827 resultados para incantations - sexuality


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Women with premature ovarian failure (POF) often manifest complaints involving different aspects of sexual function (SF), regardless of using hormone therapy. SF involves a complex interaction between physical, psychological, and sociocultural aspects. There are doubts about the impact of different complaints on the global context of SF of women with POF. To evaluate the percentage of influence of each of the sexuality domains on the SF in women with POF. Cross-sectional study with 80 women with POF, matched by age to 80 women with normal gonadal function. We evaluated SF through the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), a comparison between the POF and control groups using the Mann-Whitney test. Component exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the proportional influence of each domain on the composition of the overall SF for women in the POF group. SF was evaluated using FSFI. Exploratory Factor Analysis for components was used to evaluate the role of each domain on the SF of women with POF. The FSFI score was significantly worse for women with POF, with a decrease in arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and dyspareunia. Exploratory factor analysis of SF showed that the domain with greater influence in the SF was arousal, followed by desire, together accounting for 41% of the FSFI. The domains with less influence were dyspareunia and lubrication, which together accounted for 25% of the FSFI. Women with POF have impaired SF, determined mainly by changes in arousal and desire. Aspects related to lubrication and dyspareunia complaints have lower determination coefficient in SF. These results are important in adapting the approach of sexual disorders in this group of women. Benetti-Pinto CL, Soares PM, Giraldo HPD, and Yela DA. Role of the different sexuality domains on the sexual function of women with premature ovarian failure. J Sex Med 2015;12:685-689.


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Aim: To evaluate the sexual functioning of breast cancer patients post mastectomy and its association with their quality of life, the personal characteristics of women and their partners, breast reconstruction, cancer staging and adjuvant therapies. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a University hospital located in the SouthEast of Brazil. A total of 100 women were included in the study. The parameters evaluated were sexual functioning, which was assessed based on the Sexual Quotient Female Version (SQ-F), quality of life (QoL), evaluated by the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form (SF-36), cancer staging, breast reconstruction, adjuvant therapies and the personal characteristics of patients (age, years of study and years of marriage) and their partners (age, years of study). Results: The majority (40.48%) of women had an unfavorable to regular SQ-F score. A significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) was found between the SQ-F score and years of education (p = 0.03), and the following SF-36 domains: functional capacity (p = 0.03), vitality (p = 0.06), emotional limitations (p = 0.00) and mental health (p = 0.03). A significant negative correlation was found between SQ-F score and the age of the partners (p = 0.03). SQ-F mean value was significantly higher (p = 0.04) among women who underwent breast reconstruction. Conclusions: Women with low educational level, who have older partners, and who did not have a breast reconstruction should receive special attention with respect to their sexuality, and the effects of mastectomy on the sexuality of patients should be assessed. Oncology nurses are best qualified to recognize issues related to sexuality and quality of life, and can offer specific and meaningful support for breast cancer patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of a group of Catholic women related to the orientations received from priests and parents and their influence on sexual attitudes. The oral history method was used to interview 17 Catholic women. Three categories summarize women`s experiences: orientations about sexuality received from priests; lack of orientation or existence of open dialogue about sexuality: distinct experiences in the family context; adherence or repudiation; and distinct attitudes toward orientations received. Health professionals systematically should seek knowledge about women`s religious principles, because this is essential for meaningful and ethical health care.


