991 resultados para indoor-scene-classification


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Holistic representations of natural scenes is an effective and powerful source of information for semantic classification and analysis of arbitrary images. Recently, the frequency domain has been successfully exploited to holistically encode the content of natural scenes in order to obtain a robust representation for scene classification. In this paper, we present a new approach to naturalness classification of scenes using frequency domain. The proposed method is based on the ordering of the Discrete Fourier Power Spectra. Features extracted from this ordering are shown sufficient to build a robust holistic representation for Natural vs. Artificial scene classification. Experiments show that the proposed frequency domain method matches the accuracy of other state-of-the-art solutions. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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Inspired by human visual cognition mechanism, this paper first presents a scene classification method based on an improved standard model feature. Compared with state-of-the-art efforts in scene classification, the newly proposed method is more robust, more selective, and of lower complexity. These advantages are demonstrated by two sets of experiments on both our own database and standard public ones. Furthermore, occlusion and disorder problems in scene classification in video surveillance are also first studied in this paper.


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How do humans rapidly recognize a scene? How can neural models capture this biological competence to achieve state-of-the-art scene classification? The ARTSCENE neural system classifies natural scene photographs by using multiple spatial scales to efficiently accumulate evidence for gist and texture. ARTSCENE embodies a coarse-to-fine Texture Size Ranking Principle whereby spatial attention processes multiple scales of scenic information, ranging from global gist to local properties of textures. The model can incrementally learn and predict scene identity by gist information alone and can improve performance through selective attention to scenic textures of progressively smaller size. ARTSCENE discriminates 4 landscape scene categories (coast, forest, mountain and countryside) with up to 91.58% correct on a test set, outperforms alternative models in the literature which use biologically implausible computations, and outperforms component systems that use either gist or texture information alone. Model simulations also show that adjacent textures form higher-order features that are also informative for scene recognition.


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Given a set of images of scenes containing different object categories (e.g. grass, roads) our objective is to discover these objects in each image, and to use this object occurrences to perform a scene classification (e.g. beach scene, mountain scene). We achieve this by using a supervised learning algorithm able to learn with few images to facilitate the user task. We use a probabilistic model to recognise the objects and further we classify the scene based on their object occurrences. Experimental results are shown and evaluated to prove the validity of our proposal. Object recognition performance is compared to the approaches of He et al. (2004) and Marti et al. (2001) using their own datasets. Furthermore an unsupervised method is implemented in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of our supervised classification approach versus an unsupervised one


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We investigate whether dimensionality reduction using a latent generative model is beneficial for the task of weakly supervised scene classification. In detail, we are given a set of labeled images of scenes (for example, coast, forest, city, river, etc.), and our objective is to classify a new image into one of these categories. Our approach consists of first discovering latent ";topics"; using probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), a generative model from the statistical text literature here applied to a bag of visual words representation for each image, and subsequently, training a multiway classifier on the topic distribution vector for each image. We compare this approach to that of representing each image by a bag of visual words vector directly and training a multiway classifier on these vectors. To this end, we introduce a novel vocabulary using dense color SIFT descriptors and then investigate the classification performance under changes in the size of the visual vocabulary, the number of latent topics learned, and the type of discriminative classifier used (k-nearest neighbor or SVM). We achieve superior classification performance to recent publications that have used a bag of visual word representation, in all cases, using the authors' own data sets and testing protocols. We also investigate the gain in adding spatial information. We show applications to image retrieval with relevance feedback and to scene classification in videos


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Scene classification based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a more general modeling method known as a bag of visual words, in which the construction of a visual vocabulary is a crucial quantization process to ensure success of the classification. A framework is developed using the following new aspects: Gaussian mixture clustering for the quantization process, the use of an integrated visual vocabulary (IVV), which is built as the union of all centroids obtained from the separate quantization process of each class, and the usage of some features, including edge orientation histogram, CIELab color moments, and gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The experiments are conducted on IKONOS images with six semantic classes (tree, grassland, residential, commercial/industrial, road, and water). The results show that the use of an IVV increases the overall accuracy (OA) by 11 to 12% and 6% when it is implemented on the selected and all features, respectively. The selected features of CIELab color moments and GLCM provide a better OA than the implementation over CIELab color moment or GLCM as individuals. The latter increases the OA by only ∼2 to 3%. Moreover, the results show that the OA of LDA outperforms the OA of C4.5 and naive Bayes tree by ∼20%. © 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.8.083690]


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Inspired by human visual cognition mechanism, this paper first presents a scene classification method based on an improved standard model feature. Compared with state-of-the-art efforts in scene classification, the newly proposed method is more robust, more selective, and of lower complexity. These advantages are demonstrated by two sets of experiments on both our own database and standard public ones. Furthermore, occlusion and disorder problems in scene classification in video surveillance are also first studied in this paper. © 2010 IEEE.


