935 resultados para internet service provider liability


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Switzerland does not have a concrete legal framework dealing with rights and obligations of ISPs; however, legal doctrine and practice apply similar principles as stated in the E-Commerce Directive of the EU. The liability of ISPs depends on the “closeness” to the content. Whereas in cases of solely transmitting services the risk of liability for illegal information is remote and the duty of ISPs is limited to a take-down, content, host and link providers (in cases of moder- ated newsgroups) can become liable if the information made available is not controlled.


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The article focuses on the current situation of Spanish case law on ISP liability. It starts by presenting the more salient peculiarities of the Spanish transposition of the safe harbours laid down in the E-Commerce Directive. These peculiarities relate to the knowledge requirement of the hosting safe harbour, and to the safe harbour for information location tools. The article then provides an overview of the cases decided so far with regard to each of the safe harbours. Very few cases have dealt with the mere conduit and the caching safe harbours, though the latter was discussed in an interesting case involving Google’s cache. Most cases relate to hosting and linking safe harbours. With regard to hosting, the article focuses particularly on the two judgments handed down by the Supreme Court that hold an open interpretation of actual knowledge, an issue where courts had so far been split. Cases involving the linking safe harbour have mainly dealt with websites offering P2P download links. Accordingly, the article explores the legal actions brought against these sites, which for the moment have been unsuccessful. The new legislative initiative to fight against digital piracy – the Sustainable Economy Bill – is also analyzed. After the conclusion, the article provides an Annex listing the cases that have dealt with ISP liability in Spain since the safe harbours scheme was transposed into Spanish law.


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Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Verantwortlichkeit und der Haftungsprivilegierung von Internet Service Providern (ISP) für Urheberrechtsverletzungen Dritter im deutschen und US-amerikanischen Recht. Internet Service Provider (das sind Host-Provider, Cache-Provider, Access-Provider sowie Suchmaschinen-Anbieter bzw. sonstige Linksetzende) nehmen eine wichtige Rolle im Internet ein. In Deutschland sehen sich die ISP jedoch trotz gesetzlicher Haftungsprivilegien erheblichen Rechtsunsicherheiten ausgesetzt. Der Dissertation liegt die Hypothese zugrunde, dass durch die Ausweitung der Verantwortlichkeit der ISP durch die Rechtsprechung die gesetzlich stipulierte Haftungsprivilegierung faktisch entwertet wird. Insbesondere stehen die Nichtanwendung der Privilegien auf Unterlassungsansprüche sowie die im Rahmen der Störerhaftung begründeten Prüfpflichten der Intention des Gesetzgebers (auch auf europäischer Ebene) entgegen. Eine gerechte Balance der Interessen der Akteure durch die Rechtsprechung wurde nicht erreicht. Die gesetzliche Ausgestaltung der US-amerikanischen Privilegierung verspricht hingegen eine den Interessen der ISP gerechtere Lösung. Auch die Rechtsanwendung der US-amerikanischen Gerichte liegt hiermit auf einer Linie.


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This paper considers the ongoing litigation against the peer to peer network Kazaa. Record companies and Hollywood studios have faced jurisdictional and legal problems in suing this network for copyright infringement. As Wired Magazine observes: ’The servers are in Denmark. The software is in Estonia. The domain is registered Down Under, the corporation on a tiny island in the South Pacific. The users - 60 million of them - are everywhere around the world.' In frustration, copyright owners have launched copyright actions against intermediaries - like Internet Service Providers such as Verizon. They have also embarked on filing suits of individual users of file-sharing programs. In addition, copyright owners have called for domestic and international law reform in respect of digital copyright. The Senate Committee on Government Affairs in the United States Congress has reviewed the controversial use of subpoenas in suits against users of file-sharing peer to peer networks. The United States has encouraged other countries to adopt provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 (US) in bilateral and regional free trade agreements.


