982 resultados para integrable 3-wave interactions


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q15, 31A25, 37K10, 35Q58.


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This work is concerned with a general analysis of wave interactions in periodic structures and particularly periodic thin film dielectric waveguides.

The electromagnetic wave propagation in an asymmetric dielectric waveguide with a periodically perturbed surface is analyzed in terms of a Floquet mode solution. First order approximate analytical expressions for the space harmonics are obtained. The solution is used to analyze various applications: (1) phase matched second harmonic generation in periodically perturbed optical waveguides; (2) grating couplers and thin film filters; (3) Bragg reflection devices; (4) the calculation of the traveling wave interaction impedance for solid state and vacuum tube optical traveling wave amplifiers which utilize periodic dielectric waveguides. Some of these applications are of interest in the field of integrated optics.

A special emphasis is put on the analysis of traveling wave interaction between electrons and electromagnetic waves in various operation regimes. Interactions with a finite temperature electron beam at the collision-dominated, collisionless, and quantum regimes are analyzed in detail assuming a one-dimensional model and longitudinal coupling.

The analysis is used to examine the possibility of solid state traveling wave devices (amplifiers, modulators), and some monolithic structures of these devices are suggested, designed to operate at the submillimeter-far infrared frequency regime. The estimates of attainable traveling wave interaction gain are quite low (on the order of a few inverse centimeters). However, the possibility of attaining net gain with different materials, structures and operation condition is not ruled out.

The developed model is used to discuss the possibility and the theoretical limitations of high frequency (optical) operation of vacuum electron beam tube; and the relation to other electron-electromagnetic wave interaction effects (Smith-Purcell and Cerenkov radiation and the free electron laser) are pointed out. Finally, the case where the periodic structure is the natural crystal lattice is briefly discussed. The longitudinal component of optical space harmonics in the crystal is calculated and found to be of the order of magnitude of the macroscopic wave, and some comments are made on the possibility of coherent bremsstrahlung and distributed feedback lasers in single crystals.


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The coherent three-wave interaction, with linear growth in the higher frequency wave and damping in the two other waves, is reconsidered; for equal dampings, the resulting three-dimensional (3-D) flow of a relative phase and just two amplitudes behaved chaotically, no matter how small the growth of the unstable wave. The general case of different dampings is studied here to test whether, and how, that hard scenario for chaos is preserved in passing from 3-D to four-dimensional flows. It is found that the wave with higher damping is partially slaved to the other damped wave; this retains a feature of the original problem an invariant surface that meets an unstable fixed point, at zero growth rate! that gave rise to the chaotic attractor and determined its structure, and suggests that the sudden transition to chaos should appear in more complex wave interactions.


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We investigate the dynamics of localized solutions of the relativistic cold-fluid plasma model in the small but finite amplitude limit, for slightly overcritical plasma density. Adopting a multiple scale analysis, we derive a perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of the envelope of circularly polarized electromagnetic field. Retaining terms up to fifth order in the small perturbation parameter, we derive a self-consistent framework for the description of the plasma response in the presence of localized electromagnetic field. The formalism is applied to standing electromagnetic soliton interactions and the results are validated by simulations of the full cold-fluid model. To lowest order, a cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a focusing nonlinearity is recovered. Classical quasiparticle theory is used to obtain analytical estimates for the collision time and minimum distance of approach between solitons. For larger soliton amplitudes the inclusion of the fifth-order terms is essential for a qualitatively correct description of soliton interactions. The defocusing quintic nonlinearity leads to inelastic soliton collisions, while bound states of solitons do not persist under perturbations in the initial phase or amplitude


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The study of detonations and their interactions is vital for the understanding of the high-speed flow physics involved and the ultimate goal of controlling their detrimental effects. However, producing safe and repeatable detonations within the laboratory can be quite challenging, leading to the use of computational studies which ultimately require experimental data for their validation. The objective of this study is to examine the induced flow field from the interaction of a shock front and accompanying products of combustion, produced from the detonation taking place within a non-electrical tube lined with explosive material, with porous plates with varying porosities, 0.7-9.7%. State of the art high-speed schlieren photography alongside high-resolution pressure measurements is used to visualise the induced flow field and examine the attenuation effects which occur at different porosities. The detonation tube is placed at different distances from the plates' surface, 0-30 mm, and the pressure at the rear of the plate is recorded and compared. The results indicate that depending on the level of porosity and the Mach number of the precursor shock front secondary reflected and transmitted shock waves are formed through the coalescence of compression waves. With reduced porosity, the plates act almost as a solid surface, therefore the shock propagates faster along its surface.


