915 resultados para international understanding
An expansion of A better world, published in 1946.
Este estudo busca compreender as representações da capoeira, feitas circularem pelas produções cinematográficas brasileiras e estrangeiras, e seu processo de desenvolvimento relacionado com a ideia de cultura brasileira. Tendo como fonte de análise 50 filmes de ficção, 20 produzidos no Brasil e 30 no exterior, onde a capoeira aparece de forma direta ou indiretamente, procuramos identificar nas imagens os elementos e mecanismos utilizados para apresentar a capoeira e a relação das apropriações destes elementos entre as produções nacionais e internacionais. Entendendo as características que compõem os elementos visuais, sonoros e textuais, como indícios que se apresentam de forma visível ou não visível nas películas, e que podem ser reveladores dos processos de apropriações e das lutas de representações sobre o entendimento da capoeira a serem projetadas para os espectadores, realizamos dentro deste processo metodológico, uma leitura minuciosa, detetivesca, ligando pontos e interrogando-os para a construção da narrativa por meio das evidências. A pesquisa aponta, até o momento, que da década de 1950 a 2012 a capoeira passa por transformações e ressignificações no cinema, onde é usada no processo de afirmação da cultura e identidade do povo brasileiro, seja pela ideia de esportivização ou pela busca das manifestações na história do Brasil. Desse modo, a capoeira é marcada por descontinuidades no seu processo de desenvolvimento como prática cultural, assumindo várias formas e se afastando do discurso tradicional, no qual há uma continuidade pautada em moldes de uma originalidade, expressadas no momento de captura das imagens em movimento e feitas circular no imaginário brasileiro e estrangeiro.
This paper reports the results of a survey intended to discover the manner in which Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is understood and used in Brazil. The focus is upon SSM papers published in national and international journals, and conferences, incorporating a refereeing procedure. To be included in the survey, publications had to meet at least one of the following criteria: (a) authorship is clearly of Brazilian nationality; or, (b) authorship is affiliated to a Brazilian institution; or (c) application is set in Brazil. Similar surveys reporting on the United Kingdom, Australia and, to a lesser extent, Spain have been published previously in the literature. This paper, therefore, contributes to the growing international understanding and usage of SSM. Ultimately the paper serves as an initial map of the developing context in Brazilian SSM theory and practice.
"The Lesson of Facism" (GS 8, S. 9-37); 1. Beitrag zum UNESCO- Projekt "Tensions Affecting International Understanding", Paris, 1948; veröffentlicht in: Hadley Cantril (editor), "Tensions That Cause Wars", Urbana, I 11., 1950, Seite 209-242. a)-d) Typoskripte mit eigenständigen und ,oder handschriftlichen Korrekturen e) deutscher Entwurf, Typsokript ,15 Blatt f) dass., Teilstück, Typoskript, 5 Blatt g) dassselbe, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 12 Blatt h)-k) deutsche Fassung, übersetzt vom Institut für Sozialforschung, 1961 h) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, mit dem Titel "Die Lehren aus dem Faschismus", 30 Blatt i) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, mit dem Titel "Lehren des Nationalsozialismus", 30 Blatt; mit 1 eigenhändigen Memorandum von Friedrich Pollock, 1 Blatt k)Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen von Friedrich Pollock, 19 Blatt; 2. Eigenhändige Notizen und Entwürfe, 21 Blatt; 3. Max Horkheimer, Gordon W. Allport, Gilbert Freyre, Georges Gurvitch, Arne Naess, John Rickman, Harry S. Sullivan, Alexandre Szalai: "Statment on Tensions Affecting International Understanding"; Typsokript mit eigenhändigen Unterschriften, 5 Blatt; 4. Biographische und bibliographische Angaben zu den Verfassern von 3. a) 4 Blatt, mit eigenhändigen Notizen von Max Horkheimer b) 9 Blatt; 5. 2 Photos; 6. Max Horkheimer [?]: "An International Social Science Institut"; Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Ergänzungen, 2 Blatt; 7. Cantril, Hadley: "The Human Sciences and World Peace. The Unesco Projekt 'Tensions Affecting International Understanding'" a) Drucksache, 4 Blatt, mit eigenhändigen Notizen von Max Horkheimer b) als Typoskript vervielfältigt 4 Blatt; 8. Einladungen, 4 Blatt; 9. Kehoe, Kathleen, UNESCO: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Max Horkheimer, Paris, 18.06.1948, 1 Blatt; 10. Janowitz, Morris: 1 Brief- Kopie an Max Horkheimer, New York, 17.06.1948, 1 Blatt;
This paper analyzes the internationalization of new multinationals from emerging countries. It also focuses on Production`s role in firm internationalization, a subject seldom addressed because the discipline of International Manufacturing is still embryonic, while International Business tends to overlook production. The authors integrate International Business and International Manufacturing concepts and frameworks in order to analyze new multinationals from emerging countries, using the empirical evidence of a survey plus case studies of Brazilian multinationals for understanding late-movers` strategies and competences, with emphasis on production. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Enormous change and innovation in governmental practices are occurring throughout the world. Local governance, in particular, has become a concern in many countries. Processes such as redemocratization and decentralization and imperatives of international lending agencies have focused attention on developing good governance practices. Improvement in local government remains a high priority in most countries, but unless the relationship between citizens and government is more fully developed the actions of local government will not necessarily lead to improvement in the conditions of people's lives. This paper will explore the concept of governance and propose an analytical framework for the study of local governance in an international context. The article concludes with recommendations on strategies to improve governance systems and government performance.
