978 resultados para infectious cDNA


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Large sections of the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) were deleted from an infectious cDNA clone, and the RNA transcripts from seven deletion mutants were tested sequentially for infectivity in a chimpanzee. Mutants lacking all or part of the 3′ terminal conserved region or the poly(U–UC) region were unable to infect the chimpanzee, indicating that both regions are critical for infectivity in vivo. However, the third region, the variable region, was able to tolerate a deletion that destroyed the two putative stem–loop structures within this region. Mutant VR-24 containing a deletion of the proximal 24 nt of the variable region of the 3′ UTR was viable in the chimpanzee and seemed to replicate as well as the undeleted parent virus. The chimpanzee became viremic 1 week after inoculation with mutant VR-24, and the HCV genome titer increased over time during the early acute infection. Therefore, the poly(U–UC) region and the conserved region, but not the variable region, of the 3′ UTR seem to be critical for in vivo infectivity of HCV.


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Infectious cDNA clones of RNA viruses are important research tools, but flavivirus cDNA clones have proven difficult to assemble and propagate in bacteria. This has been attributed to genetic instability and/or host cell toxicity, however the mechanism leading to these difficulties has not been fully elucidated. Here we identify and characterize an efficient cryptic bacterial promoter in the cDNA encoding the dengue virus (DENV) 5′ UTR. Following cryptic transcription in E. coli, protein expression initiated at a conserved in-frame AUG that is downstream from the authentic DENV initiation codon, yielding a DENV polyprotein fragment that was truncated at the N-terminus. A more complete understanding of constitutive viral protein expression in E. coli might help explain the cloning and propagation difficulties generally observed with flavivirus cDNA.


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The construction of cDNA clones encoding large-size RNA molecules of biological interest, like coronavirus genomes, which are among the largest mature RNA molecules known to biology, has been hampered by the instability of those cDNAs in bacteria. Herein, we show that the application of two strategies, cloning of the cDNAs into a bacterial artificial chromosome and nuclear expression of RNAs that are typically produced within the cytoplasm, is useful for the engineering of large RNA molecules. A cDNA encoding an infectious coronavirus RNA genome has been cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome. The rescued coronavirus conserved all of the genetic markers introduced throughout the sequence and showed a standard mRNA pattern and the antigenic characteristics expected for the synthetic virus. The cDNA was transcribed within the nucleus, and the RNA translocated to the cytoplasm. Interestingly, the recovered virus had essentially the same sequence as the original one, and no splicing was observed. The cDNA was derived from an attenuated isolate that replicates exclusively in the respiratory tract of swine. During the engineering of the infectious cDNA, the spike gene of the virus was replaced by the spike gene of an enteric isolate. The synthetic virus replicated abundantly in the enteric tract and was fully virulent, demonstrating that the tropism and virulence of the recovered coronavirus can be modified. This demonstration opens up the possibility of employing this infectious cDNA as a vector for vaccine development in human, porcine, canine, and feline species susceptible to group 1 coronaviruses.


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The genetic study of RNA viruses is greatly facilitated by the availability of infectious cDNA clones. However, their construction has often been difficult. While exploring ways to simplify the construction of infectious clones, we have successfully modified and applied the newly described technique of "long PCR" to the synthesis of a full-length DNA amplicon from the RNA of a cytopathogenic mutant (HM 175/24a) of the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Primers were synthesized to match the two extremities of the HAV genome. The antisense primer, homologous to the 3' end, was used in both the reverse transcription (RT) and the PCR steps. With these primers we reproducibly obtained a full-length amplicon of approximately 7.5 kb. Further, since we engineered a T7 promoter in the sense primer, RNA could be transcribed directly from the amplicon with T7 RNA polymerase. Following transfection of cultured fetal rhesus kidney cells with the transcription mixture containing both the HAV cDNA and the transcribed RNA, replicating HAV was detected by immunofluorescence microscopy and, following passage to other cell cultures, by focus formation. The recovered virus displayed the cytopathic effect and large plaque phenotype typical of the original virus; this result highlights the fidelity of the modified long reverse transcription-PCR procedure and demonstrates the potential of this method for providing cDNAs of viral genomes and simplifying the construction of infectious clones.


