964 resultados para isotropic hyperfine splitting constant
Based on solvation studies of polymers, the sum (1: 1) of the electron acceptor (AN) and electron donor (DN) values of solvents has been proposed as an alternative polarity scale. To test this, the electron paramagnetic resonance isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, a parameter known to be dependent on the polarity/proticity of the medium, was correlated with the (AN+DN) term using three paramagnetic probes. The linear regression coefficient calculated for 15 different solvents was approximately 0.9, quite similar to those of other well-known polarity parameters, attesting to the validity of the (AN+DN) term as a novel ""two-parameter"" solvent polarity scale.
The first direct observation of a hyperfine splitting in the optical regime is reported. The wavelength of the M1 transition between the F = 4 and F = 5 hyperfine levels of the ground state of hydrogenlike ^209 Bi^82+ was measured to be \lamda_0 = 243.87(4) nm by detection of laser induced fluorescence at the heavy-ion storage ring ESR at GSI. In addition, the lifetime of the laser excited F = 5 sublevel was determined to be \tau_0 = 0.351(16) ms. The method can be applied to a number of other nuclei and should allow a novel test of QED corrections in the previously unexplored combination of strong magnetic and electric fields in highly charged ions.
Using Doppler-free two-photon absorption spectroscopy, we have measured hyperfine splitting constants as well as isotopic level shifts of the 6s^2 np ^2 P_l/2,3/2 states in (n=7-10) in ^203 TI and ^205 TI. Calculations for hyperfine constants and electron density at the nucleus have been performed by the Dirac-Fock method. The experimental results are compared with these calculations as well as with the predictions of the semiempirical theory.
Four new trinuclear copper(II) complexes, [(CuL1)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot H2O (1), [(CuL2)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](CIO4)(2) (2), [(CuL3)(3)-(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(4)center dot H2O (3), and [(CuL4)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot H2O (4), where HL1 = 8-amino-4,7,7-trimethyl-5-azaoct-3-en-2-one, HL2 = 7-amino-4-methyl-5-azaoct-3-en-2-one, HL3 = 7(ethylamino)-4-methyl-5-azahept-3-en-2-one, and HL4 = 4-methyl-7-(methylamino)-5-azahept-3-en-2-one, have been derived from the four tridentate Schiff bases (HL1, HL2, HL3, and HL4) and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. For all compounds, the cationic part is trinuclear with a CU3OH core held by three carbonyl oxygen bridges between each pair of copper(II) atoms. The copper atoms are five-coordinate with a distorted square-pyramidal geometry; the equatorial plane consists of the bridging oxygen atom of the central OH group together with three atoms (N, N, O) from one ligand whereas an oxygen atom of a second ligand occupies the axial position. Magnetic measurements have been performed in the 2-300 K temperature range. The experimental data could be satisfactorily reproduced by using an isotropic exchange model, H = -J(S1S2+S2S3+S1S3) yielding as best-fit parameters: J = -66.7 and g = 2.19 for 1, J = -36.6 and g = 2.20 for 2, J = -24.5 and g = 2.20 for 3, and J = -14.9 and g = 2.05 for 4. EPR spectra at low temperature show the existence of spin frustration in complexes 3 and 4, but it has not been possible to carry out calculations of the antisymmetric exchange parameter, G, from magnetic data. In frozen methanolic solution, at 4 K, hyperfine splitting in all complexes and spin frustration in complex 4 seem to be confirmed. ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005)
The isotropic 14N-hyperfine coupling constant, a\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{o}^{N}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}, of nitroxide spin labels is dependent on the local environmental polarity. The dependence of a\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{o}^{N}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} in fluid phospholipid bilayer membranes on the C-atom position, n, of the nitroxide in the sn-2 chain of a spin-labeled diacyl glycerophospholipid therefore determines the transmembrane polarity profile. The polarity variation in phospholipid membranes, with and without equimolar cholesterol, is characterized by a sigmoidal, trough-like profile of the form {1 + exp [(n − no)/λ]}−1, where n = no is the point of maximum gradient, or polarity midpoint, beyond