1000 resultados para interstitial water
The sediment redox potential was raised in the laboratory to estimate reduction of internal available phosphorus loads, such as soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (TP), as well as the main elements of sediment extracts in Dianchi Lake. Several strongly reducing substances in sediments, which mainly originated from anaerobic decomposition of primary producer residues, were responsible for the lower redox potential. In a range of -400 to 200 mV raising the redox potential of sediments decreased TP and SRP in interstitial water. Redox potentials exceeding 320 mV caused increases in TP, whereas SRP maintained a relatively constant minimum level. The concentrations of Al, Fe, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+ and S in interstitial water were also related to the redox potential of sediments, suggesting that the mechanism for redox potential to regulate the concentration of phosphorus in interstitial water was complex.
Interstitial waters from several sites drilled during Leg 58 have been analyzed for major constituents. Data for Sites 442, 443, and 444 in Shikoku Basin indicate that only small changes occur in the chemical composition. We did not note any influence on the interstitial water chemistry resulting from reactions taking place in the underlying basalts. Site 445 data indicate that reactions must occur in the sediment column, leading to decreases in dissolved magnesium and increases in dissolved calcium. In addition, a source of dissolved calcium appears in the underlying basalts. At Site 446, changes appear in dissolved-calcium and -magnesium concentrations, resulting mainly from alteration reactions in the basalts. Dissolved potassium has its main sink in deeper-lying sediments or basalts. Changes in dissolved strontium at Sites 445 and 446 can be explained in terms of carbonate recrystallization. At all sites, changes in dissolved manganese and lithium appear to be related to the presence of biogenic silica in the sediments.
Analyses of water samples taken by means of an in-hole sampler generally show good agreement with analyses of samples collected by routine shipboard squeezing techniques. At Sites 438 and 439, a decrease in salinity with depth is related to former freshwater flow from an aquifer that crops out at an anticline on a deep sea terrace between Japan and the top of the trench slope of the Japan Trench. This former subaerial recharge suggests significant late Cenozoic subsidence of the terrace, because it now lies at a water depth of 1500 meters. Samples from the trench slope at Site 440 have extremely high values of alkalinity and ammonia, presumably because of a favorable combination of high sedimentation rate and organic carbon content. Diagenetic conditions on the trench slope favor formation of the Fe-Mg carbonate mineral, ankerite; at Site 440 it first occurs at a depth below the sea floor of only 29 meters in late Pleistocene strata. Undissolved diatoms persist to relatively great depth at the sites of Leg 57 because of a low geothermal gradient caused by subduction. Secondary silica lepispheres first appear at 851 meters at the most landward and warmest site, Site 438, in strata 16 million years old with an ambient temperature of 31 °C.
This report synthesizes all of the interstitial-water chemistry studies associated with the Kerguelen Plateau phase of ODP Leg 119. Sediments were cored at six sites (49°24'S to 59°36'S) in water depths ranging from 564 to 4082 m. A total of 77 interstitial-water samples was recovered as part of the routine sampling protocol. In addition, a novel, highresolution pore-water sampling program was tested during Leg 119 that enabled us to pinpoint reaction zones and extend our data base to deeper, drier levels that were heretofore inaccessible. Data collected include interstitial-water sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, pH, alkalinity, sulfate, ammonia, phosphate, aqueous silica, salinity, chloride, oxidation-reduction potentials, and sediment chemistry. The northern sector (Sites 736 and 737) is characterized by the highest sedimentation rates (up to 140 m/m.y.) and thermal gradients (70°-98°C/km) encountered on the Kerguelen Plateau during Leg 119. Site 737 represents the most reactive sediment column cored on the Kerguelen Plateau. Major cation fluxes at Site 737 are the strongest measured during Leg 119. High dissolved calcium concentrations (141.5 mM) were encountered near the bottom of Hole 737B. Elevated temperatures promote silica diagenesis and the alteration of volcanic material below 300 mbsf, and a diagenetic front was discovered near 370 mbsf at Site 737. The southern portion of the Kerguelen Plateau (Sites 738 and 744) records the lowest sedimentation rates (less than 5 m/m.y.) and thermal gradients (43°C/km) of the three study areas. Major cation fluxes at the southern sites are the lowest that we measured on the Kerguelen Plateau. High-resolution sampling provided evidence for significant silica release to the pore waters during the weathering of basement basalt. The relatively low thermal gradient does not appear to be sufficient for the formation of the opal-CT and quartz chert beds and nodules that were encountered below 120 mbsf at Site 738. Sediment-accumulation rates on the Eastern Kerguelen Sediment Ridge (Sites 745 and 746) are intermediate to those of the northern and southern sites. Deposition below the regional CCD accounts for the nearly carbonate-free, siliceous sediments. Despite their low organic carbon contents (mean = 0.15%), sediments on the Eastern Kerguelen Sediment Ridge exhibit the highest pore-water alkalinity (6.77 mM), ammonium (0.50 mM), and phosphate (23 µM) concentrations measured on the Kerguelen Plateau. Major cation fluxes are intermediate to those calculated for the northern and southern sites. The Eastern Kerguelen Sediment Ridge interstitial waters are unusual, however, in that the downward flux of magnesium is greater than the upward flux of calcium.
