897 resultados para instrumental commitment
This paper expands research into self-service technology in the service encounter. Self-service technology is where customers deliver service themselves using some form of a technological interface. There is still a great deal unknown about self-service technology, in particular its impact on consumer satisfaction and consumer commitment. With that in mind, this empirical study explores the relative impact of self-service technology on consumer satisfaction and on a multidimensional measure of consumer commitment containing affective commitment, temporal commitment and instrumental commitment. The results reveal that in a hotel context personal service still remains very important for assessments of satisfaction, and affective and temporal commitment. What is particularly interesting is that self-service technology, while impacting these constructs, also impacts instrumental commitment. This suggests that positive evaluations of self-service technology may tie consumers into relationships with hotels. A discussion and implications for managers are provided on these and other results, and the paper is concluded with further potential research.
Introduction: The changes in the health area and the set of structural changes in the nursing profession and career interfere in the dynamics and stability of the future of the nurses. Objectives: To study the influence of organizational and professional commitment of the nurses in the strategies of conflict resolution. Methods: This is a quantitative, transversal and non-experimental research, following a descriptive-correlational way. Data were obtained by applying a questionnaire to nurses that work on different types of Primary Health Care Units. As measuring instruments we used three scales that grouped a total of nine subscales used to evaluate: the organizational commitment, the professional commitment and the strategies of conflict resolution. Results: The majority of nurses present moderate scores of organizational and Professional commitment with higher affective commitment to the normative commitment or instrumental commitment and feel that nursing is an interesting and challenging profession, but personal and social perception of nursing relevance is moderately weak. Nurses adopt the domination conflict resolution strategies and accommodation over the head and less integrative strategies and commitment. With subordinates more nurses adopt the avoidance strategy. When the conflictual situation arises with colleagues more endow the integrative strategies and commitment and less domination strategy. The organizational and professional commitment is significantly associated with some solving strategies conflict adopted by nurses as the conflictual situation arises with the boss, with subordinates or colleagues. Some dimensions of organizational commitment and professional foretell to significantly shape the adoption of conflict resolution strategy adopted.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten organisaatioon sitoutuminen moniulotteisena käsitteenä ymmärretään yrityksen johtoryhmässä ja avainesimiesten kesken, kun työpaikkana on risteilyvarustamo ja -laiva. Tutkimuksen empiirisen aineiston muodostaa viisi haastattelua laivan palveluosastoilta sekä yrityksen johtoryhmän haastattelut. Teoriaosuudessa on keskitytty kuvailemaan sitoutumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ottaen huomioon kohdeorganisaation toimintaympäristö. Tässä tutkimuksessa organisaatiositoutuminen ymmärretään yksilön henkilökohtaisten tarpeiden, tunnepitoisen kiinnittymisen ja työyhteisön vaikutuksen yhteenliittymänä. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja aineiston keräystapana on käytetty pääasiallisesti teemahaastattelua. Aineistoa on täydennetty muutamalla avoimella sähköpostikyselyllä. Analysointi tapahtui teemoittelun avulla, josta johtopäätöksiin edettiin induktiivisesti. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että organisaatiositoutuminen kohdeyrityksessä on ymmärretty lähes samalla tavalla sekä johtoryhmän että esimiesten kesken. Huomioon otettavia aiheita sitouttamista silmällä pitäen ovat yrityksen arvojen ja tavoitteiden merkitys läpi koko sitoutumisprosessin.
Nos últimos anos o estudo do comportamento organizacional na Administração Pública ganhou espaço no Brasil. Contudo, poucos trabalhos focaram a administração pública direta federal e os efeitos do regime estatutário no comportamento dos servidores. Este trabalho propõe-se a jogar luz em um tema importante para a gestão de pessoas no setor público, a partir dos processos de formação das expectativas iniciais dos servidores e de socialização organizacional, e como eles influenciam na satisfação com o trabalho e no comprometimento organizacional. Para este estudo foram realizadas coletas de dados com 1093 novos servidores da Receita Federal do Brasil, nomeados para os cargos de Auditor-Fiscal e Analista-Tributário, que responderam a dois questionários: o primeiro no dia de ingresso no órgão e o segundo seis meses após a posse. Para a análise foram considerados apenas aqueles servidores que preencheram os dois questionários, totalizando 827 respostas. Os resultados indicam que tanto a satisfação com o trabalho quanto o comprometimento organizacional possuem significante correlação com o cumprimento do contrato psicológico pela RFB, na percepção dos servidores, e com o sucesso do processo de socialização quanto à tarefa e ao grupo de trabalho. Estes dados confirmam a importância de se implementar a prática de gerenciamento do contrato psicológico pela administração pública. Outros resultados secundários apontaram que aqueles que já eram servidores apresentam maior grau de socialização, na dimensão da organização, e maior grau de comprometimento instrumental, ou seja, reconhecem que são maiores os custos em sair da RFB. Os Auditores-Fiscais apresentaram um grau de comprometimento organizacional significantemente maior do que os Analistas-Tributários e os servidores lotados em região de fronteira indicaram menores graus de satisfação e de comprometimento afetivo do que os servidores do restante do País.
