40 resultados para inventiveness


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Imagination is a capacity of internal visualization, concept creation and manipulation not directly dependent upon sensation. Imagination is associated with a range of phenomena: mental imagery, fancy, inventiveness, insight, counterfactual reasoning, pretence, simulation and conceivability.


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Peer-to-Patent Australia will initially run as a 12 month pilot project designed to test whether an open community of reviewers can effectively locate prior art that might not otherwise be located by the patent office during a typical examination. Patent applications will be made available for peer review for a period of 6 months and there will follow a 6 month period of joint qualitative and quantitative assessment of the pilot project by IP Australia and QUT. The objective of Peer-to-Patent Australia is to improve the patent examination process and the quality of issued patents by utilising the knowledge and skills of experts in the broader community. It is a way of linking the scientific and technical expertise of anyone with an Internet connection with the expertise of a patent examiner. That community participation consists of members of the public reviewing patent applications and contributing relevant prior art references and comments within a web-based forum. The aim is to bring to light prior art, particularly non-patent prior art, that might otherwise not be identified by patent examiners. The better the prior art resources a patent examiner has at his or her disposal, the more likely a patent application will be assessed properly in terms of novelty and inventive step. The role of Peer-to-Patent Australia in this regard is to act as both a facilitator of discussion and a collector of prior art submissions. Peer-to-Patent Australia collects relevant prior art references on behalf of the reviewing community and forwards that prior art to IP Australia. Section 27 of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) allows for the Commissioner of Patents to receive submissions of prior art by third parties relevant to the novelty and inventiveness of a particular patent application.


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This is an edited version of an interview recorded for Canadian Theatre Review in 1992. By that time Nowra had established a reputation as one of Australia's foremost playwrights. Part of the generation which succeeded the New Wave of the late 1960s and early 1970s, Nowra became known for a stylistic inventiveness which placed him outside the tradition of realist playwriting in Australia. The international outlook in his early plays, and the fact that he was not exclusively preoccupied with Australian settings and subject matter, was often a focal point in critical accounts of his work. In this interview Nowra discusses his 'internationalism', and a range of topics including the playwriting process; the presence of landscape in his plays; and the autobiographical elements in his work.


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SYN (Student Youth Network) is a media organisation run by people between the ages of 12 and 26. In this ‘coming of age story’, Ellie Rennie follows the SYNners as they build Australia’s most unusual media empire against enormous odds. Over the course of the book, social networking becomes the most popular use of the internet and traditional media institutions are forced to acknowledge the rise of amateur content. In response, SYN rethinks its approach to the online environment, kills its print publication, deals with the introduction of digital broadcasting and teaches schoolteachers about a new kind of literacy. In just two years dozens of careers are launched, the SYN radio audience doubles and they get told off for swearing. Life of SYN takes on the big issues of the media through the story of a small media organisation. This humorous and insightful book describes a media environment in flux, where audiences and producers express their freedom in unruly and contradictory ways. Life of SYN gives structure to the new media world without curtailing its inventiveness and possibility. Life of SYN combines story with media theory, encompassing: digital literacy and media participation; the future of community media; youth media and media industries.


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The cryptographic community has, of late, shown much inventiveness in the creation of powerful new IBE-like primitives that go beyond the basic IBE notion and extend it in many new directions. Virtually all of these “super-IBE” schemes rely on bilinear pairings for their implementation, which they tend to use in a surprisingly small number of different ways: three of them as of this writing. What is interesting is that, among the three main frameworks that we know of so far, one has acted as a veritable magnet for the construction of many of these “generalized IBE” primitives, whereas the other two have not been nearly as fruitful in that respect. This refers to the Commutative Blinding framework defined by the Boneh-Boyen [Bscr ][Bscr ]1 IBE scheme from 2004. The aim of this chapter is to try to shed some light on this approach's popularity, first by comparing its key properties with those of the competing frameworks, and then by providing a number of examples that illustrate how those properties have been used.


