1000 resultados para interleucina-17
FUNDAMENTO: Estudos recentes revelaram uma forte associação entre o estado de vitamina D (VD) e a insuficiência cardíaca crônica (ICC). Hoje, é normalmente aceito que a resposta imune pró-inflamatória é subjacente ao desenvolvimento de ICC. OBJETIVO: Uma vez que a VD possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias, pesquisamos o seu impacto sobre as citocinas envolvidas na ICC, como TNFα e IL-17, em pacientes portadores de ICC. MÉTODOS: Foi extraído sangue de quarenta pacientes com ICC secundária à hipertensão arterial e/ou doença coronariana. Os níveis de VD status, IL-17 e TNFαforam avaliados através de 25-hidroxi VD3 EIA e ELISA de citocinas. Também foram realizadas avaliação clínica e ecocardiograma. RESULTADOS: Pacientes idosos com ICC em Nis (Sudeste da Europa, latitude 43ºN) apresentaram níveis de 25-hidroxi VD3 abaixo do normal. Nossos dados demonstraram que pacientes com ICC secundária à hipertensão arterial têm níveis significativamente menores de 25-hidroxi VD3, e maiores de TNFαe IL-17A, se comparados com os níveis de pacientes com ICC secundária à doença coronariana. CONCLUSÃO: É demonstrado aqui que, mesmo em regiões com muitos dias ensolarados a deficiência de VD é motivo de preocupação. Os dados sugerem que o déficit de VD contribui para os elevados níveis de IL-17 e TNFα e, assim, contribuir ao desenvolvimento de ICC.
Th17 cells have been strongly associated to the pathogenesis of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, although their influence on the carcinogenesis is still little known, there are reports of anti-tumor and protumoral actions. The objective of this study is to research the presence of Th17 lineage in lip and tongue SCC, using the analysis of the immunoexpression of IL-17 and RORγt, relating this immunoexpression with clinical and morphological findings in the attempt to better comprehend the role of these cells on the tumoral immunity of OSCCs. The results were submitted to non-parametric statistical tests with significance level of 5%. On the histomorphological analysis, it was observed the predominance of low level lesions on lip and high level lesions on tongue (p=0,024). It was not observed statistical significance between clinical stage and histological gradation of malignancy (p=0,644). For the immunohistochemical study, 5 random fields with greater immunoreactivity of the peritumoral inflammatory infiltrate were photomicrographed on the 400x magnification. It was done the count of lymphocytes which showed cytoplasmic and pericytoplasmic staining for the IL-17 cytokine as well as nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for RORγt. It was observed statistical significance difference on the quantity of immunopositive lymphocytes to IL-17 between the groups of SCC of lip and tongue (p=0,028). For the RORγt it was not observed statistical significance difference between the groups of SCC of lip and tongue (p=0,915). It was not observed statistical difference between the immunostaining of IL-17 and RORγt with histological gradation of malignancy and clinical staging. The findings of this research suggest a possible anti-tumor role of IL-17 for cases of lip. The results of the analysis of the RORγt are possibly due to the wide duality of the anti-tumor and protumoral role of the Th17 cells and their plasticity which, in the presence of different cytokines expressed on the tumor microenvironment, can alter its phenotype.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Th17 cells have been strongly associated with the pathogenesis of several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. IL-17 and IL-23 are important cytokines associated with this lineage. The aim of this study was to analyze, through immunohistochemical methods, the immunoexpression of IL-17 and IL-23 in the inflammatory infiltrate of oral lichen planus (OLP) lesion compared to that of inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (IFH) and between clinical forms reticular and erosive of OLP. The sample included 41 cases of OLP, of which 23 were reticular and 18 erosive and 10 cases of IFH. The results were subjected to nonparametric statistical tests with a 5% significance level. In OLP lesions histomorphological analysis, the most common findings were: hyperparakeratinization, specimens with atrophic epithelium in erosive clinical form (p = 0.011), epithelial projections in most of reticular type of lesions, in addition Civatte bodies were identified in most samples of both clinical forms. For immunohistochemistry analysis, five fields with strong immunoreactivity for IL-17 and IL-23 were photomicrographed at 400x magnification, images were transferred to a computer where with ImageJ software®, lymphocytes that exhibited cytoplasmic immunostaining for these cytokines were