997 resultados para irrigation methods


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With the increasing frequency and magnitude of warmer days during the summer in the UK, bedding plants which were a traditional part of the urban green landscape are perceived as unsustainable and water-demanding. During recent summers when bans on irrigation have been imposed, use and sales of bedding plants have dropped dramatically having a negative financial impact on the nursery industry. Retaining bedding species as a feature in public and even private spaces in future may be conditional on them being managed in a manner that minimises their water use. Using Petunia x hybrida ‘Hurrah White’ we aimed to discover which irrigation approach was the most efficient for maintaining plants’ ornamental quality (flower numbers, size and longevity), shoot and root growth under water deficit and periods of complete water withdrawal. Plants were grown from plugs for 51 days in wooden rhizotrons (0.35 m (h) x 0.1 m (w) x 0.065 m (d)); the rhizotrons’ front comprised clear Perspex which enabled us to monitor root growth closely. Irrigation treatments were: 1. watering with the amount which constitutes 50% of container capacity by conventional surface drip-irrigation (‘50% TOP’); 2. 50% as sub-irrigation at 10 cm depth (‘50% SUB’); 3. ‘split’ irrigation: 25% as surface drip- and 25% as sub-irrigation at 15 cm depth (‘25/25 SPLIT’); 4. 25% as conventional surface drip-irrigation (‘25% TOP’). Plants were irrigated daily at 18:00 apart from days 34-36 (inclusive) when water was withdrawn for all the treatments. Plants in ‘50% SUB’ had the most flowers and their size was comparable to that of ‘50% TOP’. Differences between treatments in other ‘quality’ parameters (height, shoot number) were biologically small. There was less root growth at deeper soil surface levels for ‘50% TOP’ which indicated that irrigation methods like ‘50% SUB’ and ‘25/25 SPLIT’ and stronger water deficits encouraged deeper root growth. It is suggested that sub-irrigation at 10 cm depth with water amounts of 50% container capacity would result in the most root growth with the maximum flowering for Petunia. Leaf stomatal conductance appeared to be most sensitive to the changes in substrate moisture content in the deepest part of the soil profile, where most roots were situated.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the water flow computer model, WATABLE, using experimental field observations on water table management plots from a site located near Hastings, FL, USA. The experimental field had scale drainage systems with provisions for subirrigation with buried microirrigation and conventional seepage irrigation systems. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growing seasons from years 1996 and 1997 were used to simulate the hydrology of the area. Water table levels, precipitation, irrigation and runoff volumes were continuously monitored. The model simulated the water movement from a buried microirrigation line source and the response of the water table to irrigation, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and deep percolation. The model was calibrated and verified by comparing simulated results with experimental field observations. The model performed very well in simulating seasonal runoff, irrigation volumes, and water table levels during crop growth. The two-dimensional model can be used to investigate different irrigation strategies involving water table management control. Applications of the model include optimization of the water table depth for each growth stage, and duration, frequency, and rate of irrigation.


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Irrigation with domestic sewage effluent (DSE) has been recommended by subsurface dripping, as it can obtain a high rate of irrigation efficiency and faster use of salts in comparison with other irrigation methods. The study aimed at evaluating the area, the length and the effective depth of the root system of sugarcane irrigated with DSE by subsurface drip system and with different irrigation rates at depths of 0.00-0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40-0.60 and 0.60-0.80m. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, in a sugarcane area irrigated with DSE in a completely randomized blocks set up in furrows, with three replications and four treatments, which are: one area without irrigation (AWI) and three irrigated areas meeting 50% (T50%), 100% (T100%) and 200% (T200%) of the crop's water need between each round of irrigation. T100% and T200% provided smaller areas and lengths of roots in the two deepest layers, as compared to AWI and T50%, which stimulated the development of deeper roots due to the water stress. TWI, T100% and T200% presented 80% of the roots up to a depth of 0.40m and T50% treatment presented 76.43% of roots total.


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Black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) control consists in the continuous use of fungicide sprays and cultural practices. Cultural control reduces inoculum sources of the pathogen and favorable environmental conditions for its development, as well as it increases the vigor of the plants. In order to manage the disease it is necessary to know its behavior through the time, its relationship with the weather and the crop management. The most important cultural practice to reduce the inoculum source is the removal of the whole affected leaves or only the diseased portions of the leaves. The removed tissue is placed over the ground and the use of urea is feasible to accelerate its decomposition. An alternative practice is the "mini-composting" that consists in forming small heaps with the dead leaves and harvested plants for its quick degradation, which allows to reduce the pathogen inoculum and to incorporate nutrients and organic matters into the soil. The early pruning of the tips of the Young leaves before they show symptoms of the disease and the quick elimination of harvested plants reduce the inoculum. Also, the agronomic management of the crop helps to reduce the favorable conditions and to increase the vigor of the plants: this management considers plantation density, drainage systems, irrigation methods, control of weeds, chemical-biological fertilization, and nematode control.


