861 resultados para internal audit contribution and external audit fees


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This project was designed to ascertain the defining attributes of midlife that render it distinct from young and older adulthood. Based on the determined salient factors the Midlife Adjustment Scale was developed and the nature of midlife, that of a transitional period, was established. The scale was then used to assess the influence that perceived control and major life events have on one's adjustment during the middle years.


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This study aims to examine two aspects of internal audit quality, namely internal audit competency and internal audit contribution to financial statement audits. Consistent with the substitution view, this study predicts a negative relationship between the competency aspects of internal audit (the tenure of the existence of internal audit in the organization, internal audit staff expertise in IT and computer skills, training hours, internal audit staff professional certifications in accounting and auditing, and internal audit staff experience in auditing) and audit fees. Second, this study tests whether the contribution of internal auditors to financial statement audit reduces audit fees. The data analysis is based on a cross-sectional regression model with observations of 73 public-listed firms in Malaysia, which include publicly available data matched with survey responses from their internal and external auditors. The results of the study suggest that the competency of internal audit, namely the tenure of the existence of internal audit in the organization, training, internal audit staff prior experience in auditing and accounting, and certifications are associated with lower audit fees. Our findings for both aspects of internal audit quality (competency and internal audit contribution) lend support to the substitution view for explaining the links between internal audit quality and audit fees.


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The purpose of this paper is to propose a model which presents an expanded view of the beneficial impact of internal marketing (IM) in organizations. The model innovatively proposes links between the development of internal market orientation, internal marketing programs and external market orientation and external marketing programs. As a significant novel contribution to knowledge, this model advocates a continual process of improvement as marketing knowledge develops. Such an approach to the development of the marketing programs within an organization potentially increases business success and competitive advantage. The model has implications for organizational management, where internal marketing programs are desirous. Future research opportunities are suggested, including assessment of the model.


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Corporate governance mandates and listing rules identify internal audit functions (IAF) as a central internal control mechanism. External audits are expected to assess the quality of IAF before placing reliance on its work. We provide evidence on the effect of IAF quality and IAF contribution to external audit on audit fees. Using data from a matched survey of both external and internal audits, we extend prior research which is based mainly on internal audits' assessment and conducted predominantly in highly developed markets. We find a positive relationship between IAF quality and audit fees as well as a reduction in audit fees as a result of external auditors' reliance on IAF. The interaction between IAF quality and IAF contribution to external audit suggests that high quality IAF induces greater external auditor reliance on internal auditors' work and thus result in lower external audit fees.


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This study provides preliminary support for the notion that internal audit function assists in reducing external audit effort and fees. Data on internal audit characteristics and activities are obtained from survey respondents of Hong Kong companies and audit fee model data are acquired from their annual reports. The results of this study suggest that the external auditor of firms in Hong Kong rely on the internal audit function and subsequently charge a lower fee. Lower external audit fees are associated with a larger internal audit department and certain activities carried out by the internal audit. Specifically, lower external audit fees are associated with more internal audit effort spent on activities relating to financial statements, systems development and maintenance, operating efficiency and effectiveness, fraud investigations and unlimited access to internal auditors’ working papers. The results of this study suggest that the contribution of the internal audit may substitute for some substantive external auditing processes and lower monitoring costs.


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This paper provides empirical evidence on the impact of audit committee characteristics on the extent of internal auditor’s contribution to financial statement audits in an emerging economy. Using a cross-sectional regression model, based on Felix, Gramling and Maletta’s (2001) study, it provides evidence of a positive relationship between internal auditor contribution to financial statement audits and three dimensions of audit committee characteristics: the proportion of independent audit committee members; the extent of audit committee members’ knowledge and experience in auditing, accounting, and finance; and the extent of audit committee review of IA proposal related to program, budget and coordination. A second model examines a relationship between internal audit contribution to financial statement audits and audit fees. However, the results did not yield a significant relationship between the two variables. These results are based on a unique data set comprised of publicly available data matched with survey data from chief internal auditors or financial controllers of 90 firms listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE).


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This paper examines the relation between audit committee characteristics, internal audit function characteristics and internal auditors' assessment of their contribution to financial statement audits. Using survey data from chief internal auditors of 76 Malaysian publicly-listed firms, we provide evidence of a positive relationship between internal auditors' assessment of their contribution to financial statement audits and three audit committee characteristics: the proportion of independent audit committee members, their knowledge and experience of accounting and auditing, and the extent of audit committee review of internal audit programmes, budget and coordination proposals. Further, a positive relationship is found between internal auditors' evaluation of their contribution to the financial statement audit and internal audit function characteristics including size, prior experience of staff in auditing, time availability and the closeness of the function's relationship with the external auditor. The results indicate that more effective audit committees and well-resourced internal audit units tend to be positively associated with the internal auditors' assessment of their contribution to the external audit.


