965 resultados para intrinsic religiosity


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Parental religiosity has been shown to predict child and adolescent religiosity, but the role of parents in emerging adult religiosity is largely unknown. We explored associations among emerging adult religiosity, perceived parental religiosity, perceived similarity to mother's and to father's religious beliefs, parental faith support, and parental attachment. Participants were 481 alumni of two Christian colleges and completed surveys online. Emerging adult religiosity (measured by Christian orthodoxy and intrinsic religiosity) was high and similar to parents' religiosity. Perceived similarity to parents' religious beliefs, faith support, and attachment to fathers predicted emerging adult religiosity. However, parental religiosity alone was a weak predictor and functioned as a negative suppressor variable when combined with similarity to parents' beliefs and faith support. Findings underscore the importance of parental support and parent-child relationship dynamics more than the level of parental religiosity and point to possibly unique roles for mothers and fathers in emerging adult religiosity.


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A growing body of literature indicates a modestly positive association between religiosity and spirituality as predictors of psychological health (anxiety and depression), suggesting they serve as personal resiliency factors. The purpose of this study was to expand our understanding of the relationships among these constructs. Using Lazarus's Transactional Model of Stress as a theoretical framework, we examined: (a) the extent to which spirituality and religiosity mediated and/or moderated the association between perceived stress and psychological health and (b) whether there was a moderated (religiosity) mediation (spirituality) between stress and health. The Perceived Stress Scale, Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale, Religious Commitment Inventory, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were administered to measure the following constructs: stress, spirituality, religiosity, and psychological health. This study utilized a nonexperimental, quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional, moderated-mediation design, and included a convenience sample of 331 research participants. Both spirituality and religiosity moderated stress and health. However, only spirituality partially mediated the relationship. In addition, religiosity did not moderate the mediating effects of spirituality. Overall, this study confirmed the role of both religiosity and spirituality as effective resiliency resources.


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Background: Religion is a powerful coping strategy. Diabetes and depression are common conditions in our environment that induce psychological distress, thus requiring coping for better outcome. Studies indicate that increased religiosity is associated with better outcome in clinical and general populations. Therefore, studies of the distribution of religiosity and religious coping among these populations are essential to improve outcome. Objectives: To assess the association between religiosity, religious coping in depression and diabetes mellitus, and selected sociodemographic variables (age, gender and occupational status). Methods:Using simple random sampling we recruited 112 participants with diabetes and an equal number with depression consecutively, matching for gender. Religiosity was determined using religious orientation scale (revised), religious coping with brief religious coping scale and socio-demographic variables with a socio-demographic questionnaire. Results: Intrinsic religiosity was greater among older people with depression than among older people with diabetes(t=5.02,p<0.001); no significant difference among young people with depression and diabetes(t=1.47,p=0.15).Positive religious coping was greater among older people with depression than among older people with diabetes(t=2.31,p=0.02); no difference among young people with depression and diabetes(t=0.80,p=0.43). Females with depression had higher intrinsic religiosity scores than males with depression(t=3.85,p<0.001); no difference in intrinsic religiosity between females and males with diabetes(t=0.99,p=0.32).Positive religious coping was greater among participants with diabetes in the low occupational status(t=2.96,p<0.001) than those in the high occupational status. Conclusion: Religion is indeed a reliable coping method, most commonly used by the elderly and females with depression. Positive religious coping is more common among diabetic patients who are in the low occupational status.