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Knowledge about irrigated agricultural area and its geographical distribution are of great importance to water resources management. Evolution of irrigated area according to the irrigation method allows an identification of rational water technologies. The aim of this work was to analyze the information presented in the agricultural census of 1995/1996 and of 2006. Brazil has an area of 4.45 million cultivated hectares with irrigation. It is noticed that according to the 1995/1996 census, the irrigated area increased 1.3 million hectares, a growth of 42%. The Southeast region surpasses the South region which had, in 1995/96, the largest irrigated area. The Northeast region is the third irrigated agricultural area with 22.12 %, while the Central-west and the Northern region together sum 14.7%. According to the agricultural census 2006 classification, sprinkler irrigation (without center pivot) method is the most used,followed by flood, center pivot, other methods, drip and furrow, representing 35.3%, 24.4%, 18.9%, 8.3%, 7.4% and 5.8%, respectively.


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The purpose of this study was to compare temperature variation during osteotomies with trephine drills under different irrigation conditions: without irrigation, external irrigation, and double irrigation.Synthetic blocks of bone (type I density) were used for drilling procedures with an experimental computed machine, which measured the maximum temperature in the cortical bone during osteotomy with a bone cut that was 5 mm in both diameter and depth. Three groups were formed depending on the irrigation conditions: no irrigation (G1), external irrigation (G2), and double irrigation (G3). Fifty drillings were performed for each group.The average thermal increase in the groups was 21.7 +/- 1.52 A degrees C in G1, 14.2 A +/- 0.70 A degrees C in G2, and 12.4 A +/- 0.75 A degrees C in G3. The results presented statistically significant differences among all groups (alpha = 0.05).The double irrigation technique resulted in a smaller increase in temperature in the cortical bone model, demonstrating a greater efficiency, which may be beneficial when compared to external irrigation alone.The trephine has been widely used in removing small blocks for bone graft, especially the posterior mandible, where the possibility of heating may be higher due to the density of cortical bone in this area. So it is important that the professionals select instruments that can reduce the risks of complications in the proposed treatment.


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Na atual conjuntura, no que se refere à energia renovável, o etanol é um dos principais, se não o mais importante, produto brasileiro. Proveniente da fermentação de açúcares, processo conhecido há séculos, tem se tornado o carro chefe do país como garantia de voz ativa nas discussões energéticas pelo mundo afora. Porém, atualmente, o setor sucroalcooleiro está passando por um momento de cautela devido à queda de produtividade e longevidade dos canaviais ao longo dos últimos anos ocasionados principalmente pela mecanização da colheita e plantio da cana-de-açúcar. Cabe ressaltar que as perdas de produção podem ser ainda maiores diante da ausência do manejo varietal e de cuidados adequados em relação à sanidade de mudas utilizadas para a multiplicação de viveiros. Nesse sentido, nos últimos anos, o emprego da irrigação no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar associada a outras tecnologias de plantio, tais como formação de viveiros com mudas pré-brotadas, vem merecendo papel de destaque. Esse cenário obriga pesquisadores a buscar novas tecnologias para aumento de produtividade, longevidade dos canaviais e redução do custo por tonelada de cana produzida, tais como a produção de mudas sadias para formação de viveiros de cana-de-açúcar. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo, submeter mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar, durante plantio de inverno, na região de Piracicaba, SP, sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação (10 mm; 20 mm; 30 mm e 40 mm), utilizando um sistema de irrigação por aspersão com alas móveis. Dessa forma, buscou-se determinar qual seria a melhor lâmina de irrigação, necessária para garantir o melhor índice de pegamento e alto vigor no estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar para a região de Piracicaba-SP. Foram feitas avaliações periódicas (não destrutivas), tais como: mortalidade das mudas; clorofila total na folha; tamanho da muda; índice de área foliar; número de perfilhos brotados por metro; percentual de falha no canavial. Além de avaliações periódicas (destrutivas), tais como: avaliação do tamanho da raiz; massa seca da raiz; massa seca da parte aérea e número de perfilhos totais. As análises estatísticas das lâminas de irrigação foram realizadas pelo método de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Diante dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a lâmina de 10 mm possibilitou os melhores índices de pegamento e proporcionou um índice superior a 97,8% de sobrevivência de mudas. Também, observou-se uma estreita relação entre o índice de mortalidade no plantio de inverno das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar com o manejo da irrigação, a qual nos primeiros dias após plantio foi fundamental para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas. Cabe ressaltar que em caso da adoção de outro manejo de irrigação, com lâminas maiores, nessas condições experimentais, possivelmente haveria perdas de água, cujo fato nos dias atuais não é o ideal tendo em vista a busca por economia e manejo racional da água.


