999 resultados para inorganic membrane


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NaA zeolite membrane was successfully synthesized on a ceramic hollow fiber with an outer diameter of 400 mum, a thickness of 100 mum and an average pore radius of 0.1 mum. The as-synthesized membranes were characterized by XRD, SEM as well as gas permeation. A continuous C NaA zeolite membrane formed after a three-stage synthesis. The membrane thickness was similar to5 mum. Gas permeation data indicated that a relatively high quality NaA zeolite membrane formed on the ceramic hollow fiber support. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Novel mixed conducting oxides, B-site Bi-doped perovskites were exploited and synthesized. Cubic perovskite structures were formed for BaBi0.2COyFe0.8-yO3-delta (y less than or equal to 0.4) and BaBixCo0.2Fe0.8-xP3-delta (x=0.1-0.5) The materials exhibited considerable high oxygen permeability at high temperature. The oxygen permeation flux of BaBi0.2Co0.35Fe0.45O3-delta membrane reached about 0.77 x 10(-6) mol/cm(2) s under an air/helium oxygen partial pressure gradient at 900 degrees C, which was much higher than that of other bismuth-contained mixed conducting membranes. The permeation fluxes of the materials increased with the increase of cobalt content, but no apparent simple relationship was found with the bismuth content. The materials also demonstrated excellent reversibility of oxygen adsorption and desorption. Stable time-related oxygen permeation fluxes were found for BaBi0.2CO0.35Fe0.45O3-delta and BaBi0.3Co0.2Fe0.5O3-delta a membranes at 875 degrees C.


