999 resultados para information hiding
The commonly accepted approach to specifying libraries of concurrent algorithms is a library abstraction. Its idea is to relate a library to another one that abstracts away from details of its implementation and is simpler to reason about. A library abstraction relation has to validate the Abstraction Theorem: while proving a property of the client of the concurrent library, the library can be soundly replaced with its abstract implementation. Typically a library abstraction relation, such as linearizability, assumes a complete information hiding between a library and its client, which disallows them to communicate by means of shared memory. However, such way of communication may be used in a program, and correctness of interactions on a shared memory depends on the implicit contract between the library and the client. In this work we approach library abstraction without any assumptions about information hiding. To be able to formulate the contract between components of the program, we augment machine states of the program with two abstract states, views, of the client and the library. It enables formalising the contract with the internal safety, which requires components to preserve each other's views whenever their command is executed. We define the library a a correspondence between possible uses of a concrete and an abstract library. For our library abstraction relation and traces of a program, components of which follow their contract, we prove an Abstraction Theorem. RESUMEN. La técnica más aceptada actualmente para la especificación de librerías de algoritmos concurrentes es la abstracción de librerías (library abstraction). La idea subyacente es relacionar la librería original con otra que abstrae los detalles de implementación y conóon que describa dicha abstracción de librerías debe validar el Teorema de Abstracción: durante la prueba de la validez de una propiedad del cliente de la librería concurrente, el reemplazo de esta última por su implementación abstracta es lógicamente correcto. Usualmente, una relación de abstracción de librerías como la linearizabilidad (linearizability), tiene como premisa el ocultamiento de información entre el cliente y la librería (information hiding), es decir, que no se les permite comunicarse mediante la memoria compartida. Sin embargo, dicha comunicación ocurre en la práctica y la correctitud de estas interacciones en una memoria compartida depende de un contrato implícito entre la librería y el cliente. En este trabajo, se propone un nueva definición del concepto de abtracción de librerías que no presupone un ocultamiento de información entre la librería y el cliente. Con el fin de establecer un contrato entre diferentes componentes de un programa, extendemos la máquina de estados subyacente con dos estados abstractos que representan las vistas del cliente y la librería. Esto permite la formalización de la propiedad de seguridad interna (internal safety), que requiere que cada componente preserva la vista del otro durante la ejecuci on de un comando. Consecuentemente, se define la relación de abstracción de librerías mediante una correspondencia entre los usos posibles de una librería abstracta y una concreta. Finalmente, se prueba el Teorema de Abstracción para la relación de abstracción de librerías propuesta, para cualquier traza de un programa y cualquier componente que satisface los contratos apropiados.
This thesis is done as a complementary part for the active magnet bearing (AMB) control software development project in Lappeenranta University of Technology. The main focus of the thesis is to examine an idea of a real-time operating system (RTOS) framework that operates in a dedicated digital signal processor (DSP) environment. General use real-time operating systems do not necessarily provide sufficient platform for periodic control algorithm utilisation. In addition, application program interfaces found in real-time operating systems are commonly non-existent or provided as chip-support libraries, thus hindering platform independent software development. Hence, two divergent real-time operating systems and additional periodic extension software with the framework design are examined to find solutions for the research problems. The research is discharged by; tracing the selected real-time operating system, formulating requirements for the system, and designing the real-time operating system framework (OSFW). The OSFW is formed by programming the framework and conjoining the outcome with the RTOS and the periodic extension. The system is tested and functionality of the software is evaluated in theoretical context of the Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) theory. The performance of the OSFW and substance of the approach are discussed in contrast to the research theme. The findings of the thesis demonstrates that the forged real-time operating system framework is a viable groundwork solution for periodic control applications.
Steganography is an information hiding application which aims tohide secret data imperceptibly into a cover object. In this paper, we describe anovel coding method based on Z2Z4-additive codes in which data is embeddedby distorting each cover symbol by one unit at most (+-1-steganography). Thismethod is optimal and solves the problem encountered by the most e cientmethods known today, concerning the treatment of boundary values. Theperformance of this new technique is compared with that of the mentionedmethods and with the well-known rate-distortion upper bound to conclude thata higher payload can be obtained for a given distortion by using the proposedmethod.
