981 resultados para intuitive interaction, intuitive use, familiarity, prior knowledge, prior experience, older adults, industrial design, product design, interaction design


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Almost every nation on the planet is experiencing increases in both the number and proportion of older adults. Research has shown that older adults use technology less intuitively than younger adults, and have more difficulty with using products effectively. With an ever-increasing population of older adults, it is necessary to understand why they often struggle to use technology, which is becoming more and more important in day to day living. Intuitive use of products is grounded in familiarity and prior experience. The aims of this research were twofold: (i) to examine the differences in familiarity between younger and older adults, to see if this could explain the difficulties faced by some older adults; (ii) to develop investigational methods to assist designers in identifying familiarity in prospective users. Two empirical studies were conducted. The first experiment was conducted in the field with 32 participants, divided across four age groups (18 – 44, 45 – 59, 60 – 74, and 75+). This experiment was conducted in the participants’ homes, with a product they were familiar with. Familiarity was measured through the analysis of data collected through interviews, observation and retrospective protocol. The results of this study show that the youngest group demonstrated significantly higher levels of familiarity with products they own than the 60 – 74 and the 75+ age groups. There were no significant differences between the 18 – 44 age group and the 45 – 59 age group and there were also no significant differences between the three oldest age groups. The second experiment was conducted with 32 participants, across the same four age groups. Four everyday products were used in this experiment. The results of Experiment 2 show that, with previously unused products, younger adults demonstrate significantly higher levels of familiarity than the three older age groups. The three oldest age groups had no significant differences between them. The results of these two studies show that younger adults are more familiar with contemporary products than older adults. They also demonstrate that in terms of familiarity, older adults do not differ significantly as they get older. The results also show that the 45 – 59 age group demonstrate higher levels of familiarity with products they have owned, in comparison with those they have not. The two older age groups did not demonstrate such differences. This suggests that interacting with products over time increases familiarity more for middle-aged adults than for older adults. As a result of this research, a method that can be used by designers to identify potential users’ product familiarity has been identified. This method is easy to use, quick, low cost, highly mobile, flexible, and allows for easy data collection and analysis. A tool has been designed that assists designers and researchers to use the method. Designers can use the knowledge gained from this tool, and integrate it into the design process, resulting in more intuitive products. Such products may lead to improvements in the quality of life of older adults, as a result of improved societal integration, better health management, and more widespread use of communications technology.


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Background & Aims: Malnutrition is prevalent in people diagnosed with dementia however ensuring adequate oral intake within this group is often problematic. It is important to determine whether providing nutritionally complete oral nutritional supplements (ONS) drinks is an effective way of improving clinical outcomes for older people with dementia. This paper systematically reviewed clinical, wellbeing and nutritional outcomes in people with long-term cognitive impairment. Methods: The CINAHL, Medline and EMBASE databases were searched from their inception until January 2012. Reference lists of the included papers, foreign language papers and review articles obtained were manually searched. Results: Twelve articles were included in the review containing 1076 people in the supplement groups (intervention) and 748 people in the control groups. Meta-analysis shows there was a significant improvement in weight (p=<0.0001), Body Mass Index (BMI) (p=<0.0001) and cognition at 6.5+/-3.9 month follow up (p=0.002) when supplements were given compared to the control group. Conclusions: Providing ONS drinks has a positive effect on weight gain and cognition at follow up in older people with dementia. Additional research is required in both comparing nutritional supplements to vitamin/mineral tablets and high protein/calorie shots and clinical outcomes relevant to hospitalised people with dementia.


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This paper discusses how intuitive interaction is a possible way to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of interaction with older adults. It provides insights into existing research on intuitive interaction, and the role of prior experience and familiarity in intuition. An experiment is discussed which investigates differences in familiarity between younger and older adults. A comprehensive coding system has been developed to help analyse the data collected. This research is currently in progress.


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This paper reports on the findings of a completed experiment examining levels of familiarity in younger and older adults. Research has shown that older adults use products less intuitively than younger adults, and that familiarity is an essential element of intuitive interaction. This finding influenced the decision to focus on familiarity and to investigate why older adults use products less intuitively than younger adults. By identifying and understanding the differences in familiarity, it is hypothesised that designers will be able to design more usable products for older adults. An empirical study was conducted, investigating the differences in familiarity between younger and older adults with contemporary products. Younger adults demonstrate significantly higher levels of familiarity compared to older adults, and the three groups of older adults demonstrated no significant differences between them. The implications of this finding is discussed.