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Viruksien käyttö tuotekehityksen ja tutkimuksen vaatimien proteiinien tuottamiseen, syötävien rokotteiden kehittämiseen ja geeniterapiaan edustavat kasvavia biotekniikan sovellusalueita. Perunan A-virus (PVA) kuuluu potyviruksiin, joiden proteiinit tuotetaan aluksi yhtenä suurena molekyylinä, joka pilkotaan yksittäisiksi proteiineiksi viruksen itsensä tuottamilla entsyymeillä. Siten virusgenomiin lisätty vieras geeni käännetään proteiiniksi virusproteiinien mukana. Lopputuloksena kaikkia proteiineja tuotetaan kasvisoluissa samansuuruinen määrä. Lisäksi, viruksen proteiinikuoren koontimekanismi sallii perintöaineksen merkittävän lisäyksen ilman että viruksen tartutuskyky merkittävästi heikkenee. Koska virus monistuu ja leviää koko kasviin, jo melko pieni määrä kasveja riittää huomattavan proteiinimäärän tuottamiseen esimerkiksi säännösten mukaisessa kasvihuoneessa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli muuntaa PVA:n genomia siten, että virus soveltuisi yhden vieraan proteiinin tai useiden erilaisten proteiinien samanaikaiseen tuottamiseen kasveissa. Aluksi kokeiltiin viruksen replikaasia ja kuoriproteiinia koodaavien genomialueiden välistä kohtaa ja ihmisestä peräisi olevaa geeniä, joka tuotti S-COMT-entsyymiä (katekoli-O-metyylitransferaasi). Sen aktiivisuuden rajoittaminen auttaa Parkinsonintaudin hoidossa. Kasvissa tuotettua S-COMT:ia voitaisiin käyttää lääkekehityksessä estolääkkeiden testaukseen. Kahden viikon kuluttua tartutuksesta tupakan lehdissä oli entsymaattisesti aktiivista S-COMT:ia n. 1 % lehden liukoisista proteiineista. PVA:n P1-proteiinia koodaavalta alueelta oli paikannettu kohta, johon ehkä voitaisiin siirtää vieras geeni. Asia varmistettiin siirtämällä tähän kohtaan meduusan geeni, joka tuottaa UV-valossa vihreänä fluoresoivaa proteiinia (GFP). GFP-geeniä kantava PVA levisi kasvissa ja lisääntyi n. 30-50 %:iin viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Koko kasvi fluoresoi vihreänä UV-valossa. Vieras geeni voidaan sijoittaa myös potyviruksen P1- ja HCpro-proteiineja koodaavien alueiden väliin. Samaan PVA-genomiin siirrettiin kolme geeniä, yksi kuhunkin kolmesta kloonauskohdasta: GFP-geeni P1:n sisälle, merivuokon lusiferaasigeeni P1/HCpro-kohtaan ja bakteerin beta-glukuronidaasigeeni (GUS) replikaasi/kuoriproteiini-kohtaan. Virusgenomin ja itse viruksen pituudet kasvoivat 38 %, mutta virus säilytti tartutuskykynsä. Se levisi kasveissa saavuttaen n. 15 % viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Kaikki kolme vierasta proteiinia esiintyivät lehdissä aktiivisina.


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Regular vaccinations with potent vaccine, in endemic countries and vaccination to live in non-endemic countries are the methods available to control foot-and-mouth disease. Selection of candidate vaccine strain is not only cumbersome but the candidate should grow well for high potency vaccine preparation. Alternative strategy is to generate an infectious cDNA of a cell culture-adapted virus and use the replicon for development of tailor-made vaccines. We produced a chimeric `O' virus in the backbone of Asia 1 and studied its characteristics. The chimeric virus showed high infectivity titre (>10(10)) in BHK 21 cell lines, revealed small plague morphology and there was no cross reactivity with antiserum against Asia I. The virus multiplies rapidly and reaches peak at 12 h post infection. The vaccine prepared with this virus elicited high antibody titres.


