830 resultados para interest-based negotiation
Prevailing video adaptation solutions change the quality of the video uniformly throughout the whole frame in the bitrate adjustment process; while region-of-interest (ROI)-based solutions selectively retains the quality in the areas of the frame where the viewers are more likely to pay more attention to. ROI-based coding can improve perceptual quality and viewer satisfaction while trading off some bandwidth. However, there has been no comprehensive study to measure the bitrate vs. perceptual quality trade-off so far. The paper proposes an ROI detection scheme for videos, which is characterized with low computational complexity and robustness, and measures the bitrate vs. quality trade-off for ROI-based encoding using a state-of-the-art H.264/AVC encoder to justify the viability of this type of encoding method. The results from the subjective quality test reveal that ROI-based encoding achieves a significant perceptual quality improvement over the encoding with uniform quality at the cost of slightly more bits. Based on the bitrate measurements and subjective quality assessments, the bitrate and the perceptual quality estimation models for non-scalable ROI-based video coding (AVC) are developed, which are found to be similar to the models for scalable video coding (SVC).
Dans le domaine des relations industrielles, on a vu apparaître, ces dernières années, différents changements au niveau des relations du travail, notamment en matière de négociation collective. En effet, de nouvelles formes de négociation ont vu le jour en réponse aux changements qui se sont produits sur le marché du travail. De façon plus précise, les théoriciens se sont penchés, d’une part, sur des méthodes de négociation moins conflictuelles et les acteurs concernés par la négociation collective ont su les mettre en pratique, d’autre part. Cependant, bien que certains aient tenté de substituer ces méthodes plus coopératives à la négociation traditionnelle de façon intégrale, les théoriciens et praticiens se sont aperçus qu’il était plutôt difficile de les adopter à l’état pur et ce, de façon alternative à la négociation traditionnelle. Afin d’optimiser les gains mutuels lors de la négociation d’une entente, les négociateurs vont plutôt opter pour un usage combiné des méthodes plus traditionnelles et des nouvelles formes dites plus coopératives; on parle alors de négociation mixte. Toutefois, peu d’études portant sur la négociation mixte ont été conduites. Nous croyons néanmoins que cette forme de négociation est plus appropriée, notamment en raison de la nature des enjeux traités à l’occasion d’une négociation collective. S’insérant dans ce contexte, l’objet de notre recherche est donc l’étude, par l’entremise d’un cas particulier, de la négociation mixte. De façon plus précise, nous cherchons à évaluer la méthode de négociation adoptée lors de la négociation collective ayant eu lieu entre le Centre de la petite enfance Pomme Soleil (CPE) et le Syndicat des intervenantes en petite enfance de Montréal (SIPEM) – CSQ en 2005. Afin d’y parvenir, nous avons vérifié les propositions et hypothèses suivantes : (1) la nature du climat des négociations précédentes a une influence sur la méthode de négociation de type mixte adoptée par les parties au cours de la négociation de la convention collective, (2) la nature du climat des relations industrielles a une influence sur la méthode de négociation de type mixte adoptée par les parties au cours de la négociation de la convention collective, (3) le passage du temps a un effet de transition sur la méthode de négociation de type mixte qui manifeste une dominante intégrative dans les étapes initiales de la négociation et une dominante distributive dans les étapes finales, (4) les négociateurs ayant reçu une formation à la négociation basée sur la résolution de problèmes ou basée sur les intérêts adoptent une méthode de négociation de type mixte à dominante intégrative, (5) l’expérience des négociateurs patronal et syndical a une influence sur la méthode de négociation de type mixte adoptée par les parties au cours de la négociation de la convention collective, (6) la stratégie de négociation initiale adoptée par les parties a une influence sur la méthode de négociation de type mixte au cours de la négociation de la convention collective et (7) la négociation des clauses à incidence pécuniaire donne lieu à une méthode de négociation de type mixte à dominante distributive. Grâce aux résultats que nous avons recueillis par l’entremise de l’observation de la négociation collective entre le CPE Pomme Soleil et le SIPEM, mais principalement par le biais des entrevues, nous sommes en mesure d’affirmer que, conformément à notre question de recherche, la négociation fut mixte, à dominante intégrative. Cependant, la question salariale, bien qu’elle ne fut pas abordée à la table de négociation mais avec le gouvernement provincial, prit une tangente distributive. En ce sens, nous pouvons dire que la négociation fut mixte et ce, de façon séquentielle.
