997 resultados para intracortical inhibition


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Purpose : To establish if visual feedback and force requirements influence SICI.

Methods : SICI was assessed from 10 healthy adults (5 males and 5 females aged between 21 and 35 years) in three submaximal isometric elbow flexion torque levels [5, 20, and 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)] and with two tasks differing in terms of visual feedback. Single-pulse and paired-pulse motor-evoked potentials (MEPs), supramaximal M-wave, and background surface electromyogram (sEMG) were recorded from the biceps brachii muscle.

Results : Repeated measures MANOVA was used for statistical analyses. Background sEMG did not differ between tasks (F = 0.4, P = 0.68) nor was task × torque level interaction observed (F = 1.2, P = 0.32), whereas background sEMG increased with increasing torque levels (P = 0.001). SICI did not differ between tasks (F = 0.9, P = 0.43) and no task × torque level interaction was observed (F = 2.3, P = 0.08). However, less SICI was observed at 40% MVC compared to the 5 and 20% MVC torque levels (P = 0.01–0.001).

Conclusion :
SICI was not altered by performing the same task with differing visual feedback. However, SICI decreased with increasing submaximal torque providing further evidence that SICI is one mechanism of modulating cortical excitability and plays a role in force gradation.


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AIM: Strength training of one limb results in a substantial increase in the strength of the untrained limb, however, it remains unknown what the corticospinal responses are following either eccentric or concentric strength training and how this relates to the cross-education of strength. The aim of this study was to determine if eccentric or concentric unilateral strength training differentially modulates corticospinal excitability, inhibition and the cross-transfer of strength. METHODS: Changes in contralateral (left limb) concentric strength, eccentric strength, motor-evoked potentials, short-interval intracortical inhibition and silent period durations were analyzed in groups of young adults who exercised the right wrist flexors with either eccentric (N=9) or concentric (N=9) contractions for 12 sessions over 4weeks. Control subjects (N=9) did not train. RESULTS: Following training, both groups exhibited a significant strength gain in the trained limb (concentric group increased concentric strength by 64% and eccentric group increased eccentric strength by 62%) and the extent of the cross-transfer of strength was 28% and 47% for the concentric and eccentric group, respectively, which was different between groups (P=0.031). Transcranial magnetic stimulation revealed that eccentric training reduced intracortical inhibition (37%), silent period duration (15-27%) and increased corticospinal excitability (51%) compared to concentric training for the untrained limb (P=0.033). There was no change in the control group. CONCLUSION: The results show that eccentric training uniquely modulates corticospinal excitability and inhibition of the untrained limb to a greater extent than concentric training. These findings suggest that unilateral eccentric contractions provide a greater stimulus in cross-education paradigms and should be an integral part of the rehabilitative process following unilateral injury to maximize the response.


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Human cerebral cortical function degrades during old age. Much of this change may result from a degradation of intracortical inhibition during senescence. We used multibarreled microelectrodes to study the effects of electrophoretic application of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the GABA type a (GABAa) receptor agonist muscimol, and the GABAa receptor antagonist bicuculline, respectively, on the properties of individual V1 cells in old monkeys. Bicuculline exerted a much weaker effect on neuronal responses in old than in young animals, confirming a degradation of GABA-mediated inhibition. On the other hand, the administration of GABA and muscimol resulted in improved visual function. Many treated cells in area V1 of old animals displayed responses typical of young cells. The present results have important implications for the treatment of the sensory, motor, and cognitive declines that accompany old age.


