948 resultados para intrinsic acceptor defects
O óxido de zinco é um material semicondutor que apresenta alta transparência óptica no espectro visível, alta energia de ligação de éxcitons e piezoeletricidade. Por suas propriedades, ele é utilizado na área de sensores, eletrodos transparentes e dispositivos optoeletrônicos. No entanto, sua utilização ainda é limitada pela dificuldade de obtenção de condutividade tipo p, cujo principal dopante é o nitrogênio, devido à assimetria de dopagem ocasionada por defeitos intrínsecos do material, dopagem em valências diferentes das esperadas e formação de níveis de aceitadores profundos na banda proibida. A aplicação em dispositivos piezoelétricos também exige alta resistividade e ótimas propriedades cristalinas. Muitos processos de deposição estabelecidos hoje ainda utilizam altas temperaturas, o que impede sua deposição sobre superfícies ou substratos sensíveis a altas temperaturas. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver técnicas de deposição de filmes de ZnO, principalmente em baixas temperaturas ( 100°C), pelo método de magnetron sputtering de rádio frequência, para avaliar a influência dos gases de processo nas características estruturais, estequiométricas, elétricas e ópticas dos filmes. Para isso, foram obtidos filmes utilizando pressão total de argônio, e pressões parciais de argônio e oxigênio e argônio e nitrogênio, utilizando alvo cerâmico de óxido de zinco ou alvo metálico de zinco. Para alvo de ZnO, filmes com condutividade tipo n foram obtidos em ambiente de argônio, em condições que geraram deficiências de oxigênio. Filmes altamente resistivos foram obtidos com a utilização de pressão parcial de oxigênio no gás de processo, em condições que resultaram em filmes estequiométricos, inclusive com condutividade tipo p. Condutividade tipo p mais alta foi observada, apenas por ponta quente, para uma amostra obtida em argônio logo após a utilização de nitrogênio na câmara de processo, que provavelmente sofreu influência da dopagem não intencional do cobre, que foi identificado como um contaminante do processo devido à estrutura da câmara. Para alvo de Zn, observou-se a formação de nitreto de zinco, que demonstrou alta capacidade de oxidação em ambiente atmosférico, e portanto, transforma-se naturalmente ao longo do tempo ou por processos de oxidação térmica em ZnO dopado com nitrogênio. Filmes de ZnO produzidos a partir de nitreto de zinco foram os únicos dos testados que apresentaram fotoluminescência característica do ZnO, mesmo para processos onde não houve aquecimento intencional.
In this work, the persistent luminescence mechanisms of Tb3+ (in CdSiO3) and Eu2+ (in BaAl2O4) based on solid experimental data are compared. The photoluminescence spectroscopy shows the different nature of the inter- and intraconfigurational transitions for Eu2+ and Tb3+, respectively. The electron is the charge carrier in both mechanisms, implying the presence of electron acceptor defects. The preliminary structural analysis shows a free space in CdSiO3 able to accommodate interstitial oxide ions needed by charge compensation during the initial preparation. The subsequent annealing removes this oxide leaving behind an electron trap. Despite the low band gap energy for CdSiO3, determined with synchrotron radiation UV-VUV excitation spectroscopy of Tb3+, the persistent luminescence from Tb3+ is observed only with UV irradiation. The need of high excitation energy is due to the position of F-7(6) level deep below the bottom of the conduction band, as determined with the 4f(8)-> 4f(7)5d(1) and the ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions. Finally, the persistent luminescence mechanisms are constructed and, despite the differences, the mechanisms for Tb3+ and Eu2+ proved to be rather similar. This similarity confirms the solidity of the interpretation of experimental data for the Eu2+ doped persistent luminescence materials and encourages the use of similar models for other persistent luminescence materials. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
