859 resultados para irrigating solution


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Background/aims To compare two intraocular irrigating solutions, Balanced Salt Solution Plus (BSS Plus) versus Lactated Ringer`s (Ringer), for the preservation of corneal integrity after phacoemulsification. Methods 110 patients undergoing phacoemulsification were randomised to either BSS Plus (n = 55) or Ringer (n = 55) as the irrigating solution. Patients were examined at baseline and at 1, 8, 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively. Evaluations included specular microscopy to evaluate endothelial cell density (ECD) and endothelial cell size variability (CV), and corneal pachymetry for central corneal thickness (CCT) measurement. Results Groups were well balanced regarding baseline ECD, CV and CCT (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between ECD reduction in group BSS Plus 13.1 +/- 2.0% and Ringer 9.2 +/- 1.9% (p<0.05) at day 60 or in any study visit. There was no statistically significant difference between CV increase in group BSS Plus 23.0 +/- 3.0% and Ringer 20.2 +/- 4.0% (p<0.05) at day 60 or in any study visit. CCT was significantly increased (p<0.05) at 1, 8, 15 and 30 days postoperatively, returning to baseline at 60 days in both groups. There was no significant difference in CCT increase in both groups at any visit. Interestingly, there were statistically significant correlations between ECD loss and phacoemulsification time (p<0.0001) and ECD loss and irrigation solution volume (p<0.0001) in the Ringer group, but not in the BSS Plus group. Conclusions Ringers solution was similar to BSS Plus for corneal preservation in atraumatic cataract surgery. However, our study demonstrates that there is a trend towards lower postoperative endothelial cell density for surgeries with longer phacoemulsification time and higher irrigation volumes if Ringer is used.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vivo antimicrobial activity of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (FCFRP-USP) used as a root canal irrigating solution in teeth with pulp necrosis and radiographically visible chronic periapical reactions. Culture techniques and measurement of the inhibition zone were used. Twenty-two root canals of incisors and molars of 12 patients were used. After accessing the canal, the first root canal sample was collected with two sterile paper points that were transferred to a tube containing reduced transport fluid. The root canal was instrumented using chlorhexidine solution. A small sterile cotton pellet was placed at the root canal entrance, and the cavity was sealed with zinc oxide-eugenol cement. The canals were maintained empty for 48 h. Three sterile paper points were then introduced to absorb the root canal fluid (second sample). One paper point was placed on an agar plate inoculated with Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 and incubated for 24 h at 37°C, and the other two were submitted to microbiological evaluation. Present in 10 cases at baseline, mutans streptococci was reduced by 100% at the second assessment. Treatment showed an efficiency of 77.78% for anaerobic microorganisms at the second assessment. These data suggest that chlorhexidine prevents microbial activity in vivo with residual effects in the root canal system up to 48 h. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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The present study compared the accuracy of three electronic apex locators (EALs) - Elements Diagnostic®, Root ZX® and Apex DSP® - in the presence of different irrigating solutions (0.9% saline solution and 1% sodium hypochlorite). The electronic measurements were carried out by three examiners, using twenty extracted human permanent maxillary central incisors. A size 10 K file was introduced into the root canals until reaching the 0.0 mark, and was subsequently retracted to the 1.0 mark. The gold standard (GS) measurement was obtained by combining visual and radiographic methods, and was set 1 mm short of the apical foramen. Electronic length values closer to the GS (± 0.5 mm) were considered as accurate measures. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to verify inter-examiner agreement. The comparison among the EALs was performed using the McNemar and Kruskal-Wallis tests (p < 0.05). The ICCs were generally high, ranging from 0.8859 to 0.9657. Similar results were observed for the percentage of electronic measurements closer to the GS obtained with the Elements Diagnostic® and the Root ZX® EALs (p > 0.05), independent of the irrigating solutions used. The measurements taken with these two EALs were more accurate than those taken with Apex DSP®, regardless of the irrigating solution used (p < 0.05). It was concluded that Elements Diagnostic® and Root ZX® apex locators are able to locate the cementum-dentine junction more precisely than Apex DSP®. The presence of irrigating solutions does not interfere with the performance of the EALs.