Este estudo versa sobre contrato psicológico e comprometimento organizacional, no contexto das agências reguladoras, autarquias da administração pública brasileira. Os contratos psicológicos são as expectativas e crenças dos indivíduos a respeito das obrigações recíprocas entre eles e suas organizações. O contrato psicológico é criado de forma espontânea e não faz parte do acordo formal entre empregado e empregador. O comprometimento organizacional refere-se à forma como cada pessoa percebe a motivação de seu vínculo com a organização, que pode ser de cunho afetivo, que reflete um desejo, instrumental, que reflete uma necessidade ou normativo, que reflete uma obrigação. A pesquisa realizada objetivou identificar se existe alguma relação e qual seria esta relação, entre os quatros tipos de contrato psicológico: relacional, equilibrado, transacional e transitório, com os três tipos de comprometimento organizacional, dos servidores públicos de agências reguladoras, que têm direito à estabilidade funcional, o que significa direito de manter o emprego permanentemente. O resultado da pesquisa demonstrou as relações existentes entre as variações de contrato psicológico e comprometimento organizacional dos servidores, apontando para a predominância do contrato transitório e do comprometimento instrumental.
Com a intensificação da concorrência em nível global, as organizações necessitam de líderes que ajudem no aumento do comprometimento dos colaboradores, já que o comprometimento organizacional conduz à melhoria da produtividade e da competitividade. Estudos anteriores mostram que existe uma relação entre liderança e comprometimento organizacional. O rápido crescimento da área de tecnologia da informação (TI), aliada a evasão dos cursos de formação em TI, tem resultado em escassez de profissionais qualificados no mercado de trabalho. Dentro desse contexto torna-se cada vez mais importante para as organizações que seus líderes influenciem no aumento do comprometimento organizacional dos profissionais de TI, pois o comprometimento organizacional está relacionado não só com a produtividade, mas também com a redução do turnover. O objetivo desse estudo é identificar os estilos de liderança que afetam positivamente o comprometimento organizacional dos profissionais de TI. Para a realização desta pesquisa foram utilizados testes de verificação de hipóteses através de pesquisa survey com profissionais de TI. Os questionários foram aplicados para identificar o estilo de liderança utilizado pelos líderes dos respondentes e o comprometimento organizacional dos profissionais que responderam à pesquisa. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram confirmar a relação entre estilo de liderança e comprometimento organizacional, com destaque para a liderança transformacional que mostrou estar relacionada positivamente com o comprometimento afetivo e o comprometimento instrumental dos profissionais de TI.
