8 resultados para inotropism


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Background and purpose Phosphodiesterases PDE3 and/or PDE4 control ventricular effects of catecholamines in several species but their relative effects in failing human ventricle are unknown. We investigated whether the PDE3-selective inhibitor cilostamide (0.3-1μM) or PDE4 inhibitor rolipram (1-10μM) modified the positive inotropic and lusitropic effects of catecholamines in human failing myocardium. Experimental approach Right and left ventricular trabeculae from freshly explanted hearts of 5 non-β-blocker-treated and 15 metoprolol-treated patients with terminal heart failure were paced to contract at 1Hz. The effects of (-)-noradrenaline, mediated through β1-adrenoceptors (β2-adrenoceptors blocked with ICI118551), and (-)-adrenaline, mediated through β2-adrenoceptors (β1-adrenoceptors blocked with CGP20712A), were assessed in the absence and presence of PDE inhibitors. Catecholamine potencies were estimated from –logEC50s. Key results Cilostamide did not significantly potentiate the inotropic effects of the catecholamines in non-β-blocker-treated patients. Cilostamide caused greater potentiation (P=0.037) of the positive inotropic effects of (-)-adrenaline (0.78±0.12 log units) than (-)-noradrenaline (0.47±0.12 log units) in metoprolol-treated patients. Lusitropic effects of the catecholamines were also potentiated by cilostamide. Rolipram did not affect the inotropic and lusitropic potencies of (-)-noradrenaline or (-)-adrenaline on right and left ventricular trabeculae from metoprolol-treated patients. Conclusions and implications Metoprolol induces a control by PDE3 of ventricular effects mediated through both β1- and β2-adrenoceptors, thereby further reducing sympathetic cardiostimulation in patients with terminal heart failure. Concurrent therapy with a PDE3 blocker and metoprolol could conceivably facilitate cardiostimulation evoked by adrenaline through β2-adrenoceptors. PDE4 does not appear to reduce inotropic and lusitropic effects of catecholamines in failing human ventricle.