The transcription factor B lymphocyte induced maturation protein-1 (Blimp-1) plays important roles in embryonic development and immunity. Blimp-1 is required for the differentiation of plasma cells, and mice with T cell specific deletion of Blimp-1 (Blimp-1CKO mice) develop a fatal inflammatory response in the colon. Previous work demonstrated that lack of Blimp-1 in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells leads to intrinsic functional defects, but little is known about the functional role of Blimp-1 in regulating differentiation of Th cells in vivo and their contribution to the chronic intestinal inflammation observed in the Blimp1CKO mice. In this study, we show that Blimp-1 is required to restrain the production of the inflammatory cytokine IL-17 by Th cells in vivo. Blimp-1CKO mice have greater numbers of IL-17 producing TCR beta(+)CD4(+)cells in lymphoid organs and in the intestinal mucosa. The increase in IL-17 producing cells was not restored to normal levels in wild-type and Blimp-1CKO mixed bone marrow chimeric mice, suggesting an intrinsic role for Blimp-1 in constraining the production of IL-17 in vivo. The observation that Blimp-1 deficient CD4(+) T cells are more prone to differentiate into IL-17(+)/IFN-gamma(+) cells and cause severe colitis when transferred to Rag1-deficient mice provides further evidence that Blimp-1 represses IL-17 production. Analysis of Blimp-1 expression at the single cell level during Th differentiation reveals that Blimp-1 expression is induced in Th1 and Th2 but repressed by TGF-beta in Th17 cells. Collectively, the results described here establish a new role for Blimp-1 in regulating IL-17 production in vivo. The Journal of Immunology, 2012,189: 5682-5693.
Defects are usually present in organic polymer films and are commonly invoked to explain the low efficiency obtained in organic-based optoelectronic devices. We propose that controlled insertion of substitutional impurities may, on the contrary, tune the optoelectronic properties of the underivatized organic material and, in the case studied here, maximize the efficiency of a solar cell. We investigate a specific oxygen-impurity substitution, the keto-defect -(CH(2)-C=O)- in underivatized crystalline poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV), and its impact on the electronic structure of the bulk film, through a combined classical (force-field) and quantum mechanical (DFT) approach. We find defect states which suggest a spontaneous electron hole separation typical of a donor acceptor interface, optimal for photovoltaic devices. Furthermore, the inclusion of oxygen impurities does not introduce defect states in the gap and thus, contrary to standard donor-acceptor systems, should preserve the intrinsic high open circuit voltage (V(oc)) that may be extracted from PPV-based devices.
Using differential x-ray absorption spectroscopy (DiffXAS) we have measured and quantified the intrinsic, atomic-scale magnetostriction of Fe(81)Ga(19). By exploiting the chemical selectivity of DiffXAS, the Fe and Ga local environments have been assessed individually. The enhanced magnetostriction induced by the addition of Ga to Fe was found to originate from the Ga environment, where lambda(gamma,2)(approximate to (3/2)lambda(100)) is 390 +/- 40 ppm. In this environment, < 001 > Ga-Ga pair defects were found to exist, which mediate the magnetostriction by inducing large strains in the surrounding Ga-Fe bonds. For the first time, intrinsic, chemically selective magnetostrictive strain has been measured and quantified at the atomic level, allowing true comparison with theory.
Objectives: We studied the neuroimaging and neurophysiological aspects of 17 patients with midline facial defects with ocular hypertelorism (MFDH). Methods: The investigation protocol included a previous semistructured questionnaire about family history; gestational, neonatal, and postnatal development; and dysmorphologic and neurologic evaluation. Recognized monogenic disorders and individuals with other well-known conditions were excluded. All patients had high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) and routine electroencephalograms (EEGs). Results: We detected abnormalities in five patients whose MRIs had been previously reported as normal. MRI showed central nervous system (CNS) structural abnormalities in all patients, which included commissural alterations in 16/17 (94%), malformations of cortical development in 10/17 (58%), disturbances of neural tube closure in 7/17(42%), and posterior fossa anomalies in 6/17 (35%). Some patients had more than one type of malformation occurring at different stages of the embryonary process. EEGs showed epileptiform activity in 4/17 (24%) and background abnormalities in 5/17 (29%) of patients. Conclusion: This study clearly demonstrated the presence of structural and functional neurologic alterations related to MFDH. Therefore, the CNS anomalies cannot be considered incidental findings but an intrinsic part of this condition, which could be related to environmental effects and/or genetic mutations. These findings would provide a basis for future investigations on MFDH and should also be considered when planning rehabilitation.
