207 resultados para jazz


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The creative work, ¡Latin Jazz! is a 50 minute radio documentary to be broadcast on ABC Classic FM. It looks at the evolution of Latin jazz from Spain, Cuba and the United States. It examines the social effects on the style and specifically on the syncretic movement between the countries. The documentary traces my travel to Madrid, Spain and looks at Latin jazz through a deconstruction of the style, musical examples and interviews with prominent artists. Artists interviewed were Chano Domínguez, a Spanish flamenco jazz pianist, Bobby Martínez an American saxophonist, Alain Pérez a Cuban bassist and Pepe Rivero a Cuban pianist. The exegesis supports the radio documentary by examining the style in more depth, and is broken into three main sections. First it traces the historical relationship that occurred through the Ida y Vuelta (To and Fro), the similarities and influences through the habanera, the decíma and the religion of Santería. This is followed by specific musical elements within Latin jazz such as instrumentation, clave, harmony and improvisation, whilst the third section looks at the influences of the new syncretic movement back to Spain.


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This research investigates the symbiotic relationship between composition and improvisation and the notion of improvisation itself. With a specific interest in developing, extending and experimenting with the relationship of improvisation within predetermined structures, the creative work component of this research involved composing six new works with varying approaches for The Andrea Keller Quartet and guest improvisers, for performance on a National Australian tour. This is documented in the CD recording Galumphing Round the Nation - Collaborations Tour 2009. The exegesis component is intended to run alongside the creative work and discusses the central issues surrounding improvisation in an ensemble context and the subject of composing for improvisers. Specifically, it questions the notion that when music emphasises a higher ratio of spontaneous to pre-determined elements, and is exposed to the many variables of a performance context, particularly through its incorporation of visitant improvisers, the resultant music should potentially be measurably altered with each performance. This practice-led research demonstrates the effect of concepts such as individuality, variability within context, and the interactive qualities of contemporary jazz ensemble music. Through the analysis and comparison of the treatment of the six pieces over thirteen performances with varying personnel, this exegesis proposes that, despite the expected potential for spontaneity in contemporary jazz music, the presence of established patterns, the desire for familiarity and the intuitive tendency towards accepted protocols ensure that the music which emerges is not as mutable as initially anticipated.


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A travel article about southern German festivals. IT WAS Golden October, when a last wave of Italian warmth made it across the Alps into southern Germany. Outside, the final sunlight of the day found the tops of trees, and the town seemed cast entirely in autumn patterns. I followed the busy pedestrian traffic across the Neckar River into the old part of Tübingen.


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This research is about jazz in Chile in relation to modernity and identity. Final chapters focus and detach latest jazz musician s generation in 1990 decade and composer guitarist Angel Parra. An historic and sociological approach is developed, which will be useful for modernity and identity analysis, and so on post modernity and globalization. Modernity has been studied in texts of Adorno, Baudrillard, Brünner, García Canclini, Habermas and Jameson. Identity has been studied in texts of Aharonián, Cordúa, Garretón, Gissi, Larraín and others. Chapter 3 is about Latin-American musicology and jazz investigations, in relation to approach developed in chapter 2. Chapters 4 and 5 are about history of jazz in Chile until beginning of XXI century. Chapter 6 focuses in Ángel Parra Orrego. Conclusions of this investigation detach the modernist mechanical that has conducted jazz development in Chile, which in Ángel Parra´s case has been overcame by a post modernist behaviour. This behaviour has solved in a creative way, subjects like modernity and identity in jazz practice in a Latin-American country.