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Affiliation: Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal


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Cette thèse vise à répondre à trois questions fondamentales: 1) La diminution de l’excitabilité corticospinale et le manque d’inhibition intracorticale observés suite à la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT) du cortex moteur de la main atteinte de sujets hémiparétiques sont-ils aussi présents suite à la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte? 2) Est-ce que les altérations dans l’excitabilité corticomotrice sont corrélées aux déficits et incapacités motrices des personnes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral depuis plus de 6 mois? 3) La vibration musculaire, étant la source d’une forte afférence sensorielle, peut-elle moduler l’excitabilité corticomotrice et améliorer la performance motrice de ces personnes? Premièrement, afin d’appuyer notre choix d’intervention et d’évaluer le potentiel de la vibration mécanique locale pour favoriser la réadaptation des personnes ayant une atteinte neurologique, nous avons réalisé une révision en profondeur de ses applications et intérêts cliniques à partir d’informations trouvées dans la littérature scientifique (article 1). La quantité importante d’information sur les effets physiologiques de la vibration contraste avec la pauvreté des études qui ont évalué son effet thérapeutique. Nous avons trouvé que, malgré le manque d’études, les résultats sur son utilisation sont encourageants et positifs et aucun effet adverse n’a été rapporté. Dans les trois autres articles qui composent cette thèse, l’excitabilité des circuits corticospinaux et intracorticaux a été étudiée chez 27 sujets hémiparétiques et 20 sujets sains sans atteintes neurologiques. Les fonctions sensorimotrices ont aussi été évaluées par des tests cliniques valides et fidèles. Tel qu’observé à la main chez les sujets hémiparétiques, nous avons trouvé, par rapport aux sujets sains, une diminution de l’excitabilité corticospinale ainsi qu’un manque d’inhibition intracorticale suite à la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte (article 2). Les sujets hémiparétiques ont également montré un manque de focus de la commande motrice lors de l’activation volontaire des fléchisseurs plantaires. Ceci était caractérisé par une augmentation de l’excitabilité nerveuse des muscles agonistes, mais aussi généralisée aux synergistes et même aux antagonistes. De plus, ces altérations ont été corrélées aux déficits moteurs au membre parétique. Le but principal de cette thèse était de tester les effets potentiels de la vibration des muscles de la main (article 3) et de la cuisse (article 4) sur les mécanismes neuronaux qui contrôlent ces muscles. Nous avons trouvé que la vibration augmente l’amplitude de la réponse motrice des muscles vibrés, même chez des personnes n’ayant pas de réponse motrice au repos ou lors d’une contraction volontaire. La vibration a également diminué l’inhibition intracorticale enregistrée au quadriceps parétique (muscle vibré). La diminution n’a cependant pas été significative au niveau de la main. Finalement, lors d’un devis d’investigation croisé, la vibration de la main ou de la jambe parétique a résulté en une amélioration spécifique de la dextérité manuelle ou de la coordination de la jambe, respectivement. Au membre inférieur, la vibration du quadriceps a également diminuée la spasticité des patients. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse sont très prometteurs pour la rééducation de la personne hémiparétique car avec une seule séance de vibration, nous avons obtenu des améliorations neurophysiologiques et cliniques.


