853 resultados para ion conductance
Hybrid organic-inorganic ionic conductors, also called ormolytes (organically modified electrolytes), were obtained by dissolution of LiClO 4 in siloxane-poly(propylene glycol) matrixes. The dynamic features of these nanocomposites were studied and correlated to their electrical properties. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to probe the effects of the temperature and nanocomposite composition on the dynamic behaviors of both the ionic species ( 7Li) and the polymer chains ( 13C). NMR, dc ionic conductivity, and DSC results demonstrate that the Li + mobility is strongly assisted by the segmental motion of the polymer chain above its glass transition temperature. The ac ionic conductivity in such composites is explained by use of the random free energy barrier (RFEB) model, which is agreement with their disordered and heterogenous structures. These solid ormolytes are transparent and flexible, and they exhibit good ionic conductivity at room temperature (up to 10 -4 S/cm). Consequently, they are very promising candidates for use in several applications such as batteries, sensors, and electrochromic and photoelectro-chemical devices.
The molecular identification of ion channels in internal membranes has made scant progress compared with the study of plasma membrane ion channels. We investigated a prominent voltage-dependent, cation-selective, and calcium-activated vacuolar ion conductance of 320 pS (yeast vacuolar conductance, YVC1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we report on a gene, the deduced product of which possesses significant homology to the ion channel of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family. By using a combination of gene deletion and re-expression with direct patch clamping of the yeast vacuolar membrane, we show that this yeast TRP-like gene is necessary for the YVC1 conductance. In physiological conditions, tens of micromolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ activates the YVC1 current carried by cations including Ca2+ across the vacuolar membrane. Immunodetection of a tagged YVC1 gene product indicates that YVC1 is primarily localized in the vacuole and not other intracellular membranes. Thus we have identified the YVC1 vacuolar/lysosomal cation-channel gene. This report has implications for the function of TRP channels in other organisms and the possible molecular identification of vacuolar/lysosomal ion channels in other eukaryotes.
O trabalho descrito nesta tese mostra de forma detalhada a fabricação e caracterização de diferentes microssensores eletroquímicos os quais têm sido recentemente utilizados como sondas em grupo de técnicas conhecida como Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscopy (SEPM). Desta forma, a caracterização de superfícies pode ser feita explorando diferentes fenômenos interfaciais relevantes à Ciência. Neste sentido, as interfaces de materiais cristalinos como hidroxiapatita (materiais dentários) e calcita foram o foco de estudo neste trabalho. Assim, diferentes técnicas SEPM foram exploradas no sentido de se obter informações relevantes relacionadas aos processos dentários, como a erosão ácida e hipersensibilidade. Inicialmente, microeletrodos de platina foram desenvolvidos empregando uma metodologia convencional na qual são utilizados microfibras encapsuladas em capilares de vidro. Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) no modo amperométrico foi utilizada para obtenção de informações com relação às alterações de topografia do esmalte dentário causadas pelo contato com substâncias ácidas. Adicionalmente, SECM foi empregada no estudo do transporte de espécies eletroativas em amostras de dentina e investigações relacionadas ao bloqueio dos túbulos empregando-se cremes dentais comerciais foram realizadas. A permeação de peróxido de hidrogênio pela dentina também foi estudada. Os resultados de SECM foram comparados com imagens SEM obtidas nas mesmas condições experimentais. Microeletrodos de membrana ionófora íon-seletiva (Ion Selective Microelectrodes-ISMEs) sensíveis a íons cálcio também foram desenvolvidos e caracterizados, com subsequente aplicação em SECM no modo potenciométrico. A dissolução ácida de esmalte bovino (erosão dentária) foi investigada em diferentes valores de pH (2,5; 4,5; 6,8). Além disso, o transporte de íons cálcio através de membranas porosas sintéticas foi avaliado a uma distância tip/substrato de 300µm. Alterações no fluxo de íons cálcio foram correlacionadas em experimentos realizados na presença e ausência de campos magnéticos gerados por nanopartículas de magnetita incorporadas à membrana porosa. Microcristais de calcita facilmente sintetizados pelo método de precipitação foram utilizados como superfície modelo para investigações interfaciais, cujos resultados podem ser correlacionados aos materiais dentários. Desta forma, nanopipetas de vidro preenchidas com eletrólito suporte foram fabricadas e utilizadas como sonda em Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM). O mapeamento topográfico de alta resolução espacial da superfície de um microcristal de calcita foi obtido utilizando o modo de varredura hopping mode. Adicionalmente, sondas multifuncionais ISME-SICM também foram desenvolvidas e caracterizadas para investigações simultâneas com relação às alterações topográficas e quantificação de íons cálcio sobre a superfície de um microcristal de calcita. A adição de reagentes ácidos no canal SICM promoveu a dissolução da superfície do microcristal, sendo obtidos dados cinéticos de dissolução. Investigações em meio neutro também foram realizadas utilizando a sonda ISME-SICM. Os resultados experimentais obtidos também foram comparados com aqueles oriundos de simulação computacional.
