983 resultados para investment banks


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We examine the relationship between investment banks' initial public offering (IPO) market shares and their prior IPO underpricing in the new IPO market for China-based companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. To gain expertise in Chinese business practices, investment banks have the incentive to obtain business in this new IPO market by providing high offer prices to the issuer, leading to less underpricing and less money on the table. We hypothesize and find that the less an investment bank underprices Chinabased company IPOs, the greater its subsequent market share of China-based company IPOs in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Furthermore, this relationship is driven by a bank's initial China-based company IPO deals. These results suggest that in new IPO markets, investment banks' initial market shares, obtained through lower underpricing, help them grow their market shares in later periods, possibly through the expertise gained in the initial business.


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In recent years the scale and scope of retailer internationalisation activity has grown markedly, mainly through increasing levels of cross-border merger and acquisition activity. This has been particularly prevalent among companies operating in the food retail sector. During this time, and within the context of increased merger and acquisition activity in international markets, the financial institutions have taken an increasingly prominent role in the retail internationalisation process. Explores the nature of the financial institutions’ role in the retailer internationalisation process and, specifically, the extent to which the financial institutions actually inhibit and/or promote retail international activity. A key purpose of this study is to examine some of the drivers and inhibitors of the retailer internationalisation process. Reports the findings from 30 in-depth interviews with food retail analysts of the leading investment banks in the City of London. The findings from this study should help to provide further insights into the nature of the retailer internationalisation process.


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In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the market share of US investment banks is increasing, while that of their European counterparts is declining. We present evidence that US investment banks are on the verge of taking over pole position in European investment banking. Meanwhile, since 2015, Chinese investment banks have overtaken American and European investment banks in the Asia-Pacific market. Credit rating agencies and investment banks are the gatekeepers of the capital markets. The European supervisory institutions can effectively supervise the European operations of these US-managed players. On the political side, we suggest that the European Commission should continue to view its, albeit declining, banking industry as a strategic sector. The Commission, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England should jointly develop a strategic agenda for the EU-US Regulatory Dialogue. Finally, corporates rely on investment banks to issue new securities. We recommend that the big European corporates should cherish the (few) remaining European investment banks, by giving them at least one place in otherwise US- dominated banking syndicates. That could help to avoid complete dependence on US investment banks.


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Purpose - In the stakeholder marketing literature, there have been calls by several researchers to expand the stakeholder domain to incorporate a broader array of stakeholders. In developing this argument in this paper the authors aim to explore a set of stakeholder relationships in an international retailing context, notably those which exist between retail firms and investment banks. Design/methodology/approach - Theoretical ideas are subject to empirical scrutiny from 34 in-depth interviews with investment banks and senior retail executives from two retail multinationals. Findings - Exploratory findings suggest that US investment banks' ideals were at odds with European retail firms - and both occupied "different thought worlds". It is concluded that the relationships between financial stakeholders and the retail firm cannot be explained simply by reference to stylised economic interactions, but must also be examined in the light of the cultural contexts and different forms of market system within which different firms emerge, operate and interact. Originality/value - New strategies such as internationalisation stretch resources and capabilities to a point where retailers invariably will be exposed to different stakeholder issues and stresses. Towards this end, this paper contends that the significant international re-orientation under way in retailing must be understood within the wider context of stakeholder theory. The paper argues that the full potential of applying stakeholder marketing theory to the internationalisation process of retailers has yet to be realised. From this exploratory research, five research propositions are put forward that might serve as a guide to future research in this area. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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We find evidence that conflicts of interest are pervasive in the asset management business owned by investment banks. Using data from 1990 to 2008, we compare the alphas of mutual funds, hedge funds, and institutional funds operated by investment banks and non-bank conglomerates. We find that, while no difference exists in performance by fund type, being owned by an investment bank reduces alphas by 46 basis points per year in our baseline model. Making lead loans increases alphas, but the dispersion of fees across portfolios decreases alphas. The economic loss is $4.9 billion per year.