Comprehensive isotopic studies based on data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project have elucidated numerous details of the low- and high-temperature mechanisms of interaction between water and rocks of ocean crustal seismic Layers 1 and 2. These isotopic studies have also identified climatic changes during the Meso-Cenozoic history of oceans. Data on the abundance and isotopic composition of sulfur in the sedimentary layer as well as in rocks of the volcanic basement are more fragmentary than are oxygen and carbon data. In this chapter we specifically concentrate upon isotopic data related to specific features of the mechanisms of low-temperature interaction of water with sedimentary and volcanogenic rocks. The Leg 59 data provide a good opportunity for such lithologic and isotopic studies, because almost 600 meters of basalt flows and sills interbedded with tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias were cored during the drilling of Hole 448A. Moreover, rocks supposedly exposed to hydrothermal alteration play an important role at the deepest horizons of that mass. Sulfur isotopic studies of the character of possible biogenic processes of sulfate reduction in sediments are another focus, as well as the nature and origin of sulfide mineralization in Layer-2 rocks of remnant island arcs. Finally, oxygen and carbon istopic analyses of biogenic carbonates in the cores also enabled us to investigate the effects of changing climatic conditions during the Cenozoic. These results are compared with previous data from adjacent regions of the Pacific Ocean. Thus this chapter describes results of isotopic analyses of: oxygen and sulfur of interstitial water; oxygen and carbon of sedimentary carbonates and of calcite intercalations and inclusions in tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias interbedded with basalt flows; and sulfur of sulfides in these rocks.
The Br/Cl, Li/Cl and B/Cl ratios and boron isotope compositions of hypersaline pore fluids from DSDP Sites 372 and 374 were measured in an attempt to evaluate the origin of the brines. In Site 374 the relationships between the Cl concentrations (up to 5000 mM) and Br/Cl (~0.012), Na/Cl (as low as 0.1), B/Cl (0.0025), and d11B values (43-55?) of the deep pore water between 380 and 405 mbsf, located within the Messinian sediments, reflect remnants of ~65-fold evaporated sea water. The original evaporated sea water was modified by: (1) dilution with overlying or less saline water by about 30%; and (2) slight dissolution of NaCl evaporites. The variations in d11B show a continuous increase in d11B values with depth in Site 374, up to 66.7? at a depth of 300 mbsf (Upper Pliocene marl sediments). The conspicuous 11B enrichment trend is consistent with elemental boron depletion, which was calculated from the expected boron concentrations of evaporated sea water with corresponding Br/Cl and Na/Cl ratios. Li/Cl variations also show a depletion of Li relative to evaporated sea water. The apparent depletions of B and Li, as well as the 11B enrichment, reflect uptake of these elements by clay minerals at low water/sediment ratios.
Interstitial waters were squeezed from strata recovered at Sites 637-641 of ODP Leg 103 on the Galicia margin, along the northwestern Iberian continental margin in the northeast Atlantic. Chemical profiles of Site 638 show the most complexity, which appears to be related to an unconformity in the strata between Cretaceous and Neogene sediments and to rapid deposition of Cretaceous syn-rift sediments upon pre-rift strata. Analyses of waters from all of the Leg 103 sites show generally antithetical trends for calcium and magnesium; calcium increases with depth as magnesium decreases. No calcium-magnesium 'crossover' profiles are observed in these data. Data from Site 637 show an unusual pattern; calcium increases with increasing depth, but magnesium remains relatively constant. Sulfate is either stable or shows an overall decrease with depth, and boron profiles show some structure. At all but one site (Site 638), strontium profiles do not show marked depth structure. The structure of alkalinity and silica profiles is highly site dependent. Bromide profiles are, in general, constant. In nearly every case, observed bromide concentrations are near average seawater values. Relatively low concentrations of iron and manganese are common within the upper 10 m of the sediment sequence and typically are near detection limits at deeper depths
A review of interstitial water samples collected from Sites 1003-1007 of the Bahamas Transect along with a shore-based analysis of oxygen and carbon isotopes, minor and trace elements, and sediment chemistry are presented. Results indicate that the pore-fluid profiles in the upper 100 meters below seafloor (mbsf) are marked by shifts between 20 and 40 mbsf that are thought to be caused by changes in sediment reactivity, sedimentation rates, and the influence of strong bottom currents that have been active since the late Pliocene. Pore-fluid profiles in the lower Pliocene-Miocene sequences are dominated by diffusion and do not show significant evidence of subsurface advective flow. Deeper interstitial waters are believed to be the in situ fluids that have evolved through interaction with sediments and diffusion. Pore-fluid chemistry is strongly influenced by carbonate recrystallization processes. Increases in pore-fluid Cl- and Na+ with depth are interpreted to result mainly from carbonate remineralization reactions that are most active near the platform margin. A lateral gradient in detrital clay content observed along the transect, leads to an overall lower carbonate reactivity, and enhances preservation of metastable aragonite further away from the platform margin. Later stage burial diagenesis occurs at slow rates and is limited by the supply of reactive elements through diffusion.