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O interesse crescente das membranas inorgânicas deve-se à potencial aplicação em novas áreas de investigação e da indústria, e em alternativa a operações mais convencionais. Em particular, as membranas de titanossilicatos oferecem vantagens importantes sobre as de zeólitos, pois podem ser sintetizadas sem agentes estruturantes orgânicos, para evitar a calcinação subsequente usualmente responsável por defeitos irreversíveis, exibem novas possibilidades de substituição isomórfica da matriz, permitindo um ajuste mais fino das propriedades catalíticas e de adsorção, e são capazes de separar misturas com base em diferenças de afinidade e tamanho molecular (efeito de peneiro). Os objectivos principais deste trabalho foram: i) a caracterização dinâmica de membranas do tipo zeolítico sintetizadas no Laboratório Associado CICECO, realizando-se experiências de permeação com gases puros e misturas; ii) o desenvolvimento e validação de novos modelos para a transferência de massa multicomponente através de membranas porosas pela abordagem de Maxwell-Stefan, tendo em conta os mecanismos específicos encontrados, particularmente a contribuição por difusão superficial; e iii) a modelação dos pontos experimentais medidos, bem como dados compilados da literatura. De forma a realizar os ensaios de permeação, desenhou-se, montou-se e testou-se uma instalação experimental. Para gases puros, os objectivos principais foram a medição de permeâncias a temperatura constante, por variação da pressão transmembranar r ( ΔP ), e de permeâncias a temperatura programada, conduzidas a ΔP constante. Seguidamente, calcularam-se as selectividades ideais. Em relação a misturas, a determinação de selectividades reais requer as fracções molares no permeado e no retido. Na globalidade, estudaram-se três suportes diferentes (aço inoxidável e α − alumina) e dezanove membranas de AM-3, ETS-10, ZSM-5 e zeólito 4A, utilizando-se H2, He, N2, CO2, e O2. A primeira avaliação exploratória da qualidade das membranas foi feita permeando azoto à temperatura ambiente. Assim, permeâncias superiores a 10−6 mol/m2s.Pa evidenciavam defeitos grosseiros, levando-nos a efectuar cristalizações adicionais sobre as primeiras camadas. Este procedimento foi implementado com oito membranas. Um trabalho experimental mais detalhado foi conduzido com cinco membranas. Membranas com curvas permeância-temperatura ( Π −T ) decrescentes indicam tipicamente transporte viscoso e de Knudsen, i.e. meso e macrodefeitos. Por exemplo, a membrana nº 3 de AM-3 exibiu este comportamento com H2, He, N2 e CO2 puros. A contribuição de Knudsen foi confirmada pela relação linear encontrada entre as permeâncias e o inverso da raiz quadrada da massa molar. O mecanismo viscoso foi também identificado, pois as permeâncias eram inversamente proporcionais à viscosidade do gás ou, atendendo a equações do tipo de Chapman-Enskog, directamente proporcionais a 2 0.5 k d M (onde k d é o diâmetro cinético e M a massa molar). Um comportamento de permeação distinto observou-se com a membrana nº 5 de AM-3. As permeâncias registadas a temperatura programada eram aproximadamente constantes para o N2, CO2 e O2, enquanto com o H2 cresciam significativamente. Conjuntamente elas evidenciam a ocorrência de macro, meso e microdefeitos intercristalinos. O transporte gasoso activado através dos microporos compensa o impacto diminuidor dos meso e macroporos. Ao contrário do N2, CO2 e O2, o pequeno diâmetro do hidrogénio torna-lhe possível permear através dos microporos intracristalinos, o que lhe adiciona um mecanismo de transferência responsável por esse crescimento. No que respeita à difusão superficial, o sistema CO2/ZSM-5 pode ser tomado como um exemplo paradigmático. Uma vez que este zeólito adsorve o CO2, as permeâncias diminuem com o crescimento de ΔP , em virtude de as concentrações no sólido aumentarem de forma não linear e tenderem para a saturação. Os resultados contrastantes obtidos com azoto realçam ainda mais o mecanismo superficial, pois o N2 não é adsorvido e as permeâncias medidas são constantes. Globalmente, as selectividades ideais calculadas ( α* ) variam de cerca de 1 a 4.2. Este parâmetro foi também utilizado para discriminar as melhores membranas, uma vez que baixos valores de α* denotam o escoamento viscoso não-selectivo típico de macrodefeitos. Por exemplo, o H2/CO2 na membrana nº 3 de AM-3 apresentou α* = 3.6 − 4.2 para 40–120ºC, enquanto que na membrana nº 5 de AM-3 originou α* = 2.6 − 3.1. Estes resultados corroboraram as observações anteriores, segundo as quais a membrana nº 5 era melhor do que a nº 3. Alguns ensaios foram realizados com membranas saturadas com água para aumentar a selectividade: as medições mostraram claramente uma melhoria inicial seguida de uma redução consistente de α* com o aumento da temperatura, devido à remoção das moléculas de água responsáveis pela obstrução de alguns poros. Em relação às selectividades reais de misturas contendo hidrogénio, devem ser realizadas mais experiências e a quantificação do hidrogénio deve ser melhorada. No que concerne à modelação, novos factores termodinâmicos de Maxwell- Stefan foram derivados para as isotérmicas mono e multicomponente de Nitta, Langmuir-Freundlich e Toth, tendo sido testadas com dados de equilíbrio e de permeação da literatura. (É importante realçar que só estão publicadas equações para Langmuir e Dual-Site Langmuir de componentes puros e misturas). O procedimento de validação adoptado foi exigente: i) as isotérmicas multicomponente foram previstas a partir das de gás puro; ii) os parâmetros de difusão dos componentes puros foram ajustados a dados de permeação de cada gás; iii) depois, as difusividades cruzadas de Maxwell- Stefan foram estimadas pela relação de Vignes; finalmente, v) as novas equações foram testadas usando-se estes parâmetros, tendo sido capazes de estimar com sucesso fluxos binários. Paralelamente ao enfoque principal do trabalho, derivou-se um novo modelo para permuta iónica em materiais microporosos baseado nas equações de Maxwell-Stefan. Este foi validado com dados experimentais de remoção de Hg2+ e Cd2+ de soluções aquosas usando ETS-4. A sua capacidade preditiva foi também avaliada, sendo possível concluir que se comporta muito bem. Com efeito, conseguiram-se boas previsões com parâmetros optimizados a partir de conjuntos de dados independentes. Este comportamento pode ser atribuído aos princípios físicos sólidos da teoria de Maxwell-Stefan.


