998 resultados para iron export


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia-Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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[EN] Iron is essential for oxygen transport because it is incorporated in the heme of the oxygen-binding proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin. An interaction between iron homeostasis and oxygen regulation is further suggested during hypoxia, in which hemoglobin and myoglobin syntheses have been reported to increase. This study gives new insights into the changes in iron content and iron-oxygen interactions during enhanced erythropoiesis by simultaneously analyzing blood and muscle samples in humans exposed to 7 to 9 days of high altitude hypoxia (HA). HA up-regulates iron acquisition by erythroid cells, mobilizes body iron, and increases hemoglobin concentration. However, contrary to our hypothesis that muscle iron proteins and myoglobin would also be up-regulated during HA, this study shows that HA lowers myoglobin expression by 35% and down-regulates iron-related proteins in skeletal muscle, as evidenced by decreases in L-ferritin (43%), transferrin receptor (TfR; 50%), and total iron content (37%). This parallel decrease in L-ferritin and TfR in HA occurs independently of increased hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) mRNA levels and unchanged binding activity of iron regulatory proteins, but concurrently with increased ferroportin mRNA levels, suggesting enhanced iron export. Thus, in HA, the elevated iron requirement associated with enhanced erythropoiesis presumably elicits iron mobilization and myoglobin down-modulation, suggesting an altered muscle oxygen homeostasis.


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BACKGROUND ; AIMS: Iron perturbations are frequently observed in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to investigate a potential association of copper status with disturbances of iron homeostasis in NAFLD. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 140 NAFLD patients and 25 control subjects. Biochemical and hepatic iron and copper parameters were analyzed. Hepatic expression of iron regulatory molecules was investigated in liver biopsy specimens by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis. RESULTS: NAFLD patients had lower hepatic copper concentrations than control subjects (21.9 +/- 9.8 vs 29.6 +/- 5.1 microg/g; P = .002). NAFLD patients with low serum and liver copper concentrations presented with higher serum ferritin levels (606.7 +/- 265.8 vs 224.2 +/- 176.0 mg/L; P < .001), increased prevalence of siderosis in liver biopsy specimens (36/46 vs 10/47 patients; P < .001), and with elevated hepatic iron concentrations (1184.4 +/- 842.7 vs 319.9 +/- 451.3 microg/g; P = .020). Lower serum concentrations of the copper-dependent ferroxidase ceruloplasmin (21.7 +/- 4.1 vs 30.4 +/- 6.4 mg/dL; P < .001) and decreased liver ferroportin (FP-1; P = .009) messenger RNA expression were found in these patients compared with NAFLD patients with high liver or serum copper concentrations. Accordingly, in rats, a reduced dietary copper intake was paralleled by a decreased hepatic FP-1 protein expression. CONCLUSIONS: A significant proportion of NAFLD patients should be considered copper deficient. Our results indicate that copper status is linked to iron homeostasis in NAFLD, suggesting that low copper bioavailability causes increased hepatic iron stores via decreased FP-1 expression and ceruloplasmin ferroxidase activity thus blocking liver iron export in copper-deficient subjects.


