7 resultados para irisin


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FNDC5 (fibronectin domain-containing [protein] 5) was initially discovered and characterized by two groups in 2002. In 2011 FNDC5 burst into prominence as the parent of irisin, a small protein containing the fibronectin type III domain. Irisin was proposed to be secreted by skeletal muscle cells in response to exercise, and to circulate to fat tissue where it induced a transition to brown fat. Since brown fat results in dissipation of energy, this pathway is of considerable interest for metabolism and obesity. Here I review the original discoveries of FNDC5 and the more recent discovery of irisin. I note in particular three problems in the characterization of irisin: the antibodies used to detect irisin in plasma lack validity; the recombinant protein used to demonstrate activity in cell culture was severely truncated; and the degree of shedding of soluble irisin from the cell surface has not been quantitated. The original discovery proposing that FNDC5 may be a transmembrane receptor may deserve a new look.


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The myokine irisin is supposed to be cleaved from a transmembrane precursor, FNDC5 (fibronectin type III domain containing 5), and to mediate beneficial effects of exercise on human metabolism. However, evidence for irisin circulating in blood is largely based on commercial ELISA kits which are based on polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) not previously tested for cross-reacting serum proteins. We have analyzed four commercial pAbs by Western blotting, which revealed prominent cross-reactivity with non-specific proteins in human and animal sera. Using recombinant glycosylated and non-glycosylated irisin as positive controls, we found no immune-reactive bands of the expected size in any biological samples. A FNDC5 signature was identified at ~20 kDa by mass spectrometry in human serum but was not detected by the commercial pAbs tested. Our results call into question all previous data obtained with commercial ELISA kits for irisin, and provide evidence against a physiological role for irisin in humans and other species.


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The myokine irisin is supposed to be cleaved from a transmembrane precursor, FNDC5 (fibronectin type III domain containing 5), and to mediate beneficial effects of exercise on human metabolism. However, evidence for irisin circulating in blood is largely based on commercial ELISA kits which are based on polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) not previously tested for cross-reacting serum proteins. We have analyzed four commercial pAbs by Western blotting, which revealed prominent cross-reactivity with non-specific proteins in human and animal sera. Using recombinant glycosylated and non-glycosylated irisin as positive controls, we found no immune-reactive bands of the expected size in any biological samples. A FNDC5 signature was identified at ~20 kDa by mass spectrometry in human serum but was not detected by the commercial pAbs tested. Our results call into question all previous data obtained with commercial ELISA kits for irisin, and provide evidence against a physiological role for irisin in humans and other species.


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The ageing process is strongly influenced by nutrient balance, such that modest calorie restriction (CR) extends lifespan in mammals. Irisin, a newly described hormone released from skeletal muscles after exercise, may induce CR-like effects by increasing adipose tissue energy expenditure. Using telomere length as a marker of ageing, this study investigates associations between body composition, plasma irisin levels and peripheral blood mononuclear cell telomere length in healthy, non-obese individuals. Segmental body composition (by bioimpedance), telomere length and plasma irisin levels were assessed in 81 healthy individuals (age 43∈±∈15.8 years, BMI 24.3∈±∈2.9 kg/m2). Data showed significant correlations between log-transformed relative telomere length and the following: age (p∈<∈0.001), height (p∈=∈0.045), total body fat percentage (p∈=∈0.031), abdominal fat percentage (p∈=∈0.038) , visceral fat level (p∈<∈0.001), plasma leptin (p∈=∈0.029) and plasma irisin (p∈=∈0.011), respectively. Multiple regression analysis using backward elimination revealed that relative telomere length can be predicted by age (b∈=∈-0.00735, p∈=∈0.001) and plasma irisin levels (b∈=∈0.04527, p∈=∈0.021). These data support the view that irisin may have a role in the modulation of both energy balance and the ageing process. © 2014 The Author(s).