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To investigate the dynamics of gravity waves in stratified Boussinesq flows, a model is derived that consists of all three-gravity-wave-mode interactions (the GGG model), excluding interactions involving the vortical mode. The GGG model is a natural extension of weak turbulence theory that accounts for exact three-gravity-wave resonances. The model is examined numerically by means of random, large-scale, high-frequency forcing. An immediate observation is a robust growth of the so-called vertically sheared horizontal flow (VSHF). In addition, there is a forward transfer of energy and equilibration of the nonzero-frequency (sometimes called ``fast'') gravity-wave modes. These results show that gravity-wave-mode interactions by themselves are capable of systematic interscale energy transfer in a stratified fluid. Comparing numerical simulations of the GGG model and the full Boussinesq system, for the range of Froude numbers (Fr) considered (0.05 a parts per thousand currency sign Fr a parts per thousand currency sign 1), in both systems the VSHF is hardest to resolve. When adequately resolved, VSHF growth is more vigorous in the GGG model. Furthermore, a VSHF is observed to form in milder stratification scenarios in the GGG model than the full Boussinesq system. Finally, fully three-dimensional nonzero-frequency gravity-wave modes equilibrate in both systems and their scaling with vertical wavenumber follows similar power-laws. The slopes of the power-laws obtained depend on Fr and approach -2 (from above) at Fr = 0.05, which is the strongest stratification that can be properly resolved with our computational resources.


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Resonant interactions among equatorial waves in the presence of a diurnally varying heat source are studied in the context of the diabatic version of the equatorial beta-plane primitive equations for a motionless, hydrostatic, horizontally homogeneous and stably stratified background atmosphere. The heat source is assumed to be periodic in time and of small amplitude [i.e., O(epsilon)] and is prescribed to roughly represent the typical heating associated with deep convection in the tropical atmosphere. In this context, using the asymptotic method of multiple time scales, the free linear Rossby, Kelvin, mixed Rossby-gravity, and inertio-gravity waves, as well as their vertical structures, are obtained as leading-order solutions. These waves are shown to interact resonantly in a triad configuration at the O(e) approximation, and the dynamics of these interactions have been studied in the presence of the forcing. It is shown that for the planetary-scale wave resonant triads composed of two first baroclinic equatorially trapped waves and one barotropic Rossby mode, the spectrum of the thermal forcing is such that only one of the triad components is resonant with the heat source. As a result, to illustrate the role of the diurnal forcing in these interactions in a simplified fashion, two kinds of triads have been analyzed. The first one refers to triads composed of a k = 0 first baroclinic geostrophic mode, which is resonant with the stationary component of the diurnal heat source, and two dispersive modes, namely, a mixed Rossby-gravity wave and a barotropic Rossby mode. The other class corresponds to triads composed of two first baroclinic inertio-gravity waves in which the highest-frequency wave resonates with a transient harmonic of the forcing. The integration of the asymptotic reduced equations for these selected resonant triads shows that the stationary component of the diurnal heat source acts as an ""accelerator"" for the energy exchanges between the two dispersive waves through the excitation of the catalyst geostrophic mode. On the other hand, since in the second class of triads the mode that resonates with the forcing is the most energetically active member because of the energy constraints imposed by the triad dynamics, the results show that the convective forcing in this case is responsible for a longer time scale modulation in the resonant interactions, generating a period doubling in the energy exchanges. The results suggest that the diurnal variation of tropical convection might play an important role in generating low-frequency fluctuations in the atmospheric circulation through resonant nonlinear interactions.