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Aim To compare the ex vivo antibacterial effectiveness of the Endox Plus system and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) in combination with BioPure MTAD (Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK, USA) or with EDTA in Enterococcus faecalis-contaminated root canals.Methodology After initial preparation, the root canals of 70 single-rooted human teeth were inoculated with E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) and incubated for 21 days. Specimens were divided into five groups: Endox Plus/saline; 2.5% NaOCl/MTAD; 2.5% NaOCl/EDTA; saline (positive control); negative control (root canals not prepared, nor irrigated). Samples were collected using paper points. Microbiological analysis evaluated the number of CFUs. Data were analysed by anova and Tukey tests at 0.05 significance.Results All specimens had bacterial growth after the incubation period, with similar CFU per mL counts (P > 0.05). After chemo-mechanical preparation, the number of bacteria in all groups reduced, except for the negative control. No significant differences were observed between 2.5% NaOCl/MTAD and 2.5% NaOCl/EDTA, but these groups had lower CFU counts than the other groups (P < 0.05). In the final samples, an increase in the bacterial counts was observed for Endox Plus/saline, 2.5% NaOCl/MTAD, 2.5% NaOCl/EDTA and saline (P < 0.05) with no significant differences between these groups.Conclusions This ex vivo study revealed that the Endox Plus system was associated with a reduced antibacterial effectiveness compared with conventional irrigation using 2.5% NaOCl/MTAD and 2.5% NaOCl/EDTA. All irrigation procedures allowed recovery of bacteria 7 days after treatment, demonstrating persistence of contamination within the root canal system.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the efficacy of 2 types of rotary instruments employed in association with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or EDTA in removing calcium hydroxide (CH) residues from root canals dentin walls. Forty-two mandibular human incisors were instrumented with the ProTaper System up to F2 instrument, irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl followed by 17% EDTA and filled with a CH intracanal dressing. After 7 days, the CH dressing was removed using 4 techniques: NiTi rotary instrument size 25, 0.06 taper (K3 Endo) and irrigation with 17% EDTA (Group 1), NiTi rotary F1 instrument (ProTaper) and irrigation with 17% EDTA (Group 2), NiTi rotary instrument size 25, 0.06 taper and irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl (Group 3) and NiTi rotary F1 instrument and irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl (Group 4). Two roots without intracanal dressing were used as negative controls. Teeth were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, in the cervical and apical canal thirds. None of the techniques removed the CH dressing completely. In the apical and cervical thirds, F1 instrument was better than instrument size 25, 0.06 taper in removing CH residues (p<0.05), regardless of the final irrigating solution. No difference was found between the irrigating solutions in the groups of F1 instrument and of instrument size 25, 0.06 taper (p>0.05). The negative controls had no CH residues on the dentin walls. In conclusion, the ProTaper F1 instrument was better than K3 Endo instrument size 25, 0.06 taper in the removal of CH intracanal medication, regardless of irrigating solution used.


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Chemical substances used during biomechanical preparation of root canals can alter the composition of dentin surface and affect the interaction with restorative materials. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of a self-etching adhesive system to dentin irrigated with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty human third molars were sectioned 3 mm below the occlusal surface, polished with 600- to 1200-grit silicon carbide papers, and randomly divided into 3 groups: G1 (control): no irrigating solution; G2: 1% NaOCl; and G3: 1% NaOCl followed by the application of 17% EDTA. The specimens received the self-etching adhesive system (XENO III - Dentsply), restored with microhybrid composite resin (Z250 - 3M ESPE), sectioned and trimmed to create 4 hourglass-shaped slabs of each tooth. The slabs were tested in microtensile strength in a universal testing machine (Emic DL 2000) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. The results were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Newman-Keuls test. RESULTS: Mean µTBS values and standard deviations in MPa were: G1 = 11.89 ± 4.22; G2 = 19.41 ± 5.32; G3 = 11.34 ± 4.73. 1% NaOCl increased the adhesive resistance significantly (p<0.001/F=22.5763). The application of 1% NaOCl/17% EDTA resulted in statistically similar µTBS to the control group. CONCLUSIONS: None of the irrigants affected negatively the µTBS of XENO III to dentin. The use of 1% NaOCl alone resulted in higher bond strength than the other treatments. The combination of 1% NaOCl and 17% EDTA produced similar bond strength to that of untreated dentin.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The science of Dentistry wishes obtains the ideal solution for the dental plaque chemical control. This research evaluated antimicrobial action capacity in calcium hydroxide and tergentol various solutions starting for the CHD 20, a root canals irrigating solution with a reason of 80% calcium hydroxide saturated solution and 20% tergentol detergent with the aim of evaluate this drug mouth rinse indication with prevention or combat objective for dental caries and periodontal diseases. Antibiogram disks and biofilm tests were accomplished for the microorganisms: Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus sobrinus and Lactobacillus casei. Different reasons of detergent for the calcium hydroxide saturated solution, tergentol and distillated water solution, 0,12% clorhexydine digluconate solution was positive control and distillated water was negative control. The results showed better performance of clorhexydine in relation to calcium hydroxide directing to not accept this (CHD20) as mouth rinse solution