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Hollow fibre membranes of mixed conducting perovskite La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 (LSCF) were prepared via the combined phase inversion and sintering technique. The fibres were tested for air separation with a home-made reactor under the oxygen partial pressure gradient generated by the air/He streams. Some fibres were in situ activated by introducing methane in the He sweeping gas at high temperatures. The activated membranes with new morphology were created by transforming the inner densified surface layer to a porous structure. Compared to the original membranes, the activated gave appreciable higher oxygen fluxes. At 800 °C, the oxygen fluxes were increased by a factor of 10 after activation was carried out at 1000 °C for 1 h.


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To clarify the mechanism of organic-inorganic hybrid membrane formation by phase-inversion method, the thermodynamical and theological properties of PSF/TiO2 casting solution were investigated by the viscosity measurement and the triangle phase diagram, respectively. TiO2 introduction decreased the non-solvent tolerance of casting solution with non-solvent 20% ethanol aqueous solution, which caused thermodynamic enhancement of phase separation, and also resulted in the change of theological properties from Newtonian fluid to non-Newtonian fluid and the viscosity increase of casting solution, which induced rheological hindrance in demixing process


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Objective Certain mutations in ANKH, which encodes a multiple-pass transmembrane protein that regulates inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) transport, are linked to autosomal-dominant familial chondrocalcinosis. This study investigated the potential for ANKH sequence variants to promote sporadic chondrocalcinosis. Methods ANKH variants identified by genomic sequencing were screened for association with chondrocalcinosis in 128 patients with severe sporadic chondrocalcinosis or pseudogout and in ethnically matched healthy controls. The effects of specific variants on expression of common markers were evaluated by in vitro transcription/translation. The function of these variants was studied in transfected human immortalized CH-8 articular chondrocytes. Results Sporadic chondrocalcinosis was associated with a G-to-A transition in the ANKH 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) at 4 bp upstream of the start codon (in homozygotes of the minor allele, genotype relative risk 6.0, P = 0.0006; overall genotype association P = 0.02). This -4-bp transition, as well as 2 mutations previously linked with familial and sporadic chondrocalcinosis (+14 bp C-to-T and C-terminal GAG deletion, respectively), but not the French familial chondrocalcinosis kindred 143-bp T-to-C mutation, increased reticulocyte ANKH transcription/ANKH translation in vitro. Transfection of complementary DNA for both the wild-type ANKH and the -4-bp ANKH protein variant promoted increased extracellular PPi in CH-8 cells, but unexpectedly, these ANKH mutants had divergent effects on the expression of extracellular PPi and the chondrocyte hypertrophy marker, type X collagen. Conclusion A subset of sporadic chondrocalcinosis appears to be heritable via a -4-bp G-to-A ANKH 5′-UTR transition that up-regulates expression of ANKH and extracellular PPi in chondrocyte cells. Distinct ANKH mutations associated with heritable chondrocalcinosis may promote disease by divergent effects on extracellular PPi and chondrocyte hypertrophy, which is likely to mediate differences in the clinical phenotypes and severity of the disease.


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Synthesis of mesoporous zirconium phosphate (MZP) by co-assembly of a tri-block copolymer, namely pluronic-F127, as a structure-directing agent, and a mixture of zirconium butoxide and phosphorous trichloride as inorganic precursors is reported. MZP with a specific surface area of 84 m(2) g(-1) average pore diameter of about 17 nm and pore volume of 0.35 cm(3) g(-1) has been prepared, and characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy. Nafion-MZP composite membrane is obtained by employing MZP as a surface-functionalised solid-super-acid-proton-conducting medium as well as all inorganic filler with high affinity to absorb water and fast proton-transport across the electrolyte membrane even under low relative humidity (RH) conditions. The composite membranes have been evaluated in H-2/O-2 polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) at varying RH values between 18 and 100%; a peak power density of 355 mW cm(-2) at a load current density of 1,100 mA cm(-2) is achieved with the PEFC employing Nafion-MZP composite membrane while operating at optimum temperature (70 degrees C) under 18% RH and ambient pressure. On operating the PEFC employing Nafion-MZP membrane electrolyte with hydrogen and air feeds at ambient pressure and a RH value of 18%, a peak power density of 285 mW cm(-2) at the optimum temperature (60 degrees C) is achieved. In contrast, operating under identical conditions, a peak power density of only similar to 170 mW cm(-2) is achieved with the PEFC employing Nafion-1135 membrane electrolyte.