counted. A mean was established after for each case. There was no statistically significant difference in the number of imunopositive lymphocytes for IL-17 and IL-23 among the group of OLP and IFH group, however a larger amount of lymphocytes imunopositive for IL-17 was found in the LPO group (p = 0.079) and significantly higher amounts of those lymphocytes were found in the erosive OLP when compared to the group of reticular OLP and IFH (p = 0.019). Furthermore, a marker epithelial immunopositivity for IL-17 was observed in OLP group. Although the results of this study do not permit the forceful assertion about the participation of Th17 lineage in OLP lesions, the findings of immunopositive lymphocytes counting for IL-17 and IL-23, which are potent proinflammatory cytokines, together with the the marked epithelial immunopositivity found for IL-17 in this study, suggest a possible role of this lineage in the pathogenesis of this disorder
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND: Asthma and rhinitis have a complex etiology, depending on multiple genetic and environmental risk factors. An increasing number of susceptibility genes are currently being identified, but the majority of reported associations have not been consistently replicated across populations of different genetic backgrounds. PURPOSE: To evaluate whether polymorphisms of IL4R (rs1805015), IL13 (rs20541), IL17A (rs2275913) and GSTP1 (rs1695) genes are associated with rhinitis and/or asthma in adults of Portuguese ancestry. METHODS: 192 unrelated healthy individuals and 232 patients, 83 with rhinitis and 149 with asthma, were studied. All polymorphisms were detected by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using TaqMan assays. RESULTS: Comparing to controls, significant association with asthma was observed for GSTP1 rs1695 AA genotype (odds ratio (OR) - 1.96; 95% CI - 1.18 to 3.25; p=0.010). The association sustains for allergic asthma (OR - 2.17; 95% CI - 1.23 to 3.80; p=0.007). IL13 rs20541 GG genotype was associated with less susceptibility to asthma (OR - 0.55, 95% CI - 0.33 to 0.94, p=0.028). Among patients, IL17A rs2275913 AA genotype was less associated with asthma than with rhinitis (OR - 0.20; 95% CI of 0.07 to 0.56; p=0.002). A similar association was found for IL13 rs20541 GG genotype (OR - 0.48; 95% CI of 0.25 to 0.93; p=0.031). There were no significant differences in the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequencies between patients and controls for the IL4R polymorphism' analyzed. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of a significant association between GSTP1 rs1695 and IL13 rs20541 SNPs, with susceptibility to asthma, in the population studied. Different genotype profiles of IL17A and IL13 genes seem to influence the clinical pattern of disease expression mainly confined to the upper airways, as rhinitis, or including the lower airways, as asthma.
BACKGROUND: Asthma and rhinitis have a complex etiology, depending on multiple genetic and environmental risk factors. An increasing number of susceptibility genes are currently being identified, but the majority of reported associations have not been consistently replicated across populations of different genetic backgrounds. PURPOSE: To evaluate whether polymorphisms of IL4R (rs1805015), IL13 (rs20541), IL17A (rs2275913) and GSTP1 (rs1695) genes are associated with rhinitis and/or asthma in adults of Portuguese ancestry. METHODS: 192 unrelated healthy individuals and 232 patients, 83 with rhinitis and 149 with asthma, were studied. All polymorphisms were detected by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using TaqMan assays. RESULTS: Comparing to controls, significant association with asthma was observed for GSTP1 rs1695 AA genotype (odds ratio (OR) - 1.96; 95% CI - 1.18 to 3.25; p=0.010). The association sustains for allergic asthma (OR - 2.17; 95% CI - 1.23 to 3.80; p=0.007). IL13 rs20541 GG genotype was associated with less susceptibility to asthma (OR - 0.55, 95% CI - 0.33 to 0.94, p=0.028). Among patients, IL17A rs2275913 AA genotype was less associated with asthma than with rhinitis (OR - 0.20; 95% CI of 0.07 to 0.56; p=0.002). A similar association was found for IL13 rs20541 GG genotype (OR - 0.48; 95% CI of 0.25 to 0.93; p=0.031). There were no significant differences in the distribution of allelic and genotypic frequencies between patients and controls for the IL4R polymorphism' analyzed. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of a significant association between GSTP1 rs1695 and IL13 rs20541 SNPs, with susceptibility to asthma, in the population studied. Different genotype profiles of IL17A and IL13 genes seem to influence the clinical pattern of disease expression mainly confined to the upper airways, as rhinitis, or including the lower airways, as asthma.
Ao mercúrio tem sido atribuída a capacidade de interferir nos sistemas orgânicos imunológico e hormonal, além dos sistemas nervoso e renal frequentemente atingidos por esse agente tóxico. Mulheres em idade fértil ou grávidas constituem um grupo vulnerável a esses efeitos, em relação a si mesmas e seus conceptos. Foi avaliada a exposição ao mercúrio (Hg) e os níveis de prolactina (PRL) e interleucina-10 (IL-10) em 144 mulheres (no pós-parto e cerca de um ano depois) de Itaituba, área sob impacto ambiental do mercúrio e em mulheres de municípios da área metropolitana de Belém, sobretudo Ananindeua, área sem impacto conhecido do mercúrio (156 puérperas e 156 não puérperas). As análises de mercúrio total (Hg-t) em sangue foram feitas por Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica por Vapor Frio. As análises séricas de PRL foram feitas por Ensaio Imunoenzimático com detecção final em fluorescência e as determinações de IL-10 foram realizadas por Ensaio Imunoenzimático de Fase Sólida. Dados demográficos e epidemiológicos foram obtidos através de questionário semi-estruturado. As puérperas de Itaituba apresentaram média de Hg-t, PRL e IL-10 de 13,93 μg/l, 276,20 ng/ml e 39,54 pg/ml, respectivamente. Nas puérperas de Ananindeua as respectivas médias foram 3,67 μg/l, 337,70 ng/ml e 4,90 pg/ml. As mulheres não puérperas de Itaituba apresentaram média de Hg-t de 12,68 μg/l, média de PRL de 30,75 ng/ml e média de IL-10 de 14,20 pg/ml. As médias de Hg-t, PRL e IL-10 das mulheres de Ananindeua foram 2,73 μg/l, 17,07 ng/ml e 1,49 pg/ml, respectivamente. Os níveis de Hg-t, PRL e IL-10 foram maiores em Itaituba (p<0,0001), exceto em relação à PRL das puérperas, maior em Ananindeua. Os níveis semelhantes de Hg-t nas duas avaliações das mulheres de Itaituba (p=0,7056) e a correlação moderada sugerem continuidade da exposição (r=0,4736, p<0,0001). A principal variável preditora dos níveis de mercúrio foi o consumo de peixe nos modelos de regressão múltipla linear e logística. A paridade e os níveis de IL-10 apresentaram associação positiva com a PRL nas puérperas de Itaituba e o peso do recém-nascido e a IL-10, associação positiva com a PRL em puérperas de Ananindeua. A IL-10 apresentou associação negativa com a PRL nas mulheres não puérperas de Itaituba (p=0,0270) e positiva nas mulheres de Ananindeua (p=0,0266). Os níveis de Hg-t estavam associados negativamente com a PRL nas puérperas (p=0,0460) e positivamente com o trabalho em garimpo (p=0,0173) (este também importante para as não puérperas) em Itaituba, segundo os modelos logísticos. A IL-10 esteve associada positivamente à morbidade recente nas puérperas de Itaituba (p=0,0210), negativamente ao consumo de bebida alcoólica (p=0,0178) e positivamente ao trabalho em garimpo nas mulheres não puérperas (p=0,0199). A exposição crônica ao Hg das mulheres de Itaituba, a diferença nos níveis dos fatores imunoendócrinos avaliados em relação às mulheres não expostas e a associação com variáveis epidemiológicas relevantes, sugerem a possibilidade de impactos da exposição no perfil imunoendócrino das mulheres de Itaituba, chamando atenção para a importância da vigilância da saúde dessa população e o possível uso de bioindicadores como a PRL em sua avaliação.
