190 resultados para isoptera


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The advance of agricultural frontier may cause the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) to disappear before 2030. This work focuses on measuring the impact of pasture implantation on a cerrado`s termite fauna. Termites were sampled in a cerrado sensu stricto and a pasture, originally cerrado. All species were classified as their feeder group, accumulation curves were made and Shannon-Wiener indexes and beta diversity were calculated for both areas. Cerrado was richer than pasture and species composition differed considerably, leading beta diversity to a high value. The humivorous was the most representative species, followed by grass/litter feeders, xylophagous and, less representative, the intermediates. There were more xylophagous and intermediates species on cerrado than in pasture; the grass/litter feeders were more abundant in pasture, but didn`t differed in number or species; and humivorous didn`t differed neither in richness nor in abundance. This work shows that the simplification of the habitat is indeed causing the extinction of populations that depend on some specifics resource.


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A new species of Pseudotrypanosoma, P. elphinstonae sp. n., is described which is symbiotic within the hindguts of the rhinotermitid termites Schedorhinotermes secundus and S. intermedius. P. elphinstonae possesses most of the features of the genus: 4 anterior flagella, prominent costa and recurrent flagellum forming an undulating membrane and simple bean-shaped parabasal body. The mastigont complex is of similar composition and arrangement to other trichomonads but the pelto-axostylar complex is greatly simplified being composed of a single layer of microtubules which do not over lap and cannot be distinguished into separate structures. The undulating membrane is much smaller than in related species; the costa is smaller and simpler and there are no microtubular bundles connecting it to the recurrent flagellum. Comparison of the ultrastructure of P. elphinstonae sp. n. with that of P. giganteum demonstrated that P. elphinstonae sp. n. in addition to being much smaller in size had a correspondingly simper ultrastructural organisation lacking several organelles which characterise the latter species.


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Copyright © 2014 Entomological Society of America.


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The dispersal flights of West Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) were surveyed in the major cities of Azores. The sampling device used to estimate termite density consisted of a yellow adhesive trap (size 45 by 24 cm), placed with an artificial or natural light source in a dark attic environment. In addition, data from two other projects were used to improve the knowledge about the geographical distribution of the species. The level of infestation in the two main Azorean towns differed, with high levels in the houses of Angra do Heroísmo, whereas in Ponta Delgada, there are fewer houses with high levels of infestation. The infestation in Ponta Delgada shows a pattern of spreading from the center outward to the city's periphery, whereas in Angra do Heroísmo, there was a pattern of spreading outward from several foci. The heavy infestation observed in Angra do Heroísmo and the clear increase of infestation levels observed from 2010 to 2011 is a reason for concern and calls for an urgent application of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) control strategy.


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Um estudo dos térmites consumidores de liteira de na Ilha de Maracá , Roraima, reve-lou sete. espécies : Ruptiermesreconditus R. silvestrii, Ruptiermessp.n., Syntermes chaguimayensis,S. moestus, S.parallelus,e Nasutitermes guayanae. O diâmetro médio dos cortes cirulares nas folhas foi de. 3,0 mm para S. molestus3,5 mm paia S. paral-lelus,5,5 mm para S. chaguimayesise de aproximadamente. 7 mm {quando circulares) para as, espécies de Ruptoermes e. N. guayanae,.Encontrou-se maior atividade. detritívora, principatmente do. Ruptitermes, em mata primária comparada com clareiras Os térmites consumidores de, liteira em Maracá aparentaram ter papel fundamental na remoção e incorporação da liteira fina ao solo, embora não tenha tido calculada experimentalmente a taxa desta atividade.


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The leaf-feeding species Syntermes molestus and S. spinosus are two dominant termite species in Reserva Ducke in Central Amazonia; two other species (S. aculeosus, S. longiceps) exist in the area. All species except S. aculeosus were also found in urban areas. The workers of S. molestus and S. spinosus have average body dry weights of 4.5±0.2 and 13.1±1.4 mg, and the weight of their soldiers is 8.2±0.2 and 51.0±1.7 mg, respectively. Therefore, S. spinosus is among the largest termites of the world. In both species, fresh weight is about 4.7 higher than dry weight (a wider relation than in other termite species). The biomass of the populations of both species amounted to about 1 g m-2 (dry weight; indirect estimate), which rises previous assessments of the total termite biomass by about 36-45%, to a value of 3.0-3.5 g m-2.


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The intensity of construction of foraging access holes by two leaf-litter feeding, soil- inhabiting termite species, Syntermes molestus and Syntermes spinosus, in a Central Amazonian rain forest, was observed on consecutive nights for two weeks. Between 11 and 48 nest entrances per m2 were counted. Interaction between the two species was intense; some entrance holes were overtaken by the larger species during the observations; however, both species coexist in the area. A calculated minimum of 35 entrances/m2 is built every year by both species, emphasizing the importance of soil-burrowing termites for soil structure, aeration and water regime.


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The collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), in the city of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, has 65 samples of type-specimens of Isoptera, representing 26 species (21 holotypes and 5 paratypes) of 18 genera. This paper lists the number of specimens of each caste in each type series, type localities with geographical coordinates, collectors, and dates of collection.