which the free energy of permeation decreases linearly with n, on a characteristic length-scale, λ. Integration over this profile yields a corresponding expression for the permeability barrier to polar solutes. For fluid membranes without cholesterol, no ≈ 8 and λ ≈ 0.5–1 CH2 units, and the permeability barrier introduces an additional diffusive resistance that is equivalent to increasing the effective membrane thickness by 35–80%, depending on the lipid. For membranes containing equimolar cholesterol, no ≈ 9–10, and the total change in polarity is greater than for membranes without cholesterol, increasing the permeability barrier by a factor of 2, whereas the decay length remains similar. The permeation of oxygen into fluid lipid membranes (determined by spin-label relaxation enhancements) displays a profile similar to that of the transmembrane polarity but of opposite sense. For fluid membranes without cholesterol no ≈ 8 and λ ≈ 1 CH2 units, also for oxygen. The permeation profile for polar paramagnetic ion complexes is closer to a single exponential decay, i.e., no lies outside the acyl-chain region of the membrane. These results are relevant not only to the permeation of water and polar solutes into membranes and their permeabilities, but also to depth determinations of site-specifically spin-labeled protein residues by using paramagnetic relaxation agents.
Radical formation in ultem following gamma-radiolysis has been reassessed, and the G(R*) values at different temperatures have been determined by ESR spectroscopy. The radical assignment and radical reactivity have been re-examined by photobleaching and thermal annealing studies. Photobleachable radical anions were found to comprise approximate to40% of the total number of radicals formed on radiolysis at 77 K. Spectral subtraction methods, ESR spectral simulations, measurement of g-values and the hyperfine splitting constants were used to identify the other radical intermediates. The principal chain scission radicals are formed due to scission of the main-chain at (i) the ether linkage, (ii) the isopropylidene group and (iii) the imide ring in the main chain. The side chain methyl groups of the isopropylidine units also lose hydrogen to form methylene radicals. The five-line spectrum observed to decay in the temperature range 370-430 K, which has not been assigned previously, has been identified as being characteristic of a di-substituted benzyl radical. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Biochemistry
In this work we report results from continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of the vanadium pentoxide xerogel V2O5:nH(2)O (n approximate to 1.6). The low temperature CW-EPR spectrum shows hyperfine structure due to coupling of unpaired V4+ electron with the vanadium nucleus. The analysis of the spin Hamiltonian parameters suggests that the V4+ ions are located in tetragonally distorted octahedral sites. The transition temperature from the rigid-lattice low-temperature regime to the high temperature liquid-like regime was determined from the analysis of the temperature dependence of the hyperfine splitting and the V4+ motional correlation time. The Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM) data shows the signals resulting from the interaction of H-1 nuclei with V4+ ions. The modulation effect was observed only for field values in the center of the EPR absorption spectrum corresponding to the single crystals orientated perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. At least three protons are identified in the xerogel by our magnetic resonance experiments: (I) the OH groups in the equatorial plane, (ii) the bound water molecules in the axial V=O bond and (iii) the free mobile water molecules between the oxide layers. Proton NMR lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured in the temperature range between 150 K and 323 K. Our analysis indicates that only a fraction of the xerogel protons contribute to the measured conductivity.
We consider pion interactions in an effective field theory of the narrow resonance X(3872), assuming it is a weakly bound molecule of the charm mesons D-0(D) over bar (*0) and D-*0(D) over bar (0). Since the hyperfine splitting of the D-0 and D-*0 is only 7 MeV greater than the neutral pion mass, pions can be produced near threshold and are nonrelativistic. We show that pion exchange can be treated in perturbation theory and calculate the next-to-leading-order correction to the partial decay width Gamma[X -> D-0(D) over bar (0)pi(0)].