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Terror Management Theory (TMT) suggests that human beings battle to protect ourselves from the potential terror resulting from the juxtaposition of our need for selfpreservation and our unique human ability to realize that we cannot avoid death. Over 150 studies have shown that when people are primed with the awareness of mortality they grasp onto their cultural world view more tenaciously than when they are primed with another unpleasant stimulus (i.e., show "cultural world view defense"). Applying the principles ofTMT, the first purpose of the present research was to examine whether the amount of peak experiences reduce the tendency to show cultural world view defense (an indicator of unconscious death fear) after a death prime. The second purpose was to examine a new model of implicit spirituality, by testing proposed relationships between implicit spirituality, peak experiences and intrinsic religiosity, and by testing whether peak experiences and/or intrinsic religiosity mediate the relationship between implicit spirituality and conscious and/or unconscious death fears. Skydivers were chosen as the primary participants for this research because of their unique characteristics in the context of TMT research. Previous research suggests that veteran skydivers have peak experiences as they skydive, and I assumed that their peak experiences would not be influenced by intrinsic religious beliefs. Novice skydivers may have their implicit spirituality brought forth because of their proximity to possible death. The willingness of both groups to place themselves close to death allowed their reactions to unconscious and conscious death fears to be assessed in a real setting. Novice skydivers' proximity to death made them an ideal group to study to see whether intrinsic religiosity mediated the relationship between their implicit spirituality and conscious and/or unconscious death fears. One hundred and twenty-five people participated in this research: 38 veteran and 46 novice skydivers, as well as 41 people who accompanied them to the drop zone. Of these, 23 veterans, 19 novices, and 22 friends returned a follow-up packet of questionnaires three weeks later. As expected, the veterans' unconscious death fear scores remained stable from pre-jump to post-jump (after the death prime), and three weeks later, whereas the novices' scores increased, but only marginally. As predicted, the novice skydivers' implicit spirituality was significantly higher than the veterans' and was negatively correlated with their conscious death fear, which was not mediated by their intrinsic religiosity. Only the novices' follow-up (trait) implicit spirituality correlated negatively with their pre-jump unconscious death fear. Among both groups of skydivers, there were significant relationships between implicit spirituality and peak experiences, and although the novices were significantly higher on peak experiences after the jump, peak experiences did not mediate the relationship between implicit spirituality and unconscious death fear for either group. In both groups follow-up intrinsic religiosity correlated with implicit spirituality. Peak experiences and intrinsic religiosity were not related with one another, suggesting that these are different ways of accessing an implicit spirituality. Results imply that implicit spirituality was brought forth (in the case of novice skydivers who were consciously close to death) and can be accessed through both peak experiences and intrinsic religiosity.


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The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the attitudes which perpetuate intolerance toward LGBT individuals, and to recognize, in particular, the unique attitudes transpeople face as a minority in the nation and even in the LGBT community. This research contributes to the bodies of research concerning the interrelatedness of intrinsic religiosity, political conservatism, sexism, the rape myth, lack of effective legal protection, and the intolerance of gender non-conformists. I have identified distinctions between attitudes on the part of both women and men, as well as toward different gender non-conformists. I have also taken research as a whole further by assessing the predictors of attitudes toward specific members of the LGBT community in public relationships. The implications of these findings are potentially as far reaching as to have an impact on policies effecting healthcare, education, anti-discrimination and employer rights legislation, on both local and national levels.


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Parents and children, starting at very young ages, discuss religious and spiritual issues¿where we come from, what happens to us after we die, is there a God, and so on. Unfortunately, few studies have analyzed the content and structure of parent-child conversation about religion and spirituality (Boyatzis & Janicki, 2003; Dollahite & Thatcher, 2009), and most studies have relied on self-report with no direct observation. The current study examined mother-child (M-C) spiritual discourse to learn about its content, structure, and frequency through a survey inventory in combination with direct video observation using a novel structured task. We also analyzed how mothers¿ religiosity along several major dimensions related to their communication behaviors within both methods. Mothers (N = 39, M age = 40) of children aged 3-12 completed a survey packet on M-C spiritual discourse and standard measures of mothers¿ religious fundamentalism, intrinsic religiosity, sanctification of parenting (how much the mother saw herself as doing God¿s work as a parent), and a new measure of parental openness to children¿s spirituality. Then, in a structured task in our lab, mothers (N = 33) and children (M age = 7.33) watched a short film or read a short book that explored death in an age-appropriate manner and then engaged in a videotaped conversation about the movie or book and their religious or spiritual beliefs. Frequency of M-C spiritual discourse was positively related to mothers¿ religious fundamentalism (r = .71, p = .00), intrinsic religiosity (r = .77, p = .00), and sanctification of parenting (r = .79, p = .00), but, surprisingly, was inversely related to mothers¿ v openness to child¿s spirituality (r = -.52, p = .00). Survey data showed that the two most common topics discussed were God (once a week) and religion as it relates to moral issues (once a week). According to mothers their children¿s most common method of initiating spiritual discourse was to repeat what he or she has heard parents or family say about religious issues (M = 2.97; once a week); mothers¿ most common method was to describe their own religious/spiritual beliefs (M = 2.92). Spiritual discourse most commonly occurred either at bedtime or mealtime as reported by 26% of mothers, with the most common triggers reported as daily routine/random thoughts (once a week) and observations of nature (once a week). Mothers¿ most important goals for spiritual discourse were to let their children know that they love them (M = 3.72; very important) and to help them become a good and moral person (M = 3.67; very important). A regression model showed that significant variance in frequency of mother-child spiritual discourse (R2 = .84, p = .00) was predicted by the mothers¿ importance of goals during discourse (ß = 0.46, p = .00), frequency that the mother¿s spirituality was deepened through spiritual discourse (ß = 0.39, p = .00), and the mother¿s fundamentalism (ß = 0.20, p = .05). In a separate regression, the mother¿s comfort in the structured task (ß = 0.70, p = .00), and the number of open-ended questions she asked (ß = -0.26, p = .03) predicted the reciprocity between mother and child (R2 = .62, p = .00). In addition, the mother¿s age (ß = 0.22, p = .059) and comfort during the task (ß = 0.73, p = .00) predicted the child¿s engagement within the structured task. Other findings and theoretical and methodological implications will be discussed.