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TV Maxambomba: Processos de Singularização é o resultado do processo de investigação sobre as potencialidades que residem na linguagem audiovisual, sobretudo no processo de produção de vídeo e comunicação popular, apropriados por pessoas que nas suas diferenças utilizam a linguagem e a tecnologia do vídeo como ferramenta de produção da expressão da sua cultura, da sua realidade, da sua criação e inventividade. Percorrendo o percurso da TV Maxambomba, essa pesquisa trouxe a dimensão da potencia que envolve a articulação de pessoas e grupos utilizando a tecnologia do audiovisual, a linguagem do vídeo no seu processo de criação como mecanismo de produção de conhecimento e de subjetivação. Ao longo dos seus 15 anos A TV Maxambomba revela-se como um potencial laboratório de invenção midiática, democratizando a linguagem audiovisual, possibilitando que numa era midiática, inicia-se a era pós-mídia. Transgredindo as normas e os formatos televisivos, traçando suas linhas de fuga, trazendo as peculiaridades das comunidades e territórios ocupados pela TV Maxambomba, territorializando e desterritolizando sua própria linguagem, revela-se como espaço de produção de processos de singularização.


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Desde a criação do cinema, em 1895, a cidade vem sendo retratada de forma surpreendente para quem a vivencia em seu cotidiano. A arte do cinema amplia o sentido de realidade e provoca um impacto sobre o universo psicológico e social do homem. O cinema brasileiro acompanha, através de sua vasta produção, o percurso da cidade no tocante ao desenvolvimento estético, social, cultural, político e econômico, apresentando a forma através da qual o homem se relaciona com essas variáveis. O historiador Michel de Certeau desenvolve em sua obra o tema da inventividade do cotidiano, no que se refere à prática do espaço. Os conceitos de espaço (um lugar praticado), e de lugar (um espaço geométrico), permitem aprofundar o estudo do papel do homem no cotidiano da cidade. É este o eixo teórico da presente pesquisa, que pretende estudar o imaginário da cidade no cinema brasileiro a partir de três questões principais: a formação do imaginário urbano, a criação da forma da cidade no cinema (locações, cenários e fisionomias) e o estado de solidão e isolamento vivido pelo homem nas grandes cidades. Para tal, foram escolhidas para análise as seguintes produções brasileiras: Dias de Nietzsche em Turim (2001) de Julio Bressane, O Príncipe (2002) de Ugo Giorgetti e O Outro Lado da Rua (2004) de Marcos Bernstein. A cidade representada nesses filmes nos dá a oportunidade de exercitar o olhar e refletir sobre o cotidiano da vida urbana e seus reflexos no universo psicológico do homem contemporâneo


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As patentes sobre sequências genéticas, amplamente consideradas, são tema de controvérsia no cenário da propriedade intelectual. Discute-se se os variados materiais genéticos seriam verdadeiras invenções ou meras descobertas, não havendo unanimidade de tratamento. Este trabalho buscou sistematizar a possibilidade ou não de patenteamento de tais materiais, a partir do estudo do Caso Myriad, decidido pela Suprema Corte norte-americana. Realizou-se análise da Teoria dos Produtos da Natureza, a partir de decisões norte-americanas, buscando-se o estabelecimento de premissas. Efetuou-se a análise da legislação brasileira sobre o tema, bem como do entendimento do INPI. Foram feitas considerações acerca da necessidade ou não da proteção das invenções biotecnológicas, ponderando-se com o necessário atendimento ao fim constitucional do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico.