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Estudou-se a influência de diferentes irrigantes no potencial antimicrobiano da pasta de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes de cães com periodontite apical. 48 pré-molares de cães adultos tiveram suas câmaras coronárias abertas e expostas à cavidade bucal por 6 meses. Os canais radiculares foram preparados, irrigados e medicados com diferentes substâncias, de acordo com os seguintes grupos: 1) 2,5% NaOCl + CHP; 2) 2% CHX + CHP; 3) vinagre + CHP; 4) vinagre + vinagre. No grupo 4, a solução irrigante e a medicação intracanal utilizada foi o vinagre. Neste grupo, a cada 7 dias, a solução era renovada. Cada amostra foi coletada, mantendo-se o cone de papel esterilizado em posição por 1 min, e a seguir transportado e imerso em 7 mL de Letheen broth, seguido de incubação a 37ºC por 48 h. O crescimento microbiano foi analisado por dois métodos, turbidade do meio de cultura e subcultura em meio nutritivo específico (brain heart infusion). Os resultados mostraram que em todos os grupos experimentais houve crescimento microbiano após 21 dias, em diferentes percentagens: grupo 1 - 30%; grupo 2 - 30%; grupo 3 - 40%; grupo 4 - 60%. Todos os materiais testados apresentaram potencial antimicrobiano. Entretanto, o processo de cura favorecido pela pasta de hidróxido de cálcio não pode ser esquecido, uma vez que muitos estudos já demonstraram sua ação antimicrobiana.


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Aim the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound in cleaning the surface of stainless steel and Ni-Ti endodontic instruments.Methodology Twenty nickel-titanium instruments (10 Quantec files and 10 Nitiflex) and 20 stainless steel K-files (10 Maillefer-Dentsply and 10 Moyco Union Broach) were removed from their original packages and evaluated using a scanning electron microscope. Scores were given for the presence of residues on the surface or the instruments. The instruments were then cleaned in an ultrasonic bath containing only distilled water or detergent solution for 15 min, and re-evaluated, using scanning electron microscopy.Results Before cleaning, a greater amount of metallic debris was observed on the nickel-titanium Quantec instruments (P < 0.05), when compared to those made of stainless steel. Statistical analysis showed that the use of ultrasound was effective for cleaning the instruments, regardless of the irrigating solution or the instruments type (P < 0.05).Conclusions the use of ultrasound proved to be an efficient method for the removal of metallic particles from the surface of stainless steel and Ni-Ti endodontic instruments.


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Aim To evaluate in vitro the cleaning of root-canal walls after irrigation with different irrigants.Methodology A total of 36 recently extracted human teeth were divided into four experimental groups according to the irrigating solution used: saline; 2% chlorhexidine; 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite + EDTA. The cleaning of the apical, middle and coronal thirds of the root canals was evaluated by scanning electron microscope examination using a 4-point scoring system.Results the best cleaning was obtained using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and EDTA, followed by 2.5% sodium hypochlorite only (P < 0.05), whose cleaning was similar to chlorhexidine only in the cervical third. Cleaning by saline and 2% chlorhexidine was worse than the other two groups and was similar in all thirds. Better cleaning was found in the cervical and middle thirds for all groups with the worst results in the apical third.Conclusions the apical third of the root canals was not cleaned as well as the middle and coronal thirds. Cleaning by chlorhexidine and saline was inferior compared to the cleaning by sodium hypochlorite with and without EDTA.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the histopathologic response of periapical tissues after root canal treatment of necrotic dog teeth with chronic apical periodontitis by using 2 calcium hydroxide-based root canal dressings and 2 root canal sealers.Study design. Seventy-eight root canals were instrumented by using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigating solution, after which a calcium hydroxide paste (Calen/PMCC or Calasept) was placed for 30 days as a dressing. The root canals were then filled by using cold lateral gutta-percha condensation and an enclodontic sealer (Sealapex or AH Plus). After 360 days, the animals were killed by anesthetic overdose; then, the teeth were histologically prepared, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopic analysis of apical and periapical tissue repair.Results. Statistical analysis showed that the poorest histopathologic results were observed in the Calasept/AH Plus group and that the Sealapex sealer overall resulted in better apical repair than the AH Plus sealer. The histopathologic results of Calen/PMCC paste with both AH Plus and Sealapex and Calasept paste with only Sealapex were statistically similar but were different from the results of Calasept with AH Plus.Conclusions. The results of this study in the dog showed differences in apical and periapical tissue repair of teeth with chronic apical periodontitis by using 2 calcium hydroxide root canal dressings and 2 sealers. More research is necessary to determine the best combination of dressings and sealers.