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Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil de religiosidade e estilo de vida de uma população adulta e analisar a associação entre essas variáveis. Métodos: Pesquisa descritiva, transversal e quantitativa, realizada com participantes (n=206) de duas Feiras de Saúde na cidade de São Paulo, em 20/10/2013 e 04/05/2014. Aplicaram-se dois instrumentos, o Duke University Religion Index (DUREL, subdividido nas dimensões Religiosidade Organizacional, Não Organizacional e Intrínseca) e o Estilo de Vida FANTÁSTICO. Realizaram-se os testes Rho de Spearman para associação das variáveis “estilo de vida” e “religiosidade”, e Qui- Quadrado para análise bivariada entre sexo e religiosidade. Resultados: Encontrou-se perfil de religiosidade predominantemente bom nas três dimensões, com destaque para a Religiosidade Intrínseca, que alcançou 83,5% (n=167) nos três quesitos. Quanto ao estilo de vida (FANTÁSTICO), obteve-se a classificação de: 26,6% (n=34) “Bom”, 48,4% (n=62) “Muito Bom” e 12,5% (n=16) “Excelente”. Das 125 análises bivariadas, 13 (11,3%) apresentaram correlação fraca (ρ< 0,30), porém significativa (p<0,05). Nas associações do Qui-Quadrado, a religiosidade se relacionou às dimensões do estilo de vida quanto ao uso de álcool e drogas, alimentação equilibrada e saúde mental. Conclusão: A religiosidade na população estudada, considerando-se as três dimensões analisadas, caracterizou-se como “boa” e “muito boa”; e o estilo de vida, segundo escore total do questionário FANTÁSTICO, pôde ser considerado saudável. Apesar de fraca, confirmou-se associação entre a religiosidade e o estilo de vida.


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Using differential x-ray absorption spectroscopy (DiffXAS) we have measured and quantified the intrinsic, atomic-scale magnetostriction of Fe(81)Ga(19). By exploiting the chemical selectivity of DiffXAS, the Fe and Ga local environments have been assessed individually. The enhanced magnetostriction induced by the addition of Ga to Fe was found to originate from the Ga environment, where lambda(gamma,2)(approximate to (3/2)lambda(100)) is 390 +/- 40 ppm. In this environment, < 001 > Ga-Ga pair defects were found to exist, which mediate the magnetostriction by inducing large strains in the surrounding Ga-Fe bonds. For the first time, intrinsic, chemically selective magnetostrictive strain has been measured and quantified at the atomic level, allowing true comparison with theory.


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The cell provisioning and oviposition process (POP) is a unique characteristic of stingless bees (Meliponini), in which coordinated interactions between workers and queen regulate the filling of brood cells with larval resources and subsequent egg laying. Environmental conditions seem to regulate reproduction in stingless bees; however, little is known about how the amount of food affects quantitative sequences of the process. We examined intrinsic variables by comparing three colonies in distinct conditions (strong, intermediate and weak state). We predicted that some of these variables are correlated with temporal events of POP in Melipona scutellaris colonies. The results demonstrated that the strong colony had shorter periods of POP.


