983 resultados para indefeasible title


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The TCP/IP architecture was consolidated as a standard to the distributed systems. However, there are several researches and discussions about alternatives to the evolution of this architecture and, in this study area, this work presents the Title Model to contribute with the application needs support by the cross layer ontology use and the horizontal addressing, in a next generation Internet. For a practical viewpoint, is showed the network cost reduction for the distributed programming example, in networks with layer 2 connectivity. To prove the title model enhancement, it is presented the network analysis performed for the message passing interface, sending a vector of integers and returning its sum. By this analysis, it is confirmed that the current proposal allows, in this environment, a reduction of 15,23% over the total network traffic, in bytes.


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Members of the Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community v State of Victoria was the first case in which a claim for native title was lodged in a non-remote area of the Australian mainland which was the subject of European settlement at an early stage in Australian history - highlights the difficulties in establishing native title claims in long settled regions of Australia - a failure to recognise the strength of oral tradition in establishing Aboriginal connection with the land.


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Com objetivo de estudar afrequência e etiologia das lesões do tubo digestivo na Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (AIDS), foram analisadas retrospectivamente 45 necrópsias consecutivas de pacientes adultos portadores do vírus da AIDS. Lesões macroscópicas e cortes histológicos de amostras da boca à região anal foram estudados, sendo as lâminas coradas por HE, métodos histoquímicos ou imunohistoquímicos. Trinta e sete (82,3 %)pacientes apresentaram lesões no tubo digestivo. O local mais freqüente de lesões foi a boca (73,3%), seguido do cólon (55,5%). Lesões múltiplas foram identificadas em 17 (37,7%) casos. O diagnóstico mais prevalente foi infecção pelo citomegalovírus (35,7%) identificado predominantemente no cólon. Candidíasefoi mais freqüente na boca (26,6%) e infecção herpética no esôfago (8,8%). Verificou-se leucoplasiapilosa oral em 16 (35,5%) eneoplasias emsete (15,5%). Asneoplasias incluíram quatro sarcomas de Kaposi, dois Carcinomas intramucosos anais e um linfoma gástrico. Os dados do presente estudo confirmam a importância do trato gastrointestinal como sede de alterações patológicas relacionadas à AIDS.


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Family Caregiver Support Program (Title III-E) - The Administration on Aging (AoA) has determined that for Title III-E, the actual family caregiver is the client, not the older person receiving the services. Iowa NAPIS (National Aging Program Information System) collects and reports Title III-E service/performance data and related program management information to the federal and state government in a format like the other Title III services. The major shift in reporting relates to who is the client. As a result, this Title III-E Client/Service Unit Report shows the number of caregivers who receive services and the number of units by service category from the Title III-E funding of the Older Americans Act, the AoA, and limited state general fund dollars. Additionally, it shows the number of persons served by individual services and total "unduplicated" client count across all services. In other words, if you add the total number of clients (caregivers) from all services, it is higher than the actual number of persons served across all services because some people need and receive more than one service. (Please note: this is preliminary data, and may be subject to change.) Title III-E Report YTD 1st Quarter 2007 Title III-E Report YTD 2nd Quarter 2007 Title III-E Report YTD 3rd Quarter 2007 Title III-E Report YTD 4th Quarter 2007


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This report is prepared from data submitted by the Title IIIB legal providers and Area Agencies on Aging.


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This report is prepared from data submitted by the Title IIIB providers and Area Agencies on Aging.


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This article outlines a transaction cost theory of title insurance andanalyses the role it plays in countries with recording and registrationof land titles. Title insurance indemnifies real estate right holdersfor losses caused by pre-existing title defects that are unknown whenthe policy is issued. It emerged to complement the errors and omissions insurance of professionals examining title quality. Poor organizationof public records led title insurers in the USA to integrate titleexamination and settlement services. Their residual claimant statusmotivates insurers to screen, cure and avoid title defects. Firmsintroducing title insurance abroad produce little information on titlequality, however. Their policies are instead issued on a casualty basis,complementing and enforcing the professional liability of conveyancers.Future development in markets with land registration is uncertainbecause of adverse selection, competitive reactions from establishedconveyancers and the ability of larger banks to self-insure title risks.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Avoid Car-Title Loans