963 resultados para indirizzo :: 912 :: Macchine a fluido


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This master’s thesis describes the research done at the Medical Technology Laboratory (LTM) of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR, Bologna, Italy), which focused on the characterization of the elastic properties of the trabecular bone tissue, starting from october 2012 to present. The approach uses computed microtomography to characterize the architecture of trabecular bone specimens. With the information obtained from the scanner, specimen-specific models of trabecular bone are generated for the solution with the Finite Element Method (FEM). Along with the FEM modelling, mechanical tests are performed over the same reconstructed bone portions. From the linear-elastic stage of mechanical tests presented by experimental results, it is possible to estimate the mechanical properties of the trabecular bone tissue. After a brief introduction on the biomechanics of the trabecular bone (chapter 1) and on the characterization of the mechanics of its tissue using FEM models (chapter 2), the reliability analysis of an experimental procedure is explained (chapter 3), based on the high-scalable numerical solver ParFE. In chapter 4, the sensitivity analyses on two different parameters for micro-FEM model’s reconstruction are presented. Once the reliability of the modeling strategy has been shown, a recent layout for experimental test, developed in LTM, is presented (chapter 5). Moreover, the results of the application of the new layout are discussed, with a stress on the difficulties connected to it and observed during the tests. Finally, a prototype experimental layout for the measure of deformations in trabecular bone specimens is presented (chapter 6). This procedure is based on the Digital Image Correlation method and is currently under development in LTM.


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The trend of CO2 emission limit and fuel saving due to the oil price increase and are important drivers for engines development. The engine auxiliary devices electrification (g.e fuel pump) is a way to reduce the energy consumption, because it becomes possible to control them depending on engine operation point, this kid of management can be applied to the electric low-pressure pump. Usually the fuel delivery is performed at the maximum flow rate and a pressure regulator discharges the exceeding fuel amount inside the rail (gasoline engine) or upstream of the high pressure pump (common rail diesel engine). In this work it has been investigated the fuel saving achievable through a proper control of the electric fuel pump on a small common rail diesel engine, and a control architecture is proposed. The aim was to maximize the fuel economy without any impact on pressure control in the engine transient conditions. L'andamento del limite di emissioni di CO2 e il risparmio di carburante dovuto all'aumento del prezzo del petrolio sono fattori importanti per lo sviluppo dei motori. I dispositivi ausiliari, come la pompa del carburante, sono un modo per ridurre il consumo energetico, in quanto diventa possibile controllarli a seconda del punto di funzionamento del motore, questo tipo di gestione può essere applicato alla pompa elettrica a bassa pressione. Solitamente la portata del combustibile viene eseguita alla portata massima e un regolatore di pressione si scarica la quantità eccedente di carburante all'interno del rail (motore a benzina) o a monte della pompa a alta pressione (common rail motore diesel). In questo lavoro è stato studiato il risparmio di combustibile ottenibile attraverso un adeguato controllo della pompa elettrica del carburante su un piccolo motore diesel common rail e viene proposta una architettura di controllo. Lo scopo è quello di massimizzare il risparmio di carburante, senza alcun impatto sul controllo della pressione nelle condizioni transitorie del motore.


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Valutazione di software open source per la simulazione di banchi di flussaggio stazionari. Analisi dei risultati e confronto con dati sperimentali e con dati ottenuti da un software commerciale. Il toolbox usato è OpenFOAM.


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Nella prima parte di questa tesi di dottorato sono presentate le attività svolte, di carattere numerico, ai fini della modellizzazione di macchine volumetriche ad ingranaggi esterni. In particolare viene dapprima presentato un modello a parametri concentrati utilizzato per l’analisi dei fenomeni che coinvolgono l’area di ingranamento della macchina; un codice di calcolo associato al modello è stato sviluppato ed utilizzato per la determinazione dell’influenza delle condizioni di funzionamento e delle caratteristiche geometriche della macchina sulle sovra-pressioni e sull’eventuale instaurarsi della cavitazione nei volumi tra i denti che si trovano nell’area di ingranamento. In seguito vengono presentati i risultati ottenuti dall’analisi del bilanciamento assiale di diverse unità commerciali, evidenziando l’influenza delle caratteristiche geometriche delle fiancate di bilanciamento; a questo proposito, viene presentato anche un semplice modello a parametri concentrati per valutare il rendimento volumetrico della macchina ad ingranaggi esterni, con l’intenzione di usare tale parametro quale indice qualitativo della bontà del bilanciamento assiale. Infine, viene presentato un modello completo della macchina ad ingranaggi esterni, realizzato in un software commerciale a parametri concentrati, che permette di analizzare nel dettaglio il funzionamento della macchina e di studiare anche l’interazione della stessa con il circuito idraulico in cui è inserita. Nella seconda parte della tesi si presentano le attività legate alla messa in funzione di due banchi prova idraulici per la caratterizzazione sperimentale di macchine volumetriche e componenti di regolazione, con particolare attenzione dedicata alla messa a punto del sistema di acquisizione e gestione dei dati sperimentali; si presentano infine i risultati di alcune prove eseguite su componenti di regolazione e macchine volumetriche.


