1000 resultados para interleukine-7
Summary Secondary lymphoid organs are sites of antigen presentation, clonal expansion of B and lymphocytes, and affinity maturation of B lymphocytes. In the intestine, these immune functions occur mainly in Peyer's patches (PP). PP develop through the interplay of two main cell types, haematopoietic cells and meserichyrnal cells. One particular haematopoietic cell type was identified as the inductive cell type in the formation of both PP and lymph nodes and was therefore designated as lymphoid tissue inducer cell. For a successful PP organogenesis, the crucial molecular components involved in the crosstalk of inducer cells and their mesenchymal target cells are adhesion molecules, lymphotoxin (LT) family members, and cytokines. In particular, the interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R) expressed on inducer cells is absolutely required. To investigate the contribution of the ligand for the IL-7R. the cytokine IL-7, in the process of PP formation, we analyzed double transgenic (TG) mice. These mice resulted from an interbreeding of an IL-7TG mouse strain where the transgene is under the control of the MHC class II promoter with a second transgenic mouse strain, which overexpresses a transactivator for MHC class II genes. Double TG offsprings revealed higher levels of IL-7 mRNA occuring earlier in embryogenesis. Consequently, double TG mice showed a striking phenotype with a 3- to 5-fold increase in PP numbers compared to single IL-7TG or control littermates. Analysis of embryonic double TG intestines demonstrated that the process of PP development was already elevated during development as early as the embryonic day 16.5. Importantly, inducer cells were significantly increased in numbers in these embryonic intestines. Furthermore, the expression of LT? mRNA, which at this early time point is exclusively expressed by inducer cells, was also increased in double TG animals. These data clearly indicate a direct influence of IL-7 on the expansion of lymphoid tissue inducer cells and on the availability of LT? leading to a higher frequency of developing PP in fetal life. Interestingly, in addition to an enhanced frequency of PP development, in double TG mice, three additional phenotypic differences were observed. i) Lymphocyte infiltration in various non-lymphoid organs, such as stomach, salivary gland, and liver. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that B lymphocytes were predominant within these tertiary lymphoid structures. ii) Ectopic lymph node-like structures containing both B and T lymphocytes were found near the inguinal lymph node. iii) Double TG mice had a severe bone resorption syndrome most likely as a consequence of the pro-osteoclastic effect of IL-7. Taken together, these results show that IL-7 plays a key role in the homeostasis of inducer cells, in the generation of PP in the gut, in the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue, and in bone resorption. Résumé Les organes lymphoïdes secondaires sont les lieux de présentation des antigènes aux lymphocytes, permettant l'expansion des lymphocytes B et T et la maturation d'affinité des lymphocytes B. Dans l'intestin, ces fonctions immunitaires se déroulent dans les plaques de Peyer (PP). Ces plaques se développent grâce à l'interaction des cellules hématopoïétiques avec des cellules mésenchymales. Un type particulier de cellules hématopoïétiques a été identifié comme cellule inductrice dans la formation des PP et des ganglions lymphatiques et de ce fait a été désigné cellule inductrice des tissus lymphoïdes. Durant l'organogénèse des PP, les composants moléculaires cruciaux impliqués dans l'interaction des cellules inductrices et des cellules mésenchymales sont les molécules d'adhésion, les membres de la famille des lymphotoxines (LT) et les cytokines. En particulier, le récepteur de l'interleukine 7 (IL-7R) exprimé par les cellules inductrices est absolument nécessaire. Pour étudier le rôle du ligand de l'IL-7R, l'interleukine IL-7, dans la formation des PP, nous avons croisé une lignée de souris transgénique (TG) surexprimant IL-7 sous contrôle du promoteur MHC class Il avec une lignée de souris transgénique surexprimant un transactivateur des genes MHC class II. Les souris doubles TG présentent une concentration élevée d'ARNm de l'IL-7 durant l'embryogénèse, ce qui résulte en une augmentation du nombre de PP de 3 à 5 fois en comparaison aux souris ayant seul le transgène IL-7 et aux souris contrôles. L'analyse des intestins des souris doubles TG démontre que le processus de développement des PP était élevé dès le jour 16.5 du développement embryonnaire. L'augmentation du nombre des cellules inductrices dans ces intestins embryonnaires est signilicative. De plus l'expression de l'ARNm LT?, qui à ce stade précoce est exclusivement exprimé dans les cellules inductrices, est également augmenté dans les doubles TG. Ces résultats indiquent clairement une influence directe d'IL-7 sur l'expansion des cellules inductrices des tissues lymphoïdes et sur la synthèse de LT? induisant une augmentation des PP se développant durant la vie foetale. En plus du développement accru des PP dans les souris doubles TG, trois différences phénotypiques ont été observées. i) L'infiltration lymphocytaire dans différents organes non-lymphoïdes, comme l'estomac, les glandes salivaires et le foie. Des analyses complémentaires ont demontré que les lymphocytes B étaient prédominants dans ces structures lymphoïdes tertiaires. ii) Des structures de ganglions lymphatiques ectopiques contenant des lymphocytes B et T ont été trouvées près des ganglions lymphatiques inguinaux. iii) Les souris doubles TG présentent un syndrome de résorption osseuse sévère probablement dû à l'effet pro-osteoclaste d'IL-7. Globalement, ces résultats montrent que IL-7 joue un rôle clé dans l'homéostasie des cellules inductrices dans la génèse de PP de l'intestin, dans la formation des tissus lymphoïdes ectopiques et dans la résorption osseuse.
