923 resultados para insertion reaction


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In this paper. we present the results of quantum dynamical simulations of the S (D-1) + H-2 insertion reaction on a newly developed potential energy surface (J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 114, 320). State-to-state reaction probabilities. product state distributions, and initial-state resolved cumulative reaction probabilities from a given incoming reactant channel are obtained from a time-independent wave packet analysis, performed within a single Lanczos subspace. Integral reaction cross sections are then estimated by J-shifting method and compared with the results from molecular beam experiment and QCT calculations.


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gamma-Hydroxy-alpha-diazo-beta-ketoesters are key intermediates in the chemistry of penicilin-based antibiotics and natural products. The method developed here for the synthesis of ethyl 2-diazo-4-hydroxy-3-oxo-butanoate 17 (in two steps from the diazo mercurial 2) compares very favorably with those reported in the literature for similar compounds. The Rh2(OAc)4-mediated intramolecular OH-insertion reaction of the diazo hydroxy ester 17 was investigated, furnishing the oxetan-3-one-2-carboxilate 18 in good yield. When the diazo ester lacks a free hydroxyl group as in the case of the phenoxy diazo ester 11 an intramolecular CH-insertion takes place, affording the 2H-chromene 20 in almost quantitative yield. The behavior of other functionalized diazo esters towards Rh2(OAc)4 was also investigated.


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Diazocarbonyl compounds are a very important class of organic substances which have a long history of useful aplications in organic chemistry. The focus of this report deals with the use of diazocarbonyl compounds in a ariety of important reactions and their application in organic synthesis. These reactions are briefly summarized showing their broad scope.


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Cette thèse comprend deux parties distinctes, dans lesquelles seront décrits tout d’abord, le développement d’un procédé multicatalytique en un seul pot d’une réaction de méthylénation suivie d’un couplage de Heck, puis dans un second temps, une étude vers la synthèse de l’Hodgsonox. Le premier thème de la thèse correspond à la mise en place d’un procédé en un seul pot, basé sur la méthodologie de méthylénation catalysée par un métal de transition, développée au sein du groupe du Pr. Lebel, et sur des couplages de Heck. Différentes études de compatibilité des réactifs mis en présence sont abordées, ainsi que le choix des conditions optimales (Pd(OAc)2 et P(o-tol)3) pour la réalisation d’un tel système qui ne requiert aucun isolement du produit intermédiaire. Il a été démontré que la présence de triphénylphosphine en excès inhibe la réaction de couplage de Heck, ce qui a finalement orienté notre choix vers les sels de cuivre pour la catalyse de la réaction de méthylénation. Le tandem séquentiel a ensuite été appliqué à la synthèse de divers stilbènes, notamment des composés dérivés du Resvératrol, molécule d’intérêt thérapeutique pour les maladies cardiovasculaires, et à la synthèse d’indanes substitués, avec un couplage intramoléculaire, avec de bons rendements. La deuxième partie de cette thèse traite de l’étude menée vers la synthèse de l’Hodgsonox. Cette molécule correspond à une nouvelle classe de sesquiterpènes tricycliques, comportant un dihydropyrane doté d’une fonction éther diallylique. Cette molécule représente un défi synthétique pour le groupe du Pr. Lebel, qui envisage de synthétiser les deux doubles liaisons terminales au moyen de la méthodologie de méthylénation développée au sein du groupe. L’Hodgsonox, dont la biosynthèse utilise la voie MEP, a un potentiel insecticide pour la croissance de la larve de la mouche verte d’Australie, Lucilia cuprina. La synthèse envisagée au cours de ces travaux est basée sur la formation préalable d’un cycle à 5 chaînons, comportant 3 centres stéréogéniques, puis sur la cyclisation du cycle pyranique au moyen d’une réaction d’insertion dans un lien O H. Un dédoublement cinétique dynamique sur une δ butyrolactone substituée permet de fixer la stéréochimie relative de deux centres chiraux dès la première étape. Le cycle à 5 chaînons est ensuite formé par métathèse après 6 étapes avec un rendement de 37%. Une addition conjuguée suivie d’une réaction de Saegusa et d’une réaction d’hydrosilylation introduit le groupement isopropyle de manière syn. Après mise en place d’un groupement céto-ester, un transfert de groupement diazonium permet de préparer le précurseur pour la réaction d’insertion dans un lien O-H. Le bicycle correspondant à la structure de base de l’Hodgsonox a été préparé au moyen de 16 étapes linéaires avec un rendement global de 12%.


