987 resultados para industry competition
Shipping list no.: 2000-0115-P (pt. [1]), 2001-0034-P (pt. 2).
This dissertation investigates how credit institutions’ market power limits the effects of creditor protection rules on the interest rate and the spread of bank loans. We use the Brazilian Bankruptcy Reform of June/2005 (BBR) as a legal event affecting the institutional environment of the Brazilian credit market. The law augments creditor protection and aims to improve the access of firms to the credit market and to reduce the cost of borrowing. Either access to credit or the credit cost are also determined by bank industry competition and the market power of suppliers of credit. We derive a simple economic model to study the effect of market power interacting with cost of lending. Using an accounting and operations dataset from July/2004 to December/2007 provided by the Brazilian Central Bank, we estimate that the lack of competition in the bank lending industry hinders the potential reducing effect of the BBR on the interest rate of corporate loans by approximately 30% and on the spread by approximately 23%. We also find no statistical evidence that the BBR affected the concentration level of the Brazilian credit market. We present a brief report on bankruptcy reforms around the world, the changes in the Brazilian legislation and on some recent related articles in our introductory chapter. The second chapter presents the economic model and the testable hypothesis on how the lack of competition in the lending market limits the effects of improved creditor protection. In this chapter, we introduce our empirical strategy using a differences-in-differences model and we estimate the limiting effect of market power on the BBR’s potential to reduce interest rates and on the spread of bank loans. We use the BBR as an exogenous event that affects collateralized corporate loans (treatment group) but that does not affect clean consumer loans (control group) to identify these effects, using different concentration measures. In Chapter 3, we propose a two-stage empirical strategy to handle the H–Statistics proposed by Panzar and Rosse as a measure of market competition. We estimate the limiting effects of the lack of competition in replacing the concentration statistics by the H–Statistics. Chapter 4 presents a structural break test of the concentration index and checks if the BBR affects the dynamic evolution of the concentration index.
After generally discussing models in ecology and economics that combine competition, optimization, and evolution, this article concentrates on models of intraspecific competition. It demonstrates the importance of diversity/inequalities within populations of species and other environments for the sustainability of their populations, given the occurrence of environmental change. This is demonstrated both for scramble (open-access) and contest competition. Implications are drawn for human populations and industrial organization. The possibility is raised that within-industry competition may not always exist between firms in all stages of the development of a new industry. Policy implications are considered. For example, it is argued that policies designed to encourage intense business competition and maximum economic efficiency have the drawback of eventually making industries highly vulnerable to exogenous economic changes.
When comparisons in terms of industrial policy lessons to be learned have taken place, it has tended to be solely vis-a-vis the ‘development state’ East Asian experience. This paper broadens the analysis and considers lessons which African countries can learn from other so-called ‘tiger’ economies including Ireland and the East and South Asian countries. We recognise that the latter are indeed clearly significant as many African countries at the time of independence had economic structures and levels of income quite similar to East Asian countries, yet have grown at vastly different rates since then. Exploring why this has been the case can thus offer important insights into possibilities for industrial policy. Yet this comes with some health warnings over East Asian experience. We suggest that another important contribution can come by looking at the Irish example, given its emphasis on corporatism rather than simply relying on state direction in the operation of industrial policy. The Irish model is also more democratic in some senses and has protected workers’ rights during the development process in contrast to the often highly dirigisite East Asian model. Overall we suggest that some immediate actions are needed, notably with regard to the financial system in small African economies. Without such changes, a poorly functioning financial system will continue to keep investment at low levels. In relation to the small size of the African economies, the paper recommends regional integration and sufficient overseas development assistance (ODA) for infrastructural development. It is also critical to note that the various small African economies each face their own industrial and economic development challenges, and that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is not appropriate; rather the key is to tailor policies and systems to the unique opportunities and development challenges in each African country.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
COMTEMP – Companhia de Temperos, Lda. is a Portuguese company that produces vinegars (e.g. CRISTAL vinegars), sauces and condiments. This case study aims to analyze its attractiveness to receive a venture capital investment. The main covered topics are arranged into the following sections: foundation, company, industry, competition, industrial kitchen opportunity, financial strategy and decision.
We consider a general equilibrium model a la Bhaskar (Review of Economic Studies 2002): there are complementarities across sectors, each of which comprise (many) heterogenous monopolistically competitive firms. Bhaskar's model is extended in two directions: production requires capital, and labour markets are segmented. Labour market segmentation models the difficulties of labour migrating across international barriers (in a trade context) or from a poor region to a richer one (in a regional context), whilst the assumption of a single capital market means that capital flows freely between countries or regions. The model is solved analytically and a closed form solution is provided. Adding labour market segmentation to Bhaskar's two-tier industrial structure allows us to study, inter alia, the impact of competition regulations on wages and - financial flows both in the regional and international context, and the output, welfare and financial implications of relaxing immigration laws. The analytical approach adopted allows us, not only to sign the effect of policies, but also to quantify their effects. Introducing capital as a factor of production improves the realism of the model and refi nes its empirically testable implications.