Cette recherche s’intéresse au phénomène qu’est l’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives. Avant juin 1994, la durée maximale d’une convention collective était fixée à trois ans. La venue de la mondialisation a chamboulé les entreprises qui, elles, pour s’adapter et survivre à cette nouvelle réalité et demeurer compétitives, ont dû procéder à des investissements majeurs, des restructurations, miser sur des relations de partenariat avec les syndicats, etc. (Boivin, 1998). Pour ce faire, elles devaient s’assurer d’obtenir une stabilité et une paix industrielle (Grant et Paquet, 1998). C’est à ce moment que nous avons vu l’apparition d’ententes qui visaient à prolonger la durée maximale des conventions collectives, fixées à trois ans, sans contrevenir aux différentes dispositions du Code du travail (L.R.Q. c.C-27). Ces « contrats sociaux » devaient compter différentes caractéristiques particulières. C’est le 10 mai 1994 que le législateur québécois a déplafonné la durée des conventions collectives (Mayer, 1999). Tel qu’établi, les transformations au niveau de l’environnement ont poussé les acteurs à revoir leurs façons de faire. Cela a mené à une déconflictualisation des relations du travail (Jalette, Bourque et Laroche, 2008). Les acteurs ont adopté des stratégies de négociation de plus en plus coopératives, ils ont eu un recours accru à la concertation, et ont développé une relation de partenariat (Maschino et coll., 2001). Nous observons en parallèle à une tendance à l’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives. Nous nous questionnons à savoir ce qui a principalement motivé autant les syndicats à négocier ce type d’entente et ainsi, renoncer à leur droit de grève, et aussi quels sont les avantages ou inconvénients pour les employeurs de négocier de telles ententes. De manière plus spécifique, notre question de recherche est la suivante : Quels sont les effets de l’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives sur les relations du travail locales en entreprise? Notre analyse vise à vérifier six propositions de recherche : 1- Les relations du travail sont transformées par la durée d’une convention collective de travail, laquelle est influencée par l’environnement. 2- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives de travail amène les parties à davantage recourir à des stratégies de négociation intégrative. 3- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives de travail contribue à diminuer le nombre de conflits de travail 4- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives de travail change la nature des manifestations du conflit sur le marché du travail. 5- L’allongement de la durée des conventions collectives transforme le contenu des conventions collectives de travail par l’intégration de clauses nouvelles. 6- L’allongement de la durée des CCT diminue le rapport de force du syndicat. Dans le but de répondre à ces différents questionnements, nous avons utilisé une méthodologie qualitative de recherche et plus précisément, l’étude de cas. Cette dernière fut conduite en trois étapes : la préparation, la collecte de données et l’interprétation (Merriam, 1998). Les données de notre étude ont été colligées durant l’été et l’automne 2010. Tout d’abord, nous avons effectué des entretiens semi structuré à l’aide d’une grille d’entrevue. Cette grille d’entrevue fut adaptée en fonction des acteurs rencontrés, et surtout de la partie qu’ils représentent. Nous avons interrogé les acteurs tant patronaux que syndicaux, c’est-à-dire : du côté patronal, nous avons rencontré les responsables des relations du travail oeuvrant au siège social ainsi que les conseillers en relations du travail en charge de négocier ou d’appliquer la convention collective des différents établissements couverts par l’étude. Du côté syndical, nous avons rencontré les conseillers syndicaux en charge également de négocier la convention collective et de veiller à son application. Au total, nous avons mené onze entretiens. En guise de comparaison, nous avons aussi procédé à une analyse de contenu de 139 conventions collectives du secteur de l’alimentation. Nous cherchions à savoir si les conventions collectives de longue durée avaient tendance à comporter majoritairement une plus grande présence de clauses en lien avec les 7 caractéristiques des « contrats sociaux » mentionnées par Mayer (1999). Ces caractéristiques sont les suivantes : transparence économique et de gestion, participation à la gestion, programme de qualité totale, formation, flexibilité dans l’organisation du travail, stabilité de l’emploi et mécanismes de gestion de l’entente. Mots clés : allongement, durée, conventions collectives, relations du travail, loi 116, déplafonnement des conventions collectives, NBI et concertation.
