987 resultados para internal double reflection


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The general formulation of double refraction or internal double reflection for any directions of incidence and arbitrary orientation of the optic axis in a uniaxial crystal is analysed in terms of Huygens' principle. Then double refraction and double reflection along the sequential interfaces in a crystal are discussed. On this basis, if the parameters of the interface are chosen appropriately, the range of angular separation between the ordinary ray and extraordinary ray can be much greater, It is useful for crystal element design. Finally, as an example, an optimum design of the Output end interface for a 2 x 2 electro-optic switch is given.


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Based on electro-optic switch effect in crystal, a novel laser ranging method is proposed. CW-laser emitted by laser transmitter propagates forward to the measured target, after being reflected by the target, and then goes back to the transmitter. Close to the transmitter, a special mono-block LiNbO3 crystal is added into the round-trip light beams. High-voltage pulses with the sharp enough changes in rising edges are loaded on the crystal. Based on electro-optic effect, double refraction and internal double reflection effect in crystal, the crystal cuts off the round-trip light beams, and reflects a light pulse cut out by the crystal to a detector aside from the original beam path. The pulse width T is the period that laser propagates forward and back between the crystal and the target. The feasibility of the new idea is proved by our experiments and a brand-new way for the laser ranging is provided. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Educação, Área de Especialização de Educação e Formação de Adultos, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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This thesis, based on the results of an organizational ethnography of a university-based feminist organization in Southern Ontario (the Centre), traces how third wave feminism is being constituted in the goals, initiatives, mandate, organizational structure, and overall culture of university-based feminist organizations. I argue that, from its inception, the meanings and goals of the Centre have been contested through internal critique, reflection, and discussion inspired by significant shifts in feminist theory that challenge the fundamental principles of second wave feminism. I identify a major shift in the development and direction of the Centre that occurs in two distinct phases. The first phase of the shift occurs with the emergence of an antioppression framework, which broadens the Centre's mandate beyond gender and sexism to consider multiple axes of identity and oppression that affect women's lives. The second phase of this shift is characterized by a focus on (trans) inclusion and accessibility and has involved changing the Centre's name so that it is no longer identified as a women's centre in order to reflect more accurately its focus on mUltiple axes of identity and oppression. Along with identifying two phases of a major shift in the direction of the Centre, I trace two discourses about its development. The dominant discourse of the Centre's development is one of progress and evolution. The dominant discourse characterizes the Centre as a dynamic feminist organization that consistently strives to be more inclusive and diverse. The reverse discourse undermines the dominant discourse by emphasizing that, despite the Centre's official attempts to be inclusive and to build diversity, little has actually changed, leaving women of colour marginalized in the Centre's dominant culture of whiteness. This research reveals that, while many of their strategies have unintended (negative) consequences, members of the Centre are working to build an inclusive politics of resistance that avoids the mistakes of earlier feminist movements and organizations. These members, along with other activists, actively constitute third wave feminism in a process that is challenging, contradictory, and often painful. A critical analysis of this process and the strategies it involves provides an opportunity for activists to reflect on their experiences and develop new strategies in an effort to further struggles for social justice and equity.


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En observant le foisonnement de métaphores de la lumière et de la vision dans l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas – l’accentuation de la couleur, l’éblouissement, la brûlure et le dédoublement – cette thèse s’interroge sur la vision de l’écriture formulée dans et à partir de ces images, et sur les implications de cette vision. Constatant à travers cette réflexion l’inscription à même le langage des images de la lumière et de la vision – de la réflexion à la clarté, en passant par l’image et la lucidité – cette thèse délibère, à travers l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas et celle de Jorge Luis Borges, sur une définition de l’écriture comme intensité, notion et image empruntées au registre du sensible par le détour de la physique. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse à la couleur comme phénomène de la vision, du sensible, de l’affect et de la nuance, ainsi qu’à la métaphore de la cécité abordée par Borges et par Paul de Man comme phénomène de la lecture, points d’entrée à une réflexion sur l’écriture. Le second chapitre aborde la notion d’éblouissement en tant qu’intensité de la lumière et temporalité de la prise de conscience lucide, définissant ainsi une vision du temps et les affinités entre la temporalité de l’écriture et celle de l’image poétique. Le troisième chapitre, réitérant la question de la relation au temps – historique et narratif –, réaffirme les inflexions du langage en fonction de la lumière, c’est-à-dire la relation entre l’aspect « lumineux » du langage, l’intensité de la lumière et l’intensité de l’écriture (entendue comme écriture littéraire), en explorant le seuil (la destruction par le feu) mis en lumière par l’image du phénix, figure mythique et littéraire de la transformation des images, selon la définition de l’imagination proposée par Gaston Bachelard. Enfin, la double conclusion (une conclusion en deux parties, ou deux conclusions réfléchies l’une dans l’autre), relie les images poétiques de la lumière évoquées et leurs implications en examinant la portée d’une vision de l’écriture comme intensité. Cette idée est élaborée à travers l’image finale du double, figure littéraire constitutive et omniprésente à la fois chez Arenas et chez Borges, image non seulement de la relation entre le personnage et son double (qui relève de l’hallucination ou de l’imagination, images, encore une fois, de la vision), mais aussi de la relation entre l’auteur et le texte, le lecteur et le texte, l’écriture et le temps. La double conclusion vise le dédoublement et redoublement comme figures de l’intensité dans l’écriture. Le lien entre la vision métaphorique et l’écriture comme intensité est donc articulé par la métaphore, telle qu’entendue par Borges, élargie à l’image poétique dans la perspective de Gaston Bachelard ; elle s’appuie sur la vision de la littérature pensée et écrite par Arenas. La réflexion est double : dans le texte et sur le texte, au plan poétique et au plan d’une réflexion sur l’écriture d’Arenas ; sur l’écriture et, implicitement, sur la littérature.