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Visando avaliar o desempenho de produtos químicos no combate ao cupim de monte Cornitermes cumulans, foi instalado um campo experimental em Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo. Escolheram-se 60 ninhos, numa pastagem, que foram medidos e divididos em 6 grupos. Foram estabelecidos 6 tratamentos, cada um com 10 termiteiros. A) clorpirifós, l,2g; B) clorpirifós, 2,4g; C) clorpirifós, 3,6g; D) clorpirifós, 4,8g; E) fentiom, l,0g; fehtiom, l,25g. Tais quantidades são de ingrediente ativo aplicado dentro de cada cupinzeiro. As formulações dos inseticidas eram concentrados emulsionáveis: foram misturadas na água e aplicadas. Os resultados mostraram a ótima atuação dos dois produtos nas diferentes dosagens (100% de mortalidade em todos os tratamentos). É a primeira vez que os autores tiveram resultados positivos, completos, em todos os tratamentos.


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The sterile castes of Ibitermes inflatus sp. nov. from Rio Tinto, State of Paraíba, Brazil are described and illustrated. This is the first record of a species of Ibitermes from the Brazilian northeast and from the Atlantic Forest biome. The absence of ridges in the molar plate of the left mandible and the presence of granules of sand and silt mixed with organic matter in advanced stage of decomposition in the digestive tube of workers suggest that the species is a typical humus feeding termite.


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A Mata Atlântica é considerada um dos biomas com maior diversidade do mundo, abrigando um grande número de espécies endêmicas, porém é um dos mais degradados do Brasil, restando menos de 8% de sua vegetação original. No Sudeste da Bahia, a floresta vem sofrendo um processo de deterioração, originado pelo desmatamento indiscriminado e o mau uso do solo. Nessa região, pouco se conhece sobre a fauna de cupins, onde não existia qualquer levantamento prévio. Os objetivos foram: 1) fazer uma primeira amostragem da fauna de Isoptera dessa parte da Mata Atlântica, através de duas técnicas de coleta; 2) comparar a riqueza de espécies de uma área de mata primária com outra de mata secundária; 3) comparar os resultados dos diferentes protocolos; 4) fazer classificação das espécies em grupos tróficos. As áreas de estudo foram a "Mata da Esperança" (mata primária) e a "Reserva Zoobotânica da CEPLAC" (secundária), localizadas no município de Ilhéus, BA. Foram feitas coletas chamadas aqui de "qualitativas" e "quantitativas", que seguiram protocolos determinados, e as amostras foram obtidas por coletas diretas, sem uso de iscas. Foram identificadas 38 espécies, distribuídas em 27 gêneros, sendo que a família Termitidae foi a mais freqüente. A fauna de Isoptera foi mais rica na mata primária. A partir das coletas "quantitativas", foram registradas 19 espécies, e através das coletas "qualitativas", 33 espécies. A maioria das espécies encontradas é xilófaga.


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Es wird eine eingehende Beschreibung des Ovariolenstiels und der Ovariolen des Ovariums von Syntermes dirus unter Heranziehung zu Vergelichszwecken des Ovariums von Nasutiterme sp. gegeben. Anhand der gewonnenen Daten ist es moeglich den Transport der Eier durch den Ovariolenstiel in den Eileiter zu erklaeren. Die Hauptkraft ist der Wachstumsschub hervorgerufen durch die bodeutende Volumen- und Laengenzunahme der drei bis vier letzten Eizellen jeder Ovariole, wie aus den Daten der Kurven in Graf. 2 hervorgeht.


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Es werden Histologie und Funktionen der Zellen der Follikelepithelien in den Ovariolen von Nasutitermes sp., unter Hinzuziehung von Syntermes dirus zu Vergleichszwecken, untersucht, und ihre Entwicklung von ihrer ersten Differenzierung im Mittelteil des Germariums durch sieben verschiedene Zonen der Ovariole bis zur Bildung des Chorions verfolgt. 1. Neben ihrer Schutzfunktion vermitteln die Follikelzellen waehrend der Wachstumsphasen einen grossen Teil des Stofftransportes von der Haemolymphe in die Oozyten. Ihre Funktion ist hierbei druesiger Art. Es lassen sich drei verschieden Funktinsstadien unterscheiden. 2. Am Ende der Naehrfunktion wechseln die Zellen ihre Taetigkeit und bilden das Chorion. 3. Das Epithel laesst zwischen mehreren zusammenstossenden Zellen dreiecksfoermige Durchbrueche frei, die nur von der tunica propria ueberzogen sind und die ebengalls, jetzt aber einen unmittelbaren Uebertritt von Substanzen aus der Haemolymphe in die Oozyten zulassen. 4. Die interfollikulaeren Zellen produzieren eine der Tunica propria aehnliche Substanz. Dieser Komplex dient zum festern Zusammenhalt der Komponenten der Ovariole.


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A survey of the leg exocrine glands in the termite workers of 16 species of the families Kalotermitidae and Termitidae was carried out through scanning electron microscope. Glandular openings were not found in the legs of Anoplotermes sp., Ruptitermes sp. (Apicotermitinae, Termitidae) or Glyptotermes planus (Kalotermitidae), but they are present, spread over the ventral surface of the first, second and third tarsomeres of other Termitidae such as Armitermes euamignathus, Cornitermes cumulans, Nasutitermes coxipoensis, Rhynchotermes nasutissimus, Syntermes nanus, Embiratermes festivellus (Nasutitermitinae), Amitermes beaumonti, Hoplotermes amplus, Microcerotermes sp., Neocapritermes opacus, Orthognathotermes sp., Spinitermes brevicornutus and Termes sp. (Termitinae). The pores are usually isolated but they can also be grouped inside a round depression. The occurrence of leg exocrine glands in the family Termitidae is reported for the first time.