Context: Loss-of-function mutations of the kisspeptin-1 receptor gene, KISS1R, have been identified in patients with normosmic isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (nIHH). Objective: To investigate KISS1R defects in patients with absent or delayed puberty. Patients: We investigated KISS1R gene defects in a cohort of 99 Brazilian patients with nIHH or constitutional delay of puberty (CDP). Methods: The entire coding region of KISS1R was amplified by PCR followed by automatic sequencing. In addition, screening for KISS1R exonic deletions was performed by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Results: One novel homozygous KISS1R mutation was identified in two siblings with nIHH. This variant was an insertion/deletion (indel) mutation characterized by the deletion of three nucleotides (GCA) at position -2 to -4, and by the insertion of seven nucleotides (ACCGGCT) at the same position, within the 30 splice acceptor site of intron 2 of KISS1R. The brothers who carried this KISS1R mutation had no clinical evidence of pubertal development at the ages of 14 and 20 years. Computational analysis of this indel mutation predicted the generation of an abnormal protein. In addition, a new heterozygous KISS1R variant (p.E252Q) was identified in a male patient with sporadic nIHH. However, in vitro studies of this variant did not demonstrate functional impairment. Only known polymorphisms were identified in patients with CDP. Conclusion: Loss-of-function mutations of KISS1R represents a rare cause of nIHH, and was absent in patients with CDP. We have described a novel KISS1R homozygous splice acceptor site mutation in the familial form of nIHH.
INTRODUCTION Recurrence risk in breast cancer varies throughout the follow-up time. We examined if these changes are related to the level of expression of the proliferation pathway and intrinsic subtypes. METHODS Expression of estrogen and progesterone receptor, Ki-67, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and cytokeratin 5/6 (CK 5/6) was performed on tissue-microarrays constructed from a large and uniformly managed series of early breast cancer patients (N = 1,249). Subtype definitions by four biomarkers were as follows: luminal A (ER + and/or PR+, HER2-, Ki-67 <14), luminal B (ER + and/or PR+, HER2-, Ki-67 ≥14), HER2-enriched (any ER, any PR, HER2+, any Ki-67), triple-negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-, any Ki-67). Subtype definitions by six biomarkers were as follows: luminal A (ER + and/or PR+, HER2-, Ki-67 <14, any CK 5/6, any EGFR), luminal B (ER + and/or PR+, HER2-, Ki-67 ≥14, any CK 5/6, any EGFR), HER2-enriched (ER-, PR-, HER2+, any Ki-67, any CK 5/6, any EGFR), Luminal-HER2 (ER + and/or PR+, HER2+, any Ki-67, any CK 5/6, any EGFR), Basal-like (ER-, PR-, HER2-, any Ki-67, CK5/6+ and/or EGFR+), triple-negative nonbasal (ER-, PR-, HER2-, any Ki-67, CK 5/6-, EGFR-). Each four- or six-marker defined intrinsic subtype was divided in two groups, with Ki-67 <14% or with Ki-67 ≥14%. Recurrence hazard rate function was determined for each intrinsic subtype as a whole and according to Ki-67 value. RESULTS Luminal A displayed a slow risk increase, reaching its maximum after three years and then remained steady. Luminal B presented most of its relapses during the first five years. HER2-enriched tumors show a peak of recurrence nearly twenty months post-surgery, with a greater risk in Ki-67 ≥14%. However a second peak occurred at 72 months but the risk magnitude was greater in Ki-67 <14%. Triple negative tumors with low proliferation rate display a smooth risk curve, but with Ki-67 ≥14% show sharp peak at nearly 18 months. CONCLUSIONS Each intrinsic subtype has a particular pattern of relapses over time which change depending on the level of activation of the proliferation pathway assessed by Ki-67. These findings could have clinical implications both on adjuvant treatment trial design and on the recommendations concerning the surveillance of patients.