Leg 119 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) provided the first opportunity to study the interstitial-water chemistry of the eastern Antarctic continental margin. Five sites were cored in a northwest-southeast transect of Prydz Bay that extended from the top of the continental slope to within 30 km of the coastline. Geological studies of the cores reveal a continental margin that has evolved through terrestrial, glacial, and glacial-marine environments. Chemical and stable isotopic analyses of the interstitial-waters were performed to determine the types of depositional environments and the diagenetic and hydrologic processes that are operating in this unusual marine environment. Highly compacted glacial sediments provide an effective barrier to the vertical diffusion of interstitial-water solutes. Meteoric water from the Antarctic continent appears to be flowing into Prydz Bay sediments through the sequence of terrestrial sediments that lie underneath the glacial sediments. The large amounts of erosion associated with glacial advances appear to have had the effect of limiting the amount of marine organic matter that is incorporated into the sediments on the continental shelf. Although all of the sites cored in Prydz Bay exhibit depletions in dissolved sulfate with increasing depth, the greatest bacterial activity is associated with a thin layer of diatom ooze that coats the seafloor of the inner bay. Results of alkalinity modeling, thermodynamic calculations, and strontium analyses indicate that (1) ocean bottom waters seaward of Site 740 are undersaturated with respect to both calcite and aragonite, (2) interstitial waters at each site become saturated or supersaturated with respect to calcite and aragonite with increasing depth, (3) precipitation of calcium carbonate reduces the alkalinity of the pore waters with increasing depth, and (4) recrystallization of aragonite to calcite accounts for 24% of the pore-water strontium. Weathering of unstable terrestrial debris and cation exchange between clay minerals and pore fluids are the most probable chemical processes affecting interstitial water cation gradients.
Interstitial waters were collected at only two sites during Leg 82, Sites 558 and 563. Only very small changes in dissolved calcium and magnesium occur, presumably resulting from reactions in the underlying basement basalts. Dissolved strontium profiles indicate maxima, which can be understood in terms of carbonate recrystallization processes. Data on Sr/Ca in carbonates cannot be used to estimate the extent of recrystallization that has occurred in these sediments.
During the drilling of the southern Australian continental margin (Leg 182 of the Ocean Drilling Program), fluids with unusually high salinities (to 106?) were encountered in Miocene to Pleistocene sediments. At three sites (1127, 1129, and 1131), high contents of H2S (to 15%), CH4 (50%), and CO2 (70%) were also encountered. These levels of H2S are the highest yet reported during the history of either the Deep Sea Drilling Project or the Ocean Drilling Program. The high concentrations of H2S and CH4 are associated with anomalous Na+/Cl- ratios in the pore waters. Although hydrates were not recovered, and despite the shallow water depth of these sites (200-400 m) and relative warm bottom water temperatures (11-14°C), we believe that these sites possess disseminated H2S-dominated hydrates. This contention is supported by calculations using the measured gas concentrations and temperatures of the cores, and depths of recovery. High concentrations of H2S necessary for the formation of hydrates under these conditions were provided by the abundant (SO4)2- caused by the high salinities of the pore fluids, and the high concentrations of organic material. One hypothesis for the origin of these fluids is that they were formed on the adjacent continental shelf during previous lowstands of sea level and were forced into the sediments under the influence of hydrostatic head.
Variations in the distribution of major elements and stable oxygen isotopes in ODP Leg 113 pore water are not related to lithology and thus appear to be controlled by minor constituents. Petrographic observations and geochemical considerations indicate that alteration of calc-alkalic volcanic material dispersed in the sediment is an important process. A diagenetic reaction is constructed that involves transformation of volcanic glass into smectite, zeolite (represented by phillipsite), chert, and iron sulfide. Mass balance calculations reveal that alteration of less than 10% (volume) of volcanogenic material may account for the observed depletion of magnesium, potassium, and 18O and enrichment of calcium. Alteration of this amount of volcanic glass produces less than 4% (volume) of smectite and zeolite. Hence, mass balance is obtained without having to invoke unreasonable large amounts of volcanic matter or interactions between seawater and basement.