Com esta investigação, pretende-se fazer uma análise comparativa sobre o comprometimento e motivação dos trabalhadores, tendo como fator diferencial a gestão do recrutamento, de modo interno e a gestão por outsourcing. O objetivo principal é verificar se existem diferenças significativas nos dois grupos de trabalhadores, à luz de um quadro teórico muito vasto. Para concretizar esta análise foi elaborado um questionário on-line, com questões de escala manifestadas por afirmações elaboradas, com base no enquadramento teórico que constituiu a revisão da literatura, sobre motivação e comprometimento. Os resultados demonstraram que não existem diferenças significativas nos valores médios dos dois grupos na avaliação dos fatores de motivação, embora em ambos os grupos, se verifique uma grande vontade de darem mais de si à organização, de forma a superarem objetivos. Os valores de motivação revelaram-se muito baixos no geral, nos dois grupos. Em ambos os grupos apurou-se que há mais insatisfação face a fatores recompensatórios (tanto a nível material como imaterial): o salário e o reconhecimento do trabalho. Em relação ao comprometimento, verifica-se menor comprometimento por parte dos trabalhadores outsourcing, não numa análise de comparabilidade de médias gerais, mas numa análise de médias mais específicas de alguns fatores em avaliação: intenções de abandono. As médias das intenções de abandono foram mais visíveis neste grupo. No geral, ambos os trabalhadores dos dois grupos são movidos por um comprometimento instrumental, mais relacionado com as poucas alternativas que o mercado de trabalho dispõe , para uma evolução profissional; Abstract: The influence of human resource management structure in the motivation and commitment of employees: internal management versus outsourcing With this research aims to make a comparative analysis on the commitment and motivation of workers, with the differentiating factor the management of the internal mode recruitment and management by outsourcing. The main objective is to verify whether there are significant differences in the two groups of workers in the light of a very broad theoretical framework. To realize this analysis was prepared an online questionnaire with scale issues raised by elaborate statements, based on the theoretical framework that was the literature review of motivation and commitment. The results showed no significant differences in mean values of the two groups in the evaluation of the motivating factors, although in both groups, that there is a great desire to give more of themselves to the organization in order to overcome objectives. The motivation values proved to be very low in general, in both groups. In both groups it was found that there is more dissatisfaction with the recompensatórios factors (both material and immaterial level): wages and recognition of the work. Regarding the commitment, there is less commitment by the outsourcing workers, not an analysis of comparability of overall averages but a more average specific analysis of some factors reviewed abandonment of intentions. The average dropout intentions were more visible in this group. Overall, both employees of the two groups are driven by an instrumental commitment, more related to the few alternatives that the labor market has for professional development.
Previous conceptualizations of attitudinal commitment are extended by considering two very different components of a manufacturer’s attachment to an independent channel intermediary. Relying on commitment theory, a model is developed that describes how attitudinal commitment may reside in either the instrumental or the social strain of a manufacturer’s relationship with its distributor. For each strain, the developmental role played by key facets of the channel setting—relative dependence, pledges, and trust—are shown. Furthermore, the nature of the attachment bond is posited to motivate very different governance mechanisms as the distribution agreement is enforced by either social or contractual means. Empirical support for the model demonstrates that an expanded view of attitudinal commitment is important in understanding the complex nature of attachment in channel relationships.
In recent years, Knowledge Management (KM) has assumed great importance in the literature on business and management. However, we still have so little understanding of the human issues in KM processes. Thus, this research aims to contribute to analysing the importance of Organizational Commitment (OC) to KM. First, we used the Cardoso (2003) Knowledge Management Questionnaire (QGC) that embraces all organizational activities around knowledge processes and distinguishes four dimensions of KM. Secondly we applied the Quijano, Masip, Navarro and Aubert (1997) questionnaire (ASH-ICI) that distinguishes two types of commitment (personal and instrumental) into four dimensions. These two questionnaires were applied with 300 employees in the Portuguese industrial ceramics sector. Through multiple regression analysis we found that levels of organizational commitment are statistically important to KM dimensions. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that personal commitment is more important than need commitment. These results are discussed and Organizational Behaviour specialists and Work and Organizational psychologists are challenged to assume more responsibility and an active role in KM studies and practices and to explore human issues in this field.
Expanded products have been developed by extrusion of non-conventional highly nutritious raw materials such as amaranth and chickpea blended with bovine lung. As sensory acceptance of these snacks is restricted, this study aimed at improving their texture, through the addition of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and disodium inosinate (IMP) flavor enhancers to the feeding material, or to the flavor added after the extrusion. Sensory and mechanical analyses showed that both enhancers affected texture, assessed by sensory and instrumental methods. Addition of IMP together with MSG to the chickpea-based snacks presented the best results. This beneficial effect was not observed in the amaranth-based snack, suggesting that IMP and MSG can favorably impact texture of extruded products depending on the amount and type of protein present
In 2003-2004, several food items were purchased from large commercial outlets in Coimbra, Portugal. Such items included meats (chicken, pork, beef), eggs, rice, beans and vegetables (tomato, carrot, potato, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce). Elemental analysis was carried out through INAA at the Technological and Nuclear Institute (ITN, Portugal), the Nuclear Energy Centre for Agriculture (CENA, Brazil), and the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Lab of the University of Texas at Austin (NETL, USA). At the latter two, INAA was also associated to Compton suppression. It can be concluded that by applying Compton suppression (1) the detection limits for arsenic, copper and potassium improved; (2) the counting-statistics error for molybdenum diminished; and (3) the long-lived zinc had its 1115-keV photopeak better defined. In general, the improvement sought by introducing Compton suppression in foodstuff analysis was not significant. Lettuce, cabbage and chicken (liver, stomach, heart) are the richest diets in terms of human nutrients.