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Objective. To develop a questionnaire for the evaluation of sexuality of male patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Methods. A cohort of male patients with rheumatoid factor (RF)-negative polyarticular. JIA according to the 2004 revised ILAR criteria and inactive disease was Studied. The Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) was applied to all patients. As a control group, 120 age-matched males of the same socioeconomic status were evaluated. A self-administered Structured instrument, the Male Sexual Evaluation Questionnaire (MSEQ), was developed by multiprofessional experts to assess sexual life, including satisfaction, practice. and related functional aspects. Results. Thirty-two male patients with RF-negative polyarticular JIA [mean age 20.8 +/- 3.8 yrs (range 16-26), mean disease duration 15.4 +/- 3.6 yrs (range 13-20)] were studied. Mean HAQ score was 1.25 +/- 0.67 (range 0.1-2.1). Masturbation was practiced similarly by patients and controls (87.5% vs 91%; p > 0.999), although joint pain was observed in only 2 (7%) patients. Regular sexual intercourse (>= once/week) was reported by 78% of patients and 62% of controls (p = 0.86). Joint pain during intercourse was more frequent in patients (48% vs 3% in controls; p < 0.001). The mean HAQ score was higher in the 12 patients with,joint pain (hips = 3, knees = 5, and hips + knees = 4) during intercourse compared to the 13 patients without joint pain (1.82 +/- 0.27 vs 1.43 +/- 0.32; p < 0.05). Preserved desire and satisfaction were universal findings for all JIA patients and controls. Conclusion. The MSEQ was applicable to this cohort of male patients with RF-negative polyarticular JIA and showed that sexual life is preserved despite longterm disease, morbidity/functional dysfunction, and joint pain. (First Release May 1 2009: J Rheumatol 2009;36: 1337-42; doi: 10.3899/jrheum.080867)


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Objectives: In adults with epilepsy it is well known that the epileptic syndrome, seizure frequency and antiepileptic drug use may influence sexual function and behavior. However, knowledge acquired with adult populations has been extrapolated to teenagers, based on the supposition that these patients are influenced by similar factors. This study aimed to evaluate aspects related to sexuality obtained from female adolescents with epilepsy. Methods: We carried out a prospective study of 35 female adolescents, with epilepsy, with ages from 10 to 20 years, and epileptic syndromes diagnosed according to ILAE criteria (1989). Information on sexual function and behavior of adolescents with epilepsy was evaluated by use of a standard questionnaire. Exclusion criteria were lack of menarche, previous endocrine or chronic clinical disorders, and moderate to severe mental retardation. Results: No differences were observed between the age at first sexual intercourse, sexual activity, libido and orgasm of adolescents with epilepsy when compared to controls. Epilepsy clinical variables Such as age of onset, duration and severity had no significant relationship with distinct aspects of sexual function and behavior. Conclusion: Adolescents with epilepsy represent a special patient group because, even with their chronic disorder, they have an active sexual life, despite the severity of their disorder. Therefore, aspects related to sexuality require special attention by health professionals when attending to adolescents with epilepsy. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Ganoderma boninense was determined to be heterothallic and tetrapolar with multiple alleles at both mating type loci. Mycelial interactions amongst siblings were assessed to determine if closely related isolates of G. boninense exhibited vegetative incompatibility. Interactions amongst monokaryotic and dikaryotic mycelia generally grouped into four categories ranging from strong antagonism to the absence of antagonism. Pairing of dikaryotic mycelia always resulted in antagonism and the degree of antagonism generally correlated with the relatedness of the isolates. Genetically different dikaryons therefore constitute discrete individuals. This is the first report of such interactions in G. boninense and these findings provide the basis for further studies on natural populations of this species.


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Study objective: To assess the representativeness of survey participants by systematically comparing volunteers in a national health and sexuality survey with the Australian population in terms of self reported health status (including the SF-36) and a wide range of demographic characteristics. Design: A cross sectional sample of Australian residents were compared with demographic data from the 1996 Australian census and health data from the 1995 National Health Survey. Setting: The Australian population. Participants: A stratified random sample of adults aged 18-59 years drawn from the Australian electoral roll, a compulsory register of voters. Interviews were completed with 1784 people, representing 40% of those initially selected (58% of those for whom a valid telephone number could be located). Main results: Participants were of similar age and sex to the national population. Consistent with prior research, respondents had higher socioeconomic status, more education, were more likely to be employed, and less likely to be immigrants. The prevalence estimates, means, and variances of self reported mental and physical health measures (for example, SF-36 subscales, women's health indicators, current smoking status) were similar to population norms. Conclusions: These findings considerably strengthen inferences about the representativeness of data on health status from volunteer samples used in health and sexuality surveys.