Protease-activated receptor-2 peptides activate neurokinin-1 receptors in the mouse isolated trachea
Protective roles for protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) in the airways including activation of epithelial chloride (Cl-) secretion are based on the use of presumably PAR(2)-selective peptide agonists. To determine whether PAR(2) peptide-activated Cl- secretion from mouse tracheal epithelium is dependent on PAR(2), changes in ion conductance across the epithelium [short-circuit current (I-SC)] to PAR(2) peptides were measured in Ussing chambers under voltage clamp. In addition, epithelium and endothelium-dependent relaxations to these peptides were measured in two established PAR(2) bioassays, isolated ring segments of mouse trachea and rat thoracic aorta, respectively. Apical application of the PAR(2) peptide SLIGRL caused increases in I-SC, which were inhibited by three structurally different neurokinin receptor-1 (NK1R) antagonists and inhibitors of Cl- channels but not by capsaicin, the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist CGRP(8-37), or the nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Only high concentrations of trypsin caused an increase in I-SC but did not affect the responses to SLIGRL. Relaxations to SLIGRL in the trachea and aorta were unaffected by the NK1R antagonist nolpitantium (SR 140333) but were abolished by trypsin desensitization. The rank order of potency for a range of peptides in the trachea I-SC assay was 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLCGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > LSIGRL compared with 2-furoyl-LIGRL > SLIGRL > SLIGRT > SLCGRL (LSIGRL inactive) in the aorta relaxation assay. In the mouse trachea, PAR(2) peptides activate both epithelial NK1R coupled to Cl- secretion and PAR(2) coupled to prostaglandin E-2-mediated smooth muscle relaxation. Such a potential lack of specificity of these commonly used peptides needs to be considered when roles for PAR(2) in airway function in health and disease are determined.
The open channel diameter of Escherichia coli recombinant large-conductance mechanosensitive ion channels (MscL) was estimated using the model of Hille (Hille, B. 1968. Pharmacological modifications of the sodium channels of frog nerve. J. Gen. Physiol. 51:199-219)that relates the pore size to conductance. Based on the MscL conductance of 3.8 nS, and assumed pore lengths, a channel diameter of 34 to 46 Angstrom was calculated. To estimate the pore size experimentally, the effect of large organic ions on the conductance of MscL was examined. Poly-L-lysines (PLLs) with a diameter of 37 Angstrom or larger significantly reduced channel conductance, whereas spermine (similar to 15 Angstrom), PLL19 (similar to 25 Angstrom) and 1,1'-bis-(3-(1'-methyl-(4,4'-bipyridinium)-1-yl)-propyl)-4,4'-bipyridinium (similar to 30 Angstrom) had no effect. The smaller organic ions putrescine, cadaverine, spermine, and succinate all permeated the channel. We conclude that the open pore diameter of the MscL is similar to 40 Angstrom, indicating that the MscL has one of the largest channel pores yet described. This channel diameter is consistent with the proposed homohexameric model of the MscL.
Large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-dependent K+ (MaxiK) channels show sequence similarities to voltage-gated ion channels. They have a homologous S1-S6 region, but are unique at the N and C termini. At the C terminus, MaxiK channels have four additional hydrophobic regions (S7-S10) of unknown topology. At the N terminus, we have recently proposed a new model where MaxiK channels have an additional transmembrane region (S0) that confers β subunit regulation. Using transient expression of epitope tagged MaxiK channels, in vitro translation, functional, and “in vivo” reconstitution assays, we now show that MaxiK channels have seven transmembrane segments (S0-S6) at the N terminus and a S1-S6 region that folds in a similar way as in voltage-gated ion channels. Further, our results indicate that hydrophobic segments S9-S10 in the C terminus are cytoplasmic and unequivocally demonstrate that S0 forms an additional transmembrane segment leading to an exoplasmic N terminus.