Aiming at the determination of toxic and essential elements in Brazilian commercial bovine milk, 25 ultra high temperature (UHT) milk samples were acquired in the local market of Piracicaba, SP. The samples were freeze-dried and analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) allowing the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn. When the results were expressed as concentration (mg.l(-1)) no significant differences were found. However, considering the dry matter, results showed a clear difference between the mass fractions (mg.kg(-1) d.w.) of skim milk and whole milk for the elements Br, Ca, K, Na, Rb and Zn, indicating that the removal of fat caused a concentration effect in the dry matter of skim milks. Discrepancies were found between the concentrations of Ca and Na measured by INAA and the values informed in the labels. Ca showed variations within 30% for most samples, while concentrations of Na were up to 190% higher than informed values. The sample preparation and the LNAA procedure were appropriate for the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn in milk samples.
To evaluate the potential for fermentation of raspberry pulp, sixteen yeast strains (S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus) were studied. Volatile compounds were determined by GC-MS, GC-FID, and GC-PFPD. Ethanol. glycerol and organic acids were determined by HPLC. HPLC-DAD was used to analyse phenolic acids. Sensory analysis was performed by trained panellists. After a screening step, CAT-1, UFLA FW 15 and S. bayanus CBS 1505 were previously selected based on their fermentative characteristics and profile of the metabolites identified. The beverage produced with CAT-1 showed the highest volatile fatty acid concentration (1542.6 mu g/L), whereas the beverage produced with UFLA FIN 15 showed the highest concentration of acetates (2211.1 mu g/L) and total volatile compounds (5835 mu g/L). For volatile sulphur compounds. 566.5 mu g/L were found in the beverage produced with S. bayanus CBS 1505. The lowest concentration of volatile sulphur compounds (151.9 mu g/L) was found for the beverage produced with UFLA FW 15. In the sensory analysis, the beverage produced with UFLA FW 15 was characterised by the descriptors raspberry, cherry, sweet, strawberry, floral and violet. In conclusion, strain UFLA FW 15 was the yeast that produced a raspberry wine with a good chemical and sensory quality. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of the addition of a potential probiotic culture of Lactobacillus paracasei and of the prebiotic fiber inulin on the texture profile and on the sensory evaluation of probiotic and synbiotic fresh cream-cheeses was monitored. Three cheese-making trials were prepared in quintuplicate, all supplemented with a Streptococcus thermophilus starter culture (T1, T2 and T3). L. paracasei subsp. paracasei was added to T1 and T2, and inulin, to T2. The instrumental texture profile was determined after 1, 7, 14 and 21 days of storage of the cheeses. Sensory evaluation was performed after 7 days of storage. The presence of Lactobacillus paracasei in cheeses T1 and T2 and of inulin in cheeses T2 did not alter the texture profile significantly. Cheeses T1 were the least preferred in the sensory evaluation and differed signifcantly from T2 and T3, due to acidic taste, according to panelists. On the other hand, T2 was the most preferred one, though not significantly different from T3. The addition of the prebiotic ingredient inulin to fresh cream cheese processed with a potentially probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei strain resulted in a product with appropriate features and with aggregated functional properties.
BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the effect of a potentially probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei LBC 82), added solely or together with the prebiotic ingredient inulin on instrumental texture attributes and sensory properties of a functional chocolate mousse during storage at 4 +/- 1 degrees C for up to 28 days. RESULTS: The addition of Lactobacillus paracasei resulted in a firmer and more adhesive chocolate mousse. This effect was intensified with the presence of inulin in the synbiotic formulation (5.24 N and -0.956 N, respectively, for firmness and adhesiveness after 28 days of storage) (P < 0.05). L. paracasei population did not vary (P > 0.05) during storage (always between 7.27 and 7.35 log cfu g(-1)), both for the probiotic and the synbiotic mousses. Synbiotic mousse differed from control and probiotic mousses during storage with respect to the color attribute. Moreover, both probiotic and synbiotic mousses presented taste, aroma and texture perceptions which were different from one another and from the control mousse after 14 and 21 days of storage. CONCLUSION: The use of inulin, together with the potentially probiotic strain of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, is advantageous, conferring potentially symbiotic potential to the chocolate mousse, as well as favorable texture and sensory properties. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry.