998 resultados para injecting water pipeline


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In this paper, common criterions about residual strength evaluation at home and abroad are generalized and seven methods are acquired, namely ASME-B31G, DM, Wes-2805-97, CVDA-84, Burdekin, Irwin and J integral methods. BP neural network are Combined with Genetic Algorithm (GA) named by modified BP-GA methods to successfully predict residual strength and critical pressure of injecting water, corrosion pipelines. Examples are shown that calculation results of every kind of method have great difference and calculating values of Wes-2805-97 criterion, ASME-B31G criterion, CVDA-84 criterion and Irwin fracture mechanics model are conservative and higher than, those of J integral methods while calculating values of Burdiken model and DM fracture mechanics model are dangerous and less than those of J integral methods and calculating values of modified BP-GA methods are close and moderate to those of J integral methods. Therefore modified BP-GA methods and J integral methods are considered better methods to calculate residual strength and critical pressure of injecting water corrosion pipelines


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This thesis presents a multi-criteria optimisation study of group replacement schedules for water pipelines, which is a capital-intensive and service critical decision. A new mathematical model was developed, which minimises total replacement costs while maintaining a satisfactory level of services. The research outcomes are expected to enrich the body of knowledge of multi-criteria decision optimisation, where group scheduling is required. The model has the potential to optimise replacement planning for other types of linear asset networks resulting in bottom-line benefits for end users and communities. The results of a real case study show that the new model can effectively reduced the total costs and service interruptions.


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This paper presents a case study for the application of a Linear Engineering Asset Renewal decision support software tool (LinEAR) at a water distribution network in Australia. This case study examines how the LinEAR can assist water utilities to minimise their total pipeline management cost, to make a long-term budget based on mathematically predicted expenditure, and to present calculated evidence for supporting their expenditure requirements. The outcomes from the study on pipeline renewal decision support demonstrate that LinEAR can help water utilities to improve the decision process and save renewal costs over a long-term by providing an optimum renewal schedules. This software can help organisation to accumulate technical knowledge and prediction future impact of the decision using what-if analysis.


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Replacement of deteriorated water pipes is a capital-intensive activity for utility companies. Replacement planning aims to minimize total costs while maintaining a satisfactory level of service and is usually conducted for individual pipes. Scheduling replacement in groups is seen to be a better method and has the potential to provide benefits such as the reduction of maintenance costs and service interruptions. However, developing group replacement schedules is a complex task and often beyond the ability of a human expert, especially when multiple or conflicting objectives need to be catered for, such as minimization of total costs and service interruptions. This paper describes the development of a novel replacement decision optimization model for group scheduling (RDOM-GS), which enables multiple group-scheduling criteria by integrating new cost functions, a service interruption model, and optimization algorithms into a unified procedure. An industry case study demonstrates that RDOM-GS can improve replacement planning significantly and reduce costs and service interruptions.


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Fuzzy reliability methods are used to study the corrosion of pipelines. Three methods are used. They consist of using fracture failure modes, failure assessment diagram (FAD) and residual strength for establishing fuzzy reliability. Calculations are made by application of JC, improved GA-JC and Mente-carlo methods. Examples for oilfield injecting water pipeline show the residual strength well agree with field data. Mente-carlo methods appear to yield results that have better agreement with field data.


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This paper presents a group maintenance scheduling case study for a water distributed network. This water pipeline network presents the challenge of maintaining aging pipelines with the associated increases in annual maintenance costs. The case study focuses on developing an effective maintenance plan for the water utility. Current replacement planning is difficult as it needs to balance the replacement needs under limited budgets. A Maintenance Grouping Optimization (MGO) model based on a modified genetic algorithm was utilized to develop an optimum group maintenance schedule over a 20-year cycle. The adjacent geographical distribution of pipelines was used as a grouping criterion to control the searching space of the MGO model through a Judgment Matrix. Based on the optimum group maintenance schedule, the total cost was effectively reduced compared with the schedules without grouping maintenance jobs. This optimum result can be used as a guidance to optimize the current maintenance plan for the water utility.