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A wall film model has been implemented in a customized version of KIVA code developed at University of Bologna. Under the hypothesis of `thin laminar ow' the model simulates the dynamics of a liquid wall film generated by impinging sprays. Particular care has been taken in numerical implementation of the model. The major phenomena taken into account in the present model are: wall film formation by impinging spray; body forces, such as gravity or acceleration of the wall; shear stress at the interface with the gas and no slip condition on the wall; momentum contribution and dynamic pressure generated by the tangential and normal component of the impinging drops; film evaporation by heat exchange with wall and surrounding gas. The model doesn't consider the effect of the wavy film motion and suppose that all the impinging droplets adhere to the film. The governing equations have been integrated in space by using a finite volume approach with a first order upwind differencing scheme and they have been integrated in time with a fully explicit method. The model is validated using two different test cases reproducing PFI gasoline and DI Diesel engine wall film conditions.


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The Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (DIMeC) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is developing a new type of small capacity HSDI 2-Stroke Diesel engine (called HSD2), featuring a specifically designed combustion system, aimed to reduce weight, size and manufacturing costs, and improving pollutant emissions at partial load. The present work is focused on the analysis of the combustion and the scavenging process, investigated by means of a version of the KIVA-3V code customized by the University of Chalmers and modified by DIMeC. The customization of the KIVA-3V code includes a detailed combustion chemistry approach, coupled with a comprehensive oxidation mechanism for diesel oil surrogate and the modeling of turbulence/chemistry interaction through the PaSR (Partially Stirred Reactor) model. A four stroke automobile Diesel engine featuring a very close bore size is taken as a reference, for both the numerical models calibration and for a comparison with the 2-Stroke engine. Analysis is carried out trough a comparison between HSD2 and FIAT 1300 MultiJet in several operating conditions, at full and partial load. Such a comparison clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the two stroke concept in terms of emissions reduction and high power density. However, HSD2 is still a virtual engine, and experimental results are needed to assume the reliability of numerical results.


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Increasingly stringent exhaust emission limits and higher fuel economy are the main drivers of the engine development process. As a consequence, the complexity of the propulsion units and its subsystems increase, due to the extensive use of sensors and actuators needed to obtain a precise control over the combustion phase. Since engine calibration process consumes most of the development time, new tools and methodologies are needed to shorten the development time and increase the performance attainable. Real time combustion analysis, based on the in-cylinder pressure signal, can significantly improve the calibration of the engine control strategies and the development of new algorithms, giving instantaneous feedback on the engine behavior. A complete combustion analysis and diagnosis system has been developed, capable of evaluating the most important indicators about the combustion process, such as indicated mean effective pressure, heat release, mass fraction burned and knock indexes. Such a tool is built on top of a flexible, modular and affordable hardware platform, capable of satisfying the requirements needed for accuracy and precision, but also enabling the use directly on-board the vehicle, due to its small form factor.