The strategic literature on relatedness in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is extensive, yet we know little about whether or how relatedness has an influence on the announcement to completion stage of the M&A process. Drawing on research on intra-industry competition and relational capabilities, we seek to shed light on the relatedness debate by examining the strategic forces that affect the completion of an announced related M&A, accounting for financial and organizational factors. We also explore additional strategic forces that might amplify or attenuate the negative effect of relatedness on deal completion. We test and find support for our hypotheses using longitudinal data from a sample of the largest M&A announcements in the world from 1991 to 2001.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli arvioida puutuotteen markkinapotentiaalia Saksassa, Ranskassa ja Hollannissa sekä tuottaa markkinainformaatiota case-yrityksen investointipäätösten pohjaksi. Teoreettista tietoa markkinapotentiaalin arvioimisesta ja kilpailun analysoimisesta sovellettiin tutkittavan tuotteen markkinoiden kartoittamiseksi. Työssä tutkittiin rakentamisessa käytettävien puutuotteiden markkinoihin vaikuttavia trendejä niiden markkinoiden tulevaisuuden kehityksen arvioimiseksi. Kyseessä oli soveltava case-tutkimus, joka toteutettiin kirjoituspöytä- ja haastattelututkimuksen yhdistelmänä. Primaaritutkimus suoritettiin puhelimitse ja henkilökohtaisella haastattelulla. Tutkimusaineistoa arvioitiin kvalitatiivisesti. Tutkimuksen avulla saatiin käsitys kyseisen puutuotteen markkinoiden koosta ja sen markkinoiden kehitykseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin myös korkean jalostusasteen puutuotteen markkinoijalta vaadittavia ominaisuuksia ja menestystekijöitä.
The study of convergence and divergence in global economy and social development utilises comparative indicators to investigate the contents of economic and social development policy and their effects on the global samples that represent the rich industrial, semi-industrial and the poor developing nations. The study searchesfor answers to questions such as "what are the objectives of economic growth policies in globalisation under the imperatives of convergence and divergence, and how do these affect human well-being in consideration to the objectives of social policy in various nations?" The empirical verification of data utilises the concepts of the `logic of industrialism´ for comparative analysis that focuses mainly on identifying the levels of well-being in world nations after the Second World War. The perspectives of convergence and divergence in global economy and social development critically examine the stages of early development processes in global economy, distinguish the differences between economy and social development, illustrate the contents of economic and social development policies, their effects on rich and poor countries, and the nature of convergence and divergence in propelling economic growth and unequal social development in world nations. The measurement of convergence and divergence in global economy and social development utilised both economic and social data that were combined into an index that measures the precise levels of the effects of economic and social development policies on human well-being in the rich and poor nations. The task of finding policy solutions to resolve the controversies are reviewed through empirical investigations and the analyses of trends indicated within economic and social indicators and data. These revealed how the adoption of social policy measures in translating the gains from economic growth, towards promoting education, public health, and equity, generate social progress and longer life expectancy, higher economic growth, and sustain more stable macro economy for the nations. Social policy is concerned with the translation of benefits from objectives of global economic growth policies, to objectives of social development policy in nation states. Social policy, therefore, represents an open door whereby benefits of economic growth policies are linked with the broader objectives of social development policy, thereby enhancing the possibility of extending benefits from economic growth to all human being in every nation.
El presente trabajo investigativo busca brindar al lector las herramientas necesarias para poder exportar carne fresca al mercado Canadiense mediante la implementación de un plan detallado, que involucrando el proceso de producción de animales óptimos para la producción de carne, pueda cumplir con el objetivo de expandir la disponibilidad de cortes finos de carne en el mercado extranjero. Por una parte, se hace una explicación detallada del producto, del proceso de producción y del sector cárnico en Colombia. Se hace una exposición de las condiciones en las cuales debe crecer un animal para llegar a producir carne de la mejor calidad. Así mismo, se informa sobre la situación actual del sector cárnico y las debilidades y fortalezas que tiene para poder expandirse al mercado internacional. Posteriormente se hace una investigación de marcados en el país objeto de estudio, para mostrar las oportunidades y posibles obstáculos que se pueden encontrar en Canadá. En segundo lugar, se analiza la competencia a la que se enfrentaría el producto colombiano, que comprende el análisis de las cifras de exportación de los socios comerciales de Canadá para la venta del producto objeto de análisis, para finalmente diseñar un documento dirigido a emprendedores, empresarios y/o ganaderos que busquen la manera de expandir su negocio a Canadá, con todos los pasos necesarios para poder realizar el proceso de exportación de la manera más productiva y eficaz.