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Esta revisão visa ser uma introdução à aplicação de materiais cerâmicos em dispositivos de armazenamento de energia, em especial baterias secundárias de íons lítio, dispositivos nos quais os materiais cerâmicos, especialmente óxidos, são muito importantes em todas as partes do dispositivo. A revisão está focada nos materiais cerâmicos para catodos e anodos, partes chaves destes dispositivos. Ela tem por principal finalidade ser uma fonte de informação para aqueles que desejem trabalhar com o desenvolvimento de materiais cerâmicos para tais tipos de dispositivos. Aspectos relacionados à nanotecnologia e materiais óxidos nanoestruturados para esta área são discutidos ao final do artigo.


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SecA, the translocation ATPase in Escherichia coli, undergoes cycles of conformational changes (insertion/deinsertion) in response to ATP and a preprotein. The membrane-embedded portion of protein translocase, SecYEG, has crucial roles in the SecA-driven preprotein translocation reaction. We previously identified a secY mutation (secY205) that did not allow an ATP- and preprotein-dependent (productive) insertion of SecA as well as secA mutations that suppressed the secY205 translocation defect. One of the suppressor mutations, secA36, also suppressed the cold-sensitive phenotype of the secG deletion mutant. In vitro experiments at 20°C showed that inverted membrane vesicles lacking SecG were almost inactive in combination with the wild-type SecA protein in translocation of proOmpA as well as in the accompanying ATP hydrolysis. In contrast, the SecA36 mutant protein was found to be able to execute the translocation activity fully at this temperature, even in the absence of SecG. A SecG requirement and its alleviation by the SecA36 alteration also were shown for the SecA insertion reaction. The finding that the SecA36 protein no longer requires assistance from SecG in its insertion and in its catalysis of protein translocation agrees with the idea that SecG normally assists in the functioning of SecA. In agreement with this notion, when the intrinsic SecA function was compromised by a lowered ATP concentration, SecG became essential even at 37°C and even for the SecA36 protein. We propose that in the normal translocase, SecG cooperates with SecA to facilitate efficient movement of preprotein in each catalytic cycle of SecA.


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It is known that an E146D site-directed variant of the Azotobacter vinelandii iron protein (Fe protein) is specifically defective in its ability to participate in iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) insertion. Molybdenum-iron protein (MoFe protein) from the strain expressing the E146D Fe protein is partially (≈45%) FeMoco deficient. The “free” FeMoco that is not inserted accumulates in the cell. We were able to insert this “free” FeMoco into the partially pure FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein. This insertion reaction required crude extract of the ΔnifHDK A. vinelandii strain CA12, Fe protein and MgATP. We used this as an assay to purify a required “insertion” protein. The purified protein was identified as GroEL, based on the molecular mass of its subunit (58.8 kDa), crossreaction with commercially available antibodies raised against E. coli GroEL, and its NH2-terminal polypeptide sequence. The NH2-terminal polypeptide sequence showed identity of up to 84% to GroEL from various organisms. Purified GroEL of A. vinelandii alone or in combination with MgATP and Fe protein did not support the FeMoco insertion into pure FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein, suggesting that there are still other proteins and/or factors missing. By using GroEL-containing extracts from a ΔnifHDK strain of A. vinelandii CA12 along with FeMoco, Fe protein, and MgATP, we were able to supply all required proteins and/or factors and obtained a fully active reconstituted E146D nifH MoFe protein. The involvement of the molecular chaperone GroEL in the insertion of a metal cluster into an apoprotein may have broad implications for the maturation of other metalloenzymes.


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We report the use of engineered ribozymes to shuffle exon cassettes in vitro. Specifically, we have designed derivatives of a group II intron that insert into selected sites in the human tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) mRNA. The insertion reaction links t-PA sequences to the group II intron sequences so that trans-splicing reactions catalyzed by the intron can be employed to shuffle the t-PA sequences. We expect these results to be generalizable, so that similar ribozymes can be designed to target any desired 13 nucleotide sequence. In principle, the reactions we describe here should be able to link any RNA molecule to any other RNA molecule at any selected point.


