945 resultados para innovation university


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Innovation nowadays is one of the key elements of counties’ competitiveness. In the face of continuous world economic changes, open innovation business model implementation allows many companies to improve and accelerate their innovation processes through collaboration. Universities as traditional sources of knowledge might be involved in such kind of collaboration. In developing countries, which are in transition towards innovation-based economy, as Russia, open innovation business model can serve as a tool to speed up this transition. The Master’s Thesis explores the implementation of open innovation model in collaboration between companies and universities in global scale and particularly in Russia. The study is qualitative and it is based on integrative analysis of literature, secondary data and results of the survey, conducted among Russian universities. In the thesis a model for implementation of open innovation into Triple Helix model is elaborated. The study also explores not very common practice of reverse-directional interaction - from industry to university. The findings of this research show a necessity of solving the identified problems in parallel with implementation of open innovation concept in university-industry collaboration.


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Sanomalehdissä käyty keskustelu “innovaatioyliopistosta” eli Helsinkiin sijoittuvasta Teknillisen korkeakoulun, Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulun ja Taideteollisen korkeakoulun fuusiohankkeesta on ollut vilkasta. Työnimestä huolimatta sisällöllinen keskustelu innovatiivisuudesta on ollut vähäistä. Tämän työn tutkimusmetodi on diskurssianalyysi. Sen keinoin pureudutaan innovatiivisuuden merkityksentymiseen yliopistofuusion kontekstissa. Laajasta kuuden sanomalehden artikkeliaineistosta vuosina 2005-2008 on valittu innovaatiodiskurssia edustava pääaineisto, jota on tulkittu sosiaalisesta ja kielellisestä näkökulmasta käsin. Innovatiivisuus yliopistokontekstissa merkityksentyi pääasiassa innovaatiojärjestelmien kautta. Perustutkimuksen tärkeä rooli innovaatioketjussa esittäytyi näkyvästi.


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This work addresses the relationship between University-Firm aims to understand the model of shared management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. This is a case study which sought to investigate whether the model of cooperation established by the two institutions brings innovation to generate technical-scientific knowledge and contribute to the coordination with other actors in the promotion of technological innovation. In addition to desk research the necessary data for analysis were obtained by sending questionnaires to the coordinators of projects in R&D at the company and university. Also, interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the study since its inception to the present day. This case study were analysed through the Resource-Based View and Interorganizational Networks theory. The sample data also stands that: searches were aligned to the strategic planning and that 29% of R&D projects have been successful on the scope of the proposed objectives (of which 11% were incorporated into business processes); which was produced technical and scientific knowledge caracterized by hundreds of national and international publications; thesis, dissertations, eleven patents, and radical and incremental innovations; the partnership has also brought benefits to the academic processes induced by the improved infrastructure UFRN and changing the "attitude" of the university (currently with national prominence in research and staff training for the oil sector). As for the model, the technical point of view, although it has some problems, it follows that it is appropriate. From the viewpoint of the management model is criticized for containing an excess of bureaucracy. From the standpoint of strategic allocation of resources from the legal framework needs to be reassessed, because it is focused only on the college level and it is understood that should also reach the high school given the new reality of the oil sector in Brazil. For this it is desirable to add the local government to this partnership. The set of information leads to the conclusion that the model is identified and named as a innovation of organizational arrangement here known as Shared Management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. It is said that the shared management model it is possible to exist, which is a simple and effective way to manage partnerships between firms and Science and Technology Institutions. It was created by contingencies arising from regulatory stand points and resource dependence. The partnership is the result of a process of Convergence, Construction and Evaluation supported by the tripod Simplicity, Systematization and Continuity, important factors for its consolidation. In practice an organizational arrangement was built to manage innovative university-industry partnership that is defined by a dyadic relationship on two levels (institutional and technical, therefore governance is hybrid), by measuring the quarterly meetings of systematic and standardized financial contribution proportional to the advancement of research. These details have led to the establishment of a point of interaction between the scientific and technological-business dimension, demystifying they are two worlds apart