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L’association démontrée récemment entre les commotions cérébrales dans le sport et le développement possible de maladies neurodégénératives a suggéré la possibilité que des altérations persistantes soient présentes dans le cerveau de l’athlète commotionné. En fait, des altérations neurophysiologiques ont récemment été révélées au sein du cortex moteur primaire (M1) d’athlètes ayant un historique de commotions via la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT). Plus précisément, la période silencieuse corticale (PSC), une mesure d’inhibition liée aux récepteurs GABAB, était anormalement élevée, et cette hyper-inhibition était présente jusqu’à 30 ans post-commotion. La PSC, et possiblement le GABA, pourraient donc s’avérer des marqueurs objectifs des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale. Toutefois, aucune étude à ce jour n’a directement évalué les niveaux de GABA chez l’athlète commotionné. Ainsi, les études cliniques et méthodologiques composant le présent ouvrage comportent deux objectifs principaux: (1) déterminer si l’inhibition excessive (GABA et PSC) est un marqueur des effets persistants de la commotion cérébrale; (2) déterminer s’il est possible de moduler l’inhibition intracorticale de façon non-invasive dans l’optique de développer de futurs avenues de traitements. L’article 1 révèle une préservation des systèmes sensorimoteurs, somatosensoriels et de l’inhibition liée au GABAA chez un groupe d’athlètes universitaires asymptomatiques ayant subi de multiples commotions cérébrales en comparaison avec des athlètes sans historique connu de commotion cérébrale. Cependant, une atteinte spécifique des mesures liées au système inhibiteur associé aux récepteurs GABAB est révélée chez les athlètes commotionnés en moyenne 24 mois post-commotion. Dans l’article 2, aucune atteinte des mesures SMT liées au système inhibiteur n’est révélée en moyenne 41 mois après la dernière commotion cérébrale chez un groupe d’athlètes asymptomatiques ayant subi 1 à 5 commotions cérébrales. Bien qu’aucune différence entre les groupes n’est obtenue quant aux concentrations de GABA et de glutamate dans M1 via la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), des corrélations différentielles suggèrent la présence d’un déséquilibre métabolique entre le GABA et le glutamate chez les athlètes commotionnés. L’article 3 a démontré, chez des individus en bonne santé, un lien entre la PSC et la transmission glutamatergique, ainsi que le GABA et le glutamate. Ces résultats suggèrent que la PSC ne reflète pas directement les concentrations du GABA mesurées par la SRM, mais qu’un lien étroit entre la GABA et le glutamate est présent. L’article 4 a démontré la possibilité de moduler la PSC avec la stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (SÉTcd) anodale chez des individus en santé, suggérant l’existence d’un potentiel thérapeutique lié à l’utilisation de cette technique. L’article 5 a illustré un protocole d’évaluation des effets métaboliques de la SÉTcd bilatérale. Dans l’article 6, aucune modulation des systèmes GABAergiques révélées par la SMT et la SRM n’est obtenue suite à l’utilisation de ce protocole auprès d’individus en santé. Cet article révèle également que la SÉTcd anodale n’engendre pas de modulation significative du GABA et du glutamate. En somme, les études incluent dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets neurophysiologiques et métaboliques des commotions cérébrales, mais également sur le mécanisme d’action des diverses méthodologies utilisées.


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The objective of this study was to assess the effect of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS) on voluntary dynamic strength and cortical plasticity when applied during a 3-wk strength training program for the wrist extensors.

Thirty right-handed participants were randomly allocated to the tDCS, sham, or control group. The tDCS and sham group underwent 3 wk of heavy-load strength training of the right wrist extensors, with 20 min of a-tDCS (2 mA) or sham tDCS applied during training (double blinded). Outcome measures included voluntary dynamic wrist extension strength, muscle thickness, corticospinal excitability, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), and silent period duration.

Maximal voluntary strength increased in both the tDCS and sham groups (14.89% and 11.17%, respectively, both P < 0.001). There was no difference in strength gain between the two groups (P = 0.229) and no change in muscle thickness (P = 0.15). The tDCS group demonstrated an increase in motor-evoked potential amplitude at 15%, 20%, and 25% above active motor threshold, which was accompanied by a decrease in SICI during 50% maximal voluntary isometric contraction and 20% maximal voluntary isometric contraction (all P < 0.05). Silent period decreased for both the tDCS and sham groups (P < 0.001).

The application of a-tDCS in combination with strength training of the wrist extensors in a healthy population did not provide additional benefit for voluntary dynamic strength gains when compared with standard strength training. However, strength training with a-tDCS appears to differentially modulate cortical plasticity via increases in corticospinal excitability and decreases in SICI, which did not occur following strength training alone


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Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a noninvasive technique that modulates the excitability of neurons within the motor cortex (M1). Although the aftereffects of anodal tDCS on modulating cortical excitability have been described, there is limited data describing the outcomes of different tDCS intensities on intracortical circuits. To further elucidate the mechanisms underlying the aftereffects of M1 excitability following anodal tDCS, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to examine the effect of different intensities on cortical excitability and short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI). Using a randomized, counterbalanced, crossover design, with a one-week wash-out period, 14 participants (6 females and 8 males, 22–45 years) were exposed to 10 minutes of anodal tDCS at 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 mA. TMS was used to measure M1 excitability and SICI of the contralateral wrist extensor muscle at baseline, immediately after and 15 and 30 minutes following cessation of anodal tDCS. Cortical excitability increased, whilst SICI was reduced at all time points following anodal tDCS. Interestingly, there were no differences between the three intensities of anodal tDCS on modulating cortical excitability or SICI. These results suggest that the aftereffect of anodal tDCS on facilitating cortical excitability is due to the modulation of synaptic mechanisms associated with long-term potentiation and is not influenced by different tDCS intensities.


