995 resultados para insulated concrete panels


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The internal environment within an unconditioned wine barrel store, constructed from insulated concrete panels and located in south-eastern Australia, has been investigated during a summer and winter month. Average temperatures inside the store were found to be 13.7°C and 22.8°C in the winter and summer month respectively. A validated mathematical model of the store was used to investigate the contribution of the concrete walls, insulation and the wine itself to the internal thermal environment. The concrete walls were found to be the least influential.


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Bending moment coefficients for the design of rectangular reinforced concrete panels supported on four sides with a short discontinuous edge are derived using the strip theory. The moment fields resulting from the use of proposed coefficients are examined in terms of the moment volume for possible savings in reinforcement and compared with other codified procedures. The strip coefficients averaged over the corresponding sides of the panel, besides resulting in considerable savings in reinforcement, are found to be identical with the coefficients predicted by simple yield line theory using an orthotropic layout of reinforcement.


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This paper discusses the importance of integrated sensing systems comprising techniques that give different types of data from a structure exposed to the marine environment so that its service life could reliably be predicted. For this purpose, a novel sensor combination was designed and installed in concrete panels which were exposed to Hangzhou Bay Bridge in China. The integrated sensor probe was used to monitor the cover concrete as well as the reinforcement. The sensor probes were connected to a monitoring station, which enabled access and control of the data remotely from Belfast, UK. The initial data obtained from the monitoring station gives interesting information on the early age properties of concrete and distinct variations in these properties with different types of concrete. This paper also reports the variation in electrical properties of different concrete samples and environmental data in response to the marine exposure condition at Hangzhou bay bridge.


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Corrosion testing (half-cell and LPR) was carried out on a number reinforced concrete panels which had been taken from the fascia of a twenty five year old high rise building in Melbourne, Australia. Corrosion, predominantly as a result of carbonation of the concrete, was associated with a limited amount of cracking. A monitoring technique was established in which probe electrodes (reference and counter) were retro-fitted into the concrete. The probe electrode setup was identical for all panels tested. It was found that the corrosion behaviour of all panels tested closely fitted a family of results when the corrosion potential is plotted against the polarisation resistance (Rp). This enabled the development of a so-called 'control curve' relating the corrosion potential to the Rp for all of the panels under investigation. This relationship was also confirmed on laboratory samples, indicating that for a fixed geometry and experimental conditions a relationship between the potential and polarisation resistance of steel can be established for the steel-concrete system. Experimental results will be presented which indicate that for a given monitoring cell geometry, it may be possible to propose criteria for the point at which remediation measures should be considered. The establishment of such a control curve has enabled the development of a powerful monitoring tool for the assessment of a number of proposed corrosion remediation techniques. The actual effect of any corrosion remediation technique becomes clearly apparent via the type and magnitude of deviation of post remediation data from the original (preremediation) control curve.


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This paper investigates the sound absorption characteristics of a precast panel system made from an environmentally sustainable concrete which can be used as an acoustical material. A current research project undertaken at the School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, aims at utilising alternative materials and innovative approach to concrete precasting in the production of architecturally pleasing concrete panels. The normal incidence sound absorption coefficients of the assemblies were measured using an impedance tube. In general, the peak frequencies reduced with increasing thickness of concrete. The preliminary results indicate that the sound absorption of a three-layer variation of the panel meet design specifications related to acoustic performance. The major benefits of this investigated approach to concrete and concrete precasting are the ease of tunability to specific peak frequency, improved aesthetics and utilisation of industrial waste.


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The use of green building materials and products promotes conservation of non-renewable resources and help reduce associated environmental impacts. This article reports the acoustical performance of a precast panel system made largely from concrete waste material. Two major applications for such panels that are being investigated currently include walls and claddings to industrial and commercial buildings and sound barriers for urban freeways. In this study, the application of the concrete panels for optimizing reverberation time (RT) in sports halls is tested using numerical simulations. As an innovative approach, additional layers are added to the precast panels to improve their appearance. The absorption coefficients of the concrete panel improved significantly with the architectural finish. The material can be tuned according to the required peak frequency. The architectural finish helped reduce the RT for frequencies above 500 Hz. Its application to different types of ceilings revealed that the RT of curved ceiling reduced up to 40% compared to flat and hybrid ceiling. A comparison of wall and ceiling modifications in small, medium and large sports halls showed that medium-sized halls have better acoustical performance compared with small and large halls with ceiling as well as wall treatment.