We study the Kondo and transport properties of a quantum dot with a single magnetic Mn ion connected to metallic leads. By employing a numerical renormalization group technique we show that depending on the value of ferromagnetic coupling strength between the local electronic spin and the magnetic moment of the Mn, two distinct Kondo regimes exist. In the weak-coupling limit, the system can be found in a completely screened Kondo state describing a local magnetic moment decoupled from the rest of the system. In contrast, in the strong-coupling regime the quantum dot spin and the local magnetic moment form a single large-spin entity partially Kondo screened. A crossover between these two regimes can be suitably tuned by varying the tunnel coupling between the quantum dot and the leads. The model investigated here is also suitable to study magnetic molecules adsorbed on a metallic surface. The rich phenomenology of these systems is reflected in the conductance across the system.
Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants were grown aeroponically in a Singapore greenhouse under natural diurnally fluctuating ambient shoot temperatures, but at two different root-zone temperatures (RZTs): a constant 20 +/- 2 degrees C RZT and a diurnally fluctuating ambient (A) (25-40 degrees C) RZT, Plants grown at 20-RZT had more leaves, greater leaf area and dry weight than A-RZT plants. Reciprocal transfer experiments were conducted between RZTs to investigate the effect on plant growth, stomatal conductance (g(s)) and water relations. Transfer of plants from A-RZT to 20-RZT increased plant dry weight, leaf area, number of leaves, shoot water potential (Psi(shoot)), and g(s); while transfer of plants from 20-RZT to A-RZT decreased these parameters. Root hydraulic conductivity was measured in the latter transfer and decreased by 80% after 23 d at A-RZT. Transfer of plants from 20-RZT to A-RZT had no effect on xylem ABA concentration or xylem nitrate concentration, but reduced xylem sap pH by 0.2 units. At both RZTs, g(s) measured in the youngest fully expanded leaves increased with plant development. In plants with the same number of leaves, A-RZT plants had a higher g(s) than 20-RZT plants, but only under high atmospheric vapour pressure deficit. The roles of chemical signals and hydraulic factors in controlling g(s) of aeroponically grown Capsicum plants at different RZTs are discussed.
The gene encoding the large conductance mechanosensitive ion channel (MscL) of Escherichia coli and several deletion mutants of mscL were cloned under the control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. Transformation of these constructs into an E. coli strain carrying an inducible T7 RNA polymerase gene allowed the specific production and labelling of MscL with [S-35]methionine. Preparation of membrane fractions of E. coli cells by sucrose gradient centrifugation indicated that the radiolabelled MscL was present in the inner cytoplasmic membrane in agreement with results of several studies. However, treatment of the labelled cells and cell membrane vesicles with various cross-linkers resulted in the majority of labelled protein migrating as a monomer with a small proportion of molecules (approximate to 25%) migrating as dimers and higher order multimers. This result is in contrast with a finding of a study suggesting that the channel exclusively forms hexamers in the cell membrane off. coli (1) and therefore may have profound implication for the activation and/or ''multimerization'' of the channel by mechanical stress exerted to the membrane. In addition, from the specific activity of the radiolabelled protein and the amount of protein in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction we estimated the number of MscL ion channels expressed under these conditions to be approximately 50 channels per single bacterium. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
The dependence of currents through the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels of mammalian olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on the concentration of NaCl was studied in excised inside-out patches from their dendritic knobs using the patch-clamp technique. With a saturating concentration (100 mu M) of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), the changes in the reversal potential of macroscopic currents were studied at NaCl concentrations from 25 to 300 mM. In symmetrical NaCl solutions without the addition of divalent cations, the current-voltage relations were almost linear, reversing close to O mV. When the external NaCl concentration was maintained at 150 mM and the internal concentrations were varied, the reversal potentials of the cAMP-activated currents closely followed the Na+ equilibrium potential indicating that P-Cl/P-Na approximate to 0. However, at low external NaCl concentrations (less than or equal to 100 mM) there was some significant chloride permeability. Our results further indicated that Na+ currents through these channels: (i) did not obey the independence principle; (ii) showed saturation kinetics with K(m)s in the range of 100-150 mM and (iii) displayed a lack of voltage dependence of conductance in asymmetric solutions that suggested that ion-binding sites were situated midway along the channel. Together, these characteristics indicate that the permeation properties of the olfactory CNG channels are significantly different from those of photoreceptor CNG channels.