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Neurodegeneration accompanies the process of natural aging, reducing the ability to perform functional daily activities. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) alters neuronal excitability and motor performance; however its beneficial effect on the induction of primary motor cortex (M1) plasticity in older adults is unclear. Moreover, little is known as to whether the tDCS electrode arrangement differentially affects M1 plasticity and motor performance in this population. In a double-blinded, cross-over trial, we compared unilateral, bilateral and sham tDCS combined with visuomotor tracking, on M1 plasticity and motor performance of the non-dominant upper limb, immediately post and 30 min following stimulation. We found (a) unilateral and bilateral tDCS decreased tracking error by 12–22% at both time points; with sham decreasing tracking error by 10% at 30 min only, (b) at both time points, motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were facilitated (38–54%) and short-interval intracortical inhibition was released (21–36%) for unilateral and bilateral conditions relative to sham, (c) there were no differences between unilateral and bilateral conditions for any measure. These findings suggest that tDCS modulated elements of M1 plasticity, which improved motor performance irrespective of the electrode arrangement. The results provide preliminary evidence indicating that tDCS is a safe non-invasive tool to preserve or improve neurological function and motor control in older adults.


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This study investigated corticomotor excitability and inhibition, cognitive functioning, and fine motor dexterity in retired elite and amateur Australian football (AF) players who had sustained concussions during their playing careers. Forty male AF players who played at the elite level (n=20; mean age 49.7±5.7 years) or amateur level (n=20; mean age 48.4±6.9 years), and had sustained on average 3.2 concussions 21.9 years previously, were compared with 20 healthy age-matched male controls (mean age 47.56±6.85 years). All participants completed assessments of fine dexterity, visuomotor reaction time, spatial working memory (SWM), and associative learning (AL). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to measure corticospinal excitability: stimulus-response (SR) curves and motor evoked potential (MEP) 125% of active motor threshold (aMT); and intracortical inhibition: cortical silent period (cSP), short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), and long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI). Healthy participants performed better in dexterity (p=0.003), reaction (p=0.003), and movement time (p=0.037) than did both AF groups. Differences between AF groups were found in AL (p=0.027) and SWM (p=0.024). TMS measures revealed that both AF groups showed reduced cSP duration at 125% aMT (p>0.001) and differences in SR curves (p>0.001) than did healthy controls. Similarly, SICI (p=0.012) and LICI (p=0.009) were reduced in both AF groups compared with controls. Regression analyses revealed a significant contribution to differences in motor outcomes with the three measures of intracortical inhibition. The measures of inhibition differed, however, in terms of which performance measure they had a significant and unique predictive relationship with, reflecting the variety of participant concussion injuries. This study is the first to demonstrate differences in motor control and intracortical inhibition in AF players who had sustained concussions during their playing career two decades previously.