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The isolate AF199 of Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV, genus Potyvirus) causes local lesions followed by systemic wilting and plant death in the lettuce cultivars Ithaca and Vanguard 75. Analysis of the phenotype of virus chimeras revealed that a region within the PI protein coding region (nucleotides 112-386 in the viral genome) and/or another one within the CI protein coding region (nucleoticles 5496-5855) are sufficient together to cause the lethal wilting in Ithaca, but not in Vanguard 75. This indicates that the determinants of this particular symptom are different in these two lettuce cultivars. The wilting phenotype was not directly correlated with differences in the deduced amino acid sequence of these two regions. Furthermore, transient expression of the LMV-AF 199 proteins, separately or in combination, did not induce local necrosis or any other visible reaction in the plants. Together, these results Suggest that the systemic wilting reaction might be Clue to RNA rather than protein sequences. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the leading infectious agent that affects sugar beet, is included within viruses transmitted through the soil from plasmodiophorid as Polymyxa betae. BNYVV is the causal agent of Rhizomania, which induces abnormal rootlet proliferation and is widespread in the sugar beet growing areas in Europe, Asia and America; for review see (Peltier et al., 2008). In this latter continent, Beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV) has been identified (Lee et al., 2001) and belongs to the benyvirus genus together with BNYVV, both vectored by P. betae. BSBMV is widely distributed only in the United States and it has not been reported yet in others countries. It was first identified in Texas as a sugar beet virus morphologically similar but serologically distinct to BNYVV. Subsequent sequence analysis of BSBMV RNAs evidenced similar genomic organization to that of BNYVV but sufficient molecular differences to distinct BSBMV and BNYVV in two different species (Rush et al., 2003). Benyviruses field isolates usually consist of four RNA species but some BNYVV isolates contain a fifth RNA. RNAs -1 contains a single long ORF encoding polypeptide that shares amino acid homology with known viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRp) and helicases. RNAs -2 contains six ORFs: capsid protein (CP), one readthrough protein, triple gene block proteins (TGB) that are required for cell-to-cell virus movement and the sixth 14 kDa ORF is a post-translation gene silencing suppressor. RNAs -3 is involved on disease symptoms and is essential for virus systemic movement. BSBMV RNA-3 can be trans-replicated, trans-encapsidated by the BNYVV helper strain (RNA-1 and -2) (Ratti et al., 2009). BNYVV RNA-4 encoded one 31 kDa protein and is essential for vector interactions and virus transmission by P. betae (Rahim et al., 2007). BNYVV RNA-5 encoded 26 kDa protein that improve virus infections and accumulation in the hosts. We are interest on BSBMV effect on Rhizomania studies using powerful tools as full-length infectious cDNA clones. B-type full-length infectious cDNA clones are available (Quillet et al., 1989) as well as A/P-type RNA-3, -4 and -5 from BNYVV (unpublished). A-type BNYVV full-length clones are also available, but RNA-1 cDNA clone still need to be modified. During the PhD program, we start production of BSBMV full-length cDNA clones and we investigate molecular interactions between plant and Benyviruses exploiting biological, epidemiological and molecular similarities/divergences between BSBMV and BNYVV. During my PhD researchrs we obtained full length infectious