676 resultados para irmandade do Rosário
The object of this work is a fellowship of São Sebastião e Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the city of Jardim do Seridó (RN), that is, a black catholic fellowship on the sertão potiguar. The devotion to Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in colonial Brazil, organizes itself through black catholic men as fellowships. They blossomed in Brazil until the abolition, getting support from the Catholic church, from owners of slaves and from the population in general − unlike others afro-Brazilian religious expression. Today, these fellowships remain active, against the sentimental pessimism of the folklore studies, and they also have a highlight position in the calendar of many cities in Brazil, and in particular in Seridó. The research s foothold is the apparent valorization of the fellowship by the local elite, attitude that hides asymmetric relationships between the group of negros do Rosário and the local authorities, having as its consequence that the members occupy a subaltern position inside their own fellowship. This subalternity take place, mainly, in the public area, where the negros do Rosário cannot represent themselves neither political nor discursively. To discuss this idea, it s done a brief historical of these catholic institutions as well as a description of the relationship between the negros do Rosário and the elites of the city. Then, the phenomenon is analyzed as folklore and/or religion , under the perspective of many agents that participate in this process. In other moment, it is going to be presented how the group formulates their own representation of the history, of the devotional forms and of their own political-religious experiences. In this sense, an ethnography of the subalternity is understood as an analysis of the process that leads the negros do Rosário to become a subaltern group. It s also outlined the perception that the group has of its own position, through an ethnography essay of the subaltern subject. The research, focused in the group of Rosário, was done between August 2010 and January 2012 and includes other agents (like treasurers, priests and intellectuals). Besides that, as a methodological complement, there are documental research, photography, as well as shoots of the party days and public presentation
The object of this work is a fellowship of São Sebastião e Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the city of Jardim do Seridó (RN), that is, a black catholic fellowship on the sertão potiguar. The devotion to Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in colonial Brazil, organizes itself through black catholic men as fellowships. They blossomed in Brazil until the abolition, getting support from the Catholic church, from owners of slaves and from the population in general − unlike others afro-Brazilian religious expression. Today, these fellowships remain active, against the sentimental pessimism of the folklore studies, and they also have a highlight position in the calendar of many cities in Brazil, and in particular in Seridó. The research s foothold is the apparent valorization of the fellowship by the local elite, attitude that hides asymmetric relationships between the group of negros do Rosário and the local authorities, having as its consequence that the members occupy a subaltern position inside their own fellowship. This subalternity take place, mainly, in the public area, where the negros do Rosário cannot represent themselves neither political nor discursively. To discuss this idea, it s done a brief historical of these catholic institutions as well as a description of the relationship between the negros do Rosário and the elites of the city. Then, the phenomenon is analyzed as folklore and/or religion , under the perspective of many agents that participate in this process. In other moment, it is going to be presented how the group formulates their own representation of the history, of the devotional forms and of their own political-religious experiences. In this sense, an ethnography of the subalternity is understood as an analysis of the process that leads the negros do Rosário to become a subaltern group. It s also outlined the perception that the group has of its own position, through an ethnography essay of the subaltern subject. The research, focused in the group of Rosário, was done between August 2010 and January 2012 and includes other agents (like treasurers, priests and intellectuals). Besides that, as a methodological complement, there are documental research, photography, as well as shoots of the party days and public presentation
The object of this work is a fellowship of São Sebastião e Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the city of Jardim do Seridó (RN), that is, a black catholic fellowship on the sertão potiguar. The devotion to Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in colonial Brazil, organizes itself through black catholic men as fellowships. They blossomed in Brazil until the abolition, getting support from the Catholic church, from owners of slaves and from the population in general − unlike others afro-Brazilian religious expression. Today, these fellowships remain active, against the sentimental pessimism of the folklore studies, and they also have a highlight position in the calendar of many cities in Brazil, and in particular in Seridó. The research s foothold is the apparent valorization of the fellowship by the local elite, attitude that hides asymmetric relationships between the group of negros do Rosário and the local authorities, having as its consequence that the members occupy a subaltern position inside their own fellowship. This subalternity take place, mainly, in the public area, where the negros do Rosário cannot represent themselves neither political nor discursively. To discuss this idea, it s done a brief historical of these catholic institutions as well as