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This study examines the impact of internal audit outsourcing and internal audit’s involvement in consulting on external auditors’ reliance on the work of internal audit. We test whether these factors influence (i) reliance on internal audit work already undertaken and (ii) the use of internal auditors as assistants. In each case, we distinguish between control evaluation and substantive testing. We find that involvement in consulting impacts reliance on work undertaken and the use of internal auditors as assistants for control evaluation. External auditors make greater use of internal auditors as assistants for substantive testing when internal audit is provided in-house. Overall, external auditors use internal audit more for control evaluation tasks than for substantive testing.


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A cikk a belső ellenőrzésnek a hatékony társaságirányításhoz való hozzájárulását és ennek a versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja. A belső ellenőrzés és a társaságirányítás kölcsönös összefüggésben áll egymással. Nemcsak a belső ellenőrzés hat a társaságirányításra, hanem a releváns társaságirányítási struktúrák, emberi kapcsolatok és magatartásformák jelentős hatást gyakorolnak a belső ellenőrzés színvonalára és hatékonyságára. A cikk ezért különös figyelmet szentel a belső ellenőröknek az igazgatósággal, az auditbizottsággal/felügyelőbizottsággal, a menedzsmenttel és a könyvvizsgálóval való kapcsolatainak vizsgálatára. Rávilágít a belső ellenőrzés legfőbb funkciójára, amely objektív bizonyosságot nyújt az igazgatóság és a felső vezetők számára a kockázatok azonosítására, kezelésére és elfogadható szintre történő csökkentésére szolgáló kontrollfolyamatok megfelelőségéről és hatékonyságáról. A bemutatott belső ellenőrzési modell azt a szemléletet közvetíti, hogy a belső ellenőrzés által nyújtott objektív bizonyosság megszerzése nemcsak a jogszabályoknak vagy az ajánlásoknak való megfelelés, hanem a társaságok versenyképessége szempontjából is kiemelkedő jelentőségű. _________ The purpose of this paper is to consider the contribution of internal audit to the sound corporate governance and the impact of that on the competitiveness of the companies. There is a mutual dependency between internal audit and corporate governance. Not only the internal audit has impact on the corporate governance but the relevant governance structures, relationships and behaviour influence the level and effectiveness of the internal audit. Therefore the present paper is highly concerned with the internal auditors` relationships with the board, audit committee/supervisory board, senior management and the external auditor. It highlights the internal audit function, that provides objective assurance to the board and senior management about the adequacy and effectiveness of the processes by which risks are identified, managed, controlled and mitigated to acceptable levels. The internal audit model demonstrated represents an approach, according to that getting objective assurance provided by internal audit is important not only to be in line with laws and recommendations but to facilitate the corporate competitiveness.


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This paper examines the association between the level of audit fees paid and asset revaluations, one use of fair value accounting. This Australian study also investigates attributes of asset revaluations and the association with the level of audit fees paid. We find that firms choosing the revaluation model incur higher audit fees than those that chose the cost model; asset revaluations made by directors lead to the firm incurring higher audit fees than for those made by external independent appraisers; and revaluation of investment properties leads to lower audit fees. The findings suggest that asset revaluations can result in higher agency costs and audit fees vary with the reliability of the revaluations and the class of assets being revalued.


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The literature suggests an increasing need for interactions among board of directors, management, internal audit and external audit as the four components of corporate governance and presents internal audit as a resource for the other components. External auditing standards that originated in the Western world, which are also being applied in developing countries, recommend external auditor’s reliance on internal audit to achieve audit efficiency. Nevertheless, whether this efficiency motive explains such reliance in corporate governance settings that differ from the West has not been sufficiently explored as yet. This study examines external auditor reliance on internal audit work using questionnaire survey of 119 external auditors in Ethiopia. Mann-Whitney U test results suggest that external auditors’ reliance on internal audit work is not significantly associated with the competitiveness of external audit sub-markets in Ethiopia. Results of multiple discriminant analysis indicate internal audit work performance is the most important factor that determines the extent of external auditors’ reliance on internal audit work. Overall, findings suggest that organizations can enhance corporate governance effectiveness by strengthening internal audit and fostering internal-external auditor coordination.