cDNA clones of BSBMV RNA-1 and -2 and we demonstrate that they transcripts are replicated and packaged in planta and able to substitute BNYVV RNA-1 or RNA-2 in a chimeric viral progeny (BSBMV RNA-1 + BNYVV RNA-2 or BNYVV RNA-1 + BSBMV RNA-2). During BSBMV full-length cDNA clones production, unexpected 1,730 nts long form of BSBMV RNA-4 has been detected from sugar beet roots grown on BSBMV infected soil. Sequence analysis of the new BSBMV RNA-4 form revealed high identity (~100%) with published version of BSBMV RNA-4 sequence (NC_003508) between nucleotides 1-608 and 1,138-1,730, however the new form shows 528 additionally nucleotides between positions 608-1,138 (FJ424610). Two putative ORFs has been identified, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 1,234), encode a protein with predicted mass of 32 kDa (p32) and the second one (nucleotides 885 to 1,244) express an expected product of 13 kDa (p13). As for BSBMV RNA-3 (Ratti et al., 2009), full-length BSBMV RNA-4 cDNA clone permitted to obtain infectious transcripts that BNYVV viral machinery (Stras12) is able to replicate and to encapsidate in planta. Moreover, we demonstrated that BSBMV RNA-4 can substitute BNYVV RNA-4 for an efficient transmission through the vector P. betae in Beta vulgaris plants, demonstrating a very high correlation between BNYVV and BSBMV. At the same time, using BNYVV helper strain, we studied BSBMV RNA-4’s protein expression in planta. We associated a local necrotic lesions phenotype to the p32 protein expression onto mechanically inoculated C. quinoa. Flag or GFP-tagged sequences of p32 and p13 have been expressed in viral context, using Rep3 replicons, based on BNYVV RNA-3. Western blot analyses of local lesions contents, using FLAG-specific antibody, revealed a high molecular weight protein, which suggest either a strong interaction of BSBMV RNA4’s protein with host protein(s) or post translational modifications. GFP-fusion sequences permitted the subcellular localization of BSBMV RNA4’s proteins. Moreover we demonstrated the absence of self-activation domains on p32 by yeast two hybrid system approaches. We also confirmed that p32 protein is essential for virus transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3 and we investigated its role by the use of different deleted forms of p32 protein. Serial mechanical inoculation of wild-type BSBMV on C. quinoa plants were performed every 7 days. Deleted form of BSBMV RNA-4 (1298 bp) appeared after 14 passages and its sequence analysis shows deletion of 433 nucleotides between positions 611 and 1044 of RNA-4 new form. We demonstrated that this deleted form can’t support transmission by P. betae using BNYVV helper strain and BNYVV RNA-3, moreover we confirmed our hypothesis that BSBMV RNA-4 described by Lee et al. (2001) is a deleted form. Interesting after 21 passages we identifed one chimeric form of BSBMV RNA-4 and BSBMV RNA-3 (1146 bp). Two putative ORFs has been identified on its sequence, the first one (nucleotides 383 to 562), encode a protein with predicted mass of 7 kDa (p7), corresponding to the N-terminal of p32 protein encoded by BSBMV RNA-4; the second one (nucleotides 562 to 789) express an expected product of 9 kDa (p9) corresponding to the C-terminal of p29 encoded by BSBMV RNA-3. Results obtained by our research in this topic opened new research lines that our laboratories will develop in a closely future. In particular BSBMV p32 and its mutated forms will be used to identify factors, as host or vector protein(s), involved in the virus transmission through P. betae. The new results could allow selection or production of sugar beet plants able to prevent virus transmission then able to reduce viral inoculum in the soil.