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The paper examines the fallout of the Lehman Brothers collapse in Hong Kong. As an international financial hub in Asia, Hong Kong was profoundly affected by the collapse of this company. As a result, it impacted negatively on the public’s confidence in the Hong Kong’s banking sector. Furthermore, this event has exposed a number of regulatory deficiencies in Hong Kong. In response to this financial crisis, the Hong Kong government had made an unprecedented move to negotiate with local banks to refund the investors. In addition, the government has also sought public consultation on proposal to enhance the regulation of the sale of financial products. This paper argues that there needs to be amendments to the prevailing laws and the inclusions of legal rules to back up those proposed measures so that the disclosed information from the financial institution will not mislead the investors or misrepresent the products offered.


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Jouant un rôle crucial pour l’efficience des marchés, la banque d’investissement contemporaine se caractérise par l’exercice d’une grande diversité d’activités aussi complexes qu’hétérogènes sous un même toit. Agissant tantôt auprès d’une clientèle de particuliers, d’entreprises, d’institutions financières, de fonds d’investissement ou de gouvernements, et tantôt pour son propre compte, elle compose avec une multitude d’intérêts divergents, ce qui soulève un certain questionnement quant à la portée de l’obligation de loyauté dont elle peut être tributaire envers ses clients. Les implications répétées des banques d’affaires dans la vague de récents scandales financiers ont inévitablement affecté la confiance que les épargnants témoignent envers l’intégrité de cette institution et des marchés financiers en général. Elles ont de plus contribué significativement à relancer le débat concernant la pertinence de contrôler, et même d’éliminer les conflits d’intérêts, un phénomène largement répandu au sein de la banque d’investissement. À titre de mécanismes préventifs, les solutions de marchés et l’autodiscipline des intermédiaires financiers sont imparfaits. La réglementation des conflits d’intérêts se justifie alors afin de pallier les défaillances du marché et de l’autorégulation. Pour autant qu’il maintienne sa réglementation dans un rapport efficience-équité acceptable, l’État est appelé à concevoir des normes de contrôle aux objectifs variés, allant de la réforme structurelle du secteur financier à l’élaboration de principes généraux devant servir de balises à la conduite des intermédiaires financiers. Ainsi, dans une industrie caractérisée par une forte conglomération, la réponse des législateurs semble s’articuler autour du traitement adéquat des conflits d’intérêts, traitement qui s’opère par divers mécanismes, dont la muraille Chine, la divulgation et le refus d’agir.


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One reason for the recent asset price bubbles in many developed countries could be regulatory capital arbitrage. Regulatory and legal changes can help traditional banks to move their assets off their balance sheets into the lightly regulated shadows and thus enable regulatory arbitrage through the securitized sector. This paper adopts a global vector autoregression (GVAR) methodology to assess the effects of regulatory capital arbitrage on equity prices, house prices and economic activity across 11 OECD countries/ regions. A counterfactual experiment disentangles the effects of regulatory arbitrage following a change in the net capital rule for investment banks in April 2004 and the adoption of the Basel II Accord in June 2004. The results provide evidence for the existence of an international finance multiplier, with about half of the countries overshooting U.S. impulse responses. The counterfactual shows that regulatory arbitrage via the U.S. securitized sector may enhance the cross-country reallocation of capital from housing markets towards equity markets.


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This research evaluated the quality of the management of Brazilian stock funds on the period from January 1997 to October 2006. The analysis was based on the Modern Portfolio Theory measures of performance. In addition, this research evaluated the relevance of the performance measures The sample with 21 funds was extracted from the 126 largest Brasilian stock options funds because they were the only with quotas on the whole period. The monthly mean rate of return and the following indexes were calculated: total return, mean monthly return, Jensen Index, Treynor Index, Sharpe Index, Sortino Index, Market Timing and the Mean Quadratic Error. The initial analysis showed that the funds in the sample had different objectives and limitations. To make valuable comparisons, the ANBID (National Association of Investment Banks) categories were used to classify the funds. The measured results were ranked. The positions of the funds on the rankings based on the mean monthly return and the indexes of Jensen, Treynor, Sortino and Sharpe were similar. All of the ten ACTIVE funds of this research were above the benchmark (IBOVESPA index) in the measures above. Based on the CAPM, the managers of these funds got superior performance because they might have compiled the available information in a superior way. The six funds belonging to the ANBID classification of INDEXED got the first six positions in the ranking based on the Mean Quadratic Error. None of the researched funds have shown market timing skills to move the beta of their portfolios in the right direction to take the benefit of the market movements, at the significance level of 5%.


