the reaction plane in Au+Au collisions are rho(00) = 0.32 +/- 0.04 (stat) +/- 0.09 (syst) for the K*(0) (0.8 < p(T) < 5.0 GeV/c) and rho(00) = 0.34 +/- 0.02 (stat) +/- 0.03 (syst) for the phi (0.4 < p(T) < 5.0 GeV/c) and are constant with transverse momentum and collision centrality. The data are consistent with the unpolarized expectation of 1/3 and thus no evidence is found for the transfer of the orbital angular momentum of the colliding system to the vector-meson spins. Spin alignments for K(*0) and phi in Au+Au collisions were also measured with respect to the particle's production plane. The phi result, rho(00) = 0.41 +/- 0.02 (stat) +/- 0.04 (syst), is consistent with that in p+p collisions, rho(00) = 0.39 +/- 0.03 (stat) +/- 0.06 (syst), also measured in this work. The measurements thus constrain the possible size of polarization phenomena in the production dynamics of vector mesons.


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Aims. We present the analysis of the [alpha/Fe] abundance ratios for a large number of stars at several locations in the Milky Way bulge with the aim of constraining its formation scenario. Methods. We obtained FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectra (R = 22 500) at the ESO Very Large Telescope for 650 bulge red giant branch (RGB) stars and performed spectral synthesis to measure Mg, Ca, Ti, and Si abundances. This sample is composed of 474 giant stars observed in 3 fields along the minor axis of the Galactic bulge and at latitudes b = -4 degrees, b = -6 degrees, b = -12 degrees. Another 176 stars belong to a field containing the globular cluster NGC 6553, located at b = -3 degrees and 5 degrees away from the other three fields along the major axis. Stellar parameters and metallicities for these stars were presented in Zoccali et al. (2008, A&A, 486, 177). We have also re-derived stellar parameters and abundances for the sample of thick and thin disk red giants analyzed in Alves-Brito et al. (2010, A&A, 513, A35). Therefore using a homogeneous abundance database for the bulge, thick and thin disk, we have performed a differential analysis minimizing systematic errors, to compare the formation scenarios of these Galactic components. Results. Our results confirm, with large number statistics, the chemical similarity between the Galactic bulge and thick disk, which are both enhanced in alpha elements when compared to the thin disk. In the same context, we analyze [alpha/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] trends across different bulge regions. The most metal rich stars, showing low [alpha/Fe] ratios at b = -4 degrees disappear at higher Galactic latitudes in agreement with the observed metallicity gradient in the bulge. Metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] < -0.2) show a remarkable homogeneity at different bulge locations. Conclusions. We have obtained further constrains for the formation scenario of the Galactic bulge. A metal-poor component chemically indistinguishable from the thick disk hints for a fast and early formation for both the bulge and the thick disk. Such a component shows no variation, neither in abundances nor kinematics, among different bulge regions. A metal-rich component showing low [alpha/Fe] similar to those of the thin disk disappears at larger latitudes. This allows us to trace a component formed through fast early mergers (classical bulge) and a disk/bar component formed on a more extended timescale.


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Based on high-resolution spectra obtained with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan telescopes, we present detailed elemental abundances for 20 red giant stars in the outer Galactic disk, located at Galactocentric distances between 9 and 13 kpc. The outer disk sample is complemented with samples of red giants from the inner Galactic disk and the solar neighborhood, analyzed using identical methods. For Galactocentric distances beyond 10 kpc, we only find chemical patterns associated with the local thin disk, even for stars far above the Galactic plane. Our results show that the relative densities of the thick and thin disks are dramatically different from the solar neighborhood, and we therefore suggest that the radial scale length of the thick disk is much shorter than that of the thin disk. We make a first estimate of the thick disk scale length of L(thick) = 2.0 kpc, assuming L(thin) = 3.8 kpc for the thin disk. We suggest that radial migration may explain the lack of radial age, metallicity, and abundance gradients in the thick disk, possibly also explaining the link between the thick disk and the metal-poor bulge.