Persistent luminescence materials can store energy from solar radiation or artificial lighting and release it over a period of several hours without a continuous excitation source. These materials are widely used to improve human safety in emergency and traffic signalization. They can also be utilized in novel applications including solar cells, medical diagnostics, radiation detectors and structural damage sensors. The development of these materials is currently based on methods based on trial and error. The tailoring of new materials is also hindered by the lack of knowledge on the role of their intrinsic and extrinsic lattice defects in the appropriate mechanisms. The goal of this work was to clarify the persistent luminescence mechanisms by combining ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations with selected experimental methods. The DFT approach enables a full control of both the nature of the defects and their locations in the host lattice. The materials studied in the present work, the distrontium magnesium disilicate (Sr2MgSi2O7) and strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4) are among the most efficient persistent luminescence hosts when doped with divalent europium Eu2+ and co-doped with trivalent rare earth ions R3+ (R: Y, La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Lu). The polycrystalline materials were prepared with the solid state method and their structural and phase purity was confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction. Their local crystal structure was studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The crystal and electronic structure of the nondoped as well as Eu2+, R2+/3+ and other defect containing materials were studied using DFT calculations. The experimental trap depths were obtained using thermoluminescence (TL) spectroscopy. The emission and excitation of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ were also studied. Significant modifications in the local crystal structure due to the Eu2+ ion and lattice defects were found by the experimental and DFT methods. The charge compensation effects induced by the R3+ co-doping further increased the number of defects and distortions in the host lattice. As for the electronic structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 and SrAl2O4, the experimental band gap energy of the host materials was well reproduced by the calculations. The DFT calculated Eu2+ and R2+/3+ 4fn as well as 4fn-15d1 ground states in the Sr2MgSi2O7 band structure provide an independent verification for an empirical model which is constructed using rather sparse experimental data for the R3+ and especially the R2+ ions. The intrinsic and defect induced electron traps were found to act together as energy storage sites contributing to the materials’ efficient persistent luminescence. The calculated trap energy range agreed with the trap structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 obtained using TL measurements. More experimental studies should be carried out for SrAl2O4 to compare with the DFT calculations. The calculated and experimental results show that the electron traps created by both the rare earth ions and vacancies are modified due to the defect aggregation and charge compensation effects. The relationships between this modification and the energy storage properties of the solid state materials are discussed.
In this work emission, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of the d- and f- elements doped zinc selenide crystals were investigated within a wide temperature range. Doping was performed in various technological processes: during the growth by chemical vapor transport method; by thermal diffusion from the Bi or Zn melt. Concentration of the doping impurity in the crystals was controlled by amount of the dopant in the source material or by its concentration in the doping media. Special interest in the work was paid to the influence of the different concentrations of Cr and Yb impurities on ZnSe crystals’ properties, correlations between observed effects and similarities with the Ni, Mn and Gd dopants are analysed. Possibility of formation of the excitons bound to the doping d-ions was shown. In contrast to this, it was observed that f-elements do not bound excitons, but prevent formation of excitons bound to some uncontrolled impurities. A mechanism of Cr doping impurity interaction with background impurities and zinc selenide structural defects was proposed based on experimental data. An assumption about resonant energy transfer between double charged chromium ions and complexes based on crystals’ vacancy defects was made. A correlation between emission and magnetic properties of the d- ions doped samples was established. Based on this correlation a mechanism explaining the concentration quench of the emission was proposed. It was found that f-ions bind electrically active shallow and deep donor and acceptor states of background impurity to electrically neutral complexes. This may be observed as “purification” of ZnSe crystals by doping with the rare-earth elements, resulting i tendency of the properties of f-ion doped crystals to the properties of intrinsic crystals, but with smaller concentration of uncontrolled native and impurity defects. A possible interpretation of this effect was proposed. It was shown that selenium substituting impurities decrease efficiency of the Yb doping. Based on this experimental results an attempt to determine ytterbium ion surroundings in the crystal lattice was made. It was shown that co-doping of zinc selenide crystals with the d- and f- ions leads to the combination of the impurities influence on the material’s properties. On the basis of obtained data an interaction mechanism of the d- and f-elements co-dopants was proposed. Guided by the model of the ytterbium ion incorporation in the selenide sublattice of the ZnSe crystals, an assumption about stabilization of single charged chromium ions in the zinc sublattice crystal nodes, by means of formation of the local charge compensating clusters, was made.