a description of the relationship between the negros do Rosário and the elites of the city. Then, the phenomenon is analyzed as folklore and/or religion , under the perspective of many agents that participate in this process. In other moment, it is going to be presented how the group formulates their own representation of the history, of the devotional forms and of their own political-religious experiences. In this sense, an ethnography of the subalternity is understood as an analysis of the process that leads the negros do Rosário to become a subaltern group. It s also outlined the perception that the group has of its own position, through an ethnography essay of the subaltern subject. The research, focused in the group of Rosário, was done between August 2010 and January 2012 and includes other agents (like treasurers, priests and intellectuals). Besides that, as a methodological complement, there are documental research, photography, as well as shoots of the party days and public presentation
This work is a comparative study of three black brotherhoods that existed in Pernambuco in the eighteenth century, it is the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary of Black Men of Recife, Olinda and Goiás. The goal was to understand the similarities and differences between them, taking as benchmark their operating statutes, called Appointments. From the data analysis of the commitments associated with other documents produced by the Brotherhoods and the administrative and religious authorities, we sought the social profile of the villages in evidence, as well as the participation of black people inside. We sought to understand the historical conditions of that period, from the fact that the slave society, the black was placed in a position of subordination. However, as a carrier element of culture, although this condition, was able to overcome social obstacles, opening possibilities for own cultural manifestations of his group could occur. The coexistence in the Brotherhoods of the Rosary, which in addition to organizations for mutual assistance within the Catholic religion, is also constituted as fields mediators between high culture and popular culture, made those organizations become social spaces and representation allowed the existing order. The Brotherhoods of the Rosary in Recife, Olinda and Goiás, had their own hierarchical logic that engendered the construction of new black identities marked by cultural circularity that became possible due to the Atlantic diaspora process
Durante a pesquisa visando à elaboração do relatório antropológico de Boa Vista dos Negros, comunidade quilombola do Seridó (RN), verificamos que o grupo conserva uma longa memória genealógica e que, apesar das mudanças ocorridas na organização econômica e social do grupo, as principais formas de solidariedade foram mantidas. Queremos, aqui, refletir sobre a importância da noção de família, a transmissão dos nomes e da memória genealógica na definição do território quilombola. Na ocasião, serão analisados como os elementos da cultura tradicional são ressignificados ao longo do processo de afirmação étnica
Porto admirável desde o final do século XVI, a cidade da Bahia esteve intensamente envolvida no comércio atlântico e no tráfico negreiro. Sendo conjuntamente capital do Brasil colonial e empório universal, metrópole eclesiástica, e, quase à sua revelia, cidade cosmopolita, ela foi, desde então, o lugar de influências diversas e de reconfigurações profundas. Propõe-se, neste volume, uma série de retratos focados nas instituições, bem como nas práticas e representações de atores sociais envolvidos nesta urbe atlântica entre os séculos XVII e XIX.
Com uma análise dos benefícios financeiros decorrentes da comercialização de certificados de redução de emissão (CER) de gases de efeito estufa, esta dissertação determina o incremento na taxa interna de retorno para o projeto de expansão de cogeração de energia elétrica com biomassa - bagaço de cana-de-açúcar - para a Cia Açucareira Vale do Rosário. Os objetivos da pesquisa são quantificar o volume de CER que poderiam ser comercializados, bem como analisar o emergente mercado de CER para determinação do valor a ser comercializado os certificados. Em ambos objetivos foram considerados a Convenção Quadro sobre Mudança Global do Clima e o Protocolo de Kyoto, incluso nesta, como estrutura para mensurar o volume de CER e regulamentar o mercado.
A exigência pelo mercado de empresas competitivas vem se tornando cada vez maior, em vista das constantes mudanças que acontecem a cada instante no mundo globalizado. Gerenciar uma empresa é uma tarefa complexa, e essa tarefa torna-se ainda mais delicada quando trata-se de uma empresa familiar. Administrar uma empresa onde os funcionários participam do dia-a-dia da família, por pertencerem a ela, pode muitas das vezes confundir a constituição desses espaços, gerando no ambiente empresarial crises que possam ter origem a partir da incapacidade do gestor em separar os dois ambientes, ou mesmo da dificuldade em separar seu lado emotivo de cunho familiar das atividades profissionais da empresa. Aliado à essas dificuldades surge um dos maiores problemas do empreendimento familiar, a questão da sucessão, momento que é crucial para muitas empresas e reflete na sua permanência no mercado ou mesmo na sua dissolução e falência. Nasce daí a preocupação com o planejamento sucessório, ainda não tratado com a devida importância que lhe é devida por algumas empresas. Apresenta-se aqui um Estudo de Caso, de uma empresa que vem se desenvolvendo de maneira eficiente, porém poderia está bem melhor se não estivesse passando por uma crise na sucessão, resultado da ausência de um planejamento pelos seus fundadores. Busca-se aqui retratar o problema da sucessão, e assim demonstrar que esse processo deve ser pensado e analisado, se possível desde os primeiros anos de vida da empresa, visto que período suficiente há para essa elaboração.