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This paper analyses the changes which the ICT causes on a global scale. The globalization of higher education triggered by e-Learning, the emergence of e-infrastructure for e-science, the Open Educational Resources movement, e-libraries and the tendency of building global educational alliances are analysed as well. Special emphasis is put on several wellknown university models, e.g. Research University, Open University and Entrepreneurial University, as well as on some emerging university models for the Knowledge Society, such as: Global University and Innovation University. The paper puts in focus the influence of the ICTs and the new organizational and business models they bring, such as Virtual University, eCampus, Enterprise 2.0, University 2.0. A new university model is defined—the Global Campus Model. Some arguments that the ultimate result of the ICTs driven transformations could turn the whole world into a Global Campus in the next few decades.


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[ES]En este artículo se presenta una experiencia de innovación que se ha articulado, en el seno de un diseño curricular a través de módulos, al objeto de mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que se están desarrollando en la Facultad de Fª y Ciencias de la Educación de la UPV/EHU. El marco de innovación aprovecha la oportunidad surgida con la configuración de los nuevos planes de estudio para su convergencia en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. El contexto más amplio en el que se enmarca esta experiencia, es el de los cambios organizativos, curriculares y culturales, que está suponiendo la realización de un diseño modular de las nuevas titulaciones de grado (Pedagogía y Educación Social), trabajando en equipos docentes coordinados y contando con el apoyo institucional de la UPV/EHU. La innovación concreta que se presenta, describe minuciosamente uno de los siete módulos que componen la nueva titulación del Grado en Educación Social, y subraya la labor desplegada por el equipo docente que imparte las cinco materias que conforman el módulo en las dos lenguas oficiales: euskara y castellano, al planificar, desarrollar y evaluar la actividad interdisciplinar que les compete de manera coordinada. En este trabajo se reflexiona respecto a las posibilidades que la estructura modular ofrece para acometer un cambio real en la cultura de la práctica docente, y a cómo gestionar factores clave que garanticen el tránsito a un modelo docente activo, participativo y colaborativo. // This paper presents an innovative approach to improving teacher quality that is being developed at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the UPV / EHU, taking the opportunity arose with the configuration of the new curricula for their convergence in the European Higher Education Area. It is framed in the broader context of organizational change, curriculum and cultural, that is assuming the implementation of a modular design of the new degree (Education and Social Education), working in teams coordinated and with the institutional support of the UPV. The concrete innovation is presented, describes one of the seven modules of the new degree of Social Education, and underlines the work done by the faculty team who teach the five subjects that make up the module in the two official languages: Basque and Spanish, because they must plan, develop and evaluate the interdisciplinary activity in a coordinated manner. We reflect in this paper on the potential that the modular structure offers to undertake real change in the culture of teaching practice, and how to manage key factors to ensure the transition to a teaching model active, participatory and collaborative.


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This work addresses the relationship between University-Firm aims to understand the model of shared management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. This is a case study which sought to investigate whether the model of cooperation established by the two institutions brings innovation to generate technical-scientific knowledge and contribute to the coordination with other actors in the promotion of technological innovation. In addition to desk research the necessary data for analysis were obtained by sending questionnaires to the coordinators of projects in R&D at the company and university. Also, interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the study since its inception to the present day. This case study were analysed through the Resource-Based View and Interorganizational Networks theory. The sample data also stands that: searches were aligned to the strategic planning and that 29% of R&D projects have been successful on the scope of the proposed objectives (of which 11% were incorporated into business processes); which was produced technical and scientific knowledge caracterized by hundreds of national and international publications; thesis, dissertations, eleven patents, and radical and incremental innovations; the partnership has also brought benefits to the academic processes induced by the improved infrastructure UFRN and changing the "attitude" of the university (currently with national prominence in research and staff training for the oil sector). As for the model, the technical point of view, although it has some problems, it follows that it is appropriate. From the viewpoint of the management model is criticized for containing an excess of bureaucracy. From the standpoint of strategic allocation of resources from the legal framework needs to be reassessed, because it is focused only on the college level and it is understood that should also reach the high school given the new reality of the oil sector in Brazil. For this it is desirable to add the local government to this partnership. The set of information leads to the conclusion that the model is identified and named as a innovation of organizational arrangement here known as Shared Management of R&D in petroleum of Petrobras with UFRN. It is said that the shared management model it is possible to exist, which is a simple and effective way to manage partnerships between firms and Science and Technology Institutions. It was created by contingencies arising from regulatory stand points and resource dependence. The partnership is the result of a process of Convergence, Construction and Evaluation supported by the tripod Simplicity, Systematization and Continuity, important factors for its consolidation. In practice an organizational arrangement was built to manage innovative university-industry partnership that is defined by a dyadic relationship on two levels (institutional and technical, therefore governance is hybrid), by measuring the quarterly meetings of systematic and standardized financial contribution proportional to the advancement of research. These details have led to the establishment of a point of interaction between the scientific and technological-business dimension, demystifying they are two worlds apart