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Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used in bridge deck construction in Iowa and many other states. To investigate the performance of these panels at abutment or pier diaphragm locations for bridges with various skew angles, a research program involving both analytical and experimental aspects, is being conducted. This interim report presents the status of the research with respect to four tasks. Task 1 which involves a literature review and two surveys is essentially complete. Task 2 which involved field investigations of three Iowa bridges containing precast panel subdecks has been completed. Based on the findings of these investigations, future inspections are recommended to evaluate potential panel deterioration due to possible corrosion of the prestressed strands. Task 3 is the experimental program which has been established to monitor the behavior of five configurations of full scale composite deck slabs. Three dimensional test and instrumentation frameworks have been constructed to load and monitor the slab specimens. The first slab configuration representing an interior panel condition is being tested and preliminary results are presented for one of these tests in this interim report. Task 4 involves the analytical investigation of the experimental specimens. Finite element methods are being applied to analytically predict the behavior of the test specimens. The first test configuration of the interior panel condition has been analyzed for the same loads used in the laboratory, and the results are presented herein. Very good correlation between the analytical and experimental results has occurred.


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Fire safety has become an important part in structural design due to the ever increasing loss of properties and lives during fires. Fire rating of load bearing wall systems made of Light gauge Steel Frames (LSF) is determined using fire tests based on the standard time-temperature curve given in ISO 834. However, modern residential buildings make use of thermoplastic materials, which mean considerably high fuel loads. Hence a detailed fire research study into the performance of load bearing LSF walls was undertaken using a series of realistic design fire curves developed based on Eurocode parametric curves and Barnett’s BFD curves. It included both full scale fire tests and numerical studies of LSF walls without any insulation, and the recently developed externally insulated composite panels. This paper presents the details of fire tests first, and then the numerical models of tested LSF wall studs. It shows that suitable finite element models can be developed to predict the fire rating of load bearing walls under real fire conditions. The paper also describes the structural and fire performances of externally insulated LSF walls in comparison to the non-insulated walls under real fires, and highlights the effects of standard and real fire curves on fire performance of LSF walls.


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Light gauge steel frame (LSF) wall systems are increasingly used in residential and commercial buildings as load bearing and non-load bearing elements. Conventionally, the fire resistance ratings of such building elements are determined using approximate prescriptive methods based on limited standard fire tests. However, recent studies have shown that in some instances real building fire time-temperature curves could be more severe than the standard fire curve, in terms of maximum temperature and rate of temperature rise. This has caused problems for safe evacuation and rescue activities, and in some instances has also lead to the collapse of buildings earlier than the prescribed fire resistance. Therefore a detailed research study into the performance of LSF wall systems under both standard fire and realistic fire conditions was undertaken using full scale fire tests to understand the fire performance of different LSF wall configurations. Both load bearing and non-load bearing full scale fire tests were performed on LSF walls configurations which included single layer, double layer, externally insulated wall panels made up of different steel sections and thicknesses of gypsum plasterboards. The non-load bearing fire test results were utilized to understand the factors affecting the fire resistance of LSF walls, while loading bearing fire test results led to development of simplified methods to predict the fire resistance ratings of load bearing LSF walls exposed to both standard and realistic design fires. This paper presents the results of full scale experimental study and highlights the effects of standard and realistic fire conditions on fire performance of LSF walls.