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Evidence suggests that the cross-transfer of strength following unilateral training may be modulated by increased corticospinal excitability of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex, due to cross-activation. Anodal-tDCS (a-tDCS) has been shown to acutely increase corticospinal excitability and motor performance, which may enhance this process. Therefore, we sought to examine changes in neural activation and strength of the untrained limb following the application of a-tDCS during a single unilateral strength training session. Ten participants underwent three conditions in a randomized, double-blinded crossover design: (1) strength training + a-tDCS, (2) strength training + sham-tDCS and (3) a-tDCS alone. a-tDCS was applied for 20 min at 2 mA over the right motor cortex. Unilateral strength training of the right wrist involved 4 × 6 wrist extensions at 70 % of maximum. Outcome measures included maximal voluntary strength, corticospinal excitability, short-interval intracortical inhibition, and cross-activation. We observed a significant increase in strength of the untrained wrist (5.27 %), a decrease in short-interval intracortical inhibition (−13.49 %), and an increase in cross-activation (15.71 %) when strength training was performed with a-tDCS, but not following strength training with sham-tDCS, or tDCS alone. Corticospinal excitability of the untrained wrist increased significantly following both strength training with a-tDCS (17.29 %), and a-tDCS alone (15.15 %), but not following strength training with sham-tDCS. These findings suggest that a single session of a-tDCS combined with unilateral strength training of the right limb increases maximal strength and cross-activation to the contralateral untrained limb.


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Summary - Vitamin D can improve muscle function and reduce falls, but whether it can strengthen neural connections within the brain and nervous system is not known. This 10-week randomised controlled trial indicates that treatment with 2,000 IU/day vitamin D3 does not significantly alter neuroplasticity relative to placebo in older adults.
Introduction - The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of vitamin D supplementation on neuroplasticity, serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and muscle strength and function in older adults.
Methods - This was a 10-week double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomised trial in which 26 older adults with 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25OHD] concentrations 25–60 nmol/L were randomised to 2,000 IU/day vitamin D3 or matched placebo. Single- and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation applied over the motor cortex was used to assess changes in motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) and short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), as measures of corticospinal excitability and inhibition respectively, by recording electromyography (EMG) responses to stimulation from the wrist extensors. Changes in muscle strength, stair climbing power, gait (timed-up-and-go), dynamic balance (four square step test), serum 25(OH)D and BDNF concentrations were also measured.
Results - After 10 weeks, mean 25(OH)D levels increased from 46 to 81 nmol/L in the vitamin D group with no change in the placebo group. The vitamin D group experienced a significant 8–11 % increase in muscle strength and a reduction in cortical excitability (MEP amplitude) and SICI relative to baseline (all P < 0.05), but these changes were not significantly different from placebo. There was no effect of vitamin D on muscle power, function or BDNF.
Conclusions - Daily supplementation with 2,000 IU vitamin D3 for 10 weeks had no significant effect on neuroplasticity compared to placebo, but the finding that vitamin D treatment alone was associated with a decrease in corticospinal excitability and intracortical inhibition warrants further investigation as this suggests that it may improve the efficacy of neural transmission within the corticospinal pathway.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation has been used to study changes in central excitability associated with motor tasks. Recently, we reported that a finger flexion–extension task performed at a maximal voluntary rate (MVR) could not be sustained and that this was not due to muscle fatigue, but was more likely a breakdown in central motor control. To determine the central changes that accompany this type of movement task, we tracked motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitude from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscles of the dominant hand in normal subjects for 20 min after a 10 sec index finger flexion–extension task performed at MVR and at a moderate sustainable rate (MSR) and half the MSR (MSR/2). The FDI MEP amplitude was reduced for up to 6–8 min after each of the tasks but there was a greater and longer-lasting reduction after the MSR and MSR/2 tasks compared to the MVR task. There was a similar reduction in the amplitude of the FDI MEP after a 10 sec cyclic index finger abduction–adduction task when the FDI was acting as the prime mover. The amplitude of the MEP recorded from the inactive APB was also reduced after the flexion–extension tasks, but to a lesser degree and for a shorter duration. Measurements of short-interval cortical inhibition revealed an increase in inhibition after all of the finger flexion–extension tasks, with the MSR task being associated with the greatest degree of inhibition. These findings indicate that a demanding MVR finger movement task is followed by a period of reduced corticomotor excitability and increased intracortical inhibition. However, these changes also occur with and are greater with slower rates of movement and are not specific for motor demand, but may be indicative of adaptive changes in the central motor pathway after a period of repetitive movement.