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L'interaction entre le système immunitaire et le métabolisme du fer est bien illustrée par l'anémie des maladies chroniques (ACD), qui est fréquemment rencontrée dans les infections chroniques, l'inflammation et le cancer. La majorité des modifications dans les paramètres du fer observées dans l’ACD tient compte des modifications de l’homéostasie du fer, avec la délocalisation du métal de la circulation et les sites de l'érythropoïèse au compartiment de stockage dans les macrophages. Les mécanismes de la réponse hyposidérémique impliquent des cytokines, notamment TNF-alpha et IL-6, qui régulent les niveaux de plusieurs gènes du métabolisme du fer, y compris les transporteurs de fer et de l'hepcidine, un régulateur négatif de l’absorption du fer, ce qui entraîne l'inhibition de l'exportation du fer à travers la ferroportine 1 (FPN1) au niveau de l'intestin et les macrophages. Des études antérieures ont montré que l'IL-6 induit l’expression d’hepcidine dans les hépatocytes, mais il y a très peu de données concernant la façon par laquelle l'hepcidine et la FPN1 sont régulées dans les macrophages. Récemment, nous avons constaté que l'induction de l'hepcidine dans le foie par le lipopolysaccharide (LPS) dépend de la voie de signalisation médiée par le récepteur Toll-like 4 (TLR4). Le but de ce travail est d’identifier les ligands des TLRs capables d'induire l'hepcidine dans les macrophages et de déterminer l’exigence des TLRs dans l’induction de l’hepcidine et le développement d’hyposidérémie. En plus, nous voulons étudier l’effet de l’inflammation causée par les ligands des TLRs sur le taux de fer sérique, la production des cytokines et l'expression de l’hepcidine et de la ferroportine. D’autre part nous voulons étudier l’effet du taux du fer sur la production d’IL-6 macrophagique en réponse à la stimulation par le TLR4. D'abord, pour identifier les ligands des TLRs capables d'induire l'hepcidine dans les macrophages, nous avons traité les macrophages RAW 264.7 et les macrophages péritonéaux de souris (MPMs) avec différents ligands TLRs et on a mesuré l’expression de l'hepcidine par qRT-PCR. Nous avons observé que Pam3CSK4 (Pam), un ligand de TLR2/1; LPS, un ligand de TLR-4 et FSL1 un ligand de TLR2/6 induisent l’expression de l'hepcidine dans les cellules RAW 264.7 et les MPMs, contrairement au polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid (Poly I: C), un ligand de TLR3. De plus, LPS était capable de réprimer l’expression de la ferroportine dans les cellules RAW 264.7. Afin de mieux définir la nécessité des TLRs pour assurer cette expression, nous avons utilisé les souris TLR-2 knock-out et on a établi que l'expression de l'hepcidine dans les macrophages par LPS, Pam ou FSL1 est dépendante du TLR2. En accord avec les expériences in vitro, les études effectuées in vivo ont montré que LPS réprime l’expression de la ferroportine, ainsi que PolyI:C n’est pas capable de stimuler l'expression d'hepcidine hépatique, par contre il était efficace pour déclencher une hyposidérémie. Ensuite, on voulait déterminer la voie de signalisation utilisée dans l’induction de l’hepcidine dans les macrophages. Comme il y deux voies majeures connues pour la signalisation des TLRs : une dépendante et l’autre indépendante de la protéine MyD88, on a étudié l’expression de l’hepcidine dans les MPMs isolés des souris MyD88-/- et nous avons constaté que l'absence de signalisation MyD88 abolit l'induction de l'hepcidine déclenchée par Pam, LPS et FSL1. D’autre part, la stimulation avec du LPS induisait in vivo la production d’IL-6 et de TNF-alpha, et la stimulation d’IL-6 était renforcée in vitro par la présence du fer. Ces observations indiquent que l’expression de HAMP (Hepcidin Antimicrobial Peptide) dans les macrophages peut être régulée par différents TLRs, ce qui suggère que la production d'hepcidine macrophagique fait partie d'une réponse immunitaire activées par les TLRs.


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Samples from a pristine raised peat bog runoff in Austria, the Tannermoor creek, were analysed for their iron linked to natural organic matter (NOM) content. Dissolved organic carbon < 0.45 µm (DOC) was 41 to 64 mg/L, iron 4.4 to 5.5 mg/L. Samples were analysed applying asymmetric field flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) coupled to UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The samples showed an iron peak associated with the NOM peak, one sample exhibiting a second peak of iron independent from the NOM peak. As highland peat bogs with similar climatic conditions and vegetation to the Tanner Moor are found throughout the world, including areas adjacent to the sea, we examined the behaviour of NOM and iron in samples brought to euhaline (35 per mil) conditions with artificial sea salt. The enhanced ionic strength reduced NOM by 53% and iron by 82%. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) of the samples at sea-like salinity revealed two major fractions of NOM associated with different iron concentrations. The larger one, eluting sharply after the upper exclusion limits of 4000-5000 g/mol, seems to be most important for iron chelating. The results outline the global importance of sub-mountainous and mountainous raised peat bogs as a source of iron chelators to the marine environment at sites where such peat bogs release their run-offs into the sea.


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Recentemente tem-se assistido a um acumular de evidência sugerindo a implicação de uma desregulação do metabolismo do ferro (Fe) na fisiopatologia da doença de Alzheimer (DA). Neste trabalho, pretendemos esclarecer melhor os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à homeostasia deste metal na DA, particularmente ao nível do efluxo celular. Assim, mediu-se em células mononucleares do sangue periférico de 73 doentes com DA e 74 controlos a expressão de genes diretamente envolvidos na regulação e exportação celular de Fe, utilizando a técnica de PCR quantitativo. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição significativa na expressão dos genes aconitase (ACO1; P=0,007); ceruloplasmina (CP; P<0,001) e proteína precursora de beta amilóide (APP; P=0,006) em doentes com DA comparativamente com os voluntários saudáveis. Estas observações apontam para uma diminuição significativa da expressão dos genes associados com a exportação de Fe celular mediada pela ferroportina na DA. Assim, o presente estudo reforça resultados anteriores que mostram alterações no metabolismo do Fe e podem estar na origem da retenção intracelular deste metal e aumento de stress oxidativo caraterísticos desta patologia.