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Das Werkstoffverhalten von stahlfaserfreiem bzw. stahlfaserverstärktem Stahlbeton unter biaxialle Druck- Zugbeanspruchung wurde experimentell und theoretisch untersucht. Die Basis der experimentellen Untersuchungen waren zahlreiche Versuche, die in der Vergangenheit an faserfreiem Stahlbetonscheiben zur Bestimmung des Werkstoffverhaltens von gerissenem Stahlbeton im ebenen Spannungszustand durchgeführt wurden. Bei diesen Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass infolge einer Querzugbeanspruchung eine Abminderung der biaxialen Druckfestigkeit entsteht. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Erkenntnisse sind zur Verbesserung der Werkstoffeigenschaften des Betons, Stahlbetonscheiben aus stahlfaserverstärktem Beton hergestellt worden. Die aus der Literatur bekannten Werkstoffmodelle für Beton sowie Stahlbeton, im ungerissenen und gerissenen Zustand wurden hinsichtlich der in der Vergangenheit ermittelten Materialeigenschaften des Betons bzw. Stahlbetons unter proportionalen sowie nichtproportionalen äußeren Belastungen erklärt und kritisch untersucht. In den frischen Beton wurden Stahlfasern hinzugegeben. Dadurch konnte die Festigkeits- und die Materialsteifigkeitsabminderung infolge Rissbildung, die zur Schädigung des Verbundwerkstoffs Beton führt, reduziert werden. Man konnte sehen, dass der Druckfestigkeitsabminderungsfaktor und insbesondere die zur maximal aufnehmbaren Zylinderdruckfestigkeit gehörende Stauchung, durch Zugabe von Stahlfasern besser begrenzt wird. Die experimentelle Untersuchungen wurden an sechs faserfreien und sieben stahlfaserverstärkten Stahlbetonscheiben unter Druck-Zugbelastung zur Bestimmung des Verhaltens des gerissenen faserfreien und stahlfaserverstärkten Stahlbetons durchgeführt. Die aus eigenen Versuchen ermittelten Materialeigenschaften des Betons, des stahlfaserverstärkten Betons und Stahlbetons im gerissenen Zustand wurden dargelegt und diskutiert. Bei der Rissbildung des quasi- spröden Werkstoffs Beton und dem stahlfaserverstärkten Beton wurde neben dem plastischen Fließen, auch die Abnahme des Elastizitätsmoduls festgestellt. Die Abminderung der aufnehmbaren Festigkeit und der zugehörigen Verzerrung lässt sich nicht mit der klassischen Fließtheorie der Plastizität ohne Modifizierung des Verfestigungsgesetzes erfassen. Es wurden auf elasto-plastischen Werkstoffmodellen basierende konstitutive Beziehungen für den faserfreien sowie den stahlfaserverstärkten Beton vorgeschlagen. Darüber hinaus wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine auf dem elasto-plastischen Werkstoffmodell basierende konstitutive Beziehung für Beton und den stahlfaser-verstärkten Beton im gerissenen Zustand formuliert. Die formulierten Werkstoffmodelle wurden mittels dem in einer modularen Form aufgebauten nichtlinearen Finite Elemente Programm DIANA zu numerischen Untersuchungen an ausgewählten experimentell untersuchten Flächentragwerken, wie scheibenartigen-, plattenartigen- und Schalentragwerken aus faserfreiem sowie stahlfaserverstärktem Beton verwendet. Das entwickelte elasto-plastische Modell ermöglichte durch eine modifizierte effektive Spannungs-Verzerrungs-Beziehung für das Verfestigungsmodell, nicht nur die Erfassung des plastischen Fließens sondern auch die Berücksichtigung der Schädigung der Elastizitätsmodule infolge Mikrorissen sowie Makrorissen im Hauptzugspannungs-Hauptdruckspannungs-Bereich. Es wurde bei den numerischen Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung des Last-Verformungsverhaltens von scheibenartigen, plattenartigen- und Schalentragwerken aus faserfreiem und stahlfaserverstärktem Stahlbeton, im Vergleich mit den aus Versuchen ermittelten Ergebnissen, eine gute Übereinstimmung festgestellt.