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A biomassa lignicelulósica tem sua estrutura composta por celulose, hemicelulose e lignina. Dentre essas, a lignina tem se mostrado interessante por ser uma fonte precursora sustentável de fragmentos aromáticos antes obtidos apenas de combustíveis fósseis. Sua estrutura é composta por resíduos de fenilpropanóides p-hidroxibenzeno (H), guaiacil (G) e siringil (S) unidas por ligações C–C e C–O–C em que a ligação β–O–4 é a predominante (mais de 50%). Devido à sua complexidade estrutural e conformacional, a clivagem de suas ligações é pouco seletiva e a caracterização dos fragmentos resultantes é complexa. Uma estratégia comumente empregada para evitar esses desafios é o uso de modelos mais simples. Entretanto, poucas metodologias são reportadas na literatura para a sua síntese e a maioria delas envolve o emprego de halocetonas. O presente trabalho desenvolveu duas novas metodologias promissoras para síntese desses oligômeros, contendo ligação β–O–4 por meio da química de diazo: (a) reação de inserção O–H entre fenol e α–aril diazocetonas, e (b) compostos α–diazo β-cetoéster. Ademais, a utilização de monômeros contendo a função fenol e diazocetona no mesmo anel permitiria a síntese de cadeias de diversos tamanhos em uma única etapa. Como ponto de partida para o estudo, limitou-se à síntese de dímeros, visando entender a reação de inserção O–H. Os produtos desejados foram obtidos em rendimentos de 27–51% após catálise com Cu(hfac)2. Por fim, os modelos de lignina propriamente ditos foram sintetizados após simples adição aldólica e redução em rendimentos globais de 51–78%. Os estudos envolvendo a inserção de fenol em α–diazo β-cetoéster mostraram resultados promissores, corroborando para uma nova estratégia sintética para a obtenção de modelos de lignina. Novos estudos em nosso laboratório estão sendo desenvolvidos para se obter resultados mais conclusivos.


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Ce mémoire décrit les travaux qui ont été réalisés sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox, un sesquiterpène tricyclique comportant un éther diallylique dans un cycle tétrahydropyranique. Les approches envisagées sont la formation du cycle à cinq puis la formation du tétrahydropyrane et une autre plus convergente qui implique la synthèse des deux cycles en une seule étape. La première partie du mémoire discute de la synthèse d’un précurseur acyclique du cycle à cinq membres, afin de réaliser une réaction de métathèse de fermeture de cycle. Toutefois, les essais n’ont pas été concluants et cette voie a été abandonnée. Dans la deuxième partie, une nouvelle approche impliquant la synthèse d’un bicycle par une réaction de Pauson-Khand a été étudiée. Le précurseur de la réaction de Pauson- Khand a été préparé en 9 étapes (30% de rendement global) à partir du diéthyle tartrate. Le produit de cyclisation a été également obtenu mais il n’a pas été possible par la suite d’introduire le groupement isopropyle. Dans la dernière partie de ce mémoire, les travaux de Lise Brethous sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox ont été repris. Celle-ci avait montré que le cycle à 5 membres pouvait être obtenu à partir de l’a-acétyl g-butyrolactone et que la formation du bicycle pouvait être réalisée par une réaction catalytique d’insertion d’un composé diazoïque dans un lien O-H. Certaines de ces étapes ont été optimisées et différents tests ont été effectués pour réaliser les dernières étapes de la synthèse de l’hodgosonox, mais sans succès.


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Ce mémoire décrit les travaux qui ont été réalisés sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox, un sesquiterpène tricyclique comportant un éther diallylique dans un cycle tétrahydropyranique. Les approches envisagées sont la formation du cycle à cinq puis la formation du tétrahydropyrane et une autre plus convergente qui implique la synthèse des deux cycles en une seule étape. La première partie du mémoire discute de la synthèse d’un précurseur acyclique du cycle à cinq membres, afin de réaliser une réaction de métathèse de fermeture de cycle. Toutefois, les essais n’ont pas été concluants et cette voie a été abandonnée. Dans la deuxième partie, une nouvelle approche impliquant la synthèse d’un bicycle par une réaction de Pauson-Khand a été étudiée. Le précurseur de la réaction de Pauson- Khand a été préparé en 9 étapes (30% de rendement global) à partir du diéthyle tartrate. Le produit de cyclisation a été également obtenu mais il n’a pas été possible par la suite d’introduire le groupement isopropyle. Dans la dernière partie de ce mémoire, les travaux de Lise Brethous sur la synthèse de l’hodgsonox ont été repris. Celle-ci avait montré que le cycle à 5 membres pouvait être obtenu à partir de l’a-acétyl g-butyrolactone et que la formation du bicycle pouvait être réalisée par une réaction catalytique d’insertion d’un composé diazoïque dans un lien O-H. Certaines de ces étapes ont été optimisées et différents tests ont été effectués pour réaliser les dernières étapes de la synthèse de l’hodgosonox, mais sans succès.