Las compañías de desarrollo de software buscan reducir costes a través del desarrollo de diseños que permitan: a) facilidad en la distribución del trabajo de desarrollo, con la menor comunicación de las partes; b) modificabilidad, permitiendo realizar cambios sobre un módulo sin alterar las otras partes y; c) comprensibilidad, permitiendo estudiar un módulo del sistema a la vez. Estas características elementales en el diseño de software se logran a través del diseño de sistemas cuasi-descomponibles, cuyo modelo teórico fue introducido por Simon en su búsqueda de una teoría general de los sistemas. En el campo del diseño de software, Parnas propone un camino práctico para lograr sistemas cuasi-descomponibles llamado el Principio de Ocultación de Información. El Principio de Ocultación de Información es un criterio diferente de descomposición en módulos, cuya implementación logra las características deseables de un diseño eficiente a nivel del proceso de desarrollo y mantenimiento. El Principio y el enfoque orientado a objetos se relacionan debido a que el enfoque orientado a objetos facilita la implementación del Principio, es por esto que cuando los objetos empiezan a tomar fuerza, también aparecen paralelamente las dificultades en el aprendizaje de diseño de software orientado a objetos, las cuales se mantienen hasta la actualidad, tal como se reporta en la literatura. Las dificultades en el aprendizaje de diseño de software orientado a objetos tiene un gran impacto tanto en las aulas como en la profesión. La detección de estas dificultades permitirá a los docentes corregirlas o encaminarlas antes que éstas se trasladen a la industria. Por otro lado, la industria puede estar advertida de los potenciales problemas en el proceso de desarrollo de software. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo investigar sobre las dificultades en el diseño de software orientado a objetos, a través de un estudio empírico. El estudio fue realizado a través de un estudio de caso cualitativo, que estuvo conformado por tres partes. La primera, un estudio inicial que tuvo como objetivo conocer el entendimiento de los estudiantes alrededor del Principio de Ocultación de Información antes de que iniciasen la instrucción. La segunda parte, un estudio llevado a cabo a lo largo del período de instrucción con la finalidad de obtener las dificultades de diseño de software y su nivel de persistencia. Finalmente, una tercera parte, cuya finalidad fue el estudio de las dificultades esenciales de aprendizaje y sus posibles orígenes. Los participantes de este estudio pertenecieron a la materia de Software Design del European Master in Software Engineering de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Los datos cualitativos usados para el análisis procedieron de las observaciones en las horas de clase y exposiciones, entrevistas realizadas a los estudiantes y ejercicios enviados a lo largo del período de instrucción. Las dificultades presentadas en esta tesis en sus diferentes perspectivas, aportaron conocimiento concreto de un estudio de caso en particular, realizando contribuciones relevantes en el área de diseño de software, docencia, industria y a nivel metodológico. ABSTRACT The software development companies look to reduce costs through the development of designs that will: a) ease the distribution of development work with the least communication between the parties; b) changeability, allowing to change a module without disturbing the other parties and; c) understandability, allowing to study a system module at a time. These basic software design features are achieved through the design of quasidecomposable systems, whose theoretical model was introduced by Simon in his search for a general theory of systems. In the field of software design, Parnas offers a practical way to achieve quasi-decomposable systems, called The Information Hiding Principle. The Information Hiding Principle is different criterion for decomposition into modules, whose implementation achieves the desirable characteristics of an efficient design at the development and maintenance level. The Principle and the object-oriented approach are related because the object-oriented approach facilitates the implementation of The Principle, which is why when objects begin to take hold, also appear alongside the difficulties in learning an object-oriented software design, which remain to this day, as reported in the literature. Difficulties in learning object-oriented software design has a great impact both in the classroom and in the profession. The detection of these difficulties will allow teachers to correct or route them before they move to the industry. On the other hand, the industry can be warned of potential problems related to the software development process. This thesis aims to investigate the difficulties in learning the object-oriented design, through an empirical study. The study was conducted through a qualitative case study, which consisted of three parts. The first, an initial study was aimed to understand the knowledge of the students around The Information Hiding Principle before they start the instruction. The second part, a study was conducted during the entire period of instruction in order to obtain the difficulties of software design and their level of persistence. Finally, a third party, whose purpose was to study the essential difficulties of learning and their possible sources. Participants in this study belonged to the field of Software Design of the European Master in Software Engineering at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The qualitative data used for the analysis came from the observations in class time and exhibitions, performed interviews with students and exercises sent over the period of instruction. The difficulties presented in this thesis, in their different perspectives, provided concrete knowledge of a particular case study, making significant contributions in the area of software design, teaching, industry and methodological level.