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Tutkielma käsittelee jazz-rumpali Joseph Rudolph Philly Joe Jonesin (1923 1985) improvisoitua säestystä, komppausta, ja soittajien välisen vuorovaikutuksen osuutta jazz-esityksen muotoutumisessa. Jazz-rumpalin soitolle on tyypillistä, että kaikki toiminta on improvisoitua, kappaleen ja lajin viitekehyksen sekä häneen kohdistuvien odotusten raameissa tapahtuvaa luomisprosessia. Jazz-analyysi on painottunut kontekstista irrotetun improvisoinnin tutkimiseen, mutta tässä työssä painopiste on ryhmädynamiikassa. Analyysikohde on Sonny Rollinsin säveltämä 12-tahtinen blues Blues for Philly Joe (1957) Rollinsin levyltä Newk s Time (Blue Note 7243 5 76752 2 2). Rumpukomppausta tarkastellaan kolmesta näkökulmasta. Aluksi rumpuosuudesta pelkistetään erityisen karsimismenetelmän avulla komppauksen rytminen hahmo, rytmilinja. Rytmilinja-analyysin avulla vastataan tutkimuskysymykseen minkälaisilla rytmeillä Jones komppaa, ja miten sen rytmi suhteutuu pulssiin, metriin ja muotoon nähden. Seuraavaksi motiivianalyysista kehitetyllä aiheiden erittely- ja variaatiomenetelmällä määritellään Jonesin komppausfraasien piirteet, rakenteet ja variaatiot. Lopuksi Jonesin ja solistin välistä vuorovaikutusta tutkitaan kartoittamalla aihelainaukset, sekä rytmisektion sisäistä koordinointia rytmilinjojen avulla. Rytmilinja paljastaa Jonesin korostavan usein tiettyjä tahdinosia tietyissä rakennepaikoissa eri kertauksissa. Komppaus tuo rakenteelliset taitepaikat esiin, ja samalla sen polyrytmit horjuttavat vallitsevaa 4/4-metriä. Fraasianalyysi paljastaa Jonesin komppiaiheiden käytön olevan johdonmukaista, ja joillakin fraaseilla on oma täsmällinen funktionsa. Pitkätkin komppifraasit perustuvat vain muutamaan hahmoon, joista tärkeimmät ovat kolmijakoiset polymetrit ja synkoopit. Vuorovaikutus solistin kanssa ilmenee kahdensuuntaisina aihelainauksina tai vaihtoehtoisesti kontrasteina. Rytmisektion sisäisen vuorovaikutuksen muodoista merkittäviin on yhteisten toistuvien rytmiaiheiden, riffien, koordinoitu käyttö. Rytmisektion jäsenet myös hakeutuvat tietoisesti toisen soittajan rytmilinjan sisään päätyäkseen samoille tahdinosille. Työssä konkretisoituu säestämisen ja vuorovaikutuksen merkitys jazz-improvisoinnin synnyttäjänä. Tutkimuskohde ei olisi voinut tulla lopulliseen muotoonsa ilman soittajien vuorovaikutusta. Tämän työn myötä nousee tarve tutkia rytmisektion toimintaa ja vuorovaikutuksen evoluutiota eri tyylikausina.


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This paper presents an ethnographic account of jazz music in Athens. The small scene under scrutiny is mainly populated by professional session instrumentalists of the Greek popular music scene who perform jazz as a side activity for their own pleasure. In the process, they construct a conceptual dichotomy between ‘work’ and ‘play’. Drawing on the author’s extended involvement in this scene, and focusing on private interviews with musicians, this article unveils the discourses of cosmopolitanism invoked through local jazz music making. The ethnographic material presented aims to illustrate how even a small subculture can serve as a terrain for contesting cosmopolitan imaginaries.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal avaliar as perceções e as atitudes dos residentes e comerciantes da cidade de Loulé face ao Festival Internacional de Jazz. A materialização deste objetivo implicou a realização de uma reflexão teórica, a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, sobre o turismo cultural, categorização e classificação dos eventos e por fim uma pesquisa específica sobre as perceções dos impactos dos eventos e os modelos que têm sido utilizados para avaliar as atitudes dos residentes e dos comerciantes face ao seu desenvolvimento. Com base nesta reflexão teórica foi construído um modelo de investigação, o que implicou a utilização de um questionário a residentes e a comerciantes tendo-se usado o processo de amostragem por conveniência; e a realização de seis entrevistas aos organizadores e a entidades que apoiam o Festival Internacional de Jazz de Loulé. Dos questionários e das entrevistas realizadas verificou-se que embora o Festival de Jazz de Loulé seja reconhecido como um dos agentes no processo de desenvolvimento da comunidade, ele não reúne todas as condições por si só para criar uma imagem diferenciadora do concelho e do destino maduro do Algarve.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Concert program for Second Annual Spring Collegiate Jazz Festival, May 23, 1976


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Concert program for Jazz Concert, February 22, 1977


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Concert program for Studio Jazz Ensemble, Western Washington State University Workshop Band, The University of Washington Contemporary Group Jazz EnsembleNovember 23, 1977


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Concert program for Studio Jazz Ensemble, May 18, 1978