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Many of developing countries are facing crisis in water management due to increasing of population, water scarcity, water contaminations and effects of world economic crisis. Water distribution systems in developing countries are facing many challenges of efficient repair and rehabilitation since the information of water network is very limited, which makes the rehabilitation assessment plans very difficult. Sufficient information with high technology in developed countries makes the assessment for rehabilitation easy. Developing countries have many difficulties to assess the water network causing system failure, deterioration of mains and bad water quality in the network due to pipe corrosion and deterioration. The limited information brought into focus the urgent need to develop economical assessment for rehabilitation of water distribution systems adapted to water utilities. Gaza Strip is subject to a first case study, suffering from severe shortage in the water supply and environmental problems and contamination of underground water resources. This research focuses on improvement of water supply network to reduce the water losses in water network based on limited database using techniques of ArcGIS and commercial water network software (WaterCAD). A new approach for rehabilitation water pipes has been presented in Gaza city case study. Integrated rehabilitation assessment model has been developed for rehabilitation water pipes including three components; hydraulic assessment model, Physical assessment model and Structural assessment model. WaterCAD model has been developed with integrated in ArcGIS to produce the hydraulic assessment model for water network. The model have been designed based on pipe condition assessment with 100 score points as a maximum points for pipe condition. As results from this model, we can indicate that 40% of water pipeline have score points less than 50 points and about 10% of total pipes length have less than 30 score points. By using this model, the rehabilitation plans for each region in Gaza city can be achieved based on available budget and condition of pipes. The second case study is Kuala Lumpur Case from semi-developed countries, which has been used to develop an approach to improve the water network under crucial conditions using, advanced statistical and GIS techniques. Kuala Lumpur (KL) has water losses about 40% and high failure rate, which make severe problem. This case can represent cases in South Asia countries. Kuala Lumpur faced big challenges to reduce the water losses in water network during last 5 years. One of these challenges is high deterioration of asbestos cement (AC) pipes. They need to replace more than 6500 km of AC pipes, which need a huge budget to be achieved. Asbestos cement is subject to deterioration due to various chemical processes that either leach out the cement material or penetrate the concrete to form products that weaken the cement matrix. This case presents an approach for geo-statistical model for modelling pipe failures in a water distribution network. Database of Syabas Company (Kuala Lumpur water company) has been used in developing the model. The statistical models have been calibrated, verified and used to predict failures for both networks and individual pipes. The mathematical formulation developed for failure frequency in Kuala Lumpur was based on different pipeline characteristics, reflecting several factors such as pipe diameter, length, pressure and failure history. Generalized linear model have been applied to predict pipe failures based on District Meter Zone (DMZ) and individual pipe levels. Based on Kuala Lumpur case study, several outputs and implications have been achieved. Correlations between spatial and temporal intervals of pipe failures also have been done using ArcGIS software. Water Pipe Assessment Model (WPAM) has been developed using the analysis of historical pipe failure in Kuala Lumpur which prioritizing the pipe rehabilitation candidates based on ranking system. Frankfurt Water Network in Germany is the third main case study. This case makes an overview for Survival analysis and neural network methods used in water network. Rehabilitation strategies of water pipes have been developed for Frankfurt water network in cooperation with Mainova (Frankfurt Water Company). This thesis also presents a methodology of technical condition assessment of plastic pipes based on simple analysis. This thesis aims to make contribution to improve the prediction of pipe failures in water networks using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). The output from the technical condition assessment model can be used to estimate future budget needs for rehabilitation and to define pipes with high priority for replacement based on poor condition. rn


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The role of acid secretion in regulating short-term changes in growth rate and wall extensibility was investigated in emerging first leaves of intact, water-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. A novel approach was used to measure leaf responses to injection of water or solutions containing potential regulators of growth. Both leaf elongation and wall extensibility, as measured with a whole-plant creep extensiometer, increased dramatically within minutes of injecting water, 0.5 mm phosphate, or strong (50 mm) buffer solutions with pH ≤ 5.0 into the cell-elongation zone of water-stressed leaves. In contrast, injecting buffer solutions at pH ≥ 5.5 inhibited these fast responses. Solutions containing 0.5 mm orthovanadate or erythrosin B to inhibit wall acidification by plasma membrane H+-ATPases were also inhibitory. Thus, cell wall extensibility and leaf growth in water-stressed plants remained inhibited, despite the increased availability of (injected) water when accompanying increases in acid-induced wall loosening were prevented. However, growth was stimulated when pH 4.5 buffers were included with the vanadate injections. These findings suggest that increasing the availability of water to expanding cells in water-stressed leaves signals rapid increases in outward proton pumping by plasma membrane H+-ATPases. Resultant increases in cell wall extensibility participate in the regulation of water uptake, cell expansion, and leaf growth.


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O processo de recuperação secundária de petróleo é comumente realizado com a injeção de água ou gás no reservatório a fim de manter a pressão necessária para sua extração. Para que o investimento seja viável, os gastos com a extração precisam ser menores do que o retorno financeiro obtido com a produção de petróleo. Objetivando-se estudar possíveis cenários para o processo de exploração, costuma-se utilizar simulações dos processos de extração. As equações que modelam esse processo de recuperação são de caráter hiperbólico e não lineares, as quais podem ser interpretadas como Leis de Conservação, cujas soluções são complexas por suas naturezas descontínuas. Essas descontinuidades ou saltos são conhecidas como ondas de choque. Neste trabalho foi abordada uma análise matemática para os fenômenos oriundos de leis de conservação, para em seguida utilizá-la no entendimento do referido problema. Foram estudadas soluções fracas que, fisicamente, podem ser interpretadas como ondas de choque ou rarefação, então, para que fossem distinguidas as fisicamente admissíveis, foi considerado o princípio de entropia, nas suas diversas formas. As simulações foram realizadas nos âmbitos dos escoamentos bifásicos e trifásicos, em que os fluidos são imiscíveis e os efeitos gravitacionais e difusivos, devido à pressão capilar, foram desprezados. Inicialmente, foi feito um estudo comparativo de resoluções numéricas na captura de ondas de choque em escoamento bifásico água-óleo. Neste estudo destacam-se o método Composto LWLF-k, o esquema NonStandard e a introdução da nova função de renormalização para o esquema NonStandard, onde obteve resultados satisfatórios, principalmente em regiões onde a viscosidade do óleo é muito maior do que a viscosidade da água. No escoamento bidimensional, um novo método é proposto, partindo de uma generalização do esquema NonStandard unidimensional. Por fim, é feita uma adaptação dos métodos LWLF-4 e NonStandard para a simulação em escoamentos trifásicos em domínios unidimensional. O esquema NonStandard foi considerado mais eficiente nos problemas abordados, uma vez que sua versão bidimensional mostrou-se satisfatória na captura de ondas de choque em escoamentos bifásicos em meios porosos.


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