993 resultados para instrumental analysis


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To evaluate the potential for fermentation of raspberry pulp, sixteen yeast strains (S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus) were studied. Volatile compounds were determined by GC-MS, GC-FID, and GC-PFPD. Ethanol. glycerol and organic acids were determined by HPLC. HPLC-DAD was used to analyse phenolic acids. Sensory analysis was performed by trained panellists. After a screening step, CAT-1, UFLA FW 15 and S. bayanus CBS 1505 were previously selected based on their fermentative characteristics and profile of the metabolites identified. The beverage produced with CAT-1 showed the highest volatile fatty acid concentration (1542.6 mu g/L), whereas the beverage produced with UFLA FIN 15 showed the highest concentration of acetates (2211.1 mu g/L) and total volatile compounds (5835 mu g/L). For volatile sulphur compounds. 566.5 mu g/L were found in the beverage produced with S. bayanus CBS 1505. The lowest concentration of volatile sulphur compounds (151.9 mu g/L) was found for the beverage produced with UFLA FW 15. In the sensory analysis, the beverage produced with UFLA FW 15 was characterised by the descriptors raspberry, cherry, sweet, strawberry, floral and violet. In conclusion, strain UFLA FW 15 was the yeast that produced a raspberry wine with a good chemical and sensory quality. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Descripció i anàlisi dels instruments polítics, econòmics, civils i militars de la Unió Europea per enfrontar qualsevol conflicte.


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Since its origins, the European Union has striven to be an actor on the International scene and a place in conflict Management. Yet the EU’s lack of activity cannot be justified by a mere lack of capacities. The EU counts with numerous political, economic, and, since 2003, civil and military instruments that should allow it to precede a comprehensive conflict response. This publication consists of a description of these instruments and an analysis of the final use that the Union makes of them in the different stages of a conflict. Examples will show us the EU’s main weakness in providing a comprehensive and timely response when a conflict breaks out.


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In general, laboratory activities are costly in terms of time, space, and money. As such, the ability to provide realistically simulated laboratory data that enables students to practice data analysis techniques as a complementary activity would be expected to reduce these costs while opening up very interesting possibilities. In the present work, a novel methodology is presented for design of analytical chemistry instrumental analysis exercises that can be automatically personalized for each student and the results evaluated immediately. The proposed system provides each student with a different set of experimental data generated randomly while satisfying a set of constraints, rather than using data obtained from actual laboratory work. This allows the instructor to provide students with a set of practical problems to complement their regular laboratory work along with the corresponding feedback provided by the system's automatic evaluation process. To this end, the Goodle Grading Management System (GMS), an innovative web-based educational tool for automating the collection and assessment of practical exercises for engineering and scientific courses, was developed. The proposed methodology takes full advantage of the Goodle GMS fusion code architecture. The design of a particular exercise is provided ad hoc by the instructor and requires basic Matlab knowledge. The system has been employed with satisfactory results in several university courses. To demonstrate the automatic evaluation process, three exercises are presented in detail. The first exercise involves a linear regression analysis of data and the calculation of the quality parameters of an instrumental analysis method. The second and third exercises address two different comparison tests, a comparison test of the mean and a t-paired test.


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The flavour profiles of two genotypes of Charentais cantaloupe melons (medium shelf-life and long shelf-life), harvested at two distinct maturities (immature and mature fruit), were investigated. Dynamic headspace extraction (DHE), solid-phase extraction (SPE), gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography–olfactometry/mass spectrometry (GC-O/MS) were used to determine volatile and semi-volatile compounds. Qualitative descriptive analysis (QDA) was used to assess the organoleptic impact of the different melons and the sensory data were correlated with the chemical analysis. There were significant, consistent and substantial differences between the mature and immature fruit for the medium shelf-life genotype, the less mature giving a green, cucumber character and lacking the sweet, fruity character of the mature fruit. However, maturity at harvest had a much smaller impact on the long shelf-life melons and fewer differences were detected. These long shelf-life melons tasted sweet, but lacked fruity flavours, instead exhibiting a musty, earthy character.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Objective: To investigate laryngeal function and phonatory disturbance in children with traumatic brain injury (TBI), using both perceptual and instrumental techniques. Design and participants: The performance of 16 individuals with moderate to severe TBI acquired in childhood and 16 nonneurologicatly impaired control subjects was compared on a battery of perceptual (Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, speech sample analysis) and instrumental (Aerophone II, laryngograph) assessments. Results and conclusions: As a group, the children with TBI demonstrated normal, or only minimally impaired laryngeal function, when compared with the control group, which contrasts with the significant laryngeal impairment noted in adults after TBI. Several reasons for the different findings in relation to laryngeal function in adults and children after TBI are postulated: (1) differing types of injury usually incurred by adults and children may result in a relatively decreased degree of neurologic impairment in these children, (2) differences in recovery potential between adults and children, and (3) the pediatric larynx is still developing, hence it may be better able to compensate for any impairment incurred.