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Am Fachgebiet Massivbau (Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau – IKI) des Fachbereichs Bauingenieurwesen der Universität Kassel wurden Bauteilversuche an zweiaxial auf Druck-Zug belasteten, faserfreien und faserverstärkten Stahlbetonscheiben durchgeführt. Dabei wurden die Auswirkungen der Querzugbeanspruchung und der Rissbildung auf die Druckfestigkeit, auf die Stauchung bei Erreichen der Höchstlast sowie auf die Drucksteifigkeit des stabstahl- und faserbewehrten Betons an insgesamt 56 faserfreien und faserverstärkten Beton- und Stahlbetonscheiben untersucht. Auf der Grundlage der experimentell erhaltenen Ergebnisse wird ein Vorschlag zur Abminderung der Druckfestigkeit des gerissenen faserfreien und faserbewehrten Stahlbetons in Abhängigkeit der aufgebrachten Zugdehnung formuliert. Die Ergebnisse werden den in DIN 1045-1 [D4], Eurocode 2 [E3, E4], CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 [C1] und ACI Standard 318-05 [A1] angegebenen Bemessungsregeln für die Druckstrebenfestigkeit des gerissenen Stahlbetons gegenübergestellt und mit den Untersuchungen anderer Wissenschaftler verglichen. Die bekannten Widersprüche zwischen den Versuchsergebnissen, den vorgeschlagenen Modellen und den Regelwerken aus U.S.A., Kanada und Europa können dabei weitgehend aufgeklärt werden. Für nichtlineare Verfahren der Schnittgrößenermittlung und für Verformungsberechnungen wird ein Materialmodell des gerissenen faserfreien und faserbewehrten Stahlbetons abgeleitet. Hierzu wird die für einaxiale Beanspruchungszustände gültige Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linie nach Bild 22 der DIN 1045-1 auf den Fall der zweiaxialen Druck-Zug-Beanspruchung erweitert.


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The present study is in reference to precast concrete (panels) walls as the main structural system. The diversification of the structural systems is a reality due to specific characteristics', as a result there is a lack of study and analysis. Some systems are already established in their applications, for instance: conventional reinforced concrete, structural masonry, metal structures, and wood structure. Apart from this precast concrete elements has had a growth in building sites in Brazil, therefore professionals should be more aware. Affordable house funding initiatives to address the housing shortage has been recurrent throughout the country, additionally precast concrete walls has been an alternative that meets the three basic concepts of engineering, which are: the technique, economy, and security. The objective of this study is to gather concepts from the literature and TOMO (2012) about precast concrete walls and make a didactic synthesis of how they are viewed. The modeling structure method of the system was performed following the concept of assigning bars, using the computer program of calculations SAP2000. Initially will be presented a theoretical part, furthermore a case study to illustrate the sizing of the walls using EXCEL tables programmed with calculation routine. The results will be presented in calculated efforts by the program for further analysis. Finally, will be highlighted important items of modeling and interpretation of the results