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À l’aube du IXe siècle, les Carolingiens prétendent imposer à l’Occident l’unité dans la foi et le culte. Cet idéal domine les pensées des empereurs qui se conçoivent comme protecteurs, législateurs et juges, mais aussi vicaires du Christ et recteurs de l’Église. De telles ambitions stimulent l’élaboration d’un gouvernement original. Comme les conquêtes avaient composé une vaste mosaïque de populations, de cultures et d’intérêts, la concorde posait un grand défi. Pour y répondre, Charlemagne et Louis le Pieux ont fait des communications leur premier outil politique. Leur inventivité et leur efficience furent appréciables, mais elles n’ont pas suffi à leur gagner toutes les adhésions : la discorde s’est installée là où l’empereur ne parvenait pas à maintenir une relation forte avec les élites régionales. Les distances et les modalités des communications déterminaient la nature de leurs échanges, donc leurs limites et, de ce fait, le destin de l’Empire carolingien. L’enquête aborde un vaste éventail documentaire : actes, capitulaires, correspondances, monnaies... Elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux relations du pouvoir impérial avec les élites du sud-ouest de l’empire. Ses résultats dépendent d’un étayage complexe : dispositifs de représentation du pouvoir, conséquences politico-sociales des distances et des vitesses de déplacement, anthropologie de la rencontre et des relations à distance, étude des réseaux. Au-delà des considérations propres à l’histoire des VIIIe-IXe siècles, elle démontre l’intérêt d’aborder les réalités politiques prémodernes du point de vue des défis que présentent les distances géographiques, les rencontres et les communications.


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Le but de cette étude est de proposer une conceptualisation de la résilience familiale en tant que processus au sein de couples dont la femme est atteinte d’insuffisance cardiaque (IC). D’année en année, cette maladie cardiaque chronique afflige non seulement un nombre croissant de femmes mais tout autant leur partenaire de vie. On reconnaît de plus en plus que l’expérience de ces femmes diffère de celle de leur homologue masculin. Quant à l’expérience de leur conjoint et celle en tant que couple, ces dernières demeurent toujours peu abordées dans les écrits. Les couples constitués d’une femme atteinte d’IC doivent affronter de nombreuses difficultés inhérentes à l’IC qui peuvent les amener à faire preuve de résilience familiale. Pour atteindre notre but, une approche par théorisation ancrée a été utilisée. Les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d’entrevues semi-structurées conjointes auprès de 12 couples, d’un questionnaire sociodémographique et de notes de terrain. L’analyse de ces données a permis de proposer cette conceptualisation de la résilience familiale en tant que processus au sein de ces couples. L’IC au féminin est une expérience empreinte de difficultés pour les couples. Ils font face au choc encouru par le lot de bouleversements liés à l’IC qui perturbent à jamais tous les plans de leur vie conjugale. Devant une telle situation de vie aussi déplorable, ils sont appelés à s’engager dans un processus de résilience familiale. Cet engagement s’actualise par la mise en place de maintes stratégies en majorité conjugales, sauf quelques-unes qui relèvent de chaque membre des couples, et ce, selon deux perspectives de la résilience familiale. En effet, les couples rebondissent, selon la première perspective, en faisant face au choc de façons individuelle et conjugale. Sur le plan individuel, les membres tendent à se prendre en main tout en conservant leur propre autonomie. Pour ce faire, les femmes atteintes d’IC prennent, d’une part, le contrôle de l’IC et de ses manifestations et, d’autre part, soin de leur personne sur les plans physique et psychologique. Prendre ce contrôle devient possible en gérant leur énergie, en découvrant des astuces et en se responsabilisant face à l’IC. Parallèlement, les conjoints privilégient une seule et unique stratégie individuelle, soit de s’ouvrir à d’autres façons de faire. Quant au plan conjugal, les couples tendent à préserver à la fois leur autonomie et leur complicité à travers l’expérience liée à l’IC. A cette fin, ils font place à la réciprocité du prendre soin et s’activent à solidifier et réitérer leur autonomie conjugale en s’ouvrant aux ressources familiales et communautaires et en dosant la place laissée à l’IC au sein de leur couple. Selon la seconde perspective, les couples rebondissent, cette fois, en ressortant grandis, et ce, en découvrant de nouvelles façons de faire et en donnant un sens à leur expérience liée à l’IC. Pour découvrir de nouvelles façons, ils s’adonnent ensemble à des activités revisitées. Pour donner un sens, ils relativisent les bouleversements liés à l’IC qui s’actualisent par ces stratégies : dresser un bilan de la vie conjugale/familiale, adopter des leitmotive propices, et finalement, découvrir et se laisser porter par la magie des petits-enfants. À notre avis, les connaissances qui découlent de cette conceptualisation de la résilience familiale en tant que processus contribuent à l’avancement de connaissances dans le domaine des sciences infirmières. Cet apport de connaissances devrait aider les infirmières à mieux comprendre ce processus et contribuer au renouvellement des pratiques infirmières auprès des couples aux prises avec l’IC au féminin.