Macroeconomic activity has become less volatile over the past three decades in most G7 economies. Current literature focuses on the characterization of the volatility reduction and explanations for this so called "moderation" in each G7 economy separately. In opposed to individual country analysis and individual variable analysis, this paper focuses on common characteristics of the reduction and common explanations for the moderation in G7 countries. In particular, we study three explanations: structural changes in the economy, changes in common international shocks and changes in domestic shocks. We study these explanations in a unified model structure. To this end, we propose a Bayesian factor structural vector autoregressive model. Using the proposed model, we investigate whether we can find common explanations for all G7 economies when information is pooled from multiple domestic and international sources. Our empirical analysis suggests that volatility reductions can largely be attributed to the decline in the magnitudes of the shocks in most G7 countries while only for the U.K., the U.S. and Italy they can partially be attributed to structural changes in the economy. Analyzing the components of the volatility, we also find that domestic shocks rather than common international shocks can account for a large part of the volatility reduction in most of the G7 countries. Finally, we find that after mid-1980s the structure of the economy changes substantially in five of the G7 countries: Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S..
Among all sports, football is the one that saw the largest diffusion during the 20th century. Professional leagues exist on all continents and professional footballers are constantly on the move, trying to reach the wealthiest European clubs. Using the football players' market as an example, this article highlights some key features of economic globalization: the new international division of labour, the ever increasing role played by intermediaries to bind the demand and supply of work on a transnational scale, and the setting up of spatially fragmented trade circuits. These processes form the basis for the creation of a global market of footballers in which clubs and championships play complementary roles and are more than ever functionally integrated beyond national borders.
This thesis offers an explanation for the inconsistent relationship between speed of internationalization and performance outcomes in the context of young international ventures. We argue that the variables of scope of internationalization, entrepreneurial orientation and degree of internationalization play a moderating role in the relationship between speed of internationalization and performance outcomes of international new ventures (INVs). Using primary survey data from INVs in China, we found empirical support for significant moderating impact of scope of internationalization, entrepreneurial orientation variables and no support for the moderating impact of degree of internationalization variable. The results suggest that business managers of INVs shall consider the applied moderating variables as an effective tool kit to enhance firm performance in foreign markets and to mitigate any potential risks of early internationalization.
Earlier accounting works have shown that an understanding of agenda entry is critical to better understanding the accounting standards setting process. Consider Walker and Robinson (1993; 1994) and Ryan (1998); and more generally agenda entrance as theorized in Kingdon (2011). In 2003, the IASB placed on its agenda a project to promulgate a standard for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). This provides our focus. It seemed to be a departure from the IASB’s constitutional focus on capital market participants. Kingdon’s three-streams model of agenda entry helps to identify some of the complexities related to politics and decision making messiness that resulted in a standard setting project for simplified IFRS, misleadingly titled IFRS for SMEs. Complexities relate to the broader international regulatory context, including the boundaries of the IASB’s standard-setting jurisdiction, the role of board members in changing those boundaries, and such sensitivities over the language that the IASB could not agree on a suitably descriptive title. The paper shows similarities with earlier agenda entrance studies by Walker and Robinson (1994) and Ryan (1998). By drawing on interviewees’ recollections and other material it especially reinforces the part played by the nuanced complexities that influence what emerges as an international accounting standard.