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Los pseudo-despolarizadores espaciales, entre los que se encuentran los denominados prismas despolarizadores, son dispositivos ópticos capaces de modificar el estado de polarización en cada punto del plano transversal de los haces de luz, obteniendo un continuo de estados de polarización y por tanto un grado de polarización estándar próximo a cero. En la literatura, en reiteradas ocasiones se utilizan estos prismas asumiendo la aproximación de que en su cara oblicua no existe doble reflexión. En el presente trabajo se investigan en detalle las características de polarización locales y globales de haces monocromáticos planos a la salida de un prisma despolarizador teniendo en cuenta la doble reflexión y se comparan los resultados con el caso de despreciar esta doble reflexión. Como consecuencia se obtienen las condiciones bajo las cuales el efecto de la doble reflexión puede ser despreciable. ABSTRACT: Spatial pseudo-depolarizers are optical devices that modify the polarization state along the transverse plane of a light beam in such a way that a continuum of polarization states are obtained. Consequently, a standard degree of polarization near to zero is reached when average over the whole beam section is taken. Depolarizing prism is an example of spatial pseudo-depolarizer. Double reflection effects are usually not considered in literature for such devices. In the present work, the polarization properties at the exit of a depolarizing prism are studied taking into account the effect of double reflection and the results are compared to those obtained when double reflection is neglected. Conditions under which the double reflection effect may be negligible on depolarizing action of this class of prisms are obtained.


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It is predicted that the Goos-Hanchen displacement in the usual frustrated total internal reflection configuration can be resonantly enhanced greatly by coating a dielectric thin film onto the surface of the first prism when the angle of incidence is larger than the critical angle for total reflection at the prism-vacuum interface and is smaller than but close to the critical angle for total reflection at the prism-film interface. Theoretical analysis shows that the displacement of transmitted beam is about half the displacement of reflected beam in the thick limit of the vacuum gap between the two prisms. This is to be compared with the relation in the usual symmetric double-prism configuration that the displacement of transmitted beam is equal to the displacement of reflected beam. Numerical simulations for a Gaussian incident beam of waist width of 100 wavelengths reveal that when the dielectric thin film is of the order of wavelength in thickness, both the reflected and transmitted beams maintain well the shape of the incident beam in the thick limit of the vacuum gap. So largely enhanced displacements would lead to applications in optical devices and integrated optics. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The sliding history in friction-induced material transfer of dry 2H-MoS2 particles in a sheared contact was studied. Video images in contact showed fragmentation of lubricant particles and build-up of a transfer film, and were used to measure the speed of fragmented particles in the contact region. Total internal reflection (TIR) Raman spectroscopy was used to follow the build-up of the MoS2 transfer film. A combination of in situ and ex situ analysis of the mating bodies revealed the thickness of the transfer film at steady state to be of the order of 35 nm on the ball surface and 15 nm on the flat substrate. Insights into the mechanism of formation of the transfer film in the early stages of sliding contact are deduced.


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The rheology of a poly(alpha-olefin) base oil (PAO) in a sliding point contact has been investigated by total internal reflection (TIR) Raman spectroscopy. TIR Raman has the sensitivity to analyse nanometer-thick lubricant films in a tribological contact. The Raman signal generated from the sliding contact was used to determine the lubricant film thickness. The experimentally obtained film thicknesses were compared with theoretical calculations and a transition from Newtonian to non-Newtonian behaviour was observed at high shear rates. The Raman spectra showed no significant changes in the conformation of the PAO chains under the applied conditions of pressure and shear, but the polarisation dependence of the spectra revealed a preferred orientation of the hydrocarbon side chains in the shear-thinned region. Monolayers formed by a boundary lubricant, arachidic acid, dissolved in the PAO could be detected on the surfaces in the elastohydrodynamic regime.


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In order to monitor multiple protein reaction processes simultaneously, a biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry operated in the total internal reflection mode is proposed. It could be realised as an automatic analysis for protein interaction processes with real-time label-free method. Its principle and methodology as well as a demonstration for its applications are presented.


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A method for the design of an all-dielectric nonpolarizing prism beam splitter utilizing the principle of frustrated total internal reflection is reported. The nonpolarizing condition for a prism beam splitter is discussed, and some single layer design examples are elaborated. The concept can be applied to a wide range of wavelengths and arbitrary transmittance values, and with the help of a computer design program examples of 400-700 nm, T-p = T-p = 0.5 +/- 0.01, with incident angles of 45 degrees and 62 degrees are given. In addition, the sensitivity and application of the design are also discussed. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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We present designs of high-efficiency compression grating based on total internal reflection (TIR) for picosecond pulse laser at 1053 nm. The setup is devised by directly etching gratings into the bottom side of a prism so that light can successfully enter (or exit) the compression grating. Dependence of the -1 order diffraction efficiencies on the constructive parameters is analyzed for TE- and TM-polarized incident light at Littrow angle by using Fourier modal method in order to obtain optimal grating structure. The electric field enhancement within the high-efficiency TIR gratings is regarded as another criterion to optimize the structure of the TIR gratings. With the criterion of high diffraction efficiency, low electric field enhancement and sufficient manufacturing latitude, TIR compression gratings with optimized constructive parameters are obtained for TE- and TM-polarized incident light, respectively. The grating for TE-polarized light exhibits diffraction efficiencies higher than 0.95 within 23 nm bandwidth and relatively low square of electric field enhancement ratio of 5.7. Regardless of the internal electric field enhancement, the grating for TM-polarized light provides diffraction efficiencies higher than 0.95 within 42 nm bandwidth. With compact structure, such TIR compression gratings made solely of fused silica should be of great interest for application to chirped pulse amplification (CPA) systems. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.