978 resultados para inverse model


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Theoretical approaches are of fundamental importance to predict the potential impact of waste disposal facilities on ground water contamination. Appropriate design parameters are, in general, estimated by fitting the theoretical models to a field monitoring or laboratory experimental data. Double-reservoir diffusion (Transient Through-Diffusion) experiments are generally conducted in the laboratory to estimate the mass transport parameters of the proposed barrier material. These design parameters are estimated by manual parameter adjusting techniques (also called eye-fitting) like Pollute. In this work an automated inverse model is developed to estimate the mass transport parameters from transient through-diffusion experimental data. The proposed inverse model uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm which is based on the social behaviour of animals for finding their food sources. Finite difference numerical solution of the transient through-diffusion mathematical model is integrated with the PSO algorithm to solve the inverse problem of parameter estimation.The working principle of the new solver is demonstrated by estimating mass transport parameters from the published transient through-diffusion experimental data. The estimated values are compared with the values obtained by existing procedure. The present technique is robust and efficient. The mass transport parameters are obtained with a very good precision in less time


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An inverse food-web model for the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) pelagic food web was constrained with data from Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (PAL-LTER) project annual austral summer sampling cruises. Model solutions were generated for 2 regions with Adelie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae colonies presenting different population trends (a northern and a southern colony) for a 12 yr period (1995-2006). Counter to the standard paradigm, comparisons of carbon flow through bacteria, microzooplankton, and krill showed that the diatom-krill-top predator food chain is not the dominant pathway for organic carbon exchanges. The food web is more complex, including significant contributions by microzooplankton and the microbial loop. Using both inverse model results and network indices, it appears that in the northern WAP the food web is dominated by the microbial food web, with a temporal trend toward its increasing importance. The dominant pathway for the southern WAP food web varies from year to year, with no detectable temporal trend toward dominance of microzooplankton versus krill. In addition, sensitivity analyses indicated that the northern colony of Adelie penguins, whose population size has been declining over the past 35 yr, appears to have sufficient krill during summer to sustain its basic metabolic needs and rear chicks, suggesting the importance of other processes in regulating the Adelie population decline.


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This paper illustrates how internal model control of nonlinear processes can be achieved by recurrent neural networks, e.g. fully connected Hopfield networks. It is shown that using results developed by Kambhampati et al. (1995), that once a recurrent network model of a nonlinear system has been produced, a controller can be produced which consists of the network comprising the inverse of the model and a filter. Thus, the network providing control for the nonlinear system does not require any training after it has been trained to model the nonlinear system. Stability and other issues of importance for nonlinear control systems are also discussed.


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The output of the sheet metal forming process is subject to much variation. This paper develops a method to measure shape variation in channel forming and relate this back to the corresponding process parameter levels of the manufacturing set-up to create an inverse model. The shape variation in the channels is measured using a modified form of the point distribution model (also known as the active shape model). This means that channels can be represented by a weighting vector of minimal linear dimension that contains all the shape variation information from the average formed channel.

The inverse models were created using classifiers that related the weighting vectors to the process parameter levels for the blank holder force (BHF), die radii (DR) and tool gap (TG) of the parameters. Several classifiers were tested: linear, quadratic Gaussian and artificial neural networks. The quadratic Gaussian classifiers were the most accurate and the most consistent type of classifier over all the parameters.


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The complexity of the forging process ensures that there is inherent variability in the geometric shape of a forged part. While knowledge of shape error, comparing the desired versus the measured shape, is significant in measuring part quality the question of more interest is what can this error suggest about the forging process set-up? The first contribution of this paper is to develop a shape error metric which identifies geometric shape differences that occur from a desired forged part. This metric is based on the point distribution deformable model developed in pattern recognition research. The second contribution of this paper is to propose an inverse model that identifies changes in process set-up parameter values by analysing the proposed shape error metric. The metric and inverse models are developed using two sets of simulated hot-forged parts created using two different die pairs (simple and 'M'-shaped die pairs). A neural network is used to classify the shape data into three arbitrarily chosen levels for each parameter and it is accurate to at least 77 per cent in the worst case for the simple die pair data and has an average accuracy of approximately 80 per cent when classifying the more complex 'M'-shaped die pair data.


