929 resultados para ions concentration


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Results of analysis of variations of sum light ions concentration and their connections with radon, galactic cosmic rays intensity and content of sub-micron aerosols by diameter ≥ 0.1 micron in surface boundary layer of Tbilisi city are given.


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In Tbilisi according to the data of the complex monitoring of light ions concentration, radon and sub-micron aerosols the effect of feedback of intensity of ionizing radiation with the light ions content in atmosphere is discovered.


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Hollandite-type manganese oxides are nanofibrous crystals with sub-nanometer open tunnels that provide a unique property for sensing applications. Sensor based on hollandite-type manganese oxide was investigated for amperometric detection of potassium. With an operating potential of +0.63 V versus SCE, potassium ions produce oxidation currents at the sensor, which can be exploited for quantitative determinations. The amperometric signals are linearly proportional to potassium ions concentration in the range 2.7 x 10(-4) to 9.1 x 10(-4) Mol l(-1) with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990. The construction and renewal are simple and inexpensive.


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Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a reliable method for in-situ measurements of the humidity and the solution concentration at the same soil volume. Accurate interpretation of electrical conductivity (and soil humidity) measurements may require a specific calibration curve. The primary goal of this work was to establish a calibration procedure for using TDR to estimate potassium nitrate concentrations (KNO3) in soil solution. An equation relating the electrical conductivity measured by TDR and KNO3 concentration was established enabling the use of TDR technique to estimate soil water content and nitrate concentration for efficient fertigation management.


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წარმოდგენილია მონაცემები თბილისის ჰაერის მიწისპირა ფენაში 2010-2011 წწ. მსუბუქი იონების ჯამური კონცენტრაციის შესახებ.შესწავლილია ატმოსფეროში მსუბუქი იონების კონცენტრაციის თვიური და დღიური სვლა. აგებულია მსუბუქი იონების კონცენტრაციის განაწილების ფუნქცია წლის სხვადასხვა სეზონისათვის.


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With water pollution increment at the last years, so many progresses in researches about treatment of contaminated waters have been developed. In wastewaters containing highly toxic organic compounds, which the biological treatment cannot be applied, the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) is an alternative for degradation of nonbiodegradable and toxic organic substances, because theses processes are generation of hydroxyl radical based on, a highly reactivate substance, with ability to degradate practically all classes of organic compounds. In general, the AOP request use of special ultraviolet (UV) lamps into the reactors. These lamps present a high electric power demand, consisting one of the largest problems for the application of these processes in industrial scale. This work involves the development of a new photochemistry reactor composed of 12 low cost black light fluorescent lamps (SYLVANIA, black light, 40 W) as UV radiation source. The studied process was the photo-Fenton system, a combination of ferrous ions, hydrogen peroxide, and UV radiation, it has been employed for the degradation of a synthetic wastewater containing phenol as pollutant model, one of the main pollutants in the petroleum industry. Preliminary experiments were carrier on to estimate operational conditions of the reactor, besides the effects of the intensity of radiation source and lamp distribution into the reactor. Samples were collected during the experiments and analyzed for determining to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, using a TOC analyzer Shimadzu 5000A. The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was also used for identification of the cathecol and hydroquinone formed during the degradation process of the phenol. The actinometry indicated 9,06⋅1018 foton⋅s-1 of photons flow, for 12 actived lamps. A factorial experimental design was elaborated which it was possible to evaluate the influence of the reactants concentration (Fe2+ and H2O2) and to determine the most favorable experimental conditions ([Fe2+] = 1,6 mM and [H2O2] = 150,5 mM). It was verified the increase of ferrous ions concentration is favorable to process until reaching a limit when the increase of ferrous ions presents a negative effect. The H2O2 exhibited a positive effect, however, in high concentrations, reaching a maximum ratio degradation. The mathematical modeling of the process was accomplished using the artificial neural network technique