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We propose a scheme for indoor place identification based on the recognition of global scene views. Scene views are encoded using a holistic representation that provides low-resolution spatial and spectral information. The holistic nature of the representation dispenses with the need to rely on specific objects or local landmarks and also renders it robust against variations in object configurations. We demonstrate the scheme on the problem of recognizing scenes in video sequences captured while walking through an office environment. We develop a method for distinguishing between 'diagnostic' and 'generic' views and also evaluate changes in system performances as a function of the amount of training data available and the complexity of the representation.


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Dans cette dissertation, nous présentons plusieurs techniques d’apprentissage d’espaces sémantiques pour plusieurs domaines, par exemple des mots et des images, mais aussi à l’intersection de différents domaines. Un espace de représentation est appelé sémantique si des entités jugées similaires par un être humain, ont leur similarité préservée dans cet espace. La première publication présente un enchaînement de méthodes d’apprentissage incluant plusieurs techniques d’apprentissage non supervisé qui nous a permis de remporter la compétition “Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge” en 2011. Le deuxième article présente une manière d’extraire de l’information à partir d’un contexte structuré (177 détecteurs d’objets à différentes positions et échelles). On montrera que l’utilisation de la structure des données combinée à un apprentissage non supervisé permet de réduire la dimensionnalité de 97% tout en améliorant les performances de reconnaissance de scènes de +5% à +11% selon l’ensemble de données. Dans le troisième travail, on s’intéresse à la structure apprise par les réseaux de neurones profonds utilisés dans les deux précédentes publications. Plusieurs hypothèses sont présentées et testées expérimentalement montrant que l’espace appris a de meilleures propriétés de mixage (facilitant l’exploration de différentes classes durant le processus d’échantillonnage). Pour la quatrième publication, on s’intéresse à résoudre un problème d’analyse syntaxique et sémantique avec des réseaux de neurones récurrents appris sur des fenêtres de contexte de mots. Dans notre cinquième travail, nous proposons une façon d’effectuer de la recherche d’image ”augmentée” en apprenant un espace sémantique joint où une recherche d’image contenant un objet retournerait aussi des images des parties de l’objet, par exemple une recherche retournant des images de ”voiture” retournerait aussi des images de ”pare-brises”, ”coffres”, ”roues” en plus des images initiales.


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3D sensors provides valuable information for mobile robotic tasks like scene classification or object recognition, but these sensors often produce noisy data that makes impossible applying classical keypoint detection and feature extraction techniques. Therefore, noise removal and downsampling have become essential steps in 3D data processing. In this work, we propose the use of a 3D filtering and down-sampling technique based on a Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network. GNG method is able to deal with outliers presents in the input data. These features allows to represent 3D spaces, obtaining an induced Delaunay Triangulation of the input space. Experiments show how the state-of-the-art keypoint detectors improve their performance using GNG output representation as input data. Descriptors extracted on improved keypoints perform better matching in robotics applications as 3D scene registration.


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We propose a probabilistic object classifier for outdoor scene analysis as a first step in solving the problem of scene context generation. The method begins with a top-down control, which uses the previously learned models (appearance and absolute location) to obtain an initial pixel-level classification. This information provides us the core of objects, which is used to acquire a more accurate object model. Therefore, their growing by specific active regions allows us to obtain an accurate recognition of known regions. Next, a stage of general segmentation provides the segmentation of unknown regions by a bottom-strategy. Finally, the last stage tries to perform a region fusion of known and unknown segmented objects. The result is both a segmentation of the image and a recognition of each segment as a given object class or as an unknown segmented object. Furthermore, experimental results are shown and evaluated to prove the validity of our proposal


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Full-waveform laser scanning data acquired with a Riegl LMS-Q560 instrument were used to classify an orange orchard into orange trees, grass and ground using waveform parameters alone. Gaussian decomposition was performed on this data capture from the National Airborne Field Experiment in November 2006 using a custom peak-detection procedure and a trust-region-reflective algorithm for fitting Gauss functions. Calibration was carried out using waveforms returned from a road surface, and the backscattering coefficient c was derived for every waveform peak. The processed data were then analysed according to the number of returns detected within each waveform and classified into three classes based on pulse width and c. For single-peak waveforms the scatterplot of c versus pulse width was used to distinguish between ground, grass and orange trees. In the case of multiple returns, the relationship between first (or first plus middle) and last return c values was used to separate ground from other targets. Refinement of this classification, and further sub-classification into grass and orange trees was performed using the c versus pulse width scatterplots of last returns. In all cases the separation was carried out using a decision tree with empirical relationships between the waveform parameters. Ground points were successfully separated from orange tree points. The most difficult class to separate and verify was grass, but those points in general corresponded well with the grass areas identified in the aerial photography. The overall accuracy reached 91%, using photography and relative elevation as ground truth. The overall accuracy for two classes, orange tree and combined class of grass and ground, yielded 95%. Finally, the backscattering coefficient c of single-peak waveforms was also used to derive reflectance values of the three classes. The reflectance of the orange tree class (0.31) and ground class (0.60) are consistent with published values at the wavelength of the Riegl scanner (1550 nm). The grass class reflectance (0.46) falls in between the other two classes as might be expected, as this class has a mixture of the contributions of both vegetation and ground reflectance properties.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.4.9, I.4.10.