Colombia está dando pasos importantes para ubicarse en cada uno de los frentes energéticos, el sector de gas natural en Colombia ha experimentado un alto crecimiento de la demanda, acompañado de la introducción y profundización de un marco de mercado. Las compañías que hacen parte de este sector utilizan el marketing relacional, como consecuencia de los cambios producidos en la estructura y competencia de la industria; no obstante, esto exige a las empresas una orientación al mercado con énfasis en la implementación de acciones de marketing proactivas, ya que en el mediano y largo plazo sólo serán rentables las compañías que mejor satisfagan las necesidades y exigencias de los consumidores. Estas empresas tienen un concepto de clientes o consumidores como objetivó final, pero no de un concepto de comunidad. Las estrategias comunitarias es un conocimiento nuevo, que es importante divulgar para aquellas empresas de servicios, que además de incluir estrategias de marketing relacional, y proclamar una responsabilidad social, deben incluir el concepto comunidad en la misión estratégica de la empresa. Así bien, se pretendió identificar mediante un estudio de tipo empírico-analítico si existía un concepto de comunidad, así como si se utilizaban estrategias comunitarias en la relación de la organización Gas Natural Fenosa con las comunidades a las que prestan el servicio. Gas Natural Fenosa en Colombia opera como distribuidor y comercializador de gas y electricidad, la Compañía provee gas natural a hogares, industria, comercio y vehículos. Se evidenció que el concepto comunidad sí se incluye en la estrategia de la empresa, ya que más que una estrategia de marketing transaccional, relacional, o una responsabilidad social se realizan actividades en pro del desarrollo y el empoderamiento de la sociedad, actividades culturales, de educación y donaciones, que son trascendentales a la hora de hablar del crecimiento de las comunidades, se hace uso de una estrategia comunitaria o marketing social ya que Gas Natural Fenosa con estas actividades genera recordación, publicidad y capacitación a los clientes y proveedores lo que disminuye las quejas y reclamaciones, etc.. y que a la vez vincula la empresa y la marca con una causa social de interés, en una relación de beneficio mutuo.
Este documento se centra en la presentación de información y análisis de la misma a la hora de establecer la manera en que empresas del sector de extracción de gas natural y generación de energía a base de dicho recurso, toman decisiones en cuanto a inversión, centrándose en la lógica que usan a la hora de emprender este proceso. Esto debido a la constante necesidad de establecer procesos que permitan tomar decisiones más acertadas, incluyendo todas las herramientas posibles para tal fin. La lógica es una de estas herramientas, pues permite encadenar factores con el fin de obtener resultados positivos. Por tal razón, se hace importante conocer el uso de esta herramienta, teniendo en cuentas de qué manera y en que contextos es usada. Con el fin de tener una mayor orientación, este estudio estará centrado en un sector específico, el cual es el de la extracción de petróleo y gas natural. Lo anterior entendiendo la necesidad existente de fundamentación teórica que permita establecer de manera clara la forma apropiada de tomar decisiones en un sector tan diverso y complejo como lo es el mencionado. El contexto empresarial actual exige una visión global, no basada en la lógica lineal causal que hoy se tiene como referencia. El sector de extracción de petróleo y gas natural es un ejemplo particular en cuanto a la manera en cuanto se toman decisiones en inversión, puesto que en su mayoría son empresas de capital intensivo, las cuales mantienen un flujo elevado de recursos monetarios.
É consenso na análise antitruste que o ato de concentração de empresas com participação significativa deve sofrer averiguações quanto a sua aprovação em decorrência dos efeitos prejudiciais que pode gerar sobre a concorrência na indústria. Concorrência é sempre desejável por favorecer melhores níveis de bem-estar econômico. À luz das investigações econômicas que os sistemas de defesa da concorrência realizam, este trabalho analisa as mensurações da simulação de efeitos unilaterais de concentrações horizontais. As avaliações realizadas testam a utilização do modelo PC-AIDS (Proportionaly Calibrated AIDS), de Epstein e Rubinfeld (2002). Dentre algumas conclusões que se extraem do uso do modelo temos que: (i) em mercados com baixa concentração econômica, o modelo avaliado para um intervalo da vizinhança da elasticidade-preço própria estimada, traz mensurações robustas, e (ii) para mercados com alta concentração econômica uma atenção maior deve ser dada à correspondência dos valores calibrados e estimados das elasticidades-preços próprias, para que não ocorra sub ou superestimação dos efeitos unilaterais do ato de concentração. Esse resultado é avaliado no caso Nestlé/Garoto.
The processes resulting from globalization are backdrop for the work. On the other hand the Regulation Theory is theoretical north that drives research directions. Considering these two basis, we studied the formation of economic groups as a consequence of the processes of concentration and centralization of capital, giving more emphasis on their national character. We see how they went through the restructuring process in the transition from Fordist accumulation regime to a flexible system of accumulation. We 'll discuss the brewery industry and how major industry groups are currently creating a sector overview, ranging from the productive process to the forms of competition among large companies. Specifically we will see the Petrópolis Group this framework and how the company relates to the territory, and what answers we have of this relationship in terms of local development in the territories where the group entered, and territorial changes which have occurred there