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The beta-blockers carvedilol and metoprolol provide important therapeutic strategies for heart failure treatment. Therapy with metoprolol facilitates the control by phosphodiesterase PDE3, but not PDE4, of inotropic effects of catecholamines in human failing ventricle. However, it is not known whether carvedilol has the same effect. We investigated whether the PDE3-selective inhibitor cilostamide (0.3 mu M) or PDE4-selective inhibitor rolipram (1 mu M) modified the positive inotropic and lusitropic effects of catecholamines in ventricular myocardium of heart failure patients treated with carvedilol. Right ventricular trabeculae from explanted hearts of nine carvedilol-treated patients with terminal heart failure were paced to contract at 1 Hz. The effects of (-)-noradrenaline, mediated through beta(1)-adrenoceptors (beta(2)-adrenoceptors blocked with ICI118551), and (-)-adrenaline, mediated through beta(2)-adrenoceptors (beta(1)-adrenoceptors blocked with CGP20712A), were assessed in the absence and presence of the PDE inhibitors. The inotropic potency, estimated from -logEC(50)s, was unchanged for (-)-noradrenaline but decreased 16-fold for (-)-adrenaline in carvedilol-treated compared to non-beta-blocker-treated patients, consistent with the previously reported beta(2)-adrenoceptor-selectivity of carvedilol. Cilostamide caused 2- to 3-fold and 10- to 35-fold potentiations of the inotropic and lusitropic effects of (-)-noradrenaline and (-)-adrenaline, respectively, in trabeculae from carvedilol-treated patients. Rolipram did not affect the inotropic and lusitropic potencies of (-)-noradrenaline or (-)-adrenaline. Treatment of heart failure patients with carvedilol induces PDE3 to selectively control the positive inotropic and lusitropic effects mediated through ventricular beta(2)-adrenoceptors compared to beta(1)-adrenoceptors. The beta(2)-adrenoceptor-selectivity of carvedilol may provide protection against beta(2)-adrenoceptor-mediated ventricular overstimulation in PDE3 inhibitor-treated patients. PDE4 does not control beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptor-mediated inotropic and lusitropic effects in carvedilol-treated patients.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Informações experimentais e clínicas têm sugerido que os b-bloqueadores apresentam efeitos hemodinâmicos importantes e protetores durante o ato anestésico-cirúrgico. O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar as informações farmacológicas e clínicas dos b-bloqueadores para sua utilização adequada na medicina per-operatória. CONTEÚDO: Os b-bloqueadores seletivos inibem preferencialmente os b1-receptores reduzindo a freqüência e inotropismo cardíacos e determinando redução no consumo de oxigênio do miocárdio. Os b-bloqueadores não seletivos inibem também os b2-receptores, aumentando a resistência bronquiolar e vascular periférica. Alguns b-bloqueadores são, também, vasodilatadores. O tratamento prolongado com os b-bloqueadores aumenta a densidade dos b-receptores na membrana celular, o que pode explicar a hiperatividade simpática que pode ocorrer durante a parada do tratamento desses medicamentos. em cirurgia não cardíaca, os efeitos benéficos do b-bloqueadores em pacientes hipertensos ou nos que apresentam doença coronariana têm sido demonstrados, com redução da incidência de isquemia miocárdica no pós-operatório e da mortalidade durante o período de dois anos que se segue à operação. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento com b-bloqueadores deve ser mantido até o período da manhã da operação, exceto nos pacientes com sinais de intolerância à droga, como hipotensão ou bradicardia importante. Os b-bloqueadores exercem efeito benéfico na recuperação pós-operatória de pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares ou nos que apresentam fatores de risco. Por isso, o emprego desses medicamentos é importante na medicina per-operatória e deve ser ampliado.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of transient and sustained variations in cardiac load on the values of the end-systolic pressure-diameter relation (ESPDR) of the left ventricle. METHODS: We studied 13 dogs under general anesthesia and autonomic blockade. Variations of cardiac loads were done by elevation of blood pressure by mechanical constriction of the aorta. Two protocols were used in each animal: gradual peaking and decreasing pressure variation, the transient arterial hypertension protocol (TAH), and a quick and 10 min sustained elevation, the sustained arterial hypertension protocol(SAH). Then, we compared the ESDR in these two situations. RESULTS: Acute elevation of arterial pressure, being it transitory or sustained, did not alter the heart frequency and increased similarly the preload and after load. However, they acted differently in end systolic pressure-diameter relation. It was greater in the SAH than TAH protocol, 21.0±7.3mmHg/mm vs. 9.2±1.2mmHg/mm (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The left ventricular ESPDR values determined during sustained pressure elevations were higher than those found during transient pressure elevations. The time-dependent activation of myocardial contractility associated with the Frank-Starling mechanism is the major factor in inotropic stimulation during sustained elevations of blood pressure, determining an increase in the ESPDR values.


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In order to test if the maximal velocity of shortening (V(max)TP) reflects the level of inotropism and is affected by preload and afterload, the behavior of this index was compared in two groups of anesthetized, atropinized dogs when preload and afterload were raised with an angiotensin II infusion. In seven dogs (group I), the arterial pressure elevation was allowed to inhibit reflectively the sympathetic tone and depress contractility. In eleven dogs (group II), the adrenergic activity was abolished by previous administration of reserpine. In group I, there was a significant decrease in V(max)TP during the angiotensin infusion. In group II, there was no significant change in the value of this index when the drug was infused. In six animals of this group, a further increase of arterial pressure was induced, but the values of V(max)TP remained similar to control. These results suggest that this index reflects the inotropic state of the myocardium and does not suffer significantly from the influence of preload and afterload elevations within our experimental limits.


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Background: The aim of this study was to analyze stable hypertrophied myocardial function and its response to inotropic maneuvers in rats submitted to renovascular hypertension for a 10-week period (RHT group, n=10). Material/Methods: Myocardial performance was studied in isolated left ventricle papillary muscles in isometric contraction under the following conditions: at postrest contraction of 30 seconds (PRC), at extracellular calcium (ECa 2+) chloride concentration of 1.25 and 5.20 mM, and after beta-adrenergic stimulation with 10 -6 M isoproterenol (ISOP). Results: The results were compared with normotensive Wistar controls rats (C group, n=10). In basal condition, resting tension, and contraction time (TPT) were greater, while relaxation time (RT 50) tended to be longer in RHT than C group. PRC and ISOP promoted a similar change in muscle function response intensity (Δ) in both groups. ECa 2+ shift did not change TPT in the C group and decreased TPT in the RHT animals; Δ was different between these groups. RT 50 increased in C and decreased in RHT, both without statistical significance; however, Δ was different. Conclusions: These results suggest that hypertrophied myocardial dysfunction may be attibuted to changes in intracellular calcium cycling. © Med Sci Monit, 2010.


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