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Transplantation of pancreatic islets constitutes a promising alternative treatment for type 1 diabetes. However, it is limited by the shortage of organ donors. Previous results from our laboratory have demonstrated beneficial effects of recombinant human prolactin (rhPRL) treatment on beta cell cultures. We therefore investigated the role of rhPRL action in human beta cell survival, focusing on the molecular mechanisms involved in this process. Human pancreatic islets were isolated using an automated method. Islet cultures were pre-treated in the absence or presence of rhPRL and then subjected to serum starvation or cytokine treatment. Beta cells were labelled with Newport green and apoptosis was evaluated using flow cytometry analysis. Levels of BCL2 gene family members were studied by quantitative RT-PCR and western blot. Caspase-8, -9 and -3 activity, as well as nitric oxide production, were evaluated by fluorimetric assays. The proportion of apoptotic beta cells was significantly lowered in the presence of rhPRL under both cell death-induced conditions. We also demonstrated that cytoprotection may involve an increase of BCL2/BAX ratio, as well as inhibition of caspase-8, -9 and -3. Our study provides relevant evidence for a protective effect of lactogens on human beta cell apoptosis. The results also suggest that the improvement of cell survival may involve, at least in part, inhibition of cell death pathways controlled by the BCL2 gene family members. These findings are highly relevant for improvement of the islet isolation procedure and for clinical islet transplantation.


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The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of a group of Catholic women related to the orientations received from priests and parents and their influence on sexual attitudes. The oral history method was used to interview 17 Catholic women. Three categories summarize women`s experiences: orientations about sexuality received from priests; lack of orientation or existence of open dialogue about sexuality: distinct experiences in the family context; adherence or repudiation; and distinct attitudes toward orientations received. Health professionals systematically should seek knowledge about women`s religious principles, because this is essential for meaningful and ethical health care.


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The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is a tool that was created to categorize drugs into different groups according to their solubility and permeability characteristics. Through a combination of these factors and physiological parameters, it is possible to understand the absorption behavior of a drug in the gastrointestinal tract, thus contributing to cost and time reductions in drug development, as well as reducing exposure of human subjects during in vivo trials. Solubility is attained by determining the equilibrium under conditions of physiological pH, while different methods may be employed for evaluating permeability. On the other hand, the intrinsic dissolution rate (IDR), which is defined as the rate of dissolution of a pure substance under constant temperature, pH, and surface area conditions, among others, may present greater correlation to the in vivo dissolution dynamic than the solubility test. The purpose of this work is to discuss the intrinsic dissolution test as a tool for determining the solubility of drugs within the scope of the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS).


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Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is the metabolic enzyme responsible for the endogenous synthesis of the saturated long-chain fatty acid, palmitate. In contrast to most normal cells, FASN is overexpressed in a variety of human cancers, including cutaneous melanoma, in which its levels of expression are associated with tumor invasion and poor prognosis. We have previously shown that FASN inhibition with orlistat significantly reduces the number of spontaneous mediastinal lymph node metastases following the implantation of B16-F10 mouse melanoma cells in the peritoneal cavity of C57BL/6 mice. In this study, we investigate the biological mechanisms responsible for the FASN inhibition-induced apoptosis in B16-F10 cells. Both FASN inhibitors, cerulenin and orlistat, significantly reduced melanoma cell proliferation and activated the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis, as demonstrated by the cytochrome c release and caspase-9 and -3 activation. Further, apoptosis was preceded by an increase in both reactive oxygen species production and cytosolic calcium concentrations and independent of p53 activation and mitochondrial permeability transition. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the mitochondrial involvement in FASN inhibition-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. Laboratory Investigation (2011) 91, 232-240; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2010.157; published online 30 August 2010


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Recent attempts to explain the susceptibility of vertebrates to declines worldwide have largely focused on intrinsic factors such as body size, reproductive potential, ecological specialization, geographical range and phylogenetic longevity. Here, we use a database of 145 Australian marsupial species to test the effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in a multivariate comparative approach. We model five intrinsic (body size, habitat specialization, diet, reproductive rate and range size) and four extrinsic (climate and range overlap with introduced foxes, sheep and rabbits) factors. We use quantitative measures of geographical range contraction as indices of decline. We also develop a new modelling approach of phylogenetically independent contrasts combined with imputation of missing values to deal simultaneously with phylogenetic structuring and missing data. One extrinsic variable-geographical range overlap with sheep-was the only consistent predictor of declines. Habitat specialization was independently but less consistently associated with declines. This suggests that extrinsic factors largely determine interspecific variation in extinction risk among Australian marsupials, and that the intrinsic factors that are consistently associated with extinction risk in other vertebrates are less important in this group. We conclude that recent anthropogenic changes have been profound enough to affect species on a continent-wide scale, regardless of their intrinsic biology.