Dans les cas de lymphopénie, les lymphocytes T résiduels prolifèrent exagérément dans un phénomène appelé «expansion homéostatique périphérique» (HPE), qui est efficace pour la régénération des T CD8+, mais inefficace pour les T CD4+. L’interleukine-7 (IL7) est une cytokine homéostatique utilisée afin d’augmenter les comptes lymphocytaires T des patients lymphopéniques. Toutefois, la raison de l’expansion préférentielle des lymphocytes T CD8+ par l’IL7 demeure toujours inconnue. Nous montrons que cette expansion est due au fait que l’IL7 induit une prolifération efficace des T CD8+ périphériques (CD8+PERI) ainsi que des émigrants thymiques CD8+ (CD8+RTEs). Par contre, l’effet prolifératif de l’IL7 est restreint presqu’uniquement aux CD4+RTEs même si les CD4+PERI survivent mieux que les CD4+RTEs. De plus faibles doses d’IL7 sont nécessaires aux CD4+RTEs afin de phosphoryler STAT5 ou de proliférer comparativement aux CD4+PERI et nous démontrons que les contacts TCR/CMHII sont nécessaires à la prolifération induite par l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs en périphérie. De fait, augmenter au Flt3 ligand le nombre de cellules dendritiques périphériques d’une souris donneuse, avant de transférer ses TPERI dans des souris receveuses traitées à l’IL7 induit une prolifération significative des CD4+PERI. Nos résultats indiquent donc que l’abondance des contacts TCR/CMHII reçus dans le thymus semble contrôler la sensibilité à l’IL7 des CD4+RTEs. Finalement, l’observation que les CD8+PERI et CD8+RTEs prolifèrent pareillement pendant la thérapie à l’IL7, alors que la prolifération des T CD4+ est largement restreinte aux RTEs expliquerait pourquoi, dans les cas de lymphopénie, la régénération des T CD4+ est aussi dépendante de la thymopoïèse.
La transplantation allogénique de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (ASCT) est couramment utilisée pour traiter différents cancers hématologiques. Malheureusement, l’effet bénéfique de cette technique est limité par la réaction du greffon contre l’hôte (GVHD) qui demeure la cause principale de mortalité post-greffe. La GVHD endommage différents organes et retarde la reconstitution immunitaire des lymphocytes T (LT) ce qui augmente les risques d’infection et de rechute. Le développement de nouveaux traitements permettant d’accélérer la reconstitution immunitaire augmenterait donc les chances de survie des patients greffés. Il existe deux façons de régénérer des LT: via la thymopoïèse qui consiste à produire de nouveaux LT, ou par la prolifération homéostatique (PH) qui implique l’expansion rapide des LT matures retrouvés dans le greffon. La PH requiert deux signaux essentiels: l’interleukine-7 (IL-7) et la présentation d’antigènes du soi par les cellules dendritiques (DC) via le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH) I pour les LT CD8+ et le CMH II pour les LT CD4+. Dans un contexte d’ASCT, la chimiothérapie et la GVHD endommagent le thymus rendant la thymopoïèse inefficace. Par conséquent, la reconstitution immunitaire repose presque entièrement sur la PH des LT. L’objectif de cette thèse était de comprendre comment la GVHD affecte la reconstitution des LT. Grâce à un modèle murin, nous avons démontré que la PH des LT CD4+ est absente durant la GVHD et ce, dû à de faibles niveaux d’IL-7 et une diminution du nombre de DC. La perte des DC est en grande partie causée par des niveaux réduits de stromal derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) et par l’absence de progéniteurs de DC dans la moelle osseuse des souris en GVHD. Le traitement des souris en GVHD avec du SDF-1α permet d’augmenter le nombre de DC, et lorsqu’administré avec l’IL-7, améliore significativement la PH des LT CD4+. Contrairement aux LT CD4+, l’administration d’IL-7 seule est suffisante pour restaurer la PH des LT CD8+ durant la GVHD et ce, même en absence des DC. Ces différences s’expliquent pour deux raisons : 1) l’expression du CMH I, contrairement au CMH II, n’est pas limitée aux DC mais est également exprimée par les cellules stromales du receveur ce qui est suffisant pour induire la PH des LT CD8+ et 2) les LT CD8+ répondent à des concentrations plus faibles d’IL-7 systémique comparativement aux LT CD4+. En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces résultats permettra de mettre en place des études translationnelles sur le potentiel thérapeutique du SDF-1α et de l’IL-7 dans la reconstitution immunitaire des patients greffés.