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An inverse model for a sheet meta l forming process aims to determine the initial parameter levels required to form the final formed shape. This is a difficult problem that is usually approached by traditional methods such as finite element analysis. Formulating the problem as a classification problem makes it possible to use well established classification algorithms, such as decision trees. Classification is, however, generally based on a winner-takes-all approach when associating the output value with the corresponding class. On the other hand, when formulating the problem as a regression task, all the output values are combined to produce the corresponding class value. For a multi-class problem, this may result in very different associations compared with classification between the output of the model and the corresponding class. Such formulation makes it possible to use well known regression algorithms, such as neural networks. In this paper, we develop a neural network based inverse model of a sheet forming process, and compare its performance with that of a linear model. Both models are used in two modes, classification mode and a function estimation mode, to investigate the advantage of re-formulating the problem as a function estimation. This results in large improvements in the recognition rate of set-up parameters of a sheet metal forming process for both models, with a neural network model achieving much more accurate parameter recognition than a linear model.


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Geostrophic surface velocities can be derived from the gradients of the mean dynamic topography-the difference between the mean sea surface and the geoid. Therefore, independently observed mean dynamic topography data are valuable input parameters and constraints for ocean circulation models. For a successful fit to observational dynamic topography data, not only the mean dynamic topography on the particular ocean model grid is required, but also information about its inverse covariance matrix. The calculation of the mean dynamic topography from satellite-based gravity field models and altimetric sea surface height measurements, however, is not straightforward. For this purpose, we previously developed an integrated approach to combining these two different observation groups in a consistent way without using the common filter approaches (Becker et al. in J Geodyn 59(60):99-110, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2011.07.0069; Becker in Konsistente Kombination von Schwerefeld, Altimetrie und hydrographischen Daten zur Modellierung der dynamischen Ozeantopographie, 2012, http://nbn-resolving.de/nbn:de:hbz:5n-29199). Within this combination method, the full spectral range of the observations is considered. Further, it allows the direct determination of the normal equations (i.e., the inverse of the error covariance matrix) of the mean dynamic topography on arbitrary grids, which is one of the requirements for ocean data assimilation. In this paper, we report progress through selection and improved processing of altimetric data sets. We focus on the preprocessing steps of along-track altimetry data from Jason-1 and Envisat to obtain a mean sea surface profile. During this procedure, a rigorous variance propagation is accomplished, so that, for the first time, the full covariance matrix of the mean sea surface is available. The combination of the mean profile and a combined GRACE/GOCE gravity field model yields a mean dynamic topography model for the North Atlantic Ocean that is characterized by a defined set of assumptions. We show that including the geodetically derived mean dynamic topography with the full error structure in a 3D stationary inverse ocean model improves modeled oceanographic features over previous estimates.


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Swarm Intelligence techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are shown to be incompetent for an accurate estimation of global solutions in several engineering applications. This problem is more severe in case of inverse optimization problems where fitness calculations are computationally expensive. In this work, a novel strategy is introduced to alleviate this problem. The proposed inverse model based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied for a contaminant transport inverse model. The inverse models based on standard-PSO and proposed-PSO are validated to estimate the accuracy of the models. The proposed model is shown to be out performing the standard one in terms of accuracy in parameter estimation. The preliminary results obtained using the proposed model is presented in this work.


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A considerable amount of work has been dedicated on the development of analytical solutions for flow of chemical contaminants through soils. Most of the analytical solutions for complex transport problems are closed-form series solutions. The convergence of these solutions depends on the eigen values obtained from a corresponding transcendental equation. Thus, the difficulty in obtaining exact solutions from analytical models encourages the use of numerical solutions for the parameter estimation even though, the later models are computationally expensive. In this paper a combination of two swarm intelligence based algorithms are used for accurate estimation of design transport parameters from the closed-form analytical solutions. Estimation of eigen values from a transcendental equation is treated as a multimodal discontinuous function optimization problem. The eigen values are estimated using an algorithm derived based on glowworm swarm strategy. Parameter estimation of the inverse problem is handled using standard PSO algorithm. Integration of these two algorithms enables an accurate estimation of design parameters using closed-form analytical solutions. The present solver is applied to a real world inverse problem in environmental engineering. The inverse model based on swarm intelligence techniques is validated and the accuracy in parameter estimation is shown. The proposed solver quickly estimates the design parameters with a great precision.