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Os objetivos deste estudo são (1) identificar quais são as imperfeições de mercado exploradas por empresas brasileiras de capital aberto e de alto desempenho contábil e (2) como essas imperfeições se configuram. DESIGN/METODOLOGIA/ABORDAGEM SUPORTE TEÓRICO: Teoria da Competição Perfeita, Teorias do Mercado Imperfeito e Teoria das Configurações Organizacionais. VARIÁVEIS: (1) dependente: desempenho contábil (lucro operacional/ativos de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2009); (2) causais: imperfeições de mercado. DADOS: fontes secundárias: (1) quantitativos para a seleção das empresas de alto desempenho (base Economatica) e (2) qualitativos para identificação das configurações organizacionais (relatórios emitidos por Bancos e Corretoras de Valores). FERRAMENTAS DE ANÁLISE: (1) Análise Categorial de Conteúdo Semântico e (2) Análise Qualitativa Comparativa (Qualitative Comparative Analysis – QCA, modalidade MDSO- Most Different, Similar Outcome). SELEÇÃO DE CASOS E PERÍODO DE ANÁLISE: Empresas brasileiras de capital aberto com desempenho acima de um desvio padrão sobre a média da totalidade de empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa, excluídas as empresas do setor bancário e de administração de recursos. RESULTADOS: Os resultados da FASE 1 mostram que são cinco as imperfeições de mercado mais importantes para explicar o alto desempenho das empresas selecionadas. São elas: (1) LOCALIDADE (EMPRESA INTERNACIONALIZADA), (2) CRESCIMENTO DA DEMANDA, (3) TAMANHO, (4) RECURSOS (físicos, tecnológicos e qualidade) e (5) GOVERNO. Os resultados da FASE 2 revelam dois grandes conjuntos de configurações de imperfeições de mercado. No conjunto “mercado semi-livre”, a exploração de cinco imperfeições de mercado são compartilhadas: DIVERSIFICAÇÃO, RECURSOS, LOCALIDADE, CRESCIMENTO DA DEMANDA e SORTE. O outro conjunto é formado por empresas monopolistas ou oligopolistas de grande porte que compartilham a exploração de três imperfeições: CONCENTRAÇÃO, TAMANHO e TAMANHO DO GRUPO. Na intersecção dos dois conjuntos, encontram-se “as gigantes” que exploram comumente dez imperfeições: as três imperfeições do conjunto monopólios/oligopólios - CONCENTRAÇÃO, TAMANHO e TAMANHO DO GRUPO, as cinco imperfeições do conjunto do mercado semi-livre - DIVERSIFICAÇÃO, RECURSOS, LOCALIDADE, CRESCIMENTO DA DEMANDA e SORTE; além das imperfeições ACESSO PRIVILEGIADO A MATÉRIAS PRIMAS e INTEGRAÇÃO VERTICAL. Outras empresas que operam no mercado quase-livre aqui denominadas de “as exclusivas” compartilham a exploração das imperfeições DIFERENCIAÇÃO e o CRESCIMENTO ORGÂNICO, além das cinco compartilhadas pelo conjunto de empresas do mercado semi-livre. “As Concessões” exploram as três imperfeições de mercado do conjunto de empresas monopolistas/oligopolistas CONCENTRAÇÃO, TAMANHO E TAMANHO DO GRUPO, além do monopólio concedido pelo GOVERNO. ORIGINALIDADE: (1) Taxonomia sustentada por construtos paradigmáticos: imperfeições de mercado; (2) Uso de dados qualitativos obtidos pela Análise Categorial de Conteúdo Semântico; (3) Uso da metodologia QCA para reduzir variáveis e identificar configurações.