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration alters the chemistry of the oceans towards more acidic conditions. Polar oceans are particularly affected due to their low temperature, low carbonate content and mixing patterns, for instance upwellings. Calcifying organisms are expected to be highly impacted by the decrease in the oceans' pH and carbonate ions concentration. In particular, sea urchins, members of the phylum Echinodermata, are hypothesized to be at risk due to their high-magnesium calcite skeleton. However, tolerance to ocean acidification in metazoans is first linked to acid-base regulation capacities of the extracellular fluids. No information on this is available to date for Antarctic echinoderms and inference from temperate and tropical studies needs support. In this study, we investigated the acid-base status of 9 species of sea urchins (3 cidaroids, 2 regular euechinoids and 4 irregular echinoids). It appears that Antarctic regular euechinoids seem equipped with similar acid-base regulation systems as tropical and temperate regular euechinoids but could rely on more passive ion transfer systems, minimizing energy requirements. Cidaroids have an acid-base status similar to that of tropical cidaroids. Therefore Antarctic cidaroids will most probably not be affected by decreasing seawater pH, the pH drop linked to ocean acidification being negligible in comparison of the naturally low pH of the coelomic fluid. Irregular echinoids might not suffer from reduced seawater pH if acidosis of the coelomic fluid pH does not occur but more data on their acid-base regulation are needed. Combining these results with the resilience of Antarctic sea urchin larvae strongly suggests that these organisms might not be the expected victims of ocean acidification. However, data on the impact of other global stressors such as temperature and of the combination of the different stressors needs to be acquired to assess the sensitivity of these organisms to global change.


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Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration of calcium ions and smear layer removal by using root canal chelators according to flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and scanning electron microscopy. Forty-two human maxillary central incisors were irrigated with 15% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 10% citric acid, 10% sodium citrate, apple vinegar, 5% acetic acid, 5% malic acid, and sodium hypochlorite. The concentration of calcium ions was measured by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, and smear layer removal was determined by scanning electron microscopy. Mean +/- standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, Tukey-Kramer, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn, and kappa tests were used for statistical analysis. The use of 15% EDTA resulted in the greatest concentration of calcium ions followed by 10% citric acid; 15% EDTA and 10% citric acid were the most efficient solutions for removal of smear layer. (J Endod 2009;35:727-730)


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The present study describes the incorporation of a complexing agent, dithiooxamide, into microcrystalline cellulose for use in the pre-concentration of Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions from aqueous samples. The FTIR spectrum of the adsorbent exhibited an absorption band in the region of 800 cm-1, which confirmed the binding of the silylating agent to the matrix. Elemental analysis indicated the amount of 0.150 mmol g-1 of the complexing agent. The adsorption data were fit to the modified Langmuir equation, and the maximum amount of metal species extracted from the solution, Ns, was determined to be 0.058 and 0.072 mmol g-1 for Cu(II) and Cd(II), respectively. The covering fraction φ, which was 0.39 and 0.48 for Cu(II) and Cd(II), respectively, was used to estimate a 1:2 (metal:ligand) ratio in the formed complex, and a binding model was proposed based on this information. The adsorbent was applied in the pre-concentration of natural water samples and exhibited an enrichment factor of approximately 50-fold for the species studied, which enabled its use in the analysis of trace metals in aqueous samples. The system was validated by the analysis of certified standard (1643e), and the adsorbent was stable for more than 20 cycles, thus enabling its safe reutilization. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of coronal leakage on concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) and calcium release of several calcium hydroxide pastes, over different periods of time. Material and Methods: Fifty extracted human mandibular central incisors (n=10) were instrumented up to the F2 instrument and assigned to the following intracanal dressing: G1- Calen, G2- Calen with 0.4% chlorhexidine (CHX), G3- Calcium hydroxide with camphorated paramonochlorophenol (CPMC) and glycerin, G4- Calen, but temporary filling material maintained during all test (positive control) and G5- Root canal without intracanal dressing (negative control). All groups were immersed in distilled water for 7 days. In sequence, the temporary filling materials were removed, except in controls groups. All specimens were individually mounted on a specific device and only its root again immersed in distilled water. Concentration of hydrogen ions and calcium release by calcium hydroxide pastes in distilled water were evaluated in 24h, 7, 14 and 28 days. The results were submitted to ANOVA test (p = 0.05). After 28 days, root canals from experimental groups were examined in SEM. Results: G1, G2, G3 and G4 presented similar pH values and calcium release and did not differ from each other (p>0.05), up to 7 days. After this time G1, G2 and G3 presented values lower values than G4 (p<0.05). In SEM analysis, calcium hydroxide residues were observed in all experimental groups. Conclusions: After 7 days, coronal leakage decreased the concentration of hydrogen ions and calcium ion release provided by all calcium hydroxide pastes.