Room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) was observed in undoped and 2 mol% Cr-, Al- and Y-doped amorphous SrTiO3 thin films. Doping increased the PL, and in the case of Cr significantly reduced the associated PL wavelength. The optical bandgaps, calculated by means of UV-vis absorption spectra, increased with crystallinity and decreased with the doping level. It was considered that yttrium and aluminum substituted Sr2+, whereas chromium replaced Ti4+. It is believed that luminescence centers are oxygen-deficient BO6 complexes, or the same centers with some other defects, such as oxygen or strontium vacancies, or BO6 complexes with some other defects placed in their neighborhood. The character of excitation and the competition for negatively charged non-bridging oxygen (NBO) among numerous types of BO6 defect complexes in doped SrTiO3 results in various broadband luminescence peak positions. The results herein reported are an indicative that amorphous titanates are sensitive to doping, which is important for the control of the electro-optic properties of these materials. The probable incorporation of Cr into the Ti site suggests that the existence of a double network former can lead to materials displaying a more intense photoluminescence.
Superficial irregularities and certain intrinsic stains on the dental enamel surfaces can be resolved by enamel microabrasion, however, treatment for such defects need to be confined to the outermost regions of the enamel surface. Dental bleaching and resin-based composite repair are also often useful for certain situations for tooth color corrections. This article presented and discussed the indications and limitations of enamel microabrasion treatment. Three case reports treated by enamel microabrasion were also presented after 11, 20 and 23 years of follow-ups.
In dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Schichten von Heusler-Verbindungen hergestellt und auf ihre Transporteigenschaften hin untersucht.rnDer Anomale Hall-Effekt (AHE) ist dabei von besonderem Interesse. Er ist ein seit langer Zeit bekannter, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstandener Transport-Effekt. Die meisten Veröffentlichungen theoretischer Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf den Einfluss eines bestimmten Beitrags zum AHE. Tatsächlich gemessene experimentelle Daten können jedoch oft nicht in Einklang mit idealisierten Annahmen gebracht werden. rnDie vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert die Ergebnisse, welche aus Messungen von Materialien mit niedrigem Restwiderstand erhalten wurden. rnrnAls prototypische Materialien wurden hier hyphenation Heusler-Verbindungen untersucht. Als Material mit einer komplexen Topologie der Fermi-Fläche zeichnet sich dort der Einfluss von Defekten und der Unordnung der Kristallstruktur deutlich ab.rnrnDurch Verwendung von Filmen mit unterschiedlichem Grad der Unordnung können verschiedene Streumechanismen unterschieden werden. Für Co$_{2}$FeSi$_{0.6}$Al$_{0.4}$ and Co$_{2}$FeGa$_{0.5}$Ge$_{0.5}$ zeigt sich ein positiver AHE bei einer Unordnung vom Typ B2 und bei einer induzierten temperaturabh"angigen Streuung, wo hingegen eine Typ DO$_{3}$-Unordnung zusammen mit anderen möglichen intrinsischen Beiträgen einen negativen Effekt hervorruft.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden die magneto-optische Kerr-Effekte (MOKE) dieser Verbindungen untersucht. Hierfür wurden Beiträge erster Ordnung als Funktion der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Parameter qualitativ analysiert. Auf den Einfluss der kristallinen Ordnung auf Beiträge zweiter Ordnung des MOKE-Signals wird ebenfalls eingegangen.rnrnDes Weiteren wurden dünne Schichten der Heusler-Verbindung Co$_{2}$MnAl auf MgO- und Si-Subs-traten (beide (100)) mit Hochfrequenz-Mag-netron-Sputtern erzeugt. Die zusammensetzung sowie die magnetischen und Transport-Eigenschaften