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Weakly nonlinear interactions among equatorial waves have been explored in this paper using the adiabatic version of the equatorial beta-plane primitive equations in isobaric coordinates. Assuming rigid lid vertical boundary conditions, the conditions imposed at the surface and at the top of the troposphere were expanded in a Taylor series around two isobaric surfaces in an approach similar to that used in the theory of surface-gravity waves in deep water and capillary-gravity waves. By adopting the asymptotic method of multiple time scales, the equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, inertio-gravity, and Kelvin waves, as well as their vertical structures, were obtained as leading-order solutions. These waves were shown to interact resonantly in a triad configuration at the O(epsilon) approximation. The resonant triads whose wave components satisfy a resonance condition for their vertical structures were found to have the most significant interactions, although this condition is not excluding, unlike the resonant conditions for the zonal wavenumbers and meridional modes. Thus, the analysis has focused on such resonant triads. In general, it was found that for these resonant triads satisfying the resonance condition in the vertical direction, the wave with the highest absolute frequency always acts as an energy source (or sink) for the remaining triad components, as usually occurs in several other physical problems in fluid dynamics. In addition, the zonally symmetric geostrophic modes act as catalyst modes for the energy exchanges between two dispersive waves in a resonant triad. The integration of the reduced asymptotic equations for a single resonant triad shows that, for the initial mode amplitudes characterizing realistic magnitudes of atmospheric flow perturbations, the modes in general exchange energy on low-frequency (intraseasonal and/or even longer) time scales, with the interaction period being dependent upon the initial mode amplitudes. Potential future applications of the present theory to the real atmosphere with the inclusion of diabatic forcing, dissipation, and a more realistic background state are also discussed.


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In the present work we use an asymptotic approach to obtain the long wave equations. The shallow water equation is put as a function of an external parameter that is a measure of both the spatial scales anisotropy and the fast to slow time ratio. The values given to the external parameters are consistent with those computed using typical values of the perturbations in tropical dynamics. Asymptotically, the model converge toward the long wave model. Thus, it is possible to go toward the long wave approximation through intermediate realizable states. With this approach, the resonant nonlinear wave interactions are studied. To simplify, the reduced dynamics of a single resonant triad is used for some selected equatorial trios. It was verified by both theoretical and numerical results that the nonlinear energy exchange period increases smoothly as we move toward the long wave approach. The magnitude of the energy exchanges is also modified, but in this case depends on the particular triad used and also on the initial energy partition among the triad components. Some implications of the results for the tropical dynamics are disccussed. In particular, we discuss the implications of the results for El Nĩo and the Madden-Julian in connection with other scales of time and spatial variability. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The derivative nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation, describing propagation of circularly polarized Alfven waves of finite amplitude in a cold plasma, is truncated to explore the coherent, weakly nonlinear coupling of three waves near resonance, one wave being linearly unstable and the other waves damped. No matter how small the growth rate of the unstable wave, the four-dimensional flow for the three wave amplitudes and a relative phase, with both resistive damping and linear Landau damping, exhibits chaotic relaxation oscillations that are absent for zero growth-rate. This hard transition in phase-space behavior occurs for left-hand (LH) polarized waves, paralleling the known fact that only LH time-harmonic solutions of the DNLS equation are modulationally unstable. The parameter domain developing chaos is much broader than the corresponding domain in a reduced 3-wave model that assumes equal dampings of the daughter waves


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Integrins link the cell's cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix, as well as to receptors on other cells. These links occur not only at focal contacts but also at smaller integrin-containing protein complexes outside of focal contacts. We previously demonstrated the importance of focal contact-independent integrin–cytoskeleton interactions of β2 integrins: activation of adhesion resulted from a release of integrins from cytoskeletal constraints. To determine whether changes in integrin–cytoskeleton interactions were related to activation of the integrin, we used single particle tracking to examine focal contact-independent cytoskeletal associations of αIIbβ3-integrin, in which activation results in a large conformational change. Direct activation of αIIbβ3 by mutation did not mimic activation of lymphocytes with phorbol ester, because it enhanced integrin–cytoskeleton interactions, whereas activation of lymphocytes decreased them. Using additional integrin mutants, we found that both α- and β-cytoplasmic domains were required for these links. This suggests that 1) both β2- and β3-integrins interact with the cytoskeleton outside of focal contacts; 2) activation of a cell and activation of an integrin are distinct processes, and both can affect integrin–cytoskeleton interactions; and 3) the role of the α-subunit in integrin–cytoskeleton interactions in at least some circumstances is more direct than generally supposed.


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The aim of this letter is to demonstrate that complete removal of spectral aliasing occurring due to finite numerical bandwidth used in the split-step Fourier simulations of nonlinear interactions of optical waves can be achieved by enlarging each dimension of the spectral domain by a factor (n+1)/2, where n is the number of interacting waves. Alternatively, when using low-pass filtering for dealiasing this amounts to the need for filtering a 2/(n+1) fraction of each spectral dimension.