1. More than 1300 different mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) cause cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease characterized by deficient epithelial Cl- secretion and enhanced Na+ absorption. The clinical course of the disease is determined by the progressive lung disease. Thus, novel approaches in pharmacotherapy are based primarily on correction of the ion transport defect in the airways. 2. The current therapeutic strategies try to counteract the deficiency in Cl- secretion and the enhanced Na+ absorption. A number of compounds have been identified, such as genistein and xanthine derivatives, which directly activate mutant CFTR. Other compounds may activate alternative Ca2+-activated Cl- channels or basolateral K+ channels, which supply the driving force for Cl- secretion. Apart from that, Na+ channel blockers, such as phenamil and benzamil, are being explored, which counteract the hyperabsorption of NaCl in CF airways. 3. Clinical trials are under way using purinergic compounds such as the P2Y(2) receptor agonist INS365. Activation of P2Y(2) receptors has been found to both activate Cl- secretion and inhibit Na+ absorption. 4. The ultimate goal is to recover Cl- channel activity of mutant CFTR by either enhancing synthesis and expression of the protein or by activating silent CFTR Cl- channels. Strategies combining these drugs with compounds facilitating Cl- secretion and inhibiting Na+ absorption in vivo may have the best chance to counteract the ion transport defect in cystic fibrosis.
Electrolyte transport in the mouse trachea: No evidence for a contribution of luminal K+ conductance
Recent studies on frog skin acini have challenged the question whether Cl- secretion or Na+ absorption in the airways is driven by luminal K+ channels in series to a basolateral K+ conductance. We examined the possible role of luminal K+ channels in electrolyte transport in mouse trachea in Ussing-chamber experiments. Tracheas of both normal and CFTR (-/-) mice showed a dominant amiloride-sensitive Na+ absorption under both, control conditions and after cAMP-dependent stimulation. The lumen-negative transepithelial voltage was enhanced after application of IBMX and forskolin and Cl- secretion was activated. Electrolyte secretion induced by IBMX and forskolin was inhibited by luminal glibenclamide and the blocker of basolateral Na(+)2Cl(-)K(+) cotransporter azosemide. Similarly, the compound 29313, a blocker of basolateral KCNQ1/KCNE3 K+ channels effectively blocked Cl- secretion when applied to either the luminal or basolateral side of the epithelium. RT-PCR analysis suggested expression of additional K+ channels in tracheal epithelial cells such as Slo1 and Kir6.2. However, we did not detect any functional evidence for expression of luminal K+ channels in mouse airways, using luminal 29313, clotrimazole and Ba2+ or different K+ channel toxins such as charybdotoxin, apamin and alpha-dendrotoxin. Thus, the present study demonstrates Cl- secretion in mouse airways, which depends on basolateral Na(+)2Cl(-)K(+) cotransport and luminal CFTR and non-CFTR Cl- channels. Cl- secretion is maintained by the activity of basolateral K+ channels, while no clear evidence was found for the presence of a luminal K+ conductance.