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BACKGROUND: Overuse of unnecessary medications in frail older adults with limited life expectancy remains an understudied challenge. OBJECTIVE: To identify intervention studies that reduced use of unnecessary medications in frail older adults. A secondary goal was to identify and review studies focusing on patients approaching end of life. We examined criteria for identifying unnecessary medications, intervention processes for medication reduction, and intervention effectiveness. METHODS: A systematic review of English articles using MEDLINE, EMBASE, and International Pharmaceutical Abstracts from January 1966 to September 2012. Additional studies were identified by searching bibliographies. Search terms included prescription drugs, drug utilization, hospice or palliative care, and appropriate or inappropriate. A manual review of 971 identified abstracts for the inclusion criteria (study included an intervention to reduce chronic medication use; at least 5 participants; population included patients aged at least 65 years, hospice enrollment, or indication of frailty or risk of functional decline-including assisted living or nursing home residence, inpatient hospitalization) yielded 60 articles for full review by 3 investigators. After exclusion of review articles, interventions targeting acute medications, or studies exclusively in the intensive care unit, 36 articles were retained (including 13 identified by bibliography review). Articles were extracted for study design, study setting, intervention description, criteria for identifying unnecessary medication use, and intervention outcomes. RESULTS: The studies included 15 randomized controlled trials, 4 non-randomized trials, 6 pre-post studies, and 11 case series. Control groups were used in over half of the studies (n = 20). Study populations varied and included residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities (n = 16), hospitalized patients (n = 14), hospice/palliative care patients (n = 3), home care patients (n = 2), and frail or disabled community-dwelling patients (n = 1). The majority of studies (n = 21) used implicit criteria to identify unnecessary medications (including drugs without indication, unnecessary duplication, and lack of effectiveness); only one study incorporated patient preference into prescribing criteria. Most (25) interventions were led by or involved pharmacists, 4 used academic detailing, 2 used audit and feedback reports targeting prescribers, and 5 involved physician-led medication reviews. Overall intervention effect sizes could not be determined due to heterogeneity of study designs, samples, and measures. CONCLUSIONS: Very little rigorous research has been conducted on reducing unnecessary medications in frail older adults or patients approaching end of life.


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Routine computer tasks are often difficult for older adult computer users to learn and remember. People tend to learn new tasks by relating new concepts to existing knowledge. However, even for 'basic' computer tasks there is little, if any, existing knowledge on which older adults can base their learning. This paper investigates a custom file management interface that was designed to aid discovery and learnability by providing interface objects that are familiar to the user. A study was conducted which examined the differences between older and younger computer users when undertaking routine file management tasks using the standard Windows desktop as compared with the custom interface. Results showed that older adult computer users requested help more than ten times as often as younger users when using a standard windows/mouse configuration, made more mistakes and also required significantly more confirmations than younger users. The custom interface showed improvements over standard Windows/mouse, with fewer confirmations and less help being required. Hence, there is potential for an interface that closely mimics the real world to improve computer accessibility for older adults, aiding self-discovery and learnability.


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Many older adults have difficulty using modern consumer products due to their complexity both in terms of functionality and interface design. It has been observed that older people also have more problems learning new systems. It was hypothesised that designing technological products that are more intuitive for older people to use can solve this problem. An intuitive interface allows a user’s to employ prior knowledge, thus minimizing the learning needed for effective interaction. This paper discusses an experiment investigating the effectiveness of redundancy in interface design. The primary objective of this experiment was to find out if using more than one modality for a product’s interface improves the speed and intuitiveness of interactions for older adults. Preliminary analysis showed strong correlation between technology familiarity and time on tasks, but redundancy in interface design improved speed and accuracy of use only for participants with moderate to high technology familiarity.


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This paper describes an experiment undertaken to investigate intuitive interaction, particularly in older adults. Previous work has shown that intuitive interaction relies on past experience, and has also suggested that older people demonstrate less intuitive uses and slower times when completing set tasks with various devices. Similarly, this experiment showed that past experience with relevant products allowed people to use the interfaces of two different microwaves more quickly, although there were no significant differences between the different microwaves. It also revealed that certain aspects of cognitive decline related to aging, such as central executive function, have more impact on time, correct uses and intuitive uses than chronological age. Implications of these results and further work in this area are discussed.