Object-orientation supports software reuse via features such as abstraction, information hiding, polymorphism, inheritance and redefinition. However, while libraries of classes do exist, one of the challenges that still remains is to locate suitable classes and adapt them to meet the specific requirements of the software developer. Traditional approaches to library retrieval are text-based; it is therefore difficult for the developer to express their requirements in a precise and unambiguous manner. A more promising approach is specification-based retrieval, where library component interfaces and requirements are expressed using a formal specification language. In this case retrieval is based on matching formal specifications. In this paper we describe how existing approaches to specification matching can be extended to handle object-oriented components.
The effective use of implicit parallelism through the use of an object-oriented programming language
This thesis explores translating well-written sequential programs in a subset of the Eiffel programming language - without syntactic or semantic extensions - into parallelised programs for execution on a distributed architecture. The main focus is on constructing two object-oriented models: a theoretical self-contained model of concurrency which enables a simplified second model for implementing the compiling process. There is a further presentation of principles that, if followed, maximise the potential levels of parallelism. Model of Concurrency. The concurrency model is designed to be a straightforward target for mapping sequential programs onto, thus making them parallel. It aids the compilation process by providing a high level of abstraction, including a useful model of parallel behaviour which enables easy incorporation of message interchange, locking, and synchronization of objects. Further, the model is sufficient such that a compiler can and has been practically built. Model of Compilation. The compilation-model's structure is based upon an object-oriented view of grammar descriptions and capitalises on both a recursive-descent style of processing and abstract syntax trees to perform the parsing. A composite-object view with an attribute grammar style of processing is used to extract sufficient semantic information for the parallelisation (i.e. code-generation) phase. Programming Principles. The set of principles presented are based upon information hiding, sharing and containment of objects and the dividing up of methods on the basis of a command/query division. When followed, the level of potential parallelism within the presented concurrency model is maximised. Further, these principles naturally arise from good programming practice. Summary. In summary this thesis shows that it is possible to compile well-written programs, written in a subset of Eiffel, into parallel programs without any syntactic additions or semantic alterations to Eiffel: i.e. no parallel primitives are added, and the parallel program is modelled to execute with equivalent semantics to the sequential version. If the programming principles are followed, a parallelised program achieves the maximum level of potential parallelisation within the concurrency model.
This thesis addresses the problem of information hiding in low dimensional digital data focussing on issues of privacy and security in Electronic Patient Health Records (EPHRs). The thesis proposes a new security protocol based on data hiding techniques for EPHRs. This thesis contends that embedding of sensitive patient information inside the EPHR is the most appropriate solution currently available to resolve the issues of security in EPHRs. Watermarking techniques are applied to one-dimensional time series data such as the electroencephalogram (EEG) to show that they add a level of confidence (in terms of privacy and security) in an individual’s diverse bio-profile (the digital fingerprint of an individual’s medical history), ensure belief that the data being analysed does indeed belong to the correct person, and also that it is not being accessed by unauthorised personnel. Embedding information inside single channel biomedical time series data is more difficult than the standard application for images due to the reduced redundancy. A data hiding approach which has an in built capability to protect against illegal data snooping is developed. The capability of this secure method is enhanced by embedding not just a single message but multiple messages into an example one-dimensional EEG signal. Embedding multiple messages of similar characteristics, for example identities of clinicians accessing the medical record helps in creating a log of access while embedding multiple messages of dissimilar characteristics into an EPHR enhances confidence in the use of the EPHR. The novel method of embedding multiple messages of both similar and dissimilar characteristics into a single channel EEG demonstrated in this thesis shows how this embedding of data boosts the implementation and use of the EPHR securely.