This dissertation empirically explored interest as a motivational force in university studies, including the role it currently plays and possible ways of enhancing this role as a student motivator. The general research questions were as follows: 1) What role does interest play in university studies? 2) What explains academic success if studying is not based on interest? 3) How do different learning environments support or impede interest-based studying? Four empirical studies addressed these questions. Study 1 (n=536) compared first-year students explanations of their disciplinary choices in three fields: veterinary medicine, humanities and law. Study 2 (n=28) focused on the role of individual interest in the humanities and veterinary medicine, fields which are very different from each other as regards their nature of studying. Study 3 (n=52) explored veterinary students motivation and study practices in relation to their study success. Study 4 (n=16) explored veterinary students interest experience in individual lectures on a daily basis. By comparing different fields and focusing on one study field in more detail, it was possible to obtain a many-sided picture of the role of interest in different learning environments. Questionnaires and quantitative methods have often been used to measure interest in academic learning. The present work is based mostly on qualitative data, and qualitative methods were applied to add to the previous research. Study 1 explored students open-ended answers, and these provided a basis for the interviews in Study 2. Study 3 explored veterinary students portfolios in a longitudinal setting. For Study 4, a diary including both qualitative and quantitative measures was designed to capture veterinary students interest experience. Qualitative content analysis was applied in all four studies, but quantitative analyses were also added. The thesis showed that university students often explain their disciplinary choices in terms of interest. Because interest is related to high-quality learning, the students seemed to have a good foundation for successful studies. However, the learning environments did not always support interest-based studying; Time-management and coping skills were found to be more important than interest in terms of study success. The results also indicated that interest is not the only motivational variable behind university studies. For example, future goals are needed in order to complete a degree. Even so, the results clearly indicated that it would be worth supporting interest-based studying both in professionally and generally oriented study fields. This support is important not only to promote high-quality learning but also meaningful studying, student well-being, and life-long learning.
Currently researchers in the field of personalized recommendations bear little consideration on users' interest differences in resource attributes although resource attribute is usually one of the most important factors in determining user preferences. To solve this problem, the paper builds an evaluation model of user interest based on resource multi-attributes, proposes a modified Pearson-Compatibility multi-attribute group decision-making algorithm, and introduces an algorithm to solve the recommendation problem of k-neighbor similar users. Considering the characteristics of collaborative filtering recommendation, the paper addresses the issues on the preference differences of similar users, incomplete values, and advanced converge of the algorithm. Thus the paper realizes multi-attribute collaborative filtering. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm is proved by an experiment of collaborative recommendation among multi-users based on virtual environment. The experimental results show that the algorithm has a high accuracy on predicting target users' attribute preferences and has a strong anti-interference ability on deviation and incomplete values.
Effective and efficient implementation of intelligent and/or recently emerged networked manufacturing systems require an enterprise level integration. The networked manufacturing offers several advantages in the current competitive atmosphere by way to reduce, by shortening manufacturing cycle time and maintaining the production flexibility thereby achieving several feasible process plans. The first step in this direction is to integrate manufacturing functions such as process planning and scheduling for multi-jobs in a network based manufacturing system. It is difficult to determine a proper plan that meets conflicting objectives simultaneously. This paper describes a mobile-agent based negotiation approach to integrate manufacturing functions in a distributed manner; and its fundamental framework and functions are presented. Moreover, ontology has been constructed by using the Protégé software which possesses the flexibility to convert knowledge into Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema of Web Ontology Language (OWL) documents. The generated XML schemas have been used to transfer information throughout the manufacturing network for the intelligent interoperable integration of product data models and manufacturing resources. To validate the feasibility of the proposed approach, an illustrative example along with varied production environments that includes production demand fluctuations is presented and compared the proposed approach performance and its effectiveness with evolutionary algorithm based Hybrid Dynamic-DNA (HD-DNA) algorithm. The results show that the proposed scheme is very effective and reasonably acceptable for integration of manufacturing functions.
This paper introduces the application of a sensor network to navigate a flying robot. We have developed distributed algorithms and efficient geographic routing techniques to incrementally guide one or more robots to points of interest based on sensor gradient fields, or along paths defined in terms of Cartesian coordinates. The robot itself is an integral part of the localization process which establishes the positions of sensors which are not known a priori. We use this system in a large-scale outdoor experiment with Mote sensors to guide an autonomous helicopter along a path encoded in the network. A simple handheld device, using this same environmental infrastructure, is used to guide humans.