Proteinase-activated receptor (PAR) type 2 (PAR-2) has been shown to mediate ion secretion in cultured epithelial cells and rat jejunum. With the use of a microUssing chamber, we demonstrate the role of PAR-2 for ion transport in native human colonic mucosa obtained from 30 normal individuals and 11 cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Trypsin induced Cl- secretion when added to the basolateral but not luminal side of normal epithelia. Activation of Cl- secretion by trypsin was inhibited by indomethacin and was further increased by cAMP in normal tissues but was not present in CF colon, indicating the requirement of luminal CF transmembrane conductance regulator. Effects of trypsin were largely reduced by low Cl-,by basolateral bumetanide, and in the presence of barium or clotrimazole, but not by tetrodotoxin. Furthermore, trypsin-induced secretion was inhibited by the Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid and in low-Ca2+ buffer. The effects of trypsin were almost abolished by trypsin inhibitor. Thrombin, an activator of PAR types 1, 3, and 4, had no effects on equivalent short-circuit currents. The presence of PAR-2 in human colon epithelium was confirmed by RT-PCR and additional experiments with PAR-2-activating peptide. PAR-2-mediated intestinal electrolyte secretion by release of mast cell tryptase and potentiation of PAR-2 expression by tumor necrosis factor-alpha may contribute to the hypersecretion observed in inflammatory processes such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
AbstractAcidosis is encountered during tissue inflammation and triggers pain in humans. H+-gated ion channels are expressed at high levels in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Ion channels from two different families present the required pH sensitivity to detect the acidosis associated with peripheral inflammation: Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) and the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channel.ASICs are members of the Degenerin/Epithelial Na+ Channel family of ion channels. Six ASIC subunits have been identified in mammals (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 and -4). ASICs form In-activated voltage-insensitive homo- or heterotrimeric Na+ channels. TRPV1 is a member of the TRP family of ion channels and forms non-selective cation channels that mediate a sustained current. TRPV1 is activated by H+, heat (T>43°C), lipids, capsaicin, voltage and other stimuli. A stimulus can increase TRPV1 response to a different stimulus. For example H+ can shift the capsaicin concentration dependence of TRPV1 to lower values. ASICs and TRPV1 have been shown to be involved in inflammatory pain. Using the patch-clamp technique, we studied different aspects of the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in the physiological context of pain.In the first part of this thesis, we characterize the effect of a temperature increase from 25 to 35°C on the function of ASICs and TRPV1 in transfected CHO cells and primary cultures of rat DRG sensory neurons. ASICs give rise to transient currents while TRPV1 mediates a sustained current. In addition, ASICs and TRPV1 respond to H+ with distinct pH dependences. We assess the relative contribution of ASICs and TRPV1 to H+-evoked electrical signaling in rat DRG neurons and we conclude that ASICs are the most important pH sensors in the pH range 7.4 to 6.0 at 35°C in sensory neurons.ASICs and TRPV1 are expressed in the epithelium lining the lumen of the bladder (urothelium). The Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) is a painful condition associated with a dysfunction of the urothelial barrier and with inflammation. In the second part of this thesis, we show that human urothelial cells -the cell line TEU2 and primary cultures of human bladder urothelium- express functional ASICs but no functional TRPV1 channels. In addition, we show that the levels of ASIC2 and ASIC3 mRNA are increased in the urothelium of patients suffering from BPS/IC. These data suggest that ASICs are involved in the pathology of BPS/IC.Finally, we demonstrate that APETx2 inhibits the sensory neuron specific voltage-dependent Na+ channel Nav1.8. APETx2 was previously shown to inhibit homo- or heterotrimeric ASIC3- containing channels with IC5o from 0.08 to 1 μΜ. We show that APETx2 also inhibits Nav1.8 with an ICsoof «2.6 μΜ. APETx2 reduces the maximal conductance and induces a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of activation of Nav1.8. In current-clamp experiments, APETx2 reduces the number of action potentials (APs) evoked by a current ramp. Nav1.8 mediates most of the current during the AP upstroke and has been shown to be an important mediator of inflammatory pain. The fact that APETx2 inhibits two ion channels involved in inflammatory pain suggests that APETx2 or derivatives may represent novel analgesic compounds.RésuméL'acidose tissulaire est observée durant l'inflammation et entraine la douleur chez l'humain. Des canaux ioniques activés par les protons (H+) sont fortement exprimés dans les neurones sensoriels du système nerveux périphérique. De ceux-ci, les Acid-Sensing Ion Channels [ASICs) et Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) présentent une sensibilité adéquate à l'acidité pour servir de détecteurs d'acidose.Les ASICs sont membres de la famille