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Publication rate of patents can be a useful measure of innovation and productivity in science and technology. Patenting activity in new technological fields follows a sigmoid (S-shaped) path. Qualitative and quantitative models in management and economics literature explain why such patterns of productivity may occur. TRIZ analysis suggests that patents are generated in bursts during the evolution of a product and that they are at different levels of inventiveness. The tendency is for the inventiveness to reduce as the product is more mature. This makes it possible to guess at the lifetime stage of a product and gauge its maturity and profitability. An analysis of patenting activity and other measures of inventiveness in the emerging field of biomimetics was presented, and future trends in biologically-inspired innovation was discussed.


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As part of its contribution to the 1951 Festival of Britain, the Arts Council ran what can be seen in retrospect to be an important playwriting competition. Disregarding the London stage entirely, it invited regional theatres throughout the UK to put forward nominations for new plays within their repertoire for 1950-1951. Each of the five winning plays would receive, what was then, the substantial sum of £100. Originality and innovation featured highly amongst the selection criteria, with 40 per cent of the judges’ marks being awarded for “interest of subject matter and inventiveness of treatment”. This article will assess some of the surprising outcomes of the competition and argue that it served as an important nexus point in British theatrical historiography between two key moments in post-war Britain: the first being the inauguration of the Festival of Britain in 1951, the other being the debut of John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger in May 1956. The article will also argue that the Arts Council’s play competition was significant for two other reasons. By circumventing the London stage, it provides a useful tool by which to reassess the state of new writing in regional theatre at the beginning of the 1950s and to question how far received views of parochialism and conservatism held true. The paper will also put forward a case for the competition significantly anticipating the work of George Devine at the English Stage Company, which during its early years established a reputation for itself by heavily exploiting the repertoire of new plays originally commissioned by regional theatres. This article forms part of a five year funded Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project, ‘Giving Voice to the Nation: The Arts Council of Great Britain and the Development of Theatre and Performance in Britain 1945-1994’. Details of the Arts Council’s archvie, which is housed at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London can be found at http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/wid/ead/acgb/acgbf.html Keywords: Arts Council of Great Britain, regional theatre, playwriting, Festival of Britain, English Stage Company (Royal Court) , Yvonne Mitchell


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This paper takes up the three terms - creativity, consciousness and intimacy - and positions them as possible ‘ultimate terms’. Inquiring into the use of these terms to garner approval, status or power within cultural contexts, the paper attempts to unpack them, and simultaneously to seek out any structural similarities in the ways that they operate. The term ‘creativity’ is deconstructed via a Derridean framework, wherein ‘inventiveness’ is posited as a more rigorous alternative in most cases. Consciousness is read closely in relation to its association with notions of awareness and ‘enlightenment’. And ‘intimacy’ is playfully explored as an alternative term for enlightenment, a manoeuvre which brings to the fore some structural assumptions about that which intimacy might comprise. The assumption of intimacy as a spatially-dependent notion is also interrogated. The paper contends that intimacy may involve an unsettling of spatial assumptions proper, and therefore not be simply a function of closeness or distance. It draws on Serres’ notion of the angel as messenger and as analogy for the preposition, indicator of position, but occupant of none. Finally an example from art practice is offered, one that arguably performs the terms intimacy and creativity at once: an epistolary adventure in poetry and photographs, called The Post Project.


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This chapter raises the notion of whether creativity can be 'bought' and draws on Derrida's category of the 'invention' (as opposed to creativity, which Derrida defines differently) in order to examine closely the criteria of inventiveness. The latter overlap in certain ways with a Badiouian understanding of the event. The chapter goes on to argue, using Badiou's notion of the event and the void, that creativity is abundant and 'free', but that creative industries may be ethically justified in selling other knowledges relating to creative practice, but that they should be clear about what can be 'bought' and that which is - if examined rigorously - always already 'free'.