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Swarm Intelligence techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are shown to be incompetent for an accurate estimation of global solutions in several engineering applications. This problem is more severe in case of inverse optimization problems where fitness calculations are computationally expensive. In this work, a novel strategy is introduced to alleviate this problem. The proposed inverse model based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied for a contaminant transport inverse model. The inverse models based on standard-PSO and proposed-PSO are validated to estimate the accuracy of the models. The proposed model is shown to be out performing the standard one in terms of accuracy in parameter estimation. The preliminary results obtained using the proposed model is presented in this work.


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In this paper an explicit guidance law for the powered descent phase of the soft lunar landing is presented. The descent trajectory, expressed in polynomial form is fixed based on the boundary conditions imposed by the precise soft landing mission. Adapting an inverse model based approach, the guidance command is computed from the known spacecraft trajectory. The guidance formulation ensures the vertical orientation of the spacecraft during touchdown. Also a closed form relation for the final flight time is proposed. The final time is expressed as a function of initial position and velocity of the spacecraft ( at the start of descent) and also depends on the desired landing site. To ensure the fuel minimum descent the proposed explicit method is extended to optimal guidance formulation. The effectiveness of the proposed guidance laws are demonstrated with simulation results.


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The potential of the τ-ω model for retrieving the volumetric moisture content of bare and vegetated soil from dual polarisation passive microwave data acquired at single and multiple angles is tested. Measurement error and several additional sources of uncertainty will affect the theoretical retrieval accuracy. These include uncertainty in the soil temperature, the vegetation structure and consequently its microwave singlescattering albedo, and uncertainty in soil microwave emissivity based on its roughness. To test the effects of these uncertainties for simple homogeneous scenes, we attempt to retrieve soil moisture from a number of simulated microwave brightness temperature datasets generated using the τ-ω model. The uncertainties for each influence are estimated and applied to curves generated for typical scenarios, and an inverse model used to retrieve the soil moisture content, vegetation optical depth and soil temperature. The effect of each influence on the theoretical soil moisture retrieval limit is explored, the likelihood of each sensor configuration meeting user requirements is assessed, and the most effective means of improving moisture retrieval indicated.


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The decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is temperature dependent, but its response to a future warmer climate remains equivocal. Enhanced rates of decomposition of SOM under increased global temperatures might cause higher CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, and could therefore constitute a strong positive feedback. The magnitude of this feedback however remains poorly understood, primarily because of the difficulty in quantifying the temperature sensitivity of stored, recalcitrant carbon that comprises the bulk (>90%) of SOM in most soils. In this study we investigated the effects of climatic conditions on soil carbon dynamics using the attenuation of the 14C ‘bomb’ pulse as recorded in selected modern European speleothems. These new data were combined with published results to further examine soil carbon dynamics, and to explore the sensitivity of labile and recalcitrant organic matter decomposition to different climatic conditions. Temporal changes in 14C activity inferred from each speleothem was modelled using a three pool soil carbon inverse model (applying a Monte Carlo method) to constrain soil carbon turnover rates at each site. Speleothems from sites that are characterised by semi-arid conditions, sparse vegetation, thin soil cover and high mean annual air temperatures (MAATs), exhibit weak attenuation of atmospheric 14C ‘bomb’ peak (a low damping effect, D in the range: 55–77%) and low modelled mean respired carbon ages (MRCA), indicating that decomposition is dominated by young, recently fixed soil carbon. By contrast, humid and high MAAT sites that are characterised by a thick soil cover and dense, well developed vegetation, display the highest damping effect (D = c. 90%), and the highest MRCA values (in the range from 350 ± 126 years to 571 ± 128 years). This suggests that carbon incorporated into these stalagmites originates predominantly from decomposition of old, recalcitrant organic matter. SOM turnover rates cannot be ascribed to a single climate variable, e.g. (MAAT) but instead reflect a complex interplay of climate (e.g. MAAT and moisture budget) and vegetation development.