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The Denver metropolitan area is facing rapid population growth that increases the stress on already limited resources. Research and advanced computer modeling show that trees, especially those in urban areas, have significant environmental benefits. These benefits include air quality improvements, energy savings, greenhouse gas reduction, and possible water conservation. This Capstone Project applies statistical methods to analyze a small data set of residential homes and their energy and water consumption, as a function of their individual landscape. Results indicate that tree shade can influence water conservation, and that irrigation methods can be an influential factor as well. The Capstone is a preliminary analysis for future study to be performed by the Institute for Environmental Solutions in 2007.


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Black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) control consists in the continuous use of fungicide sprays and cultural practices. Cultural control reduces inoculum sources of the pathogen and favorable environmental conditions for its development, as well as it increases the vigor of the plants. In order to manage the disease it is necessary to know its behavior through the time, its relationship with the weather and the crop management. The most important cultural practice to reduce the inoculum source is the removal of the whole affected leaves or only the diseased portions of the leaves. The removed tissue is placed over the ground and the use of urea is feasible to accelerate its decomposition. An alternative practice is the "mini-composting" that consists in forming small heaps with the dead leaves and harvested plants for its quick degradation, which allows to reduce the pathogen inoculum and to incorporate nutrients and organic matters into the soil. The early pruning of the tips of the Young leaves before they show symptoms of the disease and the quick elimination of harvested plants reduce the inoculum. Also, the agronomic management of the crop helps to reduce the favorable conditions and to increase the vigor of the plants: this management considers plantation density, drainage systems, irrigation methods, control of weeds, chemical-biological fertilization, and nematode control.


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O objectivo deste trabalho consistiu em definir, com base na evidência científica mais recente sobre Acidentes com hipoclorito de sódio, diferentes protocolos para a prevenção e tratamento dos acidentes causados no âmbito da endodontia. O Hipoclorito de Sódio é o irrigante frequentemente mais utilizado durante o Tratamento Endodôntico, devido às suas excelentes propriedades, capacidade de dissolver tecidos e capacidade bactericida. Há diversos factores que podem influenciar o modo de atuação do NaOCl, tais como: a concentração, a temperatura, o pH, o tempo/volume de irrigação, a agitação do irrigante, os métodos de introdução do irrigante, a conicidade apical e a profundidade de colocação da agulha. A pesquisa bibliográfica deste trabalho foi realizada nas bibliotecas da Universidade Fernando Pessoa e Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade do Porto e nos motores de internet Pubmed, Science Direct, Scielo e B-On, entre Junho de 2016 a Outubro de 2016. As palavras utilizadas para a pesquisa foram as seguintes: “desinfection endodontics”, “endodontics”, “endodontic treatment”, “sodium hypochlorite”, “irrigants endodontics”, “sodium hypochlorite accidents”, “irrigation methods”, “root canal irrigant”, “management NaOCL accidents”.


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Evapotranspiration (ET) is a complex process in the hydrological cycle that influences the quantity of runoff and thus the irrigation water requirements. Numerous methods have been developed to estimate potential evapotranspiration (PET). Unfortunately, most of the reliable PET methods are parameter rich models and therefore, not feasible for application in data scarce regions. On the other hand, accuracy and reliability of simple PET models vary widely according to regional climate conditions. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance of three temperature-based and three radiation-based simple ET methods in estimating historical ET and projecting future ET at Muda Irrigation Scheme at Kedah, Malaysia. The performance was measured by comparing those methods with the parameter intensive Penman-Monteith Method. It was found that radiation based methods gave better performance compared to temperature-based methods in estimation of ET in the study area. Future ET simulated from projected climate data obtained through statistical downscaling technique also showed that radiation-based methods can project closer ET values to that projected by Penman-Monteith Method. It is expected that the study will guide in selecting suitable methods for estimating and projecting ET in accordance to availability of meteorological data.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Mode of access: Internet.