The structure of 8-amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid monohydrate (1,7-Cleve's acid hydrate), C10H9NO3S.H2O, shows the presence of a sulfonate-aminium group zwitterion, both groups and the water molecule of solvation giving cyclic R3/3(8) intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions forming chains which extend down a axis of the unit cell. Additional peripheral associations, including weak aromatic ring pi-pi interactions [centroid-centroid distance 3.6299(15)A], result in a two-dimensional sheet structure.
This workshop proposes to explore new approaches to cultivate and support sustainable food culture in urban environments via human computer interaction design and ubiquitous technologies. Food is a challenging issue in urban contexts: while food consumption decisions are made many times a day, most food interaction for urbanites occurs based on convenience and habitual practices. This situation is contrasting to the fact that food is at the centre of global environment, health, and social issues that are becoming increasingly immanent and imminent. As such, it is timely and crucial to ask: what are feasible, effective, and innovative ways to improve human-food-interaction through human-computer-interaction in order to contribute to environmental, health, and social sustainability in urban environments? This workshop brings together insights across disciplines to discuss this question, and plan and promote individual, local, and global change for sustainable food culture.
The mineral lewisite, (Ca,Fe,Na)2(Sb,Ti)2O6(O,OH)7 an antimony bearing mineral has been studied by Raman spectroscopy. A comparison is made with the Raman spectra of other minerals including bindheimite, stibiconite and roméite. The mineral lewisite is characterised by an intense sharp band at 517 cm-1 with a shoulder at 507 cm-1 assigned to SbO stretching modes. Raman bands of medium intensity for lewisite are observed at 300, 356 and 400 cm-1. These bands are attributed to OSbO bending vibrations. Raman bands in the OH stretching region are observed at 3200, 3328, 3471 cm-1 with a distinct shoulder at 3542 cm-1. The latter is assigned to the stretching vibration of OH units. The first three bands are attributed to water stretching vibrations. The observation of bands in the 3200 to 3500 cm-1 region suggests that water is involved in the lewisite structure. If this is the case then the formula may be better written as Ca, Fe2+, Na)2(Sb, Ti)2(O,OH)7 •xH2O.
The selected arsenite minerals leiteite, reinerite and cafarsite have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. DFT calculations enabled the position of AsO22- symmetric stretching mode at 839 cm-1, the antisymmetric stretching mode at 813 cm-1, and the deformation mode at 449 cm-1 to be calculated. The Raman spectrum of leiteite shows bands at 804 and 763 cm-1 assigned to the As2O42- symmetric and antisymmetric stretching modes. The most intense Raman band of leiteite is the band at 457 cm-1 and is assigned to the ν2 As2O42- bending mode. A comparison of the Raman spectrum of leiteite is made with the arsenite minerals reinerite and cafarsite.