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A kinetic isotope effect (kD/kH) of 7.4 has been found for the reaction of chlorosilylene with trimethysilane (Me3SiD vs Me3SiH). Such a value can be accounted for by theoretical modelling, but only if an internal rearrangement of the initially form complex is included in the mechanism. This provides the first concrete evidence for such complexes.


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Gene knockout is a widely used approach to evaluate loss-of-function phenotypes and it can be facilitated by the incorporation of a DNA cassette having a drug-selectable marker. Confirmation of the correct knockout cassette insertion is an important step in gene removal validation and has generally been performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays following a time-consuming DNA extraction step. Here, we show a rapid procedure for the identification of Trypanosoma cruzi transfectants by PCR directly from liquid culture - without prior DNA extraction. This simple approach enabled us to generate PCR amplifications from different cultures varying from 106-108 cells/mL. We also show that it is possible to combine different primer pairs in a multiplex detection reaction and even to achieve knockout confirmation with an extremely simple interpretation of a real-time PCR result. Using the “culture PCR” approach, we show for the first time that we can assess different DNA sequence combinations by PCR directly from liquid culture, saving time in several tasks for T. cruzi genotype interrogation.


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During a 3-year period, 848 patients were detected as carriers of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by the Xpert MRSA assay (Cepheid). Among them, 108 patients (12.7 %) were colonized with strains showing methicillin-susceptible phenotypes and absence of the mecA gene, despite being positive with the rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. DNA sequences of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) insertion site of these "false-positive" strains was determined by direct sequencing of the genomic DNA. More than half (53.7 %) of the strains had DNA sequences unrelated to either SCC or SCCmec and one-third had DNA sequences related to non-mec SCC. Only 10.2 % of the strains carried sequences related to SCCmec, suggesting that a sequence containing the mecA gene was lost from an SCCmec. These findings differ from the general idea that all methicillin-susceptible S. aureus having positive Xpert MRSA assay results are essentially MRSA that lost the mecA gene.


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BACKGROUND: Congenital, nonepidermolytic cornification disorders phenotypically resembling human autosomal recessive ichthyosis have been described in purebred dog breeds, including Jack Russell terrier (JRT) dogs. One cause of gene mutation important to humans and dogs is transposon insertions. OBJECTIVES: To describe an autosomal recessive, severe nonepidermolytic ichthyosis resembling lamellar ichthyosis (LI) in JRT dogs due to insertion of a long interspersed nucleotide element (LINE-1) in the transglutaminase 1 (TGM1) gene. METHODS: Dogs were evaluated clinically, and skin samples were examined by light and electron microscopy. Phenotypic information and genotyping with a canine microsatellite marker suggested TGM1 to be a candidate gene. Genomic DNA samples and cDNA generated from epidermal RNA were examined. Consequences of the mutation were evaluated by Western blotting, quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and enzyme activity from cultured keratinocytes. RESULTS: Affected dogs had generalized severe hyperkeratosis. Histological examination defined laminated to compact hyperkeratosis without epidermolysis; ultrastructurally, cornified envelopes were thin. Affected dogs were homozygous for a 1980-bp insertion within intron 9 of TGM1. The sequence of the insertion was that of a canine LINE-1 element. Quantitative RT-PCR indicated a significant decrease in TGM1 mRNA in affected dogs compared with wild-type. TGM1 protein was markedly decreased on immunoblotting, and membrane-associated enzyme activity was diminished in affected dogs. CONCLUSIONS: Based on morphological and molecular features, this disease is homologous with TGM1-deficient LI in humans, clinically models LI better than the genetically modified mouse and represents its first spontaneous animal model. This is the first reported form of LI due to transposon insertion.