Bioacoustic monitoring has become a significant research topic for species diversity conservation. Due to the development of sensing techniques, acoustic sensors are widely deployed in the field to record animal sounds over a large spatial and temporal scale. With large volumes of collected audio data, it is essential to develop semi-automatic or automatic techniques to analyse the data. This can help ecologists make decisions on how to protect and promote the species diversity. This paper presents generic features to characterize a range of bird species for vocalisation retrieval. In the implementation, audio recordings are first converted to spectrograms using short-time Fourier transform, then a ridge detection method is applied to the spectrogram for detecting points of interest. Based on the detected points, a new region representation are explored for describing various bird vocalisations and a local descriptor including temporal entropy, frequency bin entropy and histogram of counts of four ridge directions is calculated for each sub-region. To speed up the retrieval process, indexing is carried out and the retrieved results are ranked according to similarity scores. The experiment results show that our proposed feature set can achieve 0.71 in term of retrieval success rate which outperforms spectral ridge features alone (0.55) and Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (0.36).
Village tanks are put to a wide range of uses by the rural communities that depend on them for their survival. As the primacy of irrigation has decreased under these tanks due to a variety of climatic and economic reasons there is a need to reevaluate their use for other productive functions. The research presented in this paper is part of a programme investigating the potential to improve the management of living aquatic resources in order to bring benefits to the most marginal groups identified in upper watershed areas. Based on an improved typology of seasonal tanks, the seasonal changes and dynamics of various water quality parameters indicative of nutrient status and fisheries carrying capacity are compared over a period of one year. Indicators of Net (Primary) Productivity (NP): Rates of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) change, Total Suspended Solids (TSS): Total Suspended Volatile solids (TVSS) ratios are the parameters of principle interest. Based on these results a comparative analysis is made on two classes of ‘seasonal’ and ‘semi-seasonal’ tanks. Results indicate a broad correlation in each of these parameters with seasonal trends in tank hydrology. Highest productivity levels are associated with periods of declining water storage, whilst the lowest levels are associated with the periods of maximum water storage shortly after the NW monsoon. This variation is primarily attributed to dilution effects associated with depth and storage area. During the yala period, encroachment of the surface layer by several species of aquatic macrophyte also has progressively negative impacts on productivity. The most seasonal tanks show wider extremes in seasonal nutrient dynamics, overall, with less favourable conditions than the ‘semi-seasonal’ tanks. Never the less all the tanks can be considered as being highly productive with NP levels comparable to fertilised pond systems for much of the year. This indicates that nutrient status is not likely to be amongst the most important constraints to enhancing fish production. Other potential management improvements based on these results are discussed. [PDF contains 19 pages]
No contexto de avanço da globalização, o Investimento Estrangeiro Direto (IED) mostra-se como um dos principais veículos para a inserção internacional dos países. Como os objetivos das empresas transnacionais e dos Estados hospedeiros não são os mesmos, há a necessidade de adoção de políticas que levem à convergência. No plano legal, observou-se nas últimas décadas a consolidação do regime internacional dos investimentos, com o crescimento exponencial do número de tratados de investimento e de arbitragens investidor-Estado fundadas nos mesmos. Mas há insatisfações de parte a parte com o sistema. Por um lado, os países tentam limitar o ativismo dos árbitros mediante a revisão de seus tratados. Por outro, tanto os investidores como os Estados começam a perceber que não há vencedores reais na arbitragem, dadas as suas diversas deficiências. Nomeadamente: custos elevados, longa duração, incoerência nas decisões e desgaste para as relações investidor-Estado no longo prazo. Nesse diapasão, surgem propostas de alternativas. Pensadores do sistema, valendo-se do Planejamento de Sistemas de Disputas, têm desenvolvido Políticas de Prevenção de Controvérsias. Tais políticas fundamentam-se nas dinâmicas de busca de soluções baseadas em interesses contrapostas às baseadas na força e nos direitos seguindo processos de administração precoce de conflitos. Diversos países, em diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento, têm tido êxito na implementação dessas políticas. A difusão das melhores práticas, movimento apoiado por organizações internacionais, oferece oportunidades para a melhora da governança, através da promoção de maior coerência e coordenação nas ações do Estado, da transparência e do império da lei. O tema é de interesse para o Brasil, país que, diferentemente dos demais, nunca ratificou um único tratado de investimento. Isso porque já surgem vozes na indústria clamando por uma mudança de posição, diante da emergência do país também como um exportador de capital. Caso tal inflexão se confirme, o Brasil tem a oportunidade de tomar partido das melhores experiências internacionais, usando tais tratados como instrumentos na sua estratégia de desenvolvimento.
A presente tese tem por objetivo a análise das convenções processuais entabuladas entre as partes antes ou depois de instaurada a relação jurídica processual. O enfoque da pesquisa são os limites e a eficácia dessas convenções, em respeito à ordem pública processual. São analisados ordenamentos jurídicos estrangeiros e, posteriormente, o tratamento que a legislação brasileira confere ao tema. Outro ponto da pesquisa é a influência das ideologias publicista e privatista no processo civil. Por fim, são examinados o modelo de flexibilização procedimental por calendário e o tratamento dado pelo projeto de novo Código de Processo Civil.
The association fiber tracts integrity of the inter-hemispheric and within-hemispheric communication was poor understood in amnestic type mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) patients by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). A region of interest-based DTI approach was applied to explore fiber tract differences between 22 aMCI patients and 22 well-matched normal aging. Correlations were also sought between fractional anisotropy (FA) values and the cognitive performance scores in the aMCI patients. Extensive impairment of association fiber tracts integrity was observed in aMCI patients, including bilateral inferior fronto-occipital fascicles, the genu of corpus callosum, bilateral cingulate bundles and bilateral superior longitudinal fascicles II (SLE II) subcomponent. In addition, the FA value of right SLE II was significantly negatively correlated to the performance of Trail Making Test A and B, whilst the values of right posterior cingulate bundle was significantly positive correlation with MMSE score. As aMCI is a putative prodromal syndrome to Alzheimer's disease (AD), this study suggested that investigation of association fiber tracts between remote cortexes may yield important new data to predict whether a patient will eventually develop AD.
Hippocampus displayed progressively gender-associated damage in Alzheimer's disease. However, gender effects have been largely neglected in studies of amnestic type mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) patients who were believed to represent an early stage of this disease. The goal of this study was to use in vivo neuroimaging techniques to determine whether there were any evidences of gender differences in hippocampal atrophy in aMCI. A region of interest-based magnetic resonance imaging approach was used to compare hippocampal volume between aMCI patients (22 male, 17 female) and normal aging controls (12 male, 11 female). Independent of group, male hippocampal volumes were larger than female volumes and right hippocampal volumes were typically smaller than left volumes. Hippocampal volumes were significantly reduced in the clinical group but no gender differences were noted in terms of degree of atrophy present. However, female patients showed more impaired cognitive function than male patients despite this apparent equivalence in atrophy. The absence of a gender difference suggested that early neuropathological progression might be independent of gender. However, the data also suggested female aMCI patients had an increased vulnerability to cognitive impairment earlier in the illness course.
The most influential current idea in the theory of conflict management concerns the design features and supposed superior outcomes of conflict management systems combining interest-based and rights-based practices for resolving conflict in organizations. Yet much of the literature in the area is highly prescriptive and draws heavily either on exemplary case studies or descriptive data. Using focus groups of HR practitioners and experts in conflict resolution to develop a questionnaire covering the main conflict management practices associated with the theory of conflict management systems, the study analyzes data from a survey of firms in the Republic of Ireland to examine quantitatively the effects of conflict management systems on organizational outcomes. While proactive line management and supervisory engagement in conflict resolution as a key dimension of conflict management systems is found to be positively associated with a range of organizational outcomes, no evidence is found for the kind of system effects proposed in the theoretical and prescriptive literature. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
New ways of managing conflict are increasingly important features of work and employment in organizations. In the book the world's leading scholars in the field examine a range of innovative alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practices, drawing on international research and scholarship and covering both case studies of major exemplars and developments in countries in different parts of the global economy. Developments in the management of individual and collective conflict at work are addressed, as are innovations in both unionized and non-union organizations and in the private and public sectors.
New practices for managing conflict in organizations are set in the context of trends in workplace conflict and perspectives on how conflict should be understood and addressed. Part 1 examines the changing context of conflict management by addressing the main frameworks for understanding conflict management, the trend in conflict at work, developments in employment rights, and the influence of HRM on conflict management. Part 2 covers the main approaches to conflict management in organizations, addressing both conventional and alternative approaches to conflict resolution. Conventional grievance handling and third-party processes in conflict resolution are examined as well as the main ADR practices, including conflict management in non-union firms, the role of the organizational ombudsman, mediation, interest-based bargaining, line and supervisory management, and the concept of conflict management systems. Part 3 presents case studies of exemplars and innovators in the field, covering mediation in the US postal service, interest-based bargaining at Kaiser-Permanente, 'med-arb' in the New Zealand Police, and judicial mediation in UK employment tribunals. Part 4 covers international developments in conflict management in Germany, Japan, The United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and China.
This Handbook gives a comprehensive overview of this growing field, which has seen an huge increase in programmes of study in university business and law schools and in executive education programmes.