The general objective of this study was to contribute to the understanding of the chemical evolution of fluids that percolate through carbonate rocks of the Jandaíra Formation. The oxidation and reduction conditions in which grains, source and cement were formed was investigated using the cathodoluminescence technique (CL). The study area is located in the west part of the Potiguar Basin (Fazenda Belém field) and Rosário Ledge (Felipe Guerra municipality, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The analysis of thin sections of carbonate rocks under CL revealed that grains (allochemical or not) and diagenetic products (micritization, dolomitization, neomorphism and cementation) exhibit since absence of luminescence the various luminescence colors (yellow, orange, red, brown, and blue) in a variety of intensities. As pure calcite shows dark blue luminescence, the occurrence of different luminescence colors in calcite crystals suggest one or more punctual crystal defects such as free electron, free space and impurity. The dyeing of thin sections with alizarin and potassium ferrocyanide revealed the absence of ferrous carbonate in the different lithotypes of Jandaíra Formation. Therefore, the different colors and intensities of CL observed in these rocks are probably caused by the presence of ion activators such as Mn2+ and is not an activator/inhibitor combination. In the same way, the absence of luminescence is very probably caused by the absence of activator ions and not due to the low concentration of inhibitor ions such as Fe2+. The incorporation of Mn2+ in the different members of the Jandaíra Formation must have been controlled by the redox state of the depositional environment and diagenesis. Therefore, it is possible that the luminescent members have been formed (e.g.,ooids) or have been modified (gastropod neomorphism) under reduction conditions in the depositional environments, in subsurface during the burial, or, in the case of Rosario Ledge samples , during the post-burial return to surface conditions. As regards the sudden changes from low to moderate and to strong luminescence, these features should indicate the precipitation of a fluid with chemical fluctuations, which formed the frequent zonations in the block cement of the Rosario Ledge samples. This study suggests that the different intensities and colors of CL should be correlated with the Mn2+ and Fe2+ contents, and stable isotopes of samples to determine the salinity, temperature, pH e Eh conditions during deposition
The Passo da Pátria is one of the areas of housing in the city of Natal/RN, presents characteristics of insecurity on ways to live and access to goods and services. The project of urbanization called Integrated Project Passo da Pátria implemented since 2002 by the public power wants to change this picture. In Passo da Pátria system of classifications of space operated by the villagers signals to singularities that allows the identification of four pieces: Pedra do Rosário , Passo , Areado and Pantanal . The actions of the Project of Urbanization promote a new socio-space configuration. Our objective is to examine ways of appropriation of space in Passo da Pátria , built by the residents, which included their cultural practices giving symbolic meaning to the four pieces. The methodological procedures consisted of: literature review of the themes of the City, Urban, Segregation socio-space, Space, the Public Policies in urban area and texts on the Passo da Pátria ; desk research and interviews with old residents, recent residents, and these: men, women, young, and leaders of the Passo da Pátria . The evaluation of the data indicates that residents live positively the action of the public power as regards the expansion of urban infrastructure and services. At the same time, negative value of the shares removal of residents and idea of integration for the different pieces that form the Passo da Pátria , for them, these actions desconstroem times, experiences and narratives that are expressed in their relations with the space in which live
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Aborda a compreensão do processo terapêutico no espaço dos Alcoólicos Anônimos (AA) em Belém, Pará, chamado de “recuperação”. Este grupo se apresenta como uma “irmandade”, a qual busca acolher aqueles que considera portadores de doença de natureza física, e espiritual, o alcoolismo, oferecendo-lhes apoio para que alcançar a chamada “sobriedade “. A transição entre uma vida tida como plena de infortúnios, para o que seria uma vida feliz e útil em sua concepção, é possível pela prática de princípios de conduta considerados como espirituais, onde substituem a dependência alcoólica pela dependência ao chamado “Poder Superior”. A “recuperação” no AA diz respeito então ao percurso terapêutico ao qual são submetidos os participantes da Irmandade e nesse sentido é um processo a ser administrado por toda a vida através da participação no grupo. Quando o membro de AA afirma-se recuperado ”ou em recuperação” quer comunicar que não ingere mais bebidas alcoólicas, mas que participa da Irmandade, seguindo os preceitos como recomendado e neste sentido, é que está verdadeiramente sóbrio”. Constata-se que “se recuperar” significa mais do que não ingerir bebidas alcoólicas, pois implica em compartilhar com os demais, as categorias referentes à visão institucional sobre a realidade (saúde, trabalho, família, sexualidade, espiritualidade), assumindo o AA “como um modo de vida”.