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Many older people have difficulties using modern consumer products due to increased product complexity both in terms of functionality and interface design. Previous research has shown that older people have more difficulty in using complex devices intuitively when compared to the younger. Furthermore, increased life expectancy and a falling birth rate have been catalysts for changes in world demographics over the past two decades. This trend also suggests a proportional increase of older people in the work-force. This realisation has led to research on the effective use of technology by older populations in an effort to engage them more productively and to assist them in leading independent lives. Ironically, not enough attention has been paid to the development of interaction design strategies that would actually enable older users to better exploit new technologies. Previous research suggests that if products are designed to reflect people's prior knowledge, they will appear intuitive to use. Since intuitive interfaces utilise domain-specific prior knowledge of users, they require minimal learning for effective interaction. However, older people are very diverse in their capabilities and domain-specific prior knowledge. In addition, ageing also slows down the process of acquiring new knowledge. Keeping these suggestions and limitations in view, the aim of this study was set to investigate possible approaches to developing interfaces that facilitate their intuitive use by older people. In this quest to develop intuitive interfaces for older people, two experiments were conducted that systematically investigated redundancy (the use of both text and icons) in interface design, complexity of interface structure (nested versus flat), and personal user factors such as cognitive abilities, perceived self-efficacy and technology anxiety. All of these factors could interfere with intuitive use. The results from the first experiment suggest that, contrary to what was hypothesised, older people (65+ years) completed the tasks on the text only based interface design faster than on the redundant interface design. The outcome of the second experiment showed that, as expected, older people took more time on a nested interface. However, they did not make significantly more errors compared with younger age groups. Contrary to what was expected, older age groups also did better under anxious conditions. The findings of this study also suggest that older age groups are more heterogeneous in their capabilities and their intuitive use of contemporary technological devices is mediated more by domain-specific technology prior knowledge and by their cognitive abilities, than chronological age. This makes it extremely difficult to develop product interfaces that are entirely intuitive to use. However, by keeping in view the cognitive limitations of older people when interfaces are developed, and using simple text-based interfaces with flat interface structure, would help them intuitively learn and use complex technological products successfully during early encounter with a product. These findings indicate that it might be more pragmatic if interfaces are designed for intuitive learning rather than for intuitive use. Based on this research and the existing literature, a model for adaptable interface design as a strategy for developing intuitively learnable product interfaces was proposed. An adaptable interface can initially use a simple text only interface to help older users to learn and successfully use the new system. Over time, this can be progressively changed to a symbols-based nested interface for more efficient and intuitive use.


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This paper presents the outcome of a study that investigated the relationships between technology prior experience, self-efficacy, technology anxiety, complexity of interface (nested versus flat) and intuitive use in older people. The findings show that, as expected, older people took less time to complete the task on the interface that used a flat structure when compared to the interface that used a complex nested structure. All age groups also used the flat interface more intuitively. However, contrary to what was hypothesised, older age groups did better under anxious conditions. Interestingly, older participants did not make significantly more errors compared with younger age groups on either interface structures.


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Interfaces for children have continued to evolve in terms of complexity, with toys ranging from traditional tangible interfaces to apps with digital interfaces and hybrid toys with mixed physical and digital interfaces. However, there is limited research done to investigate their potential for intuitive use. This research study compares a tangible toy and an equivalent toy in the digital world (app) for intuitive use. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test results showed that the tangible toy was more intuitive than the intangible counter part. Tangible systems are less complex to use and they require less time to encode and retrieve associated knowledge to use them intuitively. They are associated with low domain transfer distance and easily discoverable features. Intangible interfaces, on the other ha nd, require greater complexity and time to encode and retrieve associated experiential knowledge. Intangibles are associated with larger domain transfer distance and undiscoverable features which affects their intuitive use. Design implications and future work are discussed, emphasising the need for investigating aspects that make tangible systems intuitive to use.


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The purpose of this research was to investigate the extent to which prior technological experience of products is related to age, and if this has implications for the success of subsequent product interaction. The contribution of this work is to provide the design community with new knowledge and a greater awareness of the diversity of user needs, and particularly the needs and skills of older people. The focus of this paper is to present how individual's mental models of products and interaction were developed through experiential learning; what new knowledge was acquired, and how this contributed to the development of mental models and product understanding. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Despite its rising success, interactive TV (iTV) has found very little attention in the field of HCI. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the usability of iTV services. It presents the results of a usability test and discusses the implications for further developments. The results show, that prior knowledge of Internet and mobile phones supports the usability of iTV services regarding navigation and text input, while the lack of it leads to great difficulties. Difficult tasks, such as writing a text message, had a success rate of only 20%, while guided tours proofed to be more usable with a success rate of 70%.