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The genus Benyvirus includes the most important and widespread sugar beet viruses transmitted through the soil by the plasmodiophorid Polymyxa betae. In particular Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the leading infectious agent that affects sugar beet, causes an abnormal rootlet proliferation known as rhizomania. Beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV) is widely distributed in the United States and, up to date has not been reported in others countries. My PhD project aims to investigate molecular interactions between BNYVV and BSBMV and the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of these viruses. BNYVV full-length infectious cDNA clones were available as well as full-length cDNA clones of BSBMV RNA-1, -2, -3 and -4. Handling of these cDNA clones in order to produce in vitro infectious transcripts need sensitive and expensive steps, so I developed agroclones of BNYVV and BSBMV RNAs, as well as viral replicons allowing the expression of different proteins. Chenopodium quinoa and Nicotiana benthamiana plants have been infected with in vitro transcripts and agroclones to investigate the interaction between BNYVV and BSBMV RNA-1 and -2 and the behavior of artificial viral chimeras. Simultaneously I characterized BSBMV p14 and demonstrated that it is a suppressor of post-transcriptional gene silencing sharing common features with BNYVV p14.


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A satellite RNA of 836 nt depends on the bamboo mosaic potexvirus (BaMV) for its replication and encapsulation. The BaMV satellite RNA (satBaMV) contains a single open reading frame encoding a 20-kDa nonstructural protein. A full-length infectious cDNA clone has been generated downstream of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. To investigate the role of the 20-kDa protein encoded by satBaMV, satBaMV transcripts containing mutations in the open reading frame were tested for their ability to replicate in barley protoplasts and in Chenopodium quinoa using BaMV RNA as a helper genome. Unlike other large satellite RNAs, mutants in the open reading frame did not block their replication, suggesting that the 20-kDa protein is not essential for satBaMV replication. Precise replacement of the open reading frame with sequences encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase resulted in high level expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase in infected C. quinoa, indicating that satBaMV is potentially useful as a satellite-based expression vector.


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A full-length cDNA clone of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV serotype) has been constructed and fused to the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase promoter. RNA transcripts produced in vitro, either capped or uncapped, were infectious in Triticum monococcum protoplasts. Protoplasts inoculated with in vitro-transcribed BYDV RNA accumulated coat protein, synthesized new viral RNAs, and produced virus particles. Aphid feeding on extracts from protoplasts inoculated with in vitro RNA transcripts can be used to transfer the virus progeny to whole plants. Introduction of mutations which interrupt specific BYDV-PAV open reading frames (ORFs) V and VI eliminated infectivity while an ORF I mutant remained infectious. Infectious RNA transcripts derived from BYDV cDNA clones will facilitate analysis of the molecular aspects of BYDV infection and further enhance our understanding of this economically important virus.


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We have succeeded in constructing a stable full-length cDNA clone of strain H77 (genotype 1a) of hepatitis C virus (HCV). We devised a cassette vector with fixed 5′ and 3′ termini and constructed multiple full-length cDNA clones of H77 in a single step by cloning of the entire ORF, which was amplified by long reverse transcriptase–PCR, directly into this vector. The infectivity of two complete full-length cDNA clones was tested by the direct intrahepatic injection of a chimpanzee with RNA transcripts. However, we found no evidence for HCV replication. Sequence analysis of these and 16 additional full-length clones revealed that seven clones were defective for polyprotein synthesis, and the remaining nine clones had 6–28 amino acid mutations in the predicted polyprotein compared with the consensus sequence of H77. Next, we constructed a consensus chimera from four of the full-length cDNA clones with just two ligation steps. Injection of RNA transcripts from this consensus clone into the liver of a chimpanzee resulted in viral replication. The sequence of the virus recovered from the chimpanzee was identical to that of the injected RNA transcripts. This stable infectious molecular clone should be an important tool for developing a better understanding of the molecular biology and pathogenesis of HCV.


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Infectious human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was produced by the intracellular coexpression of five plasmid-borne cDNAs. One cDNA encoded a complete positive-sense version of the RSV genome (corresponding to the replicative intermediate RNA or antigenome), and each of the other four encoded a separate RSV protein, namely, the major nucleocapsid N protein, the nucleocapsid P phosphoprotein, the major polymerase L protein, or the protein from the 5' proximal open reading frame of the M2 mRNA [M2(ORF1)]. RSV was not produced if any of the five plasmids was omitted. The requirement for the M2(ORF1) protein is consistent with its recent identification as a transcription elongation factor and confirms its importance for RSV gene expression. It should thus be possible to introduce defined changes into infectious RSV. This should be useful for basic studies of RSV molecular biology and pathogenesis; in addition, there are immediate applications to the development of live attenuated vaccine strains bearing predetermined defined attenuating mutations.


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Infectious vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), the prototypic nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus, was recovered from a full-length cDNA clone of the viral genome. Bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase expressed from a recombinant vaccinia virus was used to drive the synthesis of a genome-length positive-sense transcript of VSV from a cDNA clone in baby hamster kidney cells that were simultaneously expressing the VSV nucleocapsid protein, phosphoprotein, and polymerase from separate plasmids. Up to 10(5) infectious virus particles were obtained from transfection of 10(6) cells, as determined by plaque assays. This virus was amplified on passage, neutralized by VSV-specific antiserum, and shown to possess specific nucleotide sequence markers characteristic of the cDNA. This achievement renders the biology of VSV fully accessible to genetic manipulation of the viral genome. In contrast to the success with positive-sense RNA, attempts to recover infectious virus from negative-sense T7 transcripts were uniformly unsuccessful, because T7 RNA polymerase terminated transcription at or near the VSV intergenic junctions.