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This work describes the development of a simulation tool which allows the simulation of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), the transmission and the vehicle dynamics. It is a control oriented simulation tool, designed in order to perform both off-line (Software In the Loop) and on-line (Hardware In the Loop) simulation. In the first case the simulation tool can be used in order to optimize Engine Control Unit strategies (as far as regard, for example, the fuel consumption or the performance of the engine), while in the second case it can be used in order to test the control system. In recent years the use of HIL simulations has proved to be very useful in developing and testing of control systems. Hardware In the Loop simulation is a technology where the actual vehicles, engines or other components are replaced by a real time simulation, based on a mathematical model and running in a real time processor. The processor reads ECU (Engine Control Unit) output signals which would normally feed the actuators and, by using mathematical models, provides the signals which would be produced by the actual sensors. The simulation tool, fully designed within Simulink, includes the possibility to simulate the only engine, the transmission and vehicle dynamics and the engine along with the vehicle and transmission dynamics, allowing in this case to evaluate the performance and the operating conditions of the Internal Combustion Engine, once it is installed on a given vehicle. Furthermore the simulation tool includes different level of complexity, since it is possible to use, for example, either a zero-dimensional or a one-dimensional model of the intake system (in this case only for off-line application, because of the higher computational effort). Given these preliminary remarks, an important goal of this work is the development of a simulation environment that can be easily adapted to different engine types (single- or multi-cylinder, four-stroke or two-stroke, diesel or gasoline) and transmission architecture without reprogramming. Also, the same simulation tool can be rapidly configured both for off-line and real-time application. The Matlab-Simulink environment has been adopted to achieve such objectives, since its graphical programming interface allows building flexible and reconfigurable models, and real-time simulation is possible with standard, off-the-shelf software and hardware platforms (such as dSPACE systems).


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Heat treatment of steels is a process of fundamental importance in tailoring the properties of a material to the desired application; developing a model able to describe such process would allow to predict the microstructure obtained from the treatment and the consequent mechanical properties of the material. A steel, during a heat treatment, can undergo two different kinds of phase transitions [p.t.]: diffusive (second order p.t.) and displacive (first order p.t.); in this thesis, an attempt to describe both in a thermodynamically consistent framework is made; a phase field, diffuse interface model accounting for the coupling between thermal, chemical and mechanical effects is developed, and a way to overcome the difficulties arising from the treatment of the non-local effects (gradient terms) is proposed. The governing equations are the balance of linear momentum equation, the Cahn-Hilliard equation and the balance of internal energy equation. The model is completed with a suitable description of the free energy, from which constitutive relations are drawn. The equations are then cast in a variational form and different numerical techniques are used to deal with the principal features of the model: time-dependency, non-linearity and presence of high order spatial derivatives. Simulations are performed using DOLFIN, a C++ library for the automated solution of partial differential equations by means of the finite element method; results are shown for different test-cases. The analysis is reduced to a two dimensional setting, which is simpler than a three dimensional one, but still meaningful.


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Combustion control is one of the key factors to obtain better performances and lower pollutant emissions for diesel, spark ignition and HCCI engines. An algorithm that allows estimating, as an example, the mean indicated torque for each cylinder, could be easily used in control strategies, in order to carry out cylinders trade-off, control the cycle to cycle variation, or detect misfires. A tool that allows evaluating the 50% of Mass Fraction Burned (MFB50), or the net Cumulative Heat Release (CHRNET), or the ROHR peak value (Rate of Heat Release), could be used to optimize spark advance or to detect knock in gasoline engines and to optimize injection pattern in diesel engines. Modern management systems are based on the control of the mean indicated torque produced by the engine: they need a real or virtual sensor in order to compare the measured value with the target one. Many studies have been performed in order to obtain an accurate and reliable over time torque estimation. The aim of this PhD activity was to develop two different algorithms: the first one is based on the instantaneous engine speed fluctuations measurement. The speed signal is picked up directly from the sensor facing the toothed wheel mounted on the engine for other control purposes. The engine speed fluctuation amplitudes depend on the combustion and on the amount of torque delivered by each cylinder. The second algorithm processes in-cylinder pressure signals in the angular domain. In this case a crankshaft encoder is not necessary, because the angular reference can be obtained using a standard sensor wheel. The results obtained with these two methodologies are compared in order to evaluate which one is suitable for on board applications, depending on the accuracy required.


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In gasoline Port Fuel Injection (PFI) and Direct Injection (GDI) internal combustion engines, the liquid fuel might be injected into a gaseous ambient in a superheated state, resulting in flash boiling of the fuel. The importance to investigate and predict such a process is due to the influence it has on the liquid fuel atomization and vaporization and thus on combustion, with direct implications on engine performances and exhaust gas emissions. The topic of the present PhD research involves the numerical analysis of the behaviour of the superheated fuel during the injection process, in high pressure injection systems like the ones equipping GDI engines. Particular emphasis is on the investigation of the effects of the fuel superheating degree on atomization dynamics and spray characteristics. The present work is a look at the flash evaporation and flash boiling modeling, from an engineering point of view, addressed to keep the complex physics involved as simple as possible, however capturing the main characteristics of a superheated fuel injection.