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
In Brazil, the consumption of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) is increasing annually, but there are no experimental studies concerning the phenolic compound contents of commercial EVOO. The aim of this work was to optimise the separation of 17 phenolic compounds already detected in EVOO. A Doehlert matrix experimental design was used, evaluating the effects of pH and electrolyte concentration. Resolution, runtime and migration time relative standard deviation values were evaluated. Derringer's desirability function was used to simultaneously optimise all 37 responses. The 17 peaks were separated in 19min using a fused-silica capillary (50μm internal diameter, 72cm of effective length) with an extended light path and 101.3mmolL(-1) of boric acid electrolyte (pH 9.15, 30kV). The method was validated and applied to 15 EVOO samples found in Brazilian supermarkets.
TiO2 and TiO2/WO3 electrodes, irradiated by a solar simulator in configurations for heterogeneous photocatalysis (HP) and electrochemically-assisted HP (EHP), were used to remediate aqueous solutions containing 10 mg L(-1) (34 μmol L(-1)) of 17-α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), active component of most oral contraceptives. The photocatalysts consisted of 4.5 μm thick porous films of TiO2 and TiO2/WO3 (molar ratio W/Ti of 12%) deposited on transparent electrodes from aqueous suspensions of TiO2 particles and WO3 precursors, followed by thermal treatment at 450 (°)C. First, an energy diagram was organized with photoelectrochemical and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy data and revealed that EE2 could be directly oxidized by the photogenerated holes at the semiconductor surfaces, considering the relative HOMO level for EE2 and the semiconductor valence band edges. Also, for the irradiated hybrid photocatalyst, electrons in TiO2 should be transferred to WO3 conduction band, while holes move toward TiO2 valence band, improving charge separation. The remediated EE2 solutions were analyzed by fluorescence, HPLC and total organic carbon measurements. As expected from the energy diagram, both photocatalysts promoted the EE2 oxidation in HP configuration; after 4 h, the EE2 concentration decayed to 6.2 mg L(-1) (35% of EE2 removal) with irradiated TiO2 while TiO2/WO3 electrode resulted in 45% EE2 removal. A higher performance was achieved in EHP systems, when a Pt wire was introduced as a counter-electrode and the photoelectrodes were biased at +0.7 V; then, the EE2 removal corresponded to 48 and 54% for the TiO2 and TiO2/WO3, respectively. The hybrid TiO2/WO3, when compared to TiO2 electrode, exhibited enhanced sunlight harvesting and improved separation of photogenerated charge carriers, resulting in higher performance for removing this contaminant of emerging concern from aqueous solution.
In 2004, Costa-Santos and cols. reported 24 patients from 19 Brazilian families with 17α-hydroxylase deficiency and showed that p.W406R and p.R362C corresponded to 50% and 32% of CYP17A1 mutant alleles, respectively. The present report describes clinical and molecular data of six patients from three inbred Brazilian families with 17α-hydroxlyse deficiency. All patients had hypogonadism, amenorrhea and hypertension at diagnosis. Two sisters were found to be 46,XY with both gonads palpable in the inguinal region. All patients presented hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism, with high levels of ACTH (> 104 ng/mL), suppressed plasmatic renin activity, low levels of potassium (< 2.8 mEq/L) and elevated progesterone levels (> 4.4 ng/mL). Three of them, including two sisters, were homozygous for p.W406R mutation and the other three (two sisters and one cousin) were homozygous for p.R362C. The finding of p.W406R and p.R362C in the CYP17A1 gene here reported in additional families, confirms them as the most frequent mutations causing complete combined 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency in Brazilian patients.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física