wurden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Abscheidebedingungen systematisch untersucht.rnrnInsbesondere zeigt der AHE-Widerstand ein außerordentliches temperaturunabhängiges Verhalten in einem Bereich moderater Magnetfeldstärken von 0 bis 0.6,T. Hierf"ur wurde der nicht-diagonale Transport bei Temperaturen bis zu 300,$^{circ}$C analysiert. Die Daten zeigen die Eignung des Materials für Hall-Sensoren auch oberhalb der Raumtemperatur.rnrnJüngst wurde der Spin Seebeck-Effekt (SSE) entdeckt. Der Effekt aus dem Bereich der Spin-Kaloritronik erzeugt eine Spin-Spannung'' aufgrund eines Temperaturgradienten in magnetischen Materialien. Hier werden vorläufige Messungen des SSE in Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ und in Heusler-Verbindungen präsentiert.rn
In bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, the protonation events associated with the different reduction states of the two quinone molecules constitute intrinsic probes of both the electrostatic interactions and the different kinetic events occurring within the protein in response to the light-generated introduction of a charge. The kinetics and stoichiometries of proton uptake on formation of the primary semiquinone QA− and the secondary acceptor QB− after the first and second flashes have been measured, at pH 7.5, in reaction centers from genetically modified strains and from the wild type. The modified strains are mutated at the L212Glu and/or at the L213Asp sites near QB; some of them carry additional mutations distant from the quinone sites (M231Arg → Leu, M43Asn → Asp, M5Asn → Asp) that compensate for the loss of L213Asp. Our data show that the mutations perturb the response of the protein system to the formation of a semiquinone, how distant compensatory mutations can restore the normal response, and the activity of a tyrosine residue (M247Ala → Tyr) in increasing and accelerating proton uptake. The data demonstrate a direct correlation between the kinetic events of proton uptake that are observed with the formation of either QA− or QB−, suggesting that the same residues respond to the generation of either semiquinone species. Therefore, the efficiency of transferring the first proton to QB is evident from examination of the pattern of H+/QA− proton uptake. This delocalized response of the protein complex to the introduction of a charge is coordinated by an interactive network that links the Q− species, polarizable residues, and numerous water molecules that are located in this region of the reaction center structure. This could be a general property of transmembrane redox proteins that couple electron transfer to proton uptake/release reactions.
Yeast phosphatidylinositol-transfer protein (Sec14p) is essential for Golgi secretory function and cell viability. This requirement of Sec14p is relieved by genetic inactivation of the cytidine diphosphate-choline pathway for phosphatidycholine (PtdCho) biosynthesis. Standard phenotypic analyses indicate that inactivation of the phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) pathway for PtdCho biosynthesis, however, does not rescue the growth and secretory defects associated with Sec14p deficiency. We now report inhibition of choline uptake from the media reveals an efficient “bypass Sec14p” phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects. We further show that the bypass Sec14p phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects resembles other bypass Sec14p mutations in its dependence on phospholipase D activity. Finally, we find that increased dosage of enzymes that catalyze phospholipase D-independent turnover of PtdCho, via mechanisms that do not result in a direct production of phosphatidic acid or diacylglycerol, effect a partial rescue of sec14-1ts-associated growth defects. Taken together, these data support the idea that PtdCho is intrinsically toxic to yeast Golgi secretory function.