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Primary objective: To investigate the articulatory function of a group of children with traumatic brain injury (TBI), using both perceptual and instrumental techniques. Research design: The performance of 24 children with TBI was assessed on a battery of perceptual (Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech and speech sample analysis) and instrumental ( lip and tongue pressure transduction systems) assessments and compared with that of 24 non-neurologically impaired children matched for age and sex. Main outcomes: Perceptual assessment identified consonant and vowel imprecision, increased length of phonemes and overall reduction in speech intelligibility, while instrumental assessment revealed significant impairment in lip and tongue function in the TBI group, with rate and pressure in repetitive lip and tongue tasks particularly impaired. Significant negative correlations were identified between the degree of deviance of perceptual articulatory features and decreased function on many non-speech measures of lip function, as well as maximum tongue pressure and fine force tongue control at 20% of maximum tongue pressure. Additionally, sub-clinical articulatory deficits were identified in the children with TBI who were non-dysarthric. Conclusion: The results of the instrumental assessment of lip and tongue function support the finding of substantial articulatory dysfunction in this group of children following TBI. Hence, remediation of articulatory function should be a therapeutic priority in these children.


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This article summarizes the basic principles of photoelectron spectroscopy for surface analysis, with examples of applications in material science that illustrate the capabilities of the related techniques.


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This Handbook contains a collection of articles describing instrumental techniques used for Materials, Chemical and Biosciences research that are available at the Scientific and Technological Centers of theUniversity of Barcelona (CCiTUB). The CCiTUB are a group of facilities of the UB that provide both the research community and industry with ready access to a wide range of major instrumentation.Together with the latest equipment and technology, the CCiTUB provide expertise in addressing the methodological research needs of the user community and they also collaborate in R+D+i Projectswith industry. CCiTUB specialists include technical and Ph.D.-level professional staff members who are actively engaged in methodological research. Detailed information on the centers’ resources andactivities can be found at the CCiTUB website www.ccit.ub.edu ...


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Flow cytometry has become a valuable tool in cell biology. By analyzing large number of cells individually using light-scatter and fluorescence measurements, this technique reveals both cellular characteristics and the levels of cellular components. Flow cytometry has been developed to rapidly enumerate cells and to distinguish among different cell stages and structures using multiple staining. In addition to high-speed multiparametric data acquisition, analysis and cell sorting, which allow other characteristics of individual cells to be studied, have increased the interest of researchers in this technique. This chapter gives an overview of the principles of flow cytometry and examples of the application ofthe technique.


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Simple experiments are proposed for measuring molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate ions using an atomic absorption spectrometer. The experiments can help undergraduate students in instrumental analysis courses understand important aspects involving conceptual and instrumental similarities and differences between frequently used analytical techniques. Hollow cathode lamps were selected with wavelengths in the region of molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate. Calibration curves were obtained and the linear dynamic range was evaluated. Results were compared with those obtained in a molecular absorption spectrometer. The molar absorptivities obtained were also compared.


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This study developed a gluten-free granola and evaluated it during storage with the application of multivariate and regression analysis of the sensory and instrumental parameters. The physicochemical, sensory, and nutritional characteristics of a product containing quinoa, amaranth and linseed were evaluated. The crude protein and lipid contents ranged from 97.49 and 122.72 g kg-1 of food, respectively. The polyunsaturated/saturated, and n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratios ranged from 2.82 and 2.59:1, respectively. Granola had the best alpha-linolenic acid content, nutritional indices in the lipid fraction, and mineral content. There were good hygienic and sanitary conditions during storage; probably due to the low water activity of the formulation, which contributed to inhibit microbial growth. The sensory attributes ranged from 'like very much' to 'like slightly', and the regression models were highly fitted and correlated during the storage period. A reduction in the sensory attribute levels and in the product physical stabilisation was verified by principal component analysis. The use of the affective test acceptance and instrumental analysis combined with statistical methods allowed us to obtain promising results about the characteristics of gluten-free granola.


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Instrumental texture analysis on extruded snacks is widely applied, however there is no scientific consensus about the test and probe types that can be correlated with the sensory texture of snacks. Eleven commercial extruded snacks of different shapes were evaluated instrumentally using different probes and sensorially through descriptive analysis. The snack texture was described using the attributes of hardness, crispness, adhesiveness, fracturability and chewiness. Cylindrical snacks were described through crispness and fracturability, pelleted and shell-shaped snacks by chewiness and ring-shaped snacks by adhesiveness and hardness. Hardness and adhesiveness were correlated with a Warner-Bratzler test using a V shape probe (r = 0.718 and r = 0.763, respectively), while fracturability and chewiness were correlated with a Warner-Bratzler test using a guillotine (r = 0.776 and r = 0.662, respectively). The fairly strong good correlations enable application of these instrumental tests as an indication of the sensory texture of extruded snacks. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mode of access: Internet.