988 resultados para interactive web site


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Familial structural rearrangements of chromosomes represent a factor of malformation risk that could vary over a large range, making genetic counseling difficult. However, they also represent a powerful tool for increasing knowledge of the genome, particularly by studying breakpoints and viable imbalances of the genome. We have developed a collaborative database that now includes data on more than 4100 families, from which we have developed a web site called HC Forum® (http://HCForum.imag.fr). It offers geneticists assistance in diagnosis and in genetic counseling by assessing the malformation risk with statistical models. For researchers, interactive interfaces exhibit the distribution of chromosomal breakpoints and of the genome regions observed at birth in trisomy or in monosomy. Dedicated tools including an interactive pedigree allow electronic submission of data, which will be anonymously shown in a forum for discussions. After validation, data are definitively registered in the database with the email of the sender, allowing direct location of biological material. Thus HC Forum® constitutes a link between diagnosis laboratories and genome research centers, and after 1 year, more than 700 users from about 40 different countries already exist.


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The Internet theoretically enables marketers to personalize a Website to an individual consumer. This article examines optimal Website design from the perspective of personality trait theory and resource-matching theory. The influence of two traits relevant to Internet Web-site processing—sensation seeking and need for cognition— were studied in the context of resource matching and different levels of Web-site complexity. Data were collected at two points of time: personality-trait data and a laboratory experiment using constructed Web sites. Results reveal that (a) subjects prefer Web sites of a medium level of complexity, rather than high or low complexity; (b)high sensation seekers prefer complex visual designs, and low sensation seekers simple visual designs, both in Web sites of medium complexity; and (c) high need-for-cognition subjects evaluated Web sites with high verbal and low visual complexity more favourably.


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As online business thrives, a company’s Web presence holds enormous importance as a source of information, entertainment, and customer service for Internet users. Besides being user-friendly, a Web site should offer interesting and enjoyable content to attract online visitors in an ever-changing multimedia environment. Companies that operate globally must know how cultural differences influence the way potential customers perceive their sites. This paper presents a model that highlights the importance of ease of use, enjoyment, content, and brand trust for Web site loyalty. The model is subsequently tested in four countries: Australia, Japan, Mongolia, and the USA. The results show that perceptual differences exist: while ease of use is crucial for Web site loyalty in all four countries, the importance of content, perceived enjoyment, and brand trust varies across different cultures.


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To harness safe operation of Web-based systems in Web environments, we propose an SSPA (Server-based SHA-1 Page-digest Algorithm) to verify the integrity of Web contents before the server issues an HTTP response to a user request. In addition to standard security measures, our Java implementation of the SSPA, which is called the Dynamic Security Surveillance Agent (DSSA), provides further security in terms of content integrity to Web-based systems. Its function is to prevent the display of Web contents that have been altered through the malicious acts of attackers and intruders on client machines. This is to protect the reputation of organisations from cyber-attacks and to ensure the safe operation of Web systems by dynamically monitoring the integrity of a Web site's content on demand. We discuss our findings in terms of the applicability and practicality of the proposed system. We also discuss its time metrics, specifically in relation to its computational overhead at the Web server, as well as the overall latency from the clients' point of view, using different Internet access methods. The SSPA, our DSSA implementation, some experimental results and related work are all discussed


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Cada vez mais a experiência dos utilizadores num ambiente virtual deve ser alvo de novas investigações. A crescente evolução da tecnologia, a modernização da forma como comunicamos e recebemos informações, bem como realizamos as nossas compras em novos ambientes online, constituem um novo espaço de pesquisa. A Experiência de Fluxo online, descrita como um estado em que o utilizador se sente cognitivamente eficiente, motivado e feliz, parece contribuir para a navegação dos utilizadores num site, maximizando a eficácia comercial de um produto apresentado nesse mesmo site. Nós acreditamos que no mundo virtual da internet, a experiência de fluxo dos utilizadores pode ser potenciada através da melhor interação humano-computador, nos sites em que o utilizador navega, oferecendo aos utilizadores experiências virtuais mais envolventes com um produto. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar em que modelo de site, conteúdo versus contexto, os visitantes experienciam níveis mais elevadores de fluxo online, com implicações a nível da sua experiência de consumo, aceitação do próprio produto, experiência virtual e intenção comportamental de uso para com o produto. Características individuais dos utilizadores, como a sua inovação na disponibilidade para a tecnologia também serão alvo de estudo. O produto tecnológico utilizado foram os Óculos da Google. Foram utilizados estudantes em laboratório, de ambos os géneros, num plano experimental 2 (site conteúdo versus site contexto) que foram solicitados a responder a um questionário após a navegação num destes sites, sempre imersos num ambiente virtual. Os resultados mostram que no site de contexto, os participantes experienciaram maiores níveis de fluxo online, sentimentos mais agradáveis durante a sua navegação, uma maior utilidade percebida do produto, avaliaram mais positivamente os Óculos da Google, manifestaram uma atitude ao uso do produto tendencialmente maior e navegaram durante mais tempo neste site em detrimento do site de conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram ainda existir um efeito de interação entre a inovação na disponibilidade para a tecnologia e o tipo de site para com a intenção de uso do produto, com aplicações a nível do marketing e publicidade online.


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ka-Map ("ka" as in ka-boom!) is an open source project that is aimed at providing a javascript API for developing highly interactive web-mapping interfaces using features available in modern web browsers. ka-Map currently has a number of interesting features. It sports the usual array of user interface elements such as: interactive, continuous panning without reloading the page; keyboard navigation options (zooming, panning); zooming to pre-set scales; interactive scalebar, legend and keymap support; optional layer control on client side; server side tile caching


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Se desarrolla un proyecto de innovación educativa que se plantea para fomentar el conocimiento y el uso de la tecnologías de la información y la comunicación entre el profesorado y el alumnado. Se intenta mejorar el desarrollo educativo del alumnado y la cohesión de la comunidad educativa, así como aumentar la eficacia en el cumplimiento de la función social como centro público de enseñanza. El proyecto se estructura en tres fases: análisis de las necesidades de comunicación institucional, información administrativa, participación didáctica para el alumnado y profesorado y participación cultural para la comarca; realización de páginas que componen las diferentes secciones que incluye la realización de las imágenes y contenidos multimedia necesarios para componer las páginas; recopilación e incorporación de información, documentación, materiales didácticos y contenidos culturales. El diseño del Web-Site intenta recoger toda la información que resulte útil a la comunidad educativa, por ello se realizan evaluaciones de su contenido periódicamente. El trabajo de cada uno de los miembros del grupo es evaluado por el resto de los compañeros, y es presentando cada trimestre al equipo directivo. El equipo directivo valora como muy bueno y de calidad el trabajo desarrollado en el proyecto de innovación.


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Designing and maintaining websites can be costly for small business, therefore the decision to embark on a Web strategy should not be taken lightly. Critical to the success of a web site is its design. Most small business web sites focus on information provision yet for many it would appear there is a lack of understanding of how to design a web site that delivers information effectively to users. This paper presents research that examined the effectiveness of small business web sites from the perspective of users. Findings indicate that: users found many sites contained too much irrelevant information; users were critical of sites where not enough information was provided; how the text is organised is important; and, the quality and quantity of information provided on the websites and the display and size of the text influenced the ability of users to complete the task and not be frustrated. The paper concludes with recommendations on more effective information design.