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Organic-inorganic composite membranes comprising Nation with inorganic materials such as silica, mesoporous zirconium phosphate (MZP) and mesoporous titanium phosphate (MTP) are fabricated and evaluated as proton-exchange-membrane electrolytes for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). For Nation-silica composite membrane, silica is impregnated into Nation matrix as a sol by a novel water hydrolysis process precluding the external use of an acid. Instead, the acidic nature of Nation facilitates in situ polymerization reaction with Nation leading to a uniform composite membrane. The rapid hydrolysis and polymerization reaction while preparing zirconia and titania sols leads to uncontrolled thickness and volume reduction in the composite membranes, and hence is not conducive for casting membranes. Nafion-MZP and Nafion-MTP composite membranes are prepared by mixing pre-formed porous MZP and MTP with Nation matrix. MZP and MTP are synthesised by co-assembly of a tri-block co-polymer, namely pluronic-F127, as a structure-directing agent, and a mixture of zirconium butoxide/titanium isopropoxide and phosphorous trichloride as inorganic precursors. Methanol release kinetics is studied by volume-localized NMR spectroscopy (employing ``point resolved spectroscopy'', PRESS), the results clearly demonstrating that the incorporation of inorganic fillers in Nation retards the methanol release kinetics under osmotic drag. Appreciable proton conductivity with reduced methanol permeability across the composite membranes leads to improved performance of DMFCs in relation to commercially available Nafion-117 membrane.


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Polymer electrolytes are known to possess excellent physicochemical properties that are very useful for electrochemical energy systems. The mobility in polymer electrolytes is understood to be mainly due to the segmental motion of polymer chains and the ion transport is generally restricted to the amorphous phase of the polymer. Gel polymer electrolytes (GPE) that are formed using plastizicers and polymers along with ionic salts are known to exhibit liquid-like ionic conductivity while maintaining the dimensional stability of a solid matrix. In the present study, the preparation and characterization of poly(vinyl alcohol)-based hydrogel membranes (PHMEs) as electrolyte for electrochemical capacitors have been reported. VaryingHClO4 dopant concentration leads to different characteristics of the capacitors. The EC comprising PHME doped with 2 M HClO4 and black pearl carbon (BPC) electrodes has been found to exhibit a maximum specific capacitance value of 97 F g(-1), a phase angle value of 78A degrees, and a maximum charge-discharge coulombic efficiency of 88%.


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Stabilized forms of heteropolyacids (HPAs), namely phosphomolybdic acid (PMA), phosphotungstic acid (PTA), and silicotungstic acid (STA), are incorporated into poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) cross-linked with sulfosuccinic acid (SSA) to form mixed-matrix membranes for application in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). Bridging SSA between PVA molecules not only strengthens the network but also facilitates proton conduction in HPAs. The mixed-matrix membranes are characterized for their mechanical stability, sorption capability, ion-exchange capacity, and wetting in conjunction with their proton conductivity, methanol permeability, and DMFC performance. Methanol-release kinetics is studied ex situ by volume-localized NMR spectroscopy (employing point-resolved spectroscopy'') with the results clearly demonstrating that the incorporation of certain inorganic fillers in PVA-SSA viz., STA and PTA, retards the methanol-release kinetics under osmotic drag compared to Nafion, although PVA-SSA itself exhibits a still lower methanol permeability. The methanol crossover rate for PVA-SSA-HPA-bridged-mixed-matrix membranes decreases dramatically with increasing current density rendering higher DMFC performance in relation to a DMFC using a pristine PVA-SSA membrane. A peak power density of 150 mW/cm(2) at a load current density of 500 mA/cm(2) is achieved for the DMFC using a PVA-SSA-STA-bridged-mixed-matrix-membrane electrolyte. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3465653] All rights reserved.


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The modular formalism of Rangarajan [J. Electroanal. Chem., 55 (1974) 297] has been applied to the admittance of lipid bilayer membranes. The method leads to equations which clearly show the interrelations between the various partial processes involved in ion transport, and which allow examination of model assumptions without the need for a complete rederivation of the membrane admittance. Explicit expressions are given for both the continuum and single jump models. The former includes the ionic displacement component, important mostly at high frequencies.