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TThis article considers the radical, sweeping changes to Australian copyright law wrought by the Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement 2004 (AUSFTA). It contends that the agreement will result in a “piracy of the public domain”. Under this new regime, copyright owners will be able to obtain greater monopoly profits at the expense of Australian consumers, libraries and research institutions, as well as intermediaries, such as Internet service providers. Part One observes that the copyright term extension in Australia to life of the author plus 70 years for works will have a negative economic and cultural impact — with Australia’s net royalty payments estimated to be up to $88 million higher per year. Part Two argues that the adoption of stronger protection of technological protection measures modelled upon the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 (U.S.) will override domestic policy–making processes, such as the Phillips Fox Digital Agenda Review, and judicial pronouncements such as the Stevens v Sony litigation. Part Three questions whether the new safe harbours protection for Internet service providers will adversely affect the sale of Telstra. This article concludes that there is a need for judicial restraint in interpreting the AUSFTA. There is an urgent call for the Federal Government to pass ameliorating reforms — such as an open–ended defence of fair use and a mechanism for orphan works. There is a need for caution in negotiating future bilateral trade agreements — lest the multinational system for the protection of copyright law be undermined.


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The paper presents a simple game-theoretic model of two Internet service providers (ISPs), drawn from a larger set consisting of Tiers-1 and -2 ISPs, who choose between peering and transit agreements. The study focuses on the costs of interconnection taking into account traffic imbalances. The analysis suggests that if the traffic flows and the costs of interconnection are fairly shared, the provider's peer, otherwise they choose transit. Moreover, the joint profits are maximized under the transit arrangement. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Genericamente falando, os serviços sobre redes têm vindo a afastar-se de um modelo monolítico para um modelo de criação de serviços que permite ou - como é mais frequente - requer a cooperação entre vários Provedores de Serviço. A Internet, que tem vindo a forçar a convergência de serviços, mostra que começa a ser virtualmente impossível a um único operador fornecer qualquer serviço com um mínimo de interesse para os utilizadores. Esta tese foca-se em serviços de transporte (e.g., connectividade) e discute o impacto das fronteira que as ofertas de serviços têm com o negócio. A questão central é a seguinte: o que muda quando o mesmo serviço é oferecido não apenas por um mas por mais do que um Provedor de Serviço. Por um lado, esta tese cobre, em abs tracto, a noção de Provedor se Serviço, como evoluiu e em que sentido está a evoluir, particularmente num contexto de muitos Provedores de Serviço. Os primeiros capítulos desta tese analizam e propõem arquitecturas para cooperação inter-Provedor-de-Serviço e para serviços comuns tais como multimédia. Por outro lado, oferece-se soluções práticas, com as respectivas avaliações, para alguns problemas, que ainda hoje se mantêm em aberto, tais como encaminhamento inter-domínio, Qualidade-de-Serviço, Mobilidade e distribuição de conteúdos, tais como as contribuições relacionadas com o impacto da noção administrativa de Sistemas Autónomos sobre encaminhamento inter-domínio, uma arquitectura de transporte inter-domínio e o problema que levanta da ineficiência que decorre do planeamento não- cooperativo de Redes de Entrega de Conteúdos.


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"Les prestataires techniques fournissant des services sur Internet (« FSI ») incluant le simple transporteur de documents technologiques, le prestataire offrant des services d’antémémorisation (ou services de caching) ou l’hébergeur peuvent être responsables face aux tiers ou face à leurs clients, et ce, à plusieurs niveaux. Les FSI peuvent dans certains cas être tenus responsables face aux tiers pour le caractère illicite de l’information qu’ils diffusent. Certaines informations circulant sur Internet peuvent affecter les droits d’auteur de tiers ou être diffamatoires envers certains individus et les FSI peuvent jouer un rôle dans la transmission de ces informations sur Internet. Face à leurs clients, les FSI qui ont accès à leurs renseignements personnels afin entre autres d’être en mesure d’offrir les services demandés peuvent dans certains cas être tenus responsables pour avoir fait une collecte, une utilisation ou une divulgation non autorisée de ces renseignements. Ils peuvent également être tenus responsables d’avoir fait parvenir des courriels publicitaires non sollicités à leurs clients ou pour avoir suspendu le compte d’un client qui envoie du spam dans certaines circonstances. Le présent article traite des questions de responsabilité des prestataires techniques Internet au Québec : envers les tiers en ce qui a trait au caractère illicite des documents transmis ou hébergés; et envers leurs clients relativement à leurs obligations de respect des renseignements personnels de ces clients et à leur responsabilité pour les questions relatives au spam."