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Aims: Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are associated with accelerated ageing. The underlying mechanisms behind this, however, are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the association between circulating irisin - a novel my okine involved in energy regulation - and telomere length (TL) (a marker of aging) in healthy individuals and individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Methods: Eighty-two healthy people and 67 subjects with Type 2 diabetes were recruited to this cross-sectional study. Anthropometric measurements including body composition measured by biompedance were recorded. Plasma irisin was measured by ELISA on a fasted blood sample. Relative TL was determined using real-time PCR. Associations between anthropometric measures and irisin and TL were explored using Pearson’s bivariate correlations. Multiple regression was used to explore all the significant predictors of TL using backward elimination. Results: In healthy individuals chronological age was a strong negative predictor of TL (=0.552, p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis using backward elimination (excluding age) revealed the greater relative TL could be predicted by greater total muscle mass(b = 0.046, p = 0.001), less visceral fat (b = =0.183, p < 0.001)and higher plasma irisin levels (b = 0.01, p = 0.027). There were no significant associations between chronological age, plasmairisin, anthropometric measures and TL in patients with Type 2diabetes (p > 0.1). Conclusion: These data support the view that body composition and plasma irisin may have a role in modulation of energy balance and the aging process in healthy individuals. This relationship is altered in individuals with Type 2 diabetes.


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O atual quadro de obesidade instalado no mundo estimula o estudo em busca de seu tratamento. O fenofibrato, um agonista PPAR-α, é usado atualmente para tratar a dislipidemia. No entanto, efeitos pleiotrópicos sobre a perda de massa corporal (MC) e redução nos depósitos de gordura necessitam de maiores estudos. O objetivo do trabalho foi examinar os efeitos do agonista PPAR-α fenofibrato sobre o gasto energético, MC, metabolismo de carboidratos, perfil secretor de adipocinas, plasticidade e termogênese do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs) em camundongos com obesidade induzida por dieta. Este experimento foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética para Experimentação Animal local sob o protocolo CEUA/032/2013. Camundongos machos C57BL/6 de 3 meses foram divididos em dois grupos: dieta padrão (SC, 10% lipídios) e dieta hiperlipídica (HF, 50% de lipídios), as quais foram administradas durante 10 semanas para induzir o sobrepeso. Em seguida, foi iniciado o tratamento com fenofibrato (100 mg/kg MC, adicionado à dieta), formando quatro grupos: SC, SC-F, HF, HF-F. O tratamento teve duração de cinco semanas, com o total de 15 semanas de experimento. A análise estatística utilizou teste t de student no pré-tratamento e one way ANOVA seguida pelo pós-teste de Holm-Sidak durante o tratamento. O two way ANOVA foi utilizado para testar possíveis interações entre dieta e tratamento. O nível de significância P<0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. O grupo HF apresentou sobrepeso, resistência à insulina, além de remodelamento do tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo (TABs). O fenofibrato atenuou significativamente estes parâmetros (P<0,05). Os grupos tratados apresentaram formação de células beges no TABs, confirmado através de maior expressão gênica do PPAR-α, PPAR-β, PGC1-α, BMP8, UCP-1, PRDM16 e FNDC5/Irisina nos grupos tratados do que em suas contrapartes (P<0,05). O tratamento com fenofibrato também foi capaz de aumentar os niveis plasmáticos de FNDC5/Irisina em ambos os grupos tratados (P<0,005). Os grupos SC-F e HF-F apresentaram aumento do gasto energético, a produção de CO2 e consumo de O2 após o tratamento com fenofibrato (P<0,05). A ativação do PPAR-α parece ser fundamental para provocar browning através da indução da irisina e da transcrição de UCP-1. O fenofibrato restaurou a MC, a sensibilidade à insulina e a morfometria do TABs. Relevantemente, o fenofibrato aumentou a expressão de genes tipicamente expressos no tecido adiposo marrom no TABs, evidenciando a plasticidade do TABs em células beges com capacidade termogênica, caracterizando o browning.