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This paper is about the firm innovation process and the cooperation of the innovative firms with other firms and public institutions. A special attention is paid to the cooperation with universities. We use the Technological Innovation Survey (TIS) from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Spain) in order to obtain data for 4,159 innovative firms. Our results show that firm's cooperation activities are closely linked to the characteristics of the industry and the firm as well as to the origin of public funds for R&D activities. Key words: Innovation, universities, Spanish economy. JEL code: O31, I20, L60


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The present paper shows de design of an experimental study conducted with large groups using educational innovation methodologies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Concretely, we have chosen the course titled "History and Politics of Sports" that belongs to the Physical Activity and Sport Science Degree. The selection of this course is because the syllabus is basically theoretical and there are four large groups of freshmen students who do not have previous experiences in a teaching-learning process based on educational innovation. It is hope that the results of this research can be extrapolated to other courses with similar characteristics.


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Applied studies on the relationship between geography and technological innovation for United States, Germany, France and Italy have shown the positive effects that academic research exerts on the innovate output of firms at spatial level. The purpose of this paper is to look for new evidence on the possible effects of the university research for the case of Spain. To do so, within the framework of a Griliches-Jaffe knowledge production function, and using panel data and count models, the relationship between innovate inputs and patents, in the case of the Spanish regions is explored


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Applied studies on the relationship between geography and technological innovation for United States, Germany, France and Italy have shown the positive effects that academic research exerts on the innovate output of firms at spatial level. The purpose of this paper is to look for new evidence on the possible effects of the university research for the case of Spain. To do so, within the framework of a Griliches-Jaffe knowledge production function, and using panel data and count models, the relationship between innovate inputs and patents, in the case of the Spanish regions is explored


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Applied studies on the relationship between geography and technological innovation for United States, Germany, France and Italy have shown the positive effects that academic research exerts on the innovate output of firms at spatial level. The purpose of this paper is to look for new evidence on the possible effects of the university research for the case of Spain. To do so, within the framework of a Griliches-Jaffe knowledge production function, and using panel data and count models, the relationship between innovate inputs and patents, in the case of the Spanish regions is explored


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The legislative reforms in university matters driven in recent years, beyond the provoked controversies, offer to universities the possibility to develop a new model in line with the European environment, focusing on quality aims and adapting to the socioeconomic current challenges. A new educational model centered on the student, on the formation of specific and transverse competitions, on the improvement of the employability and the access to the labor market, on the attraction and fixation of talent, is an indispensable condition for the effective social mobility and for the homogeneous development of a more responsible and sustainable socioeconomic and productive model


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This is a narrated slide presentation of a seminar delivered by Dr. Peter Smith, Associate Dean (Education) Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences/Associate Dean Education and Student Experience Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. The recording lasts around 25 minutes. The seminar was delivered on 30 November, 2010 to the University of Southampton Higher Education Research Group. The presentation reflects the position of the University's Curriculum Innovation Programme as of November 2010/January 2011.