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Esta tesis trata sobre la construcción modular ligera, dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energética y de cara a los conceptos de nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) y NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) que se manejan en el ámbito europeo y específicamente dentro del marco regulador de la Directiva 2010/31 UE. En el contexto de la Unión Europea, el sector de la edificación representa el 40% del total del consumo energético del continente. Asumiendo la necesidad de reducir este consumo se han planteado, desde los organismos de dirección europeos, unos objetivos (objetivos 20-20-20) para hacer más eficiente el parque edificatorio. Estos objetivos, que son vinculantes en términos de legislación, comprometen a todos los estados miembros a conseguir la meta de reducción de consumo y emisiones de GEI (Gases de Efecto Invernadero) antes del año 2020. Estos conceptos de construcción modular ligera (CML) y eficiencia energética no suelen estar asociados por el hecho de que este tipo de construcción no suele estar destinada a un uso intensivo y no cuenta con unos cerramientos con niveles de aislamiento de acuerdo a las normativas locales o códigos de edificación de cada país. El objetivo de nZEB o NZEB, e incluso Energy Plus, según sea el caso, necesariamente (y así queda establecido en las normativas), dependerá no sólo de la mejora de los niveles de aislamiento de los edificios, sino también de la implementación de sistemas de generación renovables, independientemente del tipo de sistema constructivo con el que se trabaje e incluso de la tipología edificatoria. Si bien es cierto que los niveles de industrialización de la sociedad tecnológica actual han alcanzado varias de las fases del proceso constructivo - sobre todo en cuanto a elementos compositivos de los edificios- también lo es el hecho de que las cotas de desarrollo conseguidas en el ámbito de la construcción no llegan al nivel de evolución que se puede apreciar en otros campos de las ingenierías como la aeronáutica o la industria del automóvil. Aunque desde finales del siglo pasado existen modelos y proyectos testimoniales de construcción industrializada ligera (CIL) e incluso ya a principios del siglo XX, ejemplos de construcción modular ligera (CML), como la Casa Voisin, la industrialización de la construcción de edificios no ha sido una constante progresiva con un nivel de comercialización equiparable al de la construcción masiva y pesada. Los términos construcción industrializada, construcción prefabricada, construcción modular y construcción ligera, no siempre hacen referencia a lo mismo y no siempre son sinónimos entre sí. Un edificio puede ser prefabricado y no ser modular ni ligero y tal es el caso, por poner un ejemplo, de la construcción con paneles de hormigón prefabricado. Lo que sí es una constante es que en el caso de la construcción modular ligera, la prefabricación y la industrialización, casi siempre vienen implícitas en muchos ejemplos históricos y actuales. Con relación al concepto de eficiencia energética (nZEB o incluso NZEB), el mismo no suele estar ligado a la construcción modular ligera y/o ligera industrializada; más bien se le ve unido a la idea de cerramientos masivos con gran inercia térmica propios de estándares de diseño como el Passivhaus; y aunque comúnmente a la construcción ligera se le asocian otros conceptos que le restan valor (corta vida útil; función y formas limitadas, fuera de todo orden estético; limitación en los niveles de confort, etc.), los avances que se van alcanzando en materia de tecnologías para el aprovechamiento de la energía y sistemas de generación renovables, pueden conseguir revertir estas ideas y unificar el criterio de eficiencia + construcción modular ligera. Prototipos y proyectos académicos– como el concurso Solar Decathlon que se celebra desde el año 2002 promovido por el DOE (Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos), y que cuenta con ediciones europeas como las de los años 2010 y 2012, replantean la idea de la construcción industrializada, modular y ligera dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energética, con prototipos de viviendas de ± 60m2, propuestos por las universidades concursantes, y cuyo objetivo es alcanzar y/o desarrollar el concepto de NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) o edificio de energía cero. Esta opción constructiva no sólo representa durabilidad, seguridad y estética, sino también, rapidez en la fabricación y montaje, además de altas prestaciones energéticas como se ha podido demostrar en las sucesivas ediciones del Solar Decathlon. Este tipo de iniciativas de desarrollo de tecnologías constructivas, no sólo apuntan a la eficiencia energética sino al concepto global de energía neta, Energía plus o cero emisiones de CO2. El nivel de emisiones por la fabricación y puesta en obra de los materiales de construcción depende, en muchos casos, no solo de la propia naturaleza del material, sino también de la cantidad de recursos utilizados para producir una unidad de medida determinada (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc). En este sentido podría utilizarse, en muchos casos, el argumento válido de que a menos peso, y a menos tamaño, menos emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero y menos contaminación. Para el trabajo de investigación de esta tesis se han tomado como referencias válidas para estudio, prototipos tanto de CML (Modular 3D) como de CIL (panelizado y elementos 2D), dado que para los fines de análisis de las prestaciones energéticas de los materiales de cerramiento, ambos sistemas son equiparables. Para poder llegar a la conclusión fundamental de este trabajo de tesis doctoral - que consiste en demostrar la viabilidad tecnológica/ industrial que supone la combinación de la eficiencia energética y la construcción modular ligera - se parte del estudio del estado de la técnica ( desde la selección de los materiales y los posibles procesos de industrialización en fábrica, hasta su puesta en obra, funcionamiento y uso, bajo los conceptos de consumo cero, cero emisiones de carbono y plus energético). Además -y con un estado de la técnica que identifica la situación actual- se llevan a cabo pruebas y ensayos con un prototipo a escala natural y células de ensayo, para comprobar el comportamiento de los elementos compositivos de los mismos, frente a unas condicionantes climáticas determinadas. Este tipo de resultados se contrastan con los obtenidos mediante simulaciones informáticas basadas en los mismos parámetros y realizadas en su mayoría mediante métodos simplificados de cálculos, validados por los organismos competentes en materia de eficiencia energética en la edificación en España y de acuerdo a la normativa vigente. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses lightweight modular construction within the context of energy efficiency in nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) and NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) both used in Europe and, specifically, within the limits of the regulatory framework of the EU Directive 2010/31. In the European Union the building sector represents 40% of the total energy consumption of the continent. Due to the need to reduce this consumption, European decision-making institutions have proposed aims (20-20-20 aims) to render building equipment more efficient. These aims are bound by law and oblige all member States to endeavour to reduce consumption and GEI emissions before the year 2020. Lightweight modular construction concepts and energy efficiency are not generally associated because this type of building is not normally meant for intensive use and does not have closures with insulation levels which fit the local regulations or building codes of each country. The objective of nZEB or NZEB and even Energy Plus, depending on each case, will necessarily be associated (as established in the guidelines) not only with the improvement of insulation levels in buildings, but also with the implementation of renewable systems of generation, independent of the type of building system used and of the building typology. Although it is true that the levels of industrialisation in the technological society today have reached several of the building process phases - particularly in the composite elements of buildings - it is also true that the quotas of development achieved in the area of construction have not reached the evolutionary levelfound in other fields of engineering, such as aeronautics or the automobile industry. Although there have been models and testimonial projects of lightweight industrialised building since the end of last century, even going back as far as the beginning of the XX century with examples of lightweight modular construction such as the Voisin House, industrialisation in the building industry has not been constant nor is its comercialisation comparable to massive and heavy construction. The terms industrialised building, prefabricated building, modular building and lightweight building, do not always refer to the same thing and they are not always synonymous. A building can be prefabricated yet not be modular or lightweight. To give an example, this is the case of building with prefabricated concrete panels. What is constant is that, in the case of lightweight modular construction, prefabrication and industrialisation are almost always implicit in many historical and contemporary examples. Energy efficiency (nZEB or even NZEB) is not normally linked to lightweight modular construction and/or industrialised lightweight; rather, it is united to the idea of massive closureswith high thermal inertia typical of design standards such as the Passive House; and although other concepts that subtract value from it are generally associated with lightweight building (short useful life, limited forms and function, inappropriate toany aesthetic pattern; limitation in comfort levels, etc.), the advances being achieved in technology for benefitting from energy and renewable systems of generation may well reverse these ideas and unify the criteria of efficiency + lightweight modular construction. Academic prototypes and projects - such as the Solar Decathlon competition organised by the US Department of Energy and celebrated since 2002, with its corresponding European events such as those held in 2010 and 2012, place a different slant on the idea of industrialised, modular and lightweight building within the context of energy efficiency, with prototypes of homes measuring approximately 60m2, proposed by university competitors, whose aim is to reach and/or develop the NZEB concept, or the zero energy building. This building option does not only signify durability, security and aesthetics, but also fast manufacture and assembly. It also has high energy benefits, as has been demonstrated in successive events of the Solar Decathlon. This type of initiative for the development of building technologies, does not only aim at energy efficiency, but also at the global concept of net energy, Energy Plus and zero CO2 emissions. The level of emissions in the manufacture and introduction of building materials in many cases depends not only on the inherent nature of the material, but also on the quantity of resources used to produce a specific unit of measurement (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc.). Thus in many cases itcould be validly arguedthat with less weight and smaller size, there will be fewer global emissions of greenhouse effect gases and less contamination. For the research carried out in this thesis prototypes such as the CML (3D Module) and CIL (panelled and elements) have been used as valid study references, becauseboth systems are comparablefor the purpose of analysing the energy benefits of closure materials. So as to reach a basic conclusion in this doctoral thesis - that sets out to demonstrate the technological/industrial viability of the combination of energy efficiency and lightweight modular construction - the departure point is the study of the state of the technique (from the selection of materials and the possible processes of industrialisation in manufacture, to their use on site, functioning and use, respecting the concepts of zero consumption, zero emissions of carbon and Energy Plus). Moreover, with the state of the technique identifying the current situation, tests and practices have been carried out with a natural scale prototype and test cells so as to verify the behaviour of the composite elements of these in certain climatic conditions. These types of result are contrasted with those obtained through computer simulation based on the same parameters and done, principally, using simplified methods of calculation, validated by institutions competent in energy efficiency in Spanish building and in line with the rules in force.