1000 resultados para investigation of piezoelectricity


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In a previous report we studied theoretically the piezoelectric effect in barium titanate (BaTiO3) [O. Treu Filho, J.C. Pinheiro, R.T. Kondo, J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), 671 (2004) 71]. In this article we applied the Hartree-Fock (HF) theory in the investigation of piezoelectricity in LaFeO3. Initially, the generator coordinate HF (GCHF) method was used to build 22s14p, 30s19p13d, and 32s24p17d Gaussian basis sets for O(3p), Fe(D-5), and La(D-2) atoms. Then those basis sets were contracted to [7s6p], [13s8p6d], and [18s13p7d], respectively. The quality of the contracted basis sets in polyatomic calculations was evaluated through calculations of total and orbital energies (HOMO and HOMO-1) of (FeO1+)-Fe-2 and (LaO1+)-La-1. Finally, the contracted basis sets were supplemented with polarization and diffuse functions and used to investigate the piezoelectricity in LaFeO3. The calculated properties were dipole moment, total energy, and atomic charges and the analysis of those properties showed that covalent bonds constitute the electronic structure of [LaFCO3](2) fragment. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that LaFeO3 does not present piezoelectric properties. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In previous articles we reported through theoretical studies the piezoelectric effect in BaTiO3, SmTiO3, and YFeO3. In this paper, we used the Douglas-Kroll-Hess (DKH) second-order scalar relativistic method to investigate the piezoelectricity in YTiO3. In the calculations we used the [6s4p] and [10s5p4d] Gaussian basis sets for the O (3P) and Ti (5S) atoms, respectively, from the literature in combination with the (30s21p16d)/[15s9p6d] basis set for the Y ( 3D) atom, obtained by generator coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method, and they had their quality evaluated using calculations of total energy and orbital energies (HOMO and HOMO-1) of the 2TiO+1 and 1YO+1 fragments. The dipole moment, the total energy, and the total atomic charges in YTiO3 in C s space group were calculated. When we analyze those properties we verify that it is reasonable to believe that YTiO3 does not present piezoelectric properties. Copyright © 2011 Raimundo Dirceu de Paula Ferreira et al.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Hand hygiene is critical in the healthcare setting and it is believed that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), for example, is transmitted from patient to patient largely via the hands of health professionals. A study has been carried out at a large teaching hospital to estimate how often the gloves of a healthcare worker are contaminated with MRSA after contact with a colonized patient. The effectiveness of handwashing procedures to decontaminate the health professionals' hands was also investigated, together with how well different healthcare professional groups complied with handwashing procedures. The study showed that about 17% (9–25%) of contacts between a healthcare worker and a MRSA-colonized patient results in transmission of MRSA from a patient to the gloves of a healthcare worker. Different health professional groups have different rates of compliance with infection control procedures. Non-contact staff (cleaners, food services) had the shortest handwashing times. In this study, glove use compliance rates were 75% or above in all healthcare worker groups except doctors whose compliance was only 27%.


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The thermal evolution process of RuO2–Ta2O5/Ti coatings with varying noble metal content has been investigated under in situ conditions by thermogravimetry combined with mass spectrometry. The gel-like films prepared from alcoholic solutions of the precursor salts (RuCl3·3H2O, TaCl5) onto titanium metal support were heated in an atmosphere containing 20% O2 and 80% Ar up to 600 °C. The evolution of the mixed oxide coatings was followed by the mass spectrometric ion intensity curves. The cracking of retained solvent and the combustion of organic surface species formed were also followed by the mass spectrometric curves. The formation of carbonyl- and carboxylate-type surface species connected to the noble metal was identified by Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy. These secondary processes–catalyzed by the noble metal–may play an important role in the development of surface morphology and electrochemical properties. The evolution of the two oxide phases does not take place independently, and the effect of the noble metal as a combustion catalyst was proved.


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Introduction. This is a pilot study of quantitative electro-encephalographic (QEEG) comodulation analysis, which is used to assist in identifying regional brain differences in those people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared to a normative database. The QEEG comodulation analysis examines spatial-temporal cross-correlation of spectral estimates in the resting dominant frequency band. A pattern shown by Sterman and Kaiser (2001) and referred to as the anterior posterior dissociation (APD) discloses a significant reduction in shared functional modulation between frontal and centro-parietal areas of the cortex. This research attempts to examine whether this pattern is evident in CFS. Method. Eleven adult participants, diagnosed by a physician as having CFS, were involved in QEEG data collection. Nineteen-channel cap recordings were made in five conditions: eyes-closed baseline, eyes-open, reading task one, math computations task two, and a second eyes-closed baseline. Results. Four of the 11 participants showed an anterior posterior dissociation pattern for the eyes-closed resting dominant frequency. However, seven of the 11 participants did not show this pattern. Examination of the mean 8-12 Hz amplitudes across three cortical regions (frontal, central and parietal) indicated a trend of higher overall alpha levels in the parietal region in CFS patients who showed the APD pattern compared to those who did not have this pattern. All patients showing the pattern were free of medication, while 71% of those absent of the pattern were using antidepressant medications. Conclusions. Although the sample is small, it is suggested that this method of evaluating the disorder holds promise. The fact that this pattern was not consistently represented in the CFS sample could be explained by the possibility of subtypes of CFS, or perhaps co-morbid conditions. Further, the use of antidepressant medications may mask the pattern by altering the temporal characteristics of the EEG. The results of this pilot study indicate that further research is warranted to verify that the pattern holds across the wider population of CFS sufferers.