Raman spectroscopy of the mineral partzite Cu2Sb2(O,OH)7 complimented with infrared spectroscopy were studied and related to the structure of the mineral. The Raman spectrum shows some considerable complexity with a number of overlapping bands observed at 479, 520, 594, 607 and 620 cm-1 with additional low intensity bands found at 675, 730, 777 and 837 cm-1. Raman bands of partzite in the spectral region 590 to 675 cm-1 are attributable the ν1 symmetric stretching modes. The Raman bands at 479 and 520 cm-1 are assigned to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. Raman bands at 1396 and 1455 cm-1 are attributed to SbOH deformation modes. A complex pattern resulting from the overlapping band of the water and OH units is found. Raman bands are observed at 3266, 3376, 3407, 3563, 3586 and 3622 cm-1. The first three bands are assigned to water stretching vibrations. The three higher wavenumber bands are assigned to the stretching vibrations of the OH units. It is proposed that based upon observation of the Raman spectra that water is involved in the structure of partzite. Thus the formula Cu2Sb2(O,OH)7 may be better written as Cu2Sb2(O,OH)7 •xH2O
Background A complete explanation of the mechanisms by which Pb2+ exerts toxic effects on developmental central nervous system remains unknown. Glutamate is critical to the developing brain through various subtypes of ionotropic or metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors have been considered as a principal target in lead-induced neurotoxicity. The relationship between mGluR3/mGluR7 and synaptic plasticity had been verified by many recent studies. The present study aimed to examine the role of mGluR3/mGluR7 in lead-induced neurotoxicity. Methods Twenty-four adult and female rats were randomly selected and placed on control or 0.2% lead acetate during gestation and lactation. Blood lead and hippocampal lead levels of pups were analyzed at weaning to evaluate the actual lead content at the end of the exposure. Impairments of short -term memory and long-term memory of pups were assessed by tests using Morris water maze and by detection of hippocampal ultrastructural alterations on electron microscopy. The impact of lead exposure on mGluR3 and mGluR7 mRNA expression in hippocampal tissue of pups were investigated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and its potential role in lead neurotoxicity were discussed. Results Lead levels of blood and hippocampi in the lead-exposed rats were significantly higher than those in the controls (P < 0.001). In tests using Morris Water Maze, the overall decrease in goal latency and swimming distance was taken to indicate that controls had shorter latencies and distance than lead-exposed rats (P = 0.001 and P < 0.001 by repeated-measures analysis of variance). On transmission electron microscopy neuronal ultrastructural alterations were observed and the results of real-time polymerase chain reaction showed that exposure to 0.2% lead acetate did not substantially change gene expression of mGluR3 and mGluR7 mRNA compared with controls. Conclusion Exposure to lead before and after birth can damage short-term and long-term memory ability of young rats and hippocampal ultrastructure. However, the current study does not provide evidence that the expression of rat hippocampal mGluR3 and mGluR7 can be altered by systemic administration of lead during gestation and lactation, which are informative for the field of lead-induced developmental neurotoxicity noting that it seems not to be worthwhile to include mGluR3 and mGluR7 in future studies. Background
Background: Early and persistent exposure to socioeconomic disadvantage impairs children’s health and wellbeing. However, it is unclear at what age health inequalities emerge or whether these relationships vary across ages and outcomes. We address these issues using cross-sectional Australian population data on the physical and developmental health of children at ages 0-1, 2-3, 4-5 and 6-7 years. Methods: 10 physical and developmental health outcomes were assessed in 2004 and 2006 for two cohorts each comprising around 5000 children. Socioeconomic position was measured as a composite of parental education, occupation and household income. Results: Lower socioeconomic position was associated with increased odds for poor outcomes. For physical health outcomes and socio-emotional competence, associations were similar across age groups and were consistent with either threshold effects (for poor general health, special healthcare needs and socio-emotional competence) or gradient effects (for illness with wheeze, sleep problems and injury). For socio-emotional difficulties, communication, vocabulary and emergent literacy, stronger socioeconomic associations were observed. The patterns were linear or accelerated and varied across ages. Conclusions: From very early childhood, social disadvantage was associated with poorer outcomes across most measures of physical and developmental health and showed no evidence of either strengthening or attenuating at older compared to younger ages. Findings confirm the importance of early childhood as a key focus for health promotion and prevention efforts.
Introduction and aims: For a scaffold material to be considered effective and efficient for tissue engineering it must be biocompatible as well as bioinductive. Silk fiber is a natural biocompatible material suitable for scaffold fabrication; however, silk is tissue-conductive and lacks tissue-inductive properties. One proposed method to make the scaffold tissue-inductive is to introduce plasmids or viruses encoding a specific growth factor into the scaffold. In this study, we constructed adenoviruses encoding bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) and incorporated these into silk scaffolds. The osteo-inductive and new bone formation properties of these constructs were assessed in vivo in a critical-sized skull defect animal model. Materials and methods: Silk fibroin scaffolds containing adenovirus particles coding BMP-7 were prepared. The release of the adenovirus particles from the scaffolds was quantified by tissue-culture infective dose (TCID50) and the bioactivity of the released viruses was evaluated on human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs). To demonstrate the in vivo bone forming ability of the virus-carrying silk fibroin scaffold, the scaffold constructs were implanted into calvarial defects in SCID mice. Results: In vitro studies demonstrated that the virus-carrying silk fibroin scaffold released virus particles over a 3 week period while preserving their bioactivity. In vivo test of the scaffold constructs in critical-sized skull defect areas revealed that silk scaffolds were capable of delivering the adenovirus encoding BMP-7, resulting significantly enhanced new bone formation. Conclusions: Silk scaffolds carrying BMP-7 encoding adenoviruses can effectively transfect cells and enhance both in vitro and in vivo osteogenesis. The findings of this study indicate silk fibroin is a promising biomaterial for gene delivery to repair critical-sized bone defects.