Degenerin/Epithelial Na* Channel. Six sous-unités ASIC ont été identifiées chez les mammifères (ASICla, -lb, -2a, -2b, -3 et -4). Les ASICs forment des canaux sélectifs au Na\ insensibles au voltage et activés par les H+. Les canaux fonctionnels sont des homo- ou hétérotrimères de sous-unités ASIC. TRPV1 est un membre de la famille TRP de canaux ioniques. Les canaux TRPV1 sont activés par les H+, la chaleur (T>43°Ç), les lipides, la capsaicine, le voltage et d'autres stimulus. L'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu non-sélectif. Un stimulus peut augmenter la réponse de TRPV1 à un autre stimulus. Les H+ peuvent, par exemple, induire un décalage vers des valeurs plus faibles de la courbe de dépendance à la concentration de TRPV1 pour la capsaicine. Il a été démontré que les ASICs et TRPV1 sont impliqués dans la douleur inflammatoire. En utilisant la technique du patch-clamp, nous avons étudié différents aspects de la fonction des ASICs et de TRPV1 dans des contextes associés à la douleur.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous caractérisons l'effet d'une augmentation de température de 25 à 35°C sur la fonction des canaux ASICs et TRPV1, dans des cellules CHO transfectées et dans des cultures primaires de neurones sensoriels (DRG) de rat. L'activation des ASICs entraine l'apparition d'un courant transitoire tandis que l'activation de TRPV1 entraine un courant soutenu. De plus, les ASICs et TRPV1 possèdent des dépendances au pH différentes. Nous évaluons la contribution relative des ASICs et de TRPV1 au signalement électrique induit par les H+ et nous concluons que les ASICs sont les senseurs d'acidité les plus importants dans les neurones sensoriels, dans le domaine de pH de 7.4 à 6.0, à température corporelle.Les ASICs et TRPV1 sont exprimés dans l'épithélium recouvrant l'intérieur de la vessie (l'urothélium). Le Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC) est une condition médicale douloureuse associée à une dysfonction de la barrière urothéliale et à une inflammation. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous démontrons que des cellules urothéliales (de la lignée cellulaire TEU2) et des cellules provenant de cultures primaires d'épithéliums de vessies humaines expriment des canaux ASIC fonctionnels mais pas de TRPV1 fonctionnels. De plus, nous montrons que le niveau d'expression de ASIC2 et -3 est augmenté dans l'urothélium de la vessie de patients souffrant de BPS/IC. Ces données suggèrent que les ASICs sont impliqués dans la pathologie BPS/IC.Pour finir, nous démontrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe le canal spécifique aux neurones sensoriels Nav1.8, un membre de la famille des canaux sodiques dépendants du potentiel. Il a été démontré précédemment que la toxine APETx2 inhibe les canaux contenant une ou plusieurs sous-unités ASIC3 avec un ICso entre 0.08 et 1 μΜ. Nous montrons que la toxine APETx2 inhibe Nav1.8 avec un IC50 de «2.6 μΜ. La toxine APETx2 réduit la conductance maximale et induit un décalage de la dépendance au potentiel de Nav1.8 vers des valeurs plus positives. Dans des expériences de courant imposé sur des neurones sensoriels, la toxine APETx2 réduit le nombre de potentiels d'action induits par une rampe de courant. Nav1.8 est responsable de la majeure partie du courant durant la phase ascendante du potentiel d'action et a été démontré comme étant un médiateur important de la douleur inflammatoire. L'inhibition de deux types de canaux, impliqués dans la douleurs inflammatoire, par la toxine APETx2, suggère que cette dernière ou ses dérivés représentent des composés analgésiques prometteurs.
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is highly selective for Na+ and Li+ over K+ and is blocked by the diuretic amiloride. ENaC is a heterotetramer made of two alpha, one beta, and one gamma homologous subunits, each subunit comprising two transmembrane segments. Amino acid residues involved in binding of the pore blocker amiloride are located in the pre-M2 segment of beta and gamma subunits, which precedes the second putative transmembrane alpha helix (M2). A residue in the alpha subunit (alphaS589) at the NH2 terminus of M2 is critical for the molecular sieving properties of ENaC. ENaC is more permeable to Li+ than Na+ ions. The concentration of half-maximal unitary conductance is 38 mM for Na+ and 118 mM for Li+, a kinetic property that can account for the differences in Li+ and Na+ permeability. We show here that mutation of amino acid residues at homologous positions in the pre-M2 segment of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits (alphaG587, betaG529, gammaS541) decreases the Li+/Na+ selectivity by changing the apparent channel affinity for Li+ and Na+. Fitting single-channel data of the Li+ permeation to a discrete-state model including three barriers and two binding sites revealed that these mutations increased the energy needed for the translocation of Li+ from an outer ion binding site through the selectivity filter. Mutation of betaG529 to Ser, Cys, or Asp made ENaC partially permeable to K+ and larger ions, similar to the previously reported alphaS589 mutations. We conclude that the residues alphaG587 to alphaS589 and homologous residues in the beta and gamma subunits form the selectivity filter, which tightly accommodates Na+ and Li+ ions and excludes larger ions like K+.