The behaviour of nitrobenzenesulfonamide anion radicals generated from the electrochemical reduction of aliphatic and aromatic amines protected by nitrobenzenesulfonyl (nosyl) groups in N,N-' dimethylformamide has been reported. The species have been characterized by voltammetry and optical and electron spin resonance spectroscopies. The visible spectra of the anion radicals were recorded and the hyperfine splitting constants were assigned to specific proton positions and nitrogen nuclei of the molecule. The stabilities of the anion radicals are affected by electronic properties of the protecting group and specific features of the amines, which show direct influence on the route of cathodic cleavage of the nitrobenzenesulfonamides.
Die Elektronen in wasserstoff- und lithium-ähnlichen schweren Ionen sind den extrem starken elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern in der Umgebung des Kerns ausgesetzt. Die Laserspektroskopie der Hyperfeinaufspaltung im Grundzustand des Ions erlaubt daher einen sensitiven Test der Quantenelektrodynamik in starken Feldern insbesondere im magnetischen Sektor. Frühere Messungen an wasserstoffähnlichen Systemen die an einer Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfalle (EBIT) und am Experimentierspeicherring (ESR) der GSI Darmstadt durchgeführt wurden, waren in ihrer Genauigkeit durch zu geringe Statistik, einer starken Dopplerverbreiterung und der großen Unsicherheit in der Ionenenergie limitiert. Das ganze Potential des QED-Tests kann nur dann ausgeschöpft werden, wenn es gelingt sowohl wasserstoff- als auch lithium-ähnliche schwere Ionen mit einer um 2-3 Größenordnung gesteigerten Genauigkeit zu spektroskopieren. Um dies zu erreichen, wird gegenwärtig das neue Penningfallensystem SPECTRAP an der GSI aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen. Es ist speziell für die Laserspektroskopie an gespeicherten hochgeladenen Ionen optimiert und wird in Zukunft von HITRAP mit nierderenergetischen hochgeladenen Ionen versorgt werden.rnrnSPECTRAP ist eine zylindrische Penningfalle mit axialem Zugang für die Injektion von Ionen und die Einkopplung eines Laserstrahls sowie einem radialen optischen Zugang für die Detektion der Fluoreszenz. Um letzteres zu realisieren ist der supraleitende Magnet als Helmholtz-Spulenpaar ausgelegt. Um die gewünschte Genauigkeit bei der Laserspektroskopie zu erreichen, muss ein effizienter und schneller Kühlprozess für die injizierten hochegeladenen Ionen realisiert werden. Dies kann mittels sympathetischer Kühlung in einer lasergekühlten Wolke leichter Ionen realisiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Lasersystem und eine Ionenquelle für die Produktion einer solchen 24Mg+ Ionenwolke aufgebaut und erfolgreich an SPECTRAP in Betrieb genommen. Dazu wurde ein Festkörperlasersystem für die Erzeugung von Licht bei 279.6 nm entworfen und aufgebaut. Es besteht aus einem Faserlaser bei 1118 nm der in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Frequenzverdopplungsstufen frequenzvervierfacht wird. Die Verdopplerstufen sind als aktiv stabilisierte Resonantoren mit nichtlinearen Kristallen ausgelegt. Das Lasersystem liefert unter optimalen Bedingeungen bis zu 15 mW bei der ultravioletten Wellenlänge und erwies sich während der Teststrahlzeiten an SPECTRAP als ausgesprochen zuverlässig. Desweiteren wurde eine Ionequelle für die gepulste Injektion von Mg+ Ionen in die SPECTRAP Falle entwickelt. Diese basiert auf der Elektronenstoßionisation eines thermischen Mg-Atomstrahls und liefert in der gepulsten Extraktion Ionenbündel mit einer kleinen Impuls- und Energieverteilung. Unter Nutzung des Lasersystems konnten damit an SPECTRAP erstmals Ionenwolken mit bis zu 2600 lasergekühlten Mg Ionen erzeugt werden. Der Nachweis erfolgte sowohl mittels Fluoreszenz als auch mit der FFT-ICR Technik. Aus der Analyse des Fluoreszenz-Linienprofils lässt sich sowohl die Sensitivität auf einzelne gespeicherte Ionen als auch eine erreichte Endtemperatur in der Größenordnung von ≈ 100 mK nach wenigen Sekunden Kühlzeit belegen.