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This article studies the static pricing problem of a network service provider who has a fixed capacity and faces different types of customers (classes). Each type of customers can have its own capacity constraint but it is assumed that all classes have the same resource requirement. The provider must decide a static price for each class. The customer types are characterized by their arrival process, with a price-dependant arrival rate, and the random time they remain in the system. Many real-life situations could fit in this framework, for example an Internet provider or a call center, but originally this problem was thought for a company that sells phone-cards and needs to set the price-per-minute for each destination. Our goal is to characterize the optimal static prices in order to maximize the provider's revenue. We note that the model here presented, with some slight modifications and additional assumptions can be used in those cases when the objective is to maximize social welfare.


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Web-based self-service systems (WSSs) are increasingly leveraged for the delivery of after-sales information technology (IT) support services. Such services are offered by IT service providers to customer firms and increasingly involve business partners. However little is known of the challenges faced by IT service providers as a result of the involvement of the other firms and their employees (end-users). This paper reports related findings from an interpretive study of IT service provider perceptions in six multinational IT service provider firms (Cooper, 2007). The findings highlight that, for IT service providers, (1) it is important to consider and resolve the needs and concerns of other key stakeholders, and (2) significant challenges exist in doing so. The main contribution of the paper is the identification of the key challenges involved. Important implications for theory and practice are discussed.


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Abstract Reputation, influenced by ratings from past clients, is crucial for providers competing for custom. For new providers with less track record, a few negative ratings can harm their chances of growing. In the JASPR project, we aim to look at how to ensure automated reputation assessments are justified and informative. Even an honest balanced review of a service provision may still be an unreliable predictor of future performance if the circumstances differ. For example, a service may have previously relied on different sub-providers to now, or been affected by season-specific weather events. A common way to ameliorate the ratings that may not reflect future performance is by weighting by recency. We argue that better results are obtained by querying provenance records on how services are provided for the circumstances of provision, to determine the significance of past interactions. Informed by case studies in global logistics, taxi hire, and courtesy car leasing, we are going on to explore the generation of explanations for reputation assessments, which can be valuable both for clients and for providers wishing to improve their match to the market, and applying machine learning to predict aspects of service provision which may influence decisions on the appropriateness of a provider. In this talk, I will give an overview of the research conducted and planned on JASPR. Speaker Biography Dr Simon Miles Simon Miles is a Reader in Computer Science at King's College London, UK, and head of the Agents and Intelligent Systems group. He conducts research in the areas of normative systems, data provenance, and medical informatics at King's, and has published widely and manages a number of research projects in these areas. He was previously a researcher at the University of Southampton after graduating from his PhD at Warwick. He has twice been an organising committee member for the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems conference series, and was a member of the W3C working group which published standards on interoperable provenance data in 2013.


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The purpose of this Master’s Thesis was to study the suitability of transportation of liquid wastes to the portfolio of the case company. After the preliminary study the waste types were narrowed down to waste oil and oily waste from ports. The thesis was executed by generating a business plan. The qualitative research of this Master’s Thesis was executed as a case study by collecting information from multiple sources. The business plan was carried out by first familiarizing oneself with literature related to business planning which was then used as a base for the interview of the customer and interviews of the personnel of the case company. Additionally, internet sources and informal conversational interviews with the personnel of the case company were used and these interviews took place during the preliminary study and this thesis. The results of this thesis describe the requirements for the case company that must be met to be able to start operations. Import of waste oil fits perfectly to the portfolio of the case company and it doesn’t require any big investments. Success of the import of waste oil is affected by price of crude oil, exchange rate of ruble and legislation among others. Transportation of oily waste from ports, in turn, is not a core competence of the case company so more actions are required to start operating such as subcontracting with a waste management company.


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There has been an extended engagement with how young people experience policing, with a focus on the intersection between policing and indigeneity, ethnicity, gender, and social class. Interestingly, sexuality and/or gender diversity has been almost completely overlooked, both nationally and internationally. This paper reports on LGBT youth service providers’ accounts about police and LGBT young people interactions. It overviews the outcomes of semi-structured interviews with key LGBT youth service providers in different regions of Brisbane, Queensland. As the first qualitative engagement with these issues from the perspective of service providers, it highlights not only how LGBT young people experience policing, but also how service providers need to ‘work the system’ of policing to produce the best outcomes for LGBT young people.