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The Australian government embargoed any export of iron ore between 1938 and 1960. Joseph Lyons’s government imposed the ban on the eve of World War II for a strategic reason: to prevent the Japanese from importing ore from Yampi Sound in Western Australia. Another consideration, which underpinned the retention of the ban for more than two decades, was the Commonwealth of Australia's perception that Australia's iron ore reserves were limited. In the space of a few years after the partial lifting of the embargo in 1960, world-class reserves of iron ore, mainly in Western Australia, were discovered. Mined and exported from the mid-1960s, iron ore would become, in time, Australia’s best export earner. This article explores the reasons behind the lifting of the ban and how the relaxation of the embargo in stages between 1960 and 1966 shaped the emerging iron ore industry and therefore Australia’s mining boom.


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Using a three-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model, we have investigated the modeled responses of diatom productivity and biogenic silica export to iron enrichment in the equatorial Pacific, and compared the model simulation with in situ (IronEx II) iron fertilization results. In the eastern equatorial Pacific, an area of 540,000 km(2) was enhanced with iron by changing the photosynthetic efficiency and silicate and nitrogen uptake kinetics of phytoplankton in the model for a period of 20 days. The vertically integrated Chl a and primary production increased by about threefold 5 days after the start of the experiment, similar to that observed in the IronEx II experiment. Diatoms contribute to the initial increase of the total phytoplankton biomass, but decrease sharply after 10 days because of mesozooplankton grazing. The modeled surface nutrients (silicate and nitrate) and TCO(2) anomaly fields, obtained from the difference between the "iron addition'' and "ambient'' (without iron) concentrations, also agreed well with the IronEx II observations. The enriched patch is tracked with an inert tracer similar to the SF6 used in the IronEx II. The modeled depth-time distribution of sinking biogenic silica (BSi) indicates that it would take more than 30 days after iron injection to detect any significant BSi export out of the euphotic zone. Sensitivity studies were performed to establish the importance of fertilized patch size, duration of fertilization, and the role of mesozooplankton grazing. A larger size of the iron patch tends to produce a broader extent and longer-lasting phytoplankton blooms. Longer duration prolongs phytoplankton growth, but higher zooplankton grazing pressure prevents significant phytoplankton biomass accumulation. With the same treatment of iron fertilization in the model, lowering mesozooplankton grazing rate generates much stronger diatom bloom, but it is terminated by Si(OH)(4) limitation after the initial rapid increase. Increasing mesozooplankton grazing rate, the diatom increase due to iron addition stays at minimum level, but small phytoplankton tend to increase. The numerical model experiments demonstrate the value of ecosystem modeling for evaluating the detailed interaction between biogeochemical cycle and iron fertilization in the equatorial Pacific.


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Carbon cycle is connected with the most important environmental issue of Global Change. As one of the major carbon reservoirs, oceans play an important part in the carbon cycle. In recent years, iron seems to give us a good news that oceanic iron fertilization could stimulate biological productivity as CO2 sink of human-produced CO2. Oceanic iron fertilization experiments have verified that adding iron into high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) seawaters can increase phytoplankton production and export organic carbon, and hence increase carbon sink of anthropogenic CO2, to reduce global warming. In sixty days, the export organic carbon could reach 10 000 times for adding iron by model prediction and in situ experiment, i.e. the atmospheric CO2 uptake and inorganic carbon drawdown in upper seawaters also have the same magnitude. Therefore, oceanic iron fertilization is one of the strategies for increasing carbon sink of anthropogenic CO2. The paper is focused on the iron fertilization, especially in situ ocean iron experiments in order that the future research is more efficient.


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Wetland restoration is a commonly used approach to reduce nutrient loading to freshwater and coastal ecosystems, with many wetland restoration efforts occurring in former agricultural fields. Restored wetlands are expected to be effective at retaining or removing both nitrogen and phosphorus (P), yet restoring wetland hydrology to former agricultural fields can lead to the release of legacy fertilizer P. Here, we examined P cycling and export following rewetting of the Timberlake Restoration Project, a 440 ha restored riverine wetland complex in the coastal plain of North Carolina. We also compared P cycling within the restored wetland to two minimally disturbed nearby wetlands and an adjacent active agricultural field. In the restored wetland we observed increased soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations following initial flooding, consistent with our expectations that P bound to iron would be released under reducing conditions. SRP concentrations in spring were 2.5 times higher leaving the restored wetland than a forested wetland and an agricultural field. During two large-scale drawdown and rewetting experiments we decreased the water depth by 1 m in ∼10 ha of inundated wetland for 2 weeks, followed by reflooding. Rewetting following experimental drainage had no effect on SRP concentrations in winter, but SRP concentrations did increase when the experiment was repeated during summer. Our best estimates suggest that this restored wetland could release legacy fertilizer P for up to a decade following hydrologic restoration. The time lag between restoration and biogeochemical recovery should be incorporated into management strategies of restored wetlands. Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.