In this paper, we address the problem of robust information embedding in digital data. Such a process is carried out by introducing modifications to the original data that one would like to keep minimal. It assumes that the data, which includes the embedded information, is corrupted before the extraction is carried out. We propose a principled way to tailor an efficient embedding process for given data and noise statistics. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
This is the original "onion routing" paper, it explains in the details how onions are built and work. This is optional reading, although I strongly advise you to read the Introduction and section 3 "Onions"
Partial information leakage in deterministic public-key cryptosystems refers to a problem that arises when information about either the plaintext or the key is leaked in subtle ways. Quite a common case is where there are a small number of possible messages that may be sent. An attacker may be able to crack the scheme simply by enumerating all the possible ciphertexts. Two methods are proposed for facing the partial information leakage problem in RSA that incorporate a random element into the encrypted message to increase the number of possible ciphertexts. The resulting scheme is, effectively, an RSA-like cryptosystem which exhibits probabilistic encryption. The first method involves encrypting several similar messages with RSA and then using the Quadratic Residuosity Problem (QRP) to mark the intended one. In this way, an adversary who has correctly guessed two or more of the ciphertexts is still in doubt about which message is the intended one. The cryptographic strength of the combined system is equal to the computational difficulty of factorising a large integer; ideally, this should be feasible. The second scheme uses error-correcting codes for accommodating the random component. The plaintext is processed with an error-correcting code and deliberately corrupted before encryption. The introduced corruption lies within the error-correcting ability of the code, so as to enable the recovery of the original message. The random corruption offers a vast number of possible ciphertexts corresponding to a given plaintext; hence an attacker cannot deduce any useful information from it. The proposed systems are compared to other cryptosystems sharing similar characteristics, in terms of execution time and ciphertext size, so as to determine their practical utility. Finally, parameters which determine the characteristics of the proposed schemes are also examined.
The Irish State has consistently reduced its production of publicly accessible disease / mortality maps over the last fifty years. State health statistics, and the small number of disease / mortality maps that have been produced in official publications, show a declining level of detail and are routinely out of date. Following a review of the production of disease / mortality maps in Ireland by the State and allied health agencies, two reasons are suggested for this decline. The first explanation relates to spatial inequalities in healthcare provision and to the absence of a health funding formulae in Ireland. The second explanation focuses on the potential politicisation of spatial inequalities in health status. Researchers in these fields are urged to disseminate information widely on spatial inequalities in healthcare provision, healthcare access and health status, both within and outside of the academic literature. Researchers in these fields are also urged to adopt an advocacy role on these issues, or to develop strategic alliances with such advocates.����
The objective of this paper is to develop a method to hide information inside a binary image. An algorithm to embed data in scanned text or figures is proposed, based on the detection of suitable pixels, which verify some conditions in order to be not detected. In broad terms, the algorithm locates those pixels placed at the contours of the figures or in those areas where some scattering of the two colors can be found. The hidden information is independent from the values of the pixels where this information is embedded. Notice that, depending on the sequence of bits to be hidden, around half of the used pixels to keep bits of data will not be modified. The other basic characteristic of the proposed scheme is that it is necessary to take into consideration the bits that are modified, in order to perform the recovering process of the information, which consists on recovering the sequence of bits placed in the proper positions. An application to banking sector is proposed for hidding some information in signatures.
The objective of this paper is to present a system to communicate hidden information among different users by means of images. The tasks that the system is able to carry on can be divided in two different groups of utilities, implemented in java. The first group of utilities are related with the possibility to hide information in color images, using a steganographic function based on the least significant bit (LSB) methods. The second group of utilities allows us to communicate with other users with the aim to send or receive images, where some information have been previously embedded. Thus, this is the most significant characteristic of the implementation, we have built an environment where we join the email capabilities to send and receive text and images as attached files, with the main objective of hiding information.
Sharing data among organizations often leads to mutual benefit. Recent technology in data mining has enabled efficient extraction of knowledge from large databases. This, however, increases risks of disclosing the sensitive knowledge when the database is released to other parties. To address this privacy issue, one may sanitize the original database so that the sensitive knowledge is hidden. The challenge is to minimize the side effect on the quality of the sanitized database so that nonsensitive knowledge can still be mined. In this paper, we study such a problem in the context of hiding sensitive frequent itemsets by judiciously modifying the transactions in the database. To preserve the non-sensitive frequent itemsets, we propose a border-based approach to efficiently evaluate the impact of any modification to the database during the hiding process. The quality of database can